Twisted Destiny

Chapter 166: Hurt

The new cover! Whooo!!!!! Scribble should update to it soon when it gets approved! Thank you so much to Vino ( for taking my commission!!

Playtime in bed doesn’t last very long as we do need to head to sleep before we get rudely awoken by the headset we are wearing. On top of that, if we head to dreamland right now, we might be able to continue our play session back in our bed on Earth. 

“See you in a bit, Ami.” Sam gives me one last kiss before she lays back down on her back. 

“Mhmm.” I lay my head against her arm. “Ni ni.” and close my eyes. 

The world fades away and makes place for a sound one only finds in the modern world. A faint honking of a car. That person must not be having the nicest of mornings. 

I don’t waste any time and jump on top of my girlfriend who is just taking off her D3u5XMachina. There’s just some minor adjustment needed as my girlfriend is just a tiny bit smaller in this body than her body back in Turn of Destiny… yet not any less muscular. 

“Hehe, now this, this I like.” Sam grins, after she puts away the console she puts both of her hands on my waist. She runs her hands down to my thighs. 

I giggle. “That tickles.” 

“Then you shouldn’t have come sit on top of me.” Her hands go back up, past my waist and up to my chest, where she wraps her arms around my back, pulling me closer to her into a very long and tasty kiss. 

She laughs into the kiss as I start purring but that doesn’t deter her from continuing. She brings her hands down to my butt, giving me gentle squeeze. 

Sam then breaks off the kiss to look at the time. “Hmm, I guess we can keep going for a bit longer.” 

From the smell I can someone already has woken up and is melting some butter to make us some breakfast. My sister and Nikki must’ve logged out before us. 

“Yeah, let’s continue.” I smile and lower myself back down onto Sam, pressing my lips against hers. 

Just when she’s back to rubbing my back with her hands however, a certain yell from the kitchen makes my ears stand in full attention. 

“Oh fuck. That hurt.” It’s my sister's voice. 

My body almost starts moving out of its own. My instinct just forcing me to jump off the bed and run towards the kitchen. I almost skid into the living room, seeing my sister standing behind the kitchen isle, looking somewhat surprised at me while she’s trying to dig into the first aid coffer that we usually kept there. From her hand I can see blood gushing out. 

I quickly run over to her and start casting a heal. 

“Uh… Ami…” 

“Does it still hurt?” I ask, my heart is relieved the wound is healing. 

“Uhm… no… thanks for that… but… uh…” 

I look up from her now newly closed wound into her eyes, the look of confusion and surprise from earlier have turned into a look of concern and bewilderment. “What’s wrong?” 

“Could you look down at your hands for me?” She asks. 

“My han…” When I look down I see my hands covered in my metallic white and golden gauntlets. In shock I take a step back and I hear the clanging of the rest of my armor. When I look down I can see that I in fact am wearing my entire angelic getup. Wings included. “When did I…?” 

“What happened?” I turn around as I hear Sam’s voice, she must’ve finally managed to get her leg on by herself, quickly followed by Nikki who has a towel wrapped around herself. When they both see me their eyes go wide. “Oh.” 

“Ami…” My sister lays her hand on my now armored shoulder. “It’s fine, calm down… Can you try to concentrate to get back in your normal form?” 

I look back at my sister. She now looks at me with a friendly smile.

“It’s okay.” 

“You… you feel okay, right? You are not hurt anymore?” I ask, my eyes fall on her still bloody hand, yet the wound is closed and I felt relief earlier… A pang of concern is still present in my chest. 

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just breathe. Look.” She turns on the water of the faucet sticks her hand under the running water, while not all the blood immediately washes away, she then shows her hand to me. “See, I’m all healed, all thanks to you.” With her other hand that was on my shoulder she gently pokes my cheek with her index finger. 


“Okay… okay.” I nod and close my eyes. I calm my breath and focus back on my normal form. Soon after I feel my sister’s hand on my bare shoulder. 

“Good.” I open my eyes to see my sister smile at me, albeit with a bit of a blush on her cheeks. 

“I… I don’t know what happened.” I look back at my hands, now gauntlet free.

“It must be the bracelet.” My sister states, still smiling at me. “But maybe… before we talk about that any further… It might be best to get some clothes on.” 

As if it was on queue, a breeze that I honestly don’t know where it could come from, makes me painfully aware that I’m standing in the middle of the living room in my birthday suit. I can feel the embarrassment shoot up to my cheeks. My entire face must be tomato red right now. When I turn around I can see that Nikki has decided the wall is a less embarrassing spot to look at, while Sam, herself just in a shirt and her panties is quickly rushing towards me with a blanket she took of the sofa. 

“Here.” Sam drapes the blanket around me. 

“T-thanks.” I stutter out of embarrassment. 

“Don’t worry too much about it, sis. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you naked.” 

“N-not helping, sis.” My blush grows even more pronounced. I can even feel my ears getting hot right now. 

“Haha. My bad.” My sister embarrassedly scratches the back of her head. 

“Come, let’s go.” Sam guides me out of the living room and back to my bedroom. 


Once there, she quickly helps me pick some clothes. I’m quite glad she opts to give me more comfy clothes like a hoodie and jeans over something more fashionable. I think I could definitely use some extra comf. 

“That’s quite something, huh?” Sam breaks the rather comfortable silence that had existed between us for the last couple of minutes. 

“It’s scary, Sam.”

“Mhmm, could you explain it to me?” 

“I just…” I sigh as I try to zip up my hoodie, but I’m fumbling with the zipper. 

“Let me help you.” Sam takes over and quickly zips me up. 

“Thanks.” I smile but then quickly lose that same smile again. “I just didn’t notice the change at all. One moment I was running towards my sister, and the other moment I’m healing her with my armour on. I barely even blinked… So how did I change?” 

“And you couldn’t feel anything either? Like, how did you feel, emotionally.” 

“Well… I guess I was worried at first… and that just increased when I saw she had cut herself.”

“Maybe jumping out of bed naked was already a bit extreme though. Maybe you changed when you arrived back in the living room, but it must already have been effecting you the second you heard Élise call out in pain…” Sam scratches her cheek. “Maybe you should stay home for today?” 

“I don’t want to miss lessons though…” 

A knock on the door makes us both look around. It’s my sister and Nikki. 

“Do you mind if we join the conversation? We kinda heard what you were talking about.” My sister says as she looks into my room. Nikki is standing behind her, kinda dressed too.

I give them a nod. 

“I think you changed in front of me as you walked into the living room.” My sister says. “I didn’t see it clearly as I was a bit occupied at the time… But I think I saw your armour appear in the corner of my eye. That said, I think Sam is right, you should probably stay home today.” 

“Hmmm.” I humph a bit annoyed. 

“Look, I think Sam is onto something by saying your emotions are a bit ubercharged right now. While now you know that is an issue, you can pay attention to that, but we don’t know at the moment what the threshold is for you to change.” 

Nikki walks up and tilts her head with a smile. “That might not be the worst thing when it comes to your angel form. Apart from maybe requiring some mild alteration from Veanya. But if something manages to tick you off in a bad enough way…” 

“Ah… I suppose that’s true…” I nod somberly. 

“It could be something grave and justified that sets you off, but for all we know it could be a small delay for the tram as well.” Lise says. 

“Maybe we should at least wait a bit, until we know more. Maybe we can ask Gamma or Veanya to figure something out.” 

“Someone called my name?” Gamma’s voice rings out from behind me making me almost jump into my girlfriend’s arms. 

“Goddess fuck! You really need to stop doing that! And that’s not the first time I’ve said that!” Lise flips out on the purple-haired cat-girl. 

-Maybe we should be happy that my sister doesn’t have the angel of vengeance form either…-  

I'm very very happy with the cover. I hope you all will like it as well!!

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