Twisted Destiny

Chapter 172: Basket

Gonna be happy when it's July so work dies down again. Yuck.

With snacks aplenty and family and friends all chatting and having a good time, said time just tends to fly by as is the case today. 

Without us even really noticing the clock quickly strikes 8 in the evening. But what we do notice is that our tummies are eaten round and full. 

“Wow, I can’t believe how good that friend chicken was.” Sam leans back after taking another tortilla chip and dipping it in some salsa. “And this salsa isn’t doing worse.” 

“I’m sad that I’m so full, I really want to eat more…” Carol replies, looking at the snacks with a longing visage. 

“Yes.” Hailey sighs. “If I eat more I think I’m going to explode.” 

“We have some plastic containers if you want to take some of it home. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.” My sister proposes. While we had eaten a lot we could definitely eat from this another time and still fill our bellies, so offering some take-away wouldn’t lose us much. Lise and I probably had overdid it with the snacks. 

“Oh, that’d be nice.” Carol nods. “Right, Hails?” 

“I wouldn’t mind either.” Hailey nods as well. “We will bring back the containers once we are done with them.”

“You can just hand them to me at uni.” I ad. “There’s no point in you having to come over just to get return them.” 

“But what if you want to pet you while we can see your ears and tail, Ami?” Hailey smirks. 

Carol touches her nose and then points at Hailey. “My friend here is right, Amicia. What if we want to do that.” 

“I wouldn’t mind.” I pout with a blush. “I was just offering.” 

Everyone starts laughing. 

“Besides, you’ll be able to pet me in cat form for three straight days now, Carol.” I cross my arms as well to accentuate my poutiness. 

“Oh, that’s true. Very much looking forward to that.” Carol nods. 

“Hmm, if you say it like that, maybe I should get into that game too.” Hailey cups her chin. “But then again, I’d only be there to pet Ami. Is that worth it?” 

Sam pats Hailey on the back. “I would say that’s a very worthy cause.” 

“Haha. I’ll think about it.” Hailey smiles. 

In the meantime my sister and Nikki have been gathering up a couple of plastic containers to collect some food in. 

“Pick whatever you want.” My sister puts them down in front of my two friends. 

“Is it fine if I just take some of everything?” Carol asks. 

“I think that falls under the category of ‘whatever you want’.” My sister laughs.

Carol nods. “Fair enough.” She then starts filling her container with stuff while Hailey does the same. Hailey mostly sticks to sausage rolls and tortilla with dip though and then some of the veggies on the side. 


“We have so much still left to eat.” My sister looks at the table even after Hailey and Carol have taken their part. “Well, so be it. It’s nice and with some more veg we can balance out the unhealthiness.”  

With their plastic containers secured in their bags, my two friends make their way to the door while my sister continues to plan the next week of food. 

“Carol, we’ll see you in a bit?” 

“Yeah, I’ll come on as soon as I get home, Max should be there too.” 

“Cool, we’ll send you a message once we get on.” Sam replies. 

“Oh, your usernames!” I remember, otherwise our plan will fail to come to fruition yet again. 

“I’ve already noted them down.” Sam gives me a wink.

“Alrighty.” I smile. “And Hails, see you tomorrow then?” 

“Mhmm.” She gives me a nod. “Thanks a lot for the nice evening and the snacks. Do try to be a little bit safe with Carol and Max around.” 

“We’ll try.” Sam smiles back and opens the door for our two friends. 

Carol and Hailey then also wish my sister and Nikki a nice evening after which they disappear into the hallway. 

“Okay, let’s try to stow all this food away somewhere.” Nikki rubs her hands. “That’s going to require some rather creative use of space.” 

“Well… I could use the vault… technically…” 

“Smart.” Nikki nods. 

“Is it?” Sam stops us. 

“What do you mean, Sam?” Nikki asks. 

“If the food is in the world of Turn of Destiny… where time flows more quickly than it does here. Wouldn’t that just mean that whatever you store there, is also going to become stale more quickly?” 

“Oh…” My sister leans back against the table, putting another chip in her mouth. “Inversely, does that also mean that if we buy food over there, put it in the vault and then Ami teleport it here, to earth… Then that stuff will stay good for a lot longer too…” 

“But we can only feasibly transfer it every time we wake up for the first time in each respective world and when we are about to jump over.” Nikki continues. 

“I have the feeling we are starting to break the system a little.” Sam chuckles. 

“It’s all because of your comment, Sam.” Lise chuckles along. “But it was a very good comment, that’s true.” 

-Definitely something to think about.- 


We go on about the idea for a bit longer until we reach the conclusion that it probably only is really worth to transfer perishable food over to Earth if we plan on using it next time in Turn of Destiny too. And if we want to use Earthern food we should only do that just before we head to bed here. It does also open up the possibility of farming certain fruits and veg that are only native to each world though as seeds do last quite long. But we should be really careful about that if we don’t want to disturb local ecosystems. Or at least, that’s what Nikki warned us about that Hilda would be rather upset if we actually did. 

In the end we do manage to stash all our food away in the fridge after which we make ready for bed. 

A nice shower later Sam and I head off to bed, since my sister and Nikki went to bed first we didn’t really need to wait on anyone. Mochi and Pocky are laying on the bed as we walk back into the room, it looks like they are in quite the playful mode. Pocky shaking her but as she prepares to pounce on her mom. It’s a funny sight to behold as it usually is.

“Cats truly are funny animals.” I say at just the moment when Pocky strikes. “Hehe. Good one Pocky.”

She is too busy wrestling with her mom to reply. 

“Hmm, you are indeed pretty funny, Ami.” Sam teases me, hugging me from behind.

“I wasn’t talking about me.” I pout. 

“Hehe.” She pokes me in my side, making me giggle. 

“Sam! Stop! Otherwise I’m gonna pounce you too!” 

“But what if I want that?” She starts tickling me now. Truely, the most brutal of torture. 

“Waaaah!” I walk girlfriend back to the bed, although rather slowly to make sure Pocky and Mochi have moved before I push Sam down upon it. 

“Oh no! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!” She laughs as she hugs me closely to her chest. 

“And there’s more where that comes from! Muahahaha.” I wiggle myself up so I can reach her lips after which Sam’s real trial truly begins. 

“Have mercy.” Sam smiles in between kisses. “Have mercy oh great and extremely beautiful girlfriend of mine.” 

“I’ll have to think about that.” I smile and keep on kissing her for a bit longer.

After ten minutes I’m sure I have punished my girlfriend enough with kisses, although she was weirdly begging me for more. But it was time to head over to Turn of Destiny so we could go and meet up with our friends. 

I do first help Sam with her leg before we lay down completely and wish our little cats a good night’s sleep, although it really doesn’t look like they will go to sleep soon. At least they promise me not to break anything. 

“Ami?” Sam asks, pulling the blanket on top of me and her.


“One more kissy before we go?” She pouts her lips. 

I roll my eyes and smile. “Sure, but after that you’ll have to wait ‘till we are on the other side, okay?” 

“Deal.” Sam grins and leans over to give me a long kiss. She was definitely using her one-kiss allowance to the fullest. “Okay. I’ll just take that an interest for when we wake up in ToD.” 

I chuckle. “Hehe. Night night, Sam.” 

“Nini, Ami.”

We both put on our headsets, not that much later we already wake up in our cozy bed back in the Dwarger capital, with Sam rolling over on top of me so she can claim her prize. 

“Not wasting any time, are you?” 

“Time is valuable, and it’s outright priceless when I’m together with you.” 

-Wow… - My cheeks turn very very red. That’s incredibly romantic. 

Having to talk to actual people over the phone for the entire day is torture.

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