Twisted Destiny

Chapter 138: Wind-Force 10

Anyone who knows which show the title references is probably Belgian xD

“Well, off we go again. Goodbye everyone, thank you for the chat!” Veanya waves at us. “Oh, and I’ll get a new phone with the same number, don’t worry about that. It’s not the first time this happens.” 

“Why am I not surprised?” My sister rolls her eyes. 

“Bye bye.” Gamma takes Veanya’s hand and with a pop both of them disappear, probably heading back towards the mountain to continue preparing. 

“Let’s just hope Veanya’s landing will be better now.” Sam laughs and shakes her head. “Otherwise they’ll take a slight tumble down a rocky mountainside.” 

“She’ll be fine… I hope…” I reply. 

“That was some rather amusing after-dinner entertainment.” Hilda chuckles. 

“Indeed quite amusing and informative.” Nikki agrees. 

“Anyhow, I should probably head home.” Hilda looks at her watch. “You were not going to join us in Turn of Destiny, right? Ami and Sam?” 

“No, we were going to take a little break.” Sam nods. 

“Mhmm.” I nod with. 

“Okay, so it’s only me, Nikki and Lise.” She looks at my other family members. 

“We’ll be there but we are mainly going to do our own thing.” Lise replies. 

“So am I but at least we can chat with one another.” 

“As long as it isn’t about work.” Nikki sighs. 

“Don’t worry, I don’t want that myself.” Hilda chuckles and then stands up from her seat. “Thank you for the nice meal, Sam and Ami, see you next time?” 

“Tomorrow for us and a bit longer for you.” I smile. 

“Stay safe. Don’t make us come and log in to save you all.” Sam jokes. 

“We’ll try to stay out of trouble but I won’t promise a thing.” Lise jokes back and walks Hilda to the door. “See you in a bit, Hilda.” 

“See ya.” Hilda waves at us all before she walks through the door and disappears into the evening. 

“I think I’m already going to bed if you don’t mind.” Nikki walks over to the kitchen and fills a glass with tap water. “Have a good evening, girls.” 

“Good night, Nikki.” I give her a hug when she walks by again.

“Good night.” She gives me a smile in return. 

“And I’ll be joining her to fool around.” Lise chuckles. 

“If you do that I’ll kick you out of the bed.” 

“Awh…” Lise walks after Nikki into the hallway. “Good night.” 

“Nini.” I reply and so does Sam. 


It is strangely quiet in the living room without anyone else except for Sam and I. It doesn’t happen very often that the two of us are alone in here without anyone else since we go to my room most of the time. 

“I suppose you are not tired yet?” Sam asks with a smile. 

“No, not really.” I reply and walk over to the kitchen. “I’ll start the dishwasher. If you want to put on something on the television, go ahead.” 

“Okay.” Sam smiles and heads towards the sofa with our glasses of soda in her hands. 

She’s just decided on a channel when I return and plop myself down on the sofa next to her. “So, what are we watching?” I look at the television screen. The show that’s airing now looks pretty old. 

“It’s a show I have heard off before but I’ve never actually seen it. It’s an old television fiction series about a coast-guard helicopter search and rescue team. 

“Oh! That sounds interesting. I’ve never really heard of those kinds of shows before. Except that one show about the beach lifeguards but that’s not the same, right? What was it called… Cove Lookout?” 

“Ah yeah! That one.” Sam starts laughing. “No, I don’t think this is the same at all. Wait, let me see if I can rewind till the start of the episode.” She presses a couple of buttons on the remote control after which the intro theme quickly starts playing. It focuses a lot on the characters and on the actual helicopter used. 

“Wow, that helicopter looks cool. I love that camouflage pattern.” 

“Mhmm. I think I’ve actually seen that one in a museum.” 


“Yeah.” Sam nods enthusiastically. “It’s an amazing museum full of airplanes and other things like tanks. It’s such a large museum.” 

“Oh, I’m pretty sure if you take Hilda there she will just want to live there.” 

“I’m pretty sure she’s already been there before, especially with how much she loves history. Don’t you think so?” 

“Hmm, you are probably right.” I giggle. “But now I want to go there too, it sounds like an interesting place.” 

“And so the list of places to take Ami too grows even longer. We still need to go to the movie theater together as well.” 

“We’ll be together for the rest of our lives so we have plenty of time.” I give her a kiss. 

“Awh… my heart can’t take those overly sweet words, Ami. You are going to kill me.” 

“Don’t worry, I can revive you anyway.” 

Sam laughs and gives me a kiss back. “I suppose that’s true.” 


There’s a couple of episodes in a row from this one show so we decide to watch it all the way. Luckily for us it was apparently the start of a re-run so we’d be able to digitally record the next episodes too so we can watch the entire thing. However, by the end of the third episode it becomes apparent I’d already need to start recording as Sam is starting to doze off. It’s rare for Sam to doze off before me so I’m going to take full advantage to admire my beautiful girlfriend’s sleepy face. A wise catgirl would probably decide to wake her up and head to bed together, but I’m definitely not one of those. As I nuzzle myself against her shoulder to take a nap by myself. I do turn of the tv before I do so, just so it’s not playing and using electricity for no one. 

A bit later Mochi and Pocky also join us on the sofa for some napnaps. They have recovered from their little panic when Veanya and Gamma made their sudden appearance. Pocky takes up a position on my lap and Mochi deciding to sleep on the sofa’s backrest behind Sam’s head. 

-Ah, such bliss, one big pile of cuddleness…- 

Pocky starts purring on my lap, making me doze off soon after. 


“Hmmm… Ami…?” I can feel Sam starting to move next to me. 

“Mmm?” I hum back. 

“What time is it?” She yawns. 

“I unno.” I shrug, not even bothered to open up my eyes. 

Sam moves a little bit more. “Oh, crap, it’s already two… C’mon, Ami, let’s get to bed.” 

“Can’t we just… stay here?” I rub the sand out of my eyes. 

“Ami, your back will definitely not appreciate that.” 

“I’m a catgirl, I’ll be fine.” I put my head back on her shoulder. 

“But I’m not.” Sam chuckles. “C’mon, let’s go.” 

“Nyoo… I wanna stay.” 

“Then I’ll carry you, no problem there.” Sam stands up from the sofa, making me fall over. Suddenly I’m a bit more awake. Apparently Pocky and Mochi had already taken up a different sleeping spot because I couldn’t see them anymore.” 

“One, two, and up you go.” Sam scoops me up in her arms. “Now, off to bed.”

“Buuu, I wanted to stay in the sofa.” 

“You’ll be singing a different tune when you’re underneath your blankets.”

That does sound good… I do like my cozy bedding. 

“It’s a shame we need to get up tomorrow.” I pout while Sam carries me through the hallway.

“We should take a night away from Turn of Destiny when it's the weekend. That’ll be nice too, don’t you think?” 

“Mhmm.” I nod. “But on the other hand… we can relax three days instead of one if we go to Haurchefaud.” 

“True, but then I can’t really hug you with my own body.” Sam replies, dumping me on my bed. “Well, you know what I mean.” 

“Mhmm.” I nod again. 

“Okay.” She smiles. “Give me a sec while I go back to turn off all the lights. Sam disappears for a while. I hear the clicking of light switches in the distance. It doesn’t take long for her to reappear. “Can you help me with my leg?” 

“Yeah.” I do my girlfriend duty to unleg my partner and in no-time Sam’s leg is laying besides the bed. 

“Phew… I’m happy that’s off.” 

“Does it feel good?” 

“Occasionally.” Sam replies. “Especially when I’ve had it on for a long time and I’ve done a lot of sports. It kinda feels like taking off your bra after a long day.” 

“Oh! I know that feeling.” 

“Well… you are still wearing your bra… Can I?” Sam slightly tugs on the bottom of my shirt. 

“Yeah…” I nod once again and take off my blouse. When it’s off, Sam takes me in for a big embrace, and while she does so, she unclasps my bra, with ease. She then guides my arms out of the straps too and then tossed my bra on the side where I normally keep my clothes. 

“Wow.” She looks at my unclothed upper body, making me blush quite a bit. “That’s a sight I’ll never get tired of.” Sam then gives me a quick kiss. 

“Sam… that’s lewd.” 

“I’m just saying I really like your body, aesthetically.”

“Sam! You are making it worse!” I blush even harder. 

Sam doesn’t reply but just starts chuckling instead.  


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