Twin Soul

Chapter 9: (4/9)

“Didn’t you hear what the Guild Master said? Kain’s loyalty to our Guild is absolute. If Guild Master couldn’t torture the truth out of Kain, I doubt that the Mages Council can do it.”

“You can never say never. What if the Mages Council repeatedly kill Kain and then revive him using [Resurrection] then continue their torture? One of your pupils planned to betray the Blood Mages Guild before and was killed by the Guild Master before he succeeded, did you forget that already?”

“If that’s the case, Azura won’t be able to stand the torture as well.”

“That is the difference between the two of them, Azura won’t act recklessly and get capture like your stupid pupil!”

“Even if Azura was given a chance, that doesn’t mean she will pass the trial. We have tested on ten different talented Blood Mages but ended with failures. Kain was also selected as one of the test subjects, remember?”

“Azura is on a different level compared to all other test subjects we have tested on. You are right, Kain was selected to be one of the test subjects. But Azura was supposed to go first. If your reckless pupil can pass the trial, then there is no way my Azura would fail. I guarantee you that if Azura was given the chance she would have passed the Tykan Eye trial and there will be no Kain with the duplicated Twin Soul.”

“ENOUGH!” Etgar yelled out loud. “I have chosen Kain. If any of you have a problem with it, then you can go face the wall and f**k yourself!” Just like that, all the Masters kept their mouths shut in arguing about the Tykan Eye being used on Kain.

Meanwhile in Hell Realm. Tykan laughed out loud knowing someone from Toria Continents passed his trial and received 0.000001% (one out of a million) of his power. Being a Watcher is boring. Watchers can’t go to the realms that they do not manage. But being a bored Watcher, Tykan found a way to create some chaos in other realms to stir up some excitement. This does not go against The Creator’s rule. If someone is to blame, blame it on Zorim, the Watcher of Toria Continents. To be fair with Zorim, she had too many realms to manage and sometimes could overlook Toria Continents.

Kain continued with his daily life routine of attending class six hours a day, mediated four hours a day, and trained in warriors arts five hours a day. On the off days, Kain hangs out with his friends such as Sofia, Arthur, Adela, Jaane, and other non-important characters that don’t deserve to be mentioned. Twenty-seven months have quickly passed. No drama, no bullshit. Kain’s daily life seems to be full of happiness, but only he knew how unpleasant it was to wait for the time of revenge to slowly come.

The Nalas Kingdom. Near the river. Forty miles to the East of Ganarion city. “Lieutenant Colonel Pashar!” A warrior yelled out loud while he was approaching Admon.

“Oh hey, Private Belloc. What are you doing here?” Private Dorn Belloc, he had ten warriors under his command.

“Lieutenant Colonel, first please allow me to represent my team to thank you for giving us some off days last week for the side jobs.”

“Not a problem, we warriors always needed some extra money.”

“Lieutenant Colonel, there is an old woman here to see you.”

“Please escort her to come to see me. Thank you, Private Belloc.”

“Yes, sir!”

A couple of minutes later, Private Belloc escorted an old woman to Admon. The woman kneeling on the ground the moment she saw him and said, “Sir warrior, please save my village.”

“Ma’am, slow down. Who are you? Where is your village located? And what happened to your village?”

“Sir warrior, my name is Omara Talavir. I am from the village located twenty miles to the North of Simyfabelle city. Two months ago. a bandit group came and controlled our village. They didn’t raid it but forced us to feed them daily. They ate more than we can produce. They raped our women and enslaved our men. We have sent a villager to Simyfabelle city to ask for help but he never returns. I have sneaked out of the village and was on the way to Ganarion city but saw your camps and went straight here.” The old woman explained while crying.

Admon asked one of his Captains, “Twenty miles to the North of Simyfabelle city, isn’t that village under the control of Lord Klorda?”

Glint Klorda, Lord of Simyfabelle city belonging to the Nalas Kingdom.

Captain Grimwalk Hardak answered, “Yes, sir.”

Admon asked, “Ma’am, how big is this bandit group?”

“About two thousand bandits.”

Grimwalk said, “Lieutenant Colonel, they have two thousand warriors. Should we send a group back to Ganarion and ask for backup or at least ask for help from Simyfabelle? It’s their village after all.”

Admon gave out orders, “Private Belloc, lead your team to Simyfabelle and speak with Lord Klorda to inform him about this. Captain Anneth Woller, send Private Faila Colvin and her team back to Ganarion to inform Colonel Olwain Calaudra.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Captain Hardak, group up all warriors in our Battalion. We will head out as soon as possible.”

“Understood, sir!”

Admon led the rest of his Battalion with a total of nine hundred seventy eight (978) warriors and headed toward the village directed by the old woman. They camped five miles away from the village and sent twenty warriors out for scouting. The rest of nine hundred fifty eight (958) warriors took out rations to eat while resting to recover the energy they have lost for traveling today.

“Lieutenant Colonel, do you think it’s weird that this old woman managed to travel from her village to our old camps then she immediately led us from there to here without any rest? All of our warriors are tired while the old woman doesn’t appear to have any problem.” Captain Hardak whispered into Admon’s ear.

“I was thinking the same thing. But let’s wait for our scouts to return first. If the old woman was lying to us, it wouldn’t be too late for us to apprehend her later. Send one of your Lieutenants to lead fifty warriors to keep an eye on her.”

“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel.”

The old woman approached them and said, “No need to send anyone to keep an eye on me, all of you will die soon anyway.” The old woman deactivated her [Shapeshifting] spell to reveal herself true form (or his true form to be exact).

“Kain Almos?” Admon Pashar asked after seeing the old woman transformed into Kain.

Kain smirked as he said, “Admon, glad to see you again.”

[Shapeshifting], level 25 Black spell. This spell will transform the caster into any human form but it will slowly drain the caster’s mana pool. The caster won’t be able to cast any magic spells while activating the [Shapeshifting] spell. Level 35 Light spell [Dispel Magic] can be used to easily detect and dispel [Shapeshifting] regardless of level difference even if the caster of [Shapeshifting] is level 100 Saint-tier Black Mage. The Black Mage that has his/her [Shapeshifting] spell dispelled will have a two minutes penalty of being unable to cast any kind of magic spell. That means they can easily get killed by Novice-tier magic casters or weak warriors. Because of this penalty, Black Mages normally don’t use [Shapeshifting] in big cities where there could be Legend-tier Light Mages wandering around.

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