Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 2 (3/7)

Kain was just tired of listening to their bullshit conversation. But after thorough thinking, Kain decided to ignore Tykan’s advice and remained silent instead of showing off his true power. Kain thought to himself, “So this is the King of all human slaves huh. I can sense a powerful energy source coming from his magical power. Despite being just an Ice Mage with no Soul Advancement, he wasn’t that much weaker compared to Finwe now. I wanted to see how he can handle things around here. Will the Emperor of those Demi-Humans listen to him or will they still want to execute me? Perhaps King Volsky can show me the benefits of living under the Demi-Humans’ rules instead of fighting against them for now.”

That was what Kain wanted to do. However, Watcher Tykan didn’t want to play slow. He took over Kain’s body once again and flexed the Vampire Wings to prepare his massacre of the Demi-Humans.

Tykan thought to himself, "I wanted to build a good relationship with Kain, but his idiocy is unbelievable. Compared to Vierna, this boy's brain is full of shit."

Adrik acknowledged Kain's Vampire Wings and understood that Kain wanted to start fighting with the Demi-Human Warriors. Adrik calmly said, “Boy, you needed to calm down. I won’t allow you to destroy the relationships that I have built with the Dryarian Empire. If you decide to fight them, you will be on your own because I won’t help you anymore. I will also prevent the Blood Mages Guild from assisting you. So before you act stupid, think thoroughly.”

Using Kain’s body, Watcher Tykan smirked and said, “I don’t need any trash to assist me.”

Still using Kain’s body, Watcher Tykan (hereinafter referred to as Kain for easier to understand) casted [Convene Ancient Vampires] spell. Shortly after that, more than three thousand Ancient Vampires were convened. This drained one of the eight blood pools in Kain’s stomach. Without receiving any instructions from Kain, the Ancient Vampires started fighting with the Demi-Human Warriors like they have been planning for a long time.

Adrik couldn’t stand idly by anymore, he thought, “Such ignorant idiot! If we fight against the Dryardian Empire now, it will create opportunities for the Mages Council. After I destroy the Mages Council, then we can rebel against the Dryarian Empire later. I must stop him immediately before he causes any more chaos.”

Adrik casted [Summon Giant Ice Guardian] spell and commanded it to fight with the Ancient Vampires, preventing them from killing anymore Demi-Human Warriors.

Kain turned toward Adrik and asked, “Are you against me? Or are you with me? You have one chance to answer.”

“Kain! Stop this madness! King Volsky is here to help you. He won’t allow you to be executed by Emperor Acilianus. Stop this now before it is too late!” Etgar yelled out loud after seeing Kain convene Ancient Vampires, the type of vampires that he had never seen before. In Etgar’s mind, Kain had already reached a much higher level compared to what he had imagined. This was why Etgar wouldn’t want to fight Kain but wanted to change his mind through communication instead.

Etgar thought to himself, "Kain didn't wear any Blood Ring or Blood Pendant. He didn't even activate the [Blood Extricate] spell to convene these vampires. Despite being very talented, I can't save him if he doesn't want to save himself. If Kain angered King Volsky, then no one can truly save him."

Kain turned toward Etgar and asked, “Coward, are you against me too?”

Andrella begged, “Kain, you needed to listen to the Guildmaster. We won’t allow you to be executed. We can still talk this out with the Demi-Humans’ Emperor.”

“All of you upset me!”

After finishing saying that, Kain then flew toward Adrik and threw a powerful right-leg kick toward him. Adrik casted [Ice Wings] spell to grow a pair of Ice Wings on his back and used it to block Kain’s kick. One, two, three, four, forty-seven powerful kicks from both Kain’s left and right legs later, Adrik was forced to fly up to prevent his Ice Wings from being utterly destroyed.

Adrik thought to himself, “No wonder why he is so confident in himself. His physical strength had reached Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. In this case, I will have to go all out.”

Adrik activated the [Ice Age] spell then casted [Glacier Armor] armor to enhance the [Glacier Armor] to six hundred percent stronger. After that, Adrik activated the [Ice Age] spell again before casting the [Sleet Storm] spell to boost its effectiveness to six times stronger with the attempt to freeze Kain’s movement to apprehend him easier and prevent Kain from causing any more problems.

[Glacier Armor], level 45 Ice Magic spell. This spell will create an armor made out of half-water and half-ice that protects its caster with no duration expiration. The [Glacier Armor] spell will fade away only if the caster chooses to deactivate it. However, the [Glacier Armor] spell will slowly drain the caster's mana pool for maintenance. When defending its caster from physical damages, the Glacier Armor will be turned into ice to deflect incoming damages. But when defending its caster from magical damages, the Glacier Armor will turn into water mode to absorb incoming damages. If the incoming damages are greater than what the Glacier Armor can handle, then it will be forced to be broken without the caster's deactivation.

[Sleet Storm], level 50 Ice Magic spell. Similarly to [Blizzard] spell and has the effect of [Freeze] spell. But the [Sleet Storm] spell will only create a ten feet radius of Sleet Storm that chases and follows a targeted enemy for ten minutes. Even if the targeted enemy flies upward or attempted to escape by flying away, the [Sleet Storm] would still chase after that targeted enemy at a very high speed. The targeted enemy will be frozen and placed in a continuously frozen state as long as the duration of the [Sleet Storm] spell is still active. If the targeted enemy has a higher Magical Resistance rate compared to the caster’s Magical Penetration rate, then [Sleet Storm] spell can only slow down the targeted enemy’s movement instead of placing that targeted enemy in a frozen state.

Kain stood still allowing Adrik’s [Sleet Storm] spell to hit him. Adrik thought Kain had gotten into a frozen-like state. Adrik then calmly walked over and attempted to apprehend him. But Kain then transformed into a Devil using [Devil Anatomy] spell and created a fiery greatsword as his choice of weapon. Kain swung his fiery greatsword at Adrik, broke through his [Glacier Armor] spell, and almost broke through Adrik’s [Ice Wings] spell.

Adrik couldn’t accept the fact that someone could have broken through his [Glacier Armor] after being enhanced by [Ice Age] in just one attack. At the time Adrik was about to react, Kain already swung his fiery greatsword again and this time broke through Adrik’s Ice Wings, as well as chop him into two pieces. Because Adrik was killed, his Giant Ice Guardian disappeared shortly after that leaving the Ancient Vampires freely continuing fighting with the Demi-Humans again.

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