Twin Soul

Chapter 11: (4/11)

Etgar and his nine clones quickly flew in front of Frumgar, he and his clones casted [Gust] then [Sonic Boom] spells at the same time. Ten layers of [Gust] together with ten [Sonic Boom] were casted. Everyone fighting on the Red’s vessel had to stop because they couldn't see due to the unimaginable huge stalwart wind pressure that could easily blow them off the ship if they were not careful. They looked up in the direction of Frumgar and saw ten huge wind beams were shot from Etgar and his clones toward that giant Flaming Dragon. Four seconds later, Etgar deactivated all layers of [Gust] and the weather became normal again. The Flaming Dragon, Frumgar, was no longer there.

Etgar thought to himself, “As I have thought, this was more than enough to kill that Flaming Dragon.”

Vonda opened her mouth widely because she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Ever since Vonda created Frumgar, it had always been the ultimate spell that she could count on and it had never let her down. Because not only Frumgar could use all of the Fire spells from Novice-tier to Legend-tier, but it is a Fire spell that could burn anyone that dare to come within twenty feet of its radius. The top-ranking Saint-tier warriors of Toria Continents won’t be able to defeat Frumgar that easily. Vonda now understands why Enye Larson was feeling uneasy.

“Blood Mage, what is your name?” Vonda changed her attitude from calling Etgar a stupid dog to Blood Mage.

“Etgar. Etgar Revenmar.”

“So tell me, Etgar Revenmar. Aren’t you afraid that I will burn you and all of your dogs to ashes?”

“Almighty Lord of the Red, I am looking forward to it.”

“Hah! Etgar, tell me about the Blood Mage named Linette Whitfield. Why are you risking your life to avenge her?”

“I know what you are doing. You are trying to buy some time so you can recover the mana you have lost casting [Frumgar]. I won’t allow that to happen.”

Etgar and his nine clones flew toward Vonda and casted [Wind Strike] spells toward her. Vonda casted [Firestorm] and a flame tornado surrounded her to burn all the Wind Strikes before it could get inside a two thousand feet radius of Vonda’s location. Some Executioner Ice Mages quickly casted [Ice Prison] spells around Vonda’s [Firestorm] to control the burning damage from spreading throughout the whole vessel.

“Fool!” Vonda screamed in anger because she couldn’t go all out without worrying her Fire Magic could burn down her ship.

Vonda casted [Fire Domain], level 50 Fire Magic spell that turned her entire body on flames. This spell will enhance the magical strength and penetration of Vonda’s Fire Magic spells up to five hundred percent (500%) while granting Vonda complete immunity to Fire Magic spells casted by herself or any Fire Mages who are weaker than her. On the downside, [Fire Domain] will actively drain her mana pool and can not enhance any of her self-created unique Saint-tier Fire Magic spells.

Vonda casted [Flaming Phoenix] ten times toward Etgar and his nine clones. Etgar laughed out loud when he saw that and stood still allowing the Flaming Phoenix to explode on him without casting any other spell to counter. Normally a [Flaming Phoenix] casted by the level 85 Fire Mage would have easily killed a level 51 Wind Mage. But Etgar is not just any other level 51 Wind Mage, his physical resistance and magical resistance are way higher compared to the average level 51 magic casters. On top of that, Etgar could easily heal himself using [Life Drain] so any minor or major injuries will be quickly recovered.

Etgar smiled and said, “I didn’t even have to cast [Abyssal Flesh] to survive the explosions from those Flaming Phoenixes. It seems like your [Fire Domain] is not powerful enough.”

“You haven’t seen the fullest of my power yet so stop that cocking attitude. I have to be very careful not to burn my vessel down.” Vonda said.

Vonda wanted to cast another self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spell that she had created but couldn’t do it because it is powerful enough to burn the whole Vessel of the Red down and kill everyone in it. Vonda had no other option but to look through Legend-tier Fire Magic spells and choose to casted [Hell Fiend] toward Etgar.

[Hell Fiend], level 35 Fire Magic spell. A small blue color fiery demon that is small enough to be caught in one hand but its power cannot be underestimated. This Hell Fiend was summoned directly from Hell Realm through the mana pool of the Fire Mage. It will possess half its caster’s mana pool while having full access to the power of the caster. That means the Hell Fiend can cast all Fire Magic spells including the unique Saint-tier Fire Spells Vonda had created. Unlike summoning and conjuring spells, there is one side effect against the caster if he/she decided to call upon the help of Hell Fiend through the [Hell Fiend] Fire Magic spell. That is because the Hell Fiend can not be controlled by the caster and the caster won’t be able to banish it back into the Hell Realm. The only way to get rid of Hell Fiend is to kill it. But remember this, Hell Fiend will fight back and even kill the caster who has summoned it in the first place then roam free to terrorize Toria Continents until someone is strong enough to kill it. Hell Fiend will not be banished or fade away or disappear after its caster was killed.

Due to [Fire Domain] activated, Vonda was confident that her [Hell Fiend] is impossible to be defeated even when Etgar casted his [Vampire Lord Transmutation] spell. To Vonda’s surprise, Etgar was just simply casted [Wind Blades] and five hundred ten Wind Blades appeared to protect him from the [Hell Fiend] by continuously attacking it. This of course was not enough to cause a minor scratch on the [Hell Fiend] but it should halt its advancement while Etgar’s clones attack Vonda.

“Kill the bitch first then kill this Hell Fiend later.” Etgar thought to himself.

Etgar’s nine clones flew toward Vonda to repeatedly attack her by casting [Wind Strikes] spells. Vonda continued to surround herself using [Firestorm] but then suddenly she casted [Incinerate] spell to throw herself two thousand feet into the air. Vonda then casted another [Incinerate] to throw herself another two thousand feet into the air. Etgar’s nine clones immediately flew after Vonda to chase after her.

“Do you think that you can just escape!?” One of Etgar’s clones shouted toward Vonda.

[Incinerate], level 45 Fire Magic spell. This spell will release a powerful explosion from the hands of the caster. This explosion is super effective toward close-range attacks because it is twenty times stronger compared to the explosion damages caused by [Flaming Phoenix]. Normally the pushback is only strong enough to push the caster back approximately ten feet. However, due to Vonda’s current level, and because she had [Fire Domain] activated. Therefore, she could manipulate the push back up to two thousand feet.

One of Etgar’s clones casted [Wind Funnel] and used it to siphon Vonda toward his direction while seizing all of her movements. At the time when Vonda was siphoned to approximately fifty feet away from Etgar’s clone, she casted [Petrification], another self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spell to initiate a massive lava explosion within five thousand square feet. All of Etgar’s clones were petrified as soon as the lava explosion landed on them. Etgar felt tremendous pain quickly spread throughout his body, he quickly activated [Abyssal Flesh] while deactivating [Replica] to stop the [Petrification] transfer from his clones to himself.

Vonda laughed and asked, “What do you think about my [Petrification] spell? I got the idea from the [Ice Nova] spell to create [Petrification]. It works similarly but the effect is a hundred times stronger compared to that low-level Ice spell. Unlike Ice Nova that could easily be dispelled by a Light Mage, once you get hit by [Petrification], it will be game over.”

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