Twisted Realm

Chapter 112 - Endless Ladder

“Have you heard of the ‘Endless Staircase’?”

Shen Lao looked at the dark stairs leading to the basement in front of him and said to Meng Xuan.

“An endless ladder, a paradox that does not exist, but can be realized in inspiration.”

Shen Lao slowly said with a sigh of relief.

“What’s the meaning?”

Meng Xuan frowned, hearing it in a fog.

“Now this place is in a state of superposition of virtual and real, and it is possible to enter by using the paradox in inspiration… Forget it, this kind of thing that only exists in concept, I will say no to you for a while. It’s clear, just watch me do it again, and then do it my way.”

Shen Lao thought for a while, and finally decided to show Meng Xuan a demonstration in person.

“Now let me tell you a few points to pay attention to. Entering through this method, we are illegal intrusions and may appear in any corner of the space. Of course, there will be no situations where you will be stuck in the wall, but it is unavoidable to encounter encounters. When it comes to some danger, it depends on personal luck.”

“In addition, because it is an illegal invasion, if there is a defensive ritual in the space, we will be the biggest target. I may not happen to be in the same place as you later, you have to be careful yourself.”

Shen Lao said two o’clock and looked at his watch again.

“It’s half past one, we have about half an hour to explore, because it is an illegal invasion, so after the superposition of virtual and real is over, we will be kicked back to the real world at about two o’clock, you prepare yourself.”

Shen Lao said to Meng Xuan, Meng Xuan listened carefully and nodded.

“Now, look at how I did it, and if I can’t get out, if possible, help me take care of the Shahe City branch.”

Shen Lao took a deep breath, stood in the middle of the entrance of the stairs, and slowly closed his eyes.

“Close your eyes, relax your focus and your mind, but gather all your ‘inspiration’ and imagine that there is an endless staircase in front of you…”

“Then, you will follow this ladder and keep going down, letting yourself gradually fall into the depths of a trance, until you reach the mysterious unknown realm…”

While speaking slowly, Old Man Shen held onto the handrail beside him and began to move slowly towards the basement.

He walked so slowly, each step made a soft “click” that seemed to have some kind of hypnotic function.

After only a few steps, Meng Xuan was surprised to find that the old man Shen was the same as the things around him.

, exuding some kind of trance unreal feeling.

It’s like spying on a dream through reality.

Not long after, the stairs had already gone halfway, and there were many overlapping shadows on Old Man Shen’s body. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, his body was half-blinded like an evil spirit, and gradually overlapped with the shadows around him. After merging together, he can no longer see his true colors, and it looks like a walking mosaic.

despair! !

Old Man Shen has already stepped on the bottom ladder.

But his body did not stop there, and did not enter the basement.

Half of his foot continued to walk down, blending into the ground, as if there were longer and farther steps under the ground.

Gradually, his entire body melted into the ground. However, the slow “ta-ta” sound still reverberated in Meng Xuan’s ears, as if old man Shen was still walking down the stairs.

Looking at the empty basement stairs, an extremely strange feeling came to Meng Xuan’s heart.

“Trance…overlap…adjust…then enter as ‘paradox’…”

He took a deep breath, combined with the strange experience he had had before, he suddenly had some understanding of the phenomenon in front of him.

He thought about how he felt when he regained his ability to enter the house in the mirror every night.

That kind of trance, weird unreality, and countless double images flashed before my eyes, as if I had sensed another realm.

How similar is this to the present situation.

“If my level of inspiration and trance is huge enough, can I get back to that state and re-enter the mirror world through the ‘paradox’?”

He has some preliminary ideas in mind, but it still needs to be verified.

Right now, the most important thing is to enter this unknown ancient ruins first and see if you can find some important knowledge from it.

He took a deep breath, stood in the middle of the stairs leading to the basement, and slowly closed his eyes.

“Relax focus and mind, but focus on inspiration…”

“Imagine that in front of you is an endless staircase leading to the unknown…”

“I will follow this ladder and keep going until I reach another unknown realm…”

Meng Xuan meditated in his heart, gradually brewing that mysterious trance.

despair! !

He slowly took the first step towards the stairs.

Step 2

third step···

“In front of me is an endless staircase leading to an unknown realm…”

blah blah blah! !

With the sound of slow footsteps.

His spirit became more and more relaxed, and his attention was extremely scattered. At the same time, he kept self-suggestion in his heart, and let this suggestion continue to deepen and deepen…

With the echoing rhythmic footsteps, he seemed to enter an inexplicable hypnotic state, and a strong trance filled his mind.

hum! !

There was a constant vibration in his ears, as if some unknown frequency was constantly being adjusted, constantly connecting with the higher world.

despair! despair! despair!

In a he closed his eyes, it was dark, and the sense of unreality and strangeness became stronger and stronger.

He didn’t even know how many steps he had walked, he was just following his instincts and strong psychological cues and kept moving forward.

I don’t know how long it has been gone.

Buzz! ! !

The vibrations in his ears suddenly became more intense.

It’s like finally adjusting the frequency and connecting to another world.

His body was shaking violently.

But that feeling soon disappeared.

A rotten smell entered his olfactory system.


Meng Xuan instinctively fell down again, but this time he failed to step on the stairs, his body lost his balance, and he couldn’t help staggering.

Bang! !

His head seemed to have hit something hard while staggering. He couldn’t help but take two steps back. The pain woke him up and opened his eyes.

It’s a whole new world.

Blood-red rays of light fell on the ground, and a strange blood-colored moon hung in the sky.

This world is not wide, Meng Xuan roughly estimated that it would be two or three kilometers at most, and the distance was a boundless darkness and chaos, which should be the boundary wall of this world.

He withdrew his gaze and looked in front of him. What he hit just now was a rotten and twisted tree.

Looking around, this is a rotten forest filled with black and white.

The earth is dead black, and the rotten and dead trees with distorted shapes cast strange shadows of claws and claws under the blood-red moonlight. Piece of gravestone.

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