Twisted Destiny

Chapter 154: Bikini

Don't forget that next week I'm taking a x-mas break! Next chapter will be released on the 5th of January

When Sam returns it’s as if the surrounding temperature rises with at least ten degrees. She just looks incredibly hot, and I say that as someone who is very asexual. Just objectively very very hot. Her tail poking through the little hole I provided at the back of her bikini bottom and her bikini bra also just fits her figure perfectly. 

Hilda also starts clapping softly when she sees my girlfriend walk towards us. 

“I’m not always comfortable in bikinis, I have to admit.” Sam says as she returns. “But this one feels very comfortable. I kinda want you to create all our clothes now.” She laughs. 

“Well… with enough fabric I suppose that can be arranged.” I nod. “Now give me a second for me to make a set for me and Hilda as well.” 

“Hey, you don’t need to make one for me, you know.” Hilda laughs. 

“Oh, do you not want to make my sister and Nikki jealous by having a nice bikini?”

“Hmmm…. you do make a good point there.” She gives me a wink. 


Sam waits around while I go to work on a set for Hilda and myself, a minute or so later Brianna returns from her bathroom break carrying a couple of plants. 

“Sorry, I got a bit distracted. I saw these plants and wanted to gather them, they are pretty rare.” 

“Don’t worry about it. Do you want to join us in our little swimming party?” Hilda asks. 

“Ah no, if you don’t mind, I just want to go and gather some more plants if that’s fine. There’s actually quite a few more where these came from. I also want to start seeding them in the little plot.” 

“You sure? Relaxation is also important.” 

“This is relaxation for me.” Brianna smiles back. 

“Fair enough. If you need something, you know where we are at.” 

“Alright.” Brianna nods, puts the plants down and then quickly hops back in the direction from which she came. 

“She’s a pretty spirited woman, isn’t she?” Hilda laughs as she watches Brianna leave. 

“She definitely knows what she likes.” Sam chuckles. 

“Are you interested?” I ask while I continue my work on the bikinis. 

“Heavens no.” Hilda laughs. “I’m fine with my life at the moment. I don’t really need any more people to share it with.” 

“Sounds like there’s two people here who know what they like. Power to you, Hilda.” 

“Thanks.” Hilda chuckles. “Forcing yourself to be in a relationship just because ‘it’s the thing people do’ is very bad. You should always make it as a conscious decision in my opinion. Like you two for example.” 

“Well, we did go a bit fast.” Sam replies. 

“Fast according to who though. You two love each other. Life’s already short as it is, so why wait, right?” 

“True, I do love me Sam a hecking lot.” 

“I love you too, Ami.” Sam leans down towards me to give me a kiss. 

“But not a hecking lot?” I tease her. 

“Of course I do. Let me show you.” She kisses me a couple more times the last kiss quite a bit longer than the others. 


After our kiss I quickly finish a set for Hilda and myself, I made sure to at least differentiate our designs a little depending on our style, just so we don’t have three identical sets. Mine’s a bit more frilly while Hilda’s just looks cool with lot’s of strings. 

“There you go.” I hand Hilda’s set over to her. 

“This is mine, right? I won’t have a tail hole?” 

“Yep.” I chuckle but peak at the one in my hand to be one-hundred percent sure.

“Alrighty.” Hilda smiles, gives me a fast head pat and then looks towards our huts. “Let’s get changed so we don’t keep Sam from swimming much longer.”

“Take your time.” Sam smiles. “The anticipation of seeing Ami is already entertaining enough.” 

“Alright, then I don’t think I’ll swim today.” I tease her a little. 

“Nooooo!” Sam fakes a cry for help and then smiles. “Now go get changed before I change my mind.” 

“Hehe.” Off I go to the hut to get dressed. -Now that I think about it, this is the first time I’ve actually worn swimming attire as a girl…  And it’s going to be my very self-made swimming attire as well…-  Thinking about it makes me blush a little. “Well, for everything there’s a first time.” 

I can get into my bikini pretty easily in the privacy and comfort of our assigned little hut. When I leave the hut I make sure to stash my gear safely in my inventory and I then go out looking for Sam. She’s still waiting for us at the campfire. 

“My Goddess. You look beautiful.” Sam looks at me with her usual loving smile. “I particularly like the frills.” She comes a bit closer to me and touches the frills that surround my bikini top. “It is so incredibly cute.” 

Her flirt-barrage makes me blush a lot. “T-thanks Sam… I-is Hilda already out?” 

“Not yet.” Sam smiles and brushes her finger over my cheek. I softly grab her hand as she does so. 

“I should have expected you two to continue your flirting pretty much immediately.” I hear Hilda’s voice come from behind me. 

“Ah, there she is. Looking good, Hilda.” Sam says. 

“Thanks. It’s all thanks to your petite catgirlfriend over yonder.” 

I turn around and see Hilda standing there. The extra strings and straps I attached for her really do make her coolness come out very well. “No problem at all.” I smile at her. “Do you like it?” 

“I like it a lot actually. I wish I could have one like this in ‘real life’ as well.” 

“I suppose that could be arranged, couldn’t it?” Sam asks. “If your skills get transferred anyway.” 

“Ah! That’s true! I’ll make one for you back home too!” 

Hilda laughs. “Weren’t you interested in becoming a mangaka instead of a tailor?”

“This is just a side hussle.” I pout which makes Hilda and my girlfriend laugh even more. 


I get so harshly bullied for a couple of seconds after which we move on to the beach to finally do some swimmies. Not a moment too soon if I have to be honest because it’s really starting to get hot right now. My sister and Nikki are splashing each other with water in the distance, probably because my sister made some sort of lewd remark and Nikki wanted to have some payback. 

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Hilda yells to the two lovers. 

“Lise said my boobs look bigger in the water!” Nikki calls back. 

-Called it.- 

“They are! It’s just the way light behaves in water!” 

Sam chuckles next to me and shakes her head. 

Then suddenly my sister and Nikki both go quiet and they start approaching us, walking onto the beach. 

“More importantly…” Lise starts. “Where the heck did you get those?” She points at our bikinis. 

“Swimwear store.” Hilda replies. 

My sister squints her eyes. “There’s no such thing.” 

Hilda laughs. “Ami made them for us.” 

“Oh damn.” She inspects the bikinis more thoroughly making us feel slightly uncomfortable. “Can you make me a pair of those too?” 

“For me as well please.” Nikki raises her hand solemnly and nods. 

“Piling on all the work on my girlfriend, now are you?” 

“Right…” My sister backs off and scratches the back of her head. 

“It’s fine, I was already expecting to have to make some more. Plus it’s not really a biggy with my new skills after all.” 

“Oh… you went the tailor route… interesting.” Nikki rubs her chin and then looks back over her shoulder. “That said, I’m going back to swim some more. The water is just the right temperature and you girls look like you need some refreshment.” 

“I totally and completely agree with that.” Hilda smiles, she’s suddenly holding a spear in her hands. 

-Right, she was going to do some spear fishing…- 

“Just make sure not to hurt any of us.” My sister laughs. 

“Don’t worry about that.” Hilda gives us a cheeky wink and then runs over to the water, diving into the relatively calm waves when she’s about waist-deep into the water. 

“Come Ami, let’s go swim a bit too.” Sam takes hold of my hand and gives it a slight squeeze. 

“Yeah, I’m right behind you.” I smile and walk along with Sam to the waterline. 

Nikki and my sister are walking along with us. 

“Any currents we need to be careful about?” Sam asks. 

“Not that I can tell.” My sister shakes her head. “The water is pretty calm around here. Actually, it somewhat feels more like a lake than an actual ocean.” 

“Perfect place for a pirate bay.” Nikki giggles. 

“Oh! We should totally invite Taylor over. She will love this place.” Lise nods excitedly. 

Sam chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Are you going to turn our little private beach into some pirate port?” 

“Hmmm… good point. Let’s just find a spot for them somewhere to the south and maybe just invite Taylor over in person… Oh well. Worries for later.” My sister rushes into the ocean and we all follow her. As they said. The water’s temperature is just right. For my first time to go swimming in this body, it really does feel very nice. 

Now I'm hungy, Imma go eat now :3
Have nice holidays everyone!!

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