Twisted Realm

Chapter 157 - abyss

?In the virtual world, in the wilderness, Meng Xuan and Aixioqi rushed the road for nearly a day. 35xs

Meng Xuan suggested to take a break first to restore his mental power to prevent unexpected situations from being forced off the assembly line due to excessive mental power consumption.

Along the way, Meng Xuan also learned a lot of common sense about the virtual world and the distorted conqueror from Ishioqi.

It turned out that although the Twisted Lab discovered by Meng Xuan was damaged for unknown reasons, the knowledge about the Twisted Road eventually spread out.

Because this method improves quickly, and the threshold is very low, although the risk is very high, it is an extremely good choice to integrate into the distortion, which can get rid of some of the pain and continue to become stronger.

Therefore, there have been many conquerors who have embarked on a twisted road in the Federation. Most of these conquerors are mainly poor and the middle and lower classes. At that time, the twisted road was almost regarded as a ladder for the poor to reverse their own destiny. In a short period of time, many terrifying powerhouses have emerged, and they have become one of the backbones against distortion.

However, because of the chaotic characteristics of the secret pattern itself, even a strong-willed person cannot guarantee that alienation and madness can be suppressed all the time.

While the Twisted Conqueror fought hard against the front line of the Twisted Force, in the rear of the Federation, the alienation and madness of the Conqueror often occurred, causing great harm to the compatriots around him from time to time. Every Twisted Conqueror was like It’s a time bomb that doesn’t know when it will explode, and it has become a double-edged sword that can hurt the enemy as well as yourself.

In addition, the distorted conquerors almost came from the middle and lower classes. Gradually, due to many complicated and tortuous reasons, the conquerors gradually began to be excluded from the upper class and feared by the lower class.

Finally one day, the contradiction broke out completely. Under the leadership of several leaders, under the temptation of terror, most of the conquerors launched a rebellion. They threw themselves into the distorted arms and became the famous “fallen”. Incorporated into the Twist and became part of the Twisted Legion.

This rebellion caused great damage to the Serio Federation at that time. It can be said that the current bad situation of the Serio Federation has a great relationship with the rebellion at that time.

Since then, the twisted road has become a taboo in the Serio Federation, and various secret medicine rituals have also become forbidden and evil methods, not only can not be cultivated, but also can not be mentioned.

The remaining few were not seduced by the terrifying existence, and the conquerors who still remained sensible by birth have since become mice crossing the street, evading the pursuit of the Serio Federation, and at the same time resisting the pressure of the Fallen. , can only leave the Federation, leave the light, completely escape into the darkness and hide, silently developing its own distortion power.

The “Black Devourer” is a part of the Twisted Conqueror that was separated back then. After years of exploration, it has gradually developed its own specific genre.

As for more questions, such as why the former Nelson Empire has now become the Serio Federation, such as why this world is called the virtual world, Meng Xuan did not ask carefully, because he was worried that asking too much knowledge in this area would expose himself. abnormal.

Anyway, I will come into contact with the “Black Devourer” in the future, and sooner or later there will be an opportunity to understand.

The two found a place to rest in the wilderness. In the virtual world, Meng Xuan found that his mental strength recovered much faster than in the real world. If he really left the real world, as long as he didn’t let his spirit Power consumption is empty, maybe he can stay in the virtual world forever.

After resting for a while, and recovering about 80% of their mental strength, Meng Xuan and Aixioqi continued on their way.

“I saw that you went to the baptism of Shengyao before? Why? That thing is our natural enemy. 35xs”

Ichiocchi asked curiously.

“I’m just curious about that kind of power. What exactly is Shengyao power?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“I don’t know either, that’s what the Seventy-Two Guardians Temple came up with after the Twisted Rebellion, not to mention us, few people in the federation are estimated to be able to grasp the secrets. Without that, the situation in Serio would not be the same. may stabilize.”

Ishiocchi shook his head and said.

“What about you? In your capacity, why did you go to the outer circle of Luo Ning?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“In order to find good seedlings.”

Ishiocchi shrugged and said.

“Go to the outer circle to find good seedlings?”

Meng Xuan felt a little surprised.

“Yes, have you heard that only in the dirtiest soil can the most beautiful flowers bloom.”

“Similarly, only in the worst environment in the outer circle can still maintain hope and desire for life, and not be affected by distortion and alienation. People with such will and spirit are the best choice to take the twisted road.”

Ishiochi said lightly.

Along the way, the two talked about the basic situation of the “Black Devourer”, which gave Meng Xuan some basic understanding of this genre.

The current school of distorted conquerors, after the rebellion of the year, in order to suppress the increasingly strong distorted influence, began to take a different path from the experiment of the year. The most core methods are the “reliance method” and “will core construction method “.

But Aishioqi didn’t tell Meng Xuan the specific content, and it was obvious that he was secretly guarding Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan didn’t care much about it.

After about another half-day’s journey, Meng Xuan followed Aixioqi up a black rocky mountain, came to the halfway up the mountain, and walked into a cave overgrown with weeds.

“Isn’t it called ‘Black Forest’?”

Meng Xuan frowned.

“Come with me and you’ll know.”

Ishioqi smiled and took Meng Xuan deep into the Black Rock Cave.

The cave was very narrow at first, but it became more and more spacious. After walking through the tunnel of the cave, they appeared on a cliff.

The mountain is hollow, and a step forward is a dark abyss that can’t see the bottom, and an inexplicable wind roar can be heard from it, which sounds like the scream of a devil.

Meng Xuan glanced at the abyss, a small group of black stones fell from the cliff, and was swallowed by the abyss silently.

He looked at Ichiocchi suspiciously.

“Remember, enter the ‘Path of Mystery Sound’, control your secret patterns, and restrain your madness and confusion, otherwise, you will become muddy.”

Aixioqi solemnly glanced at Meng Xuan and said, before Meng Xuan asked.

Whoosh! !

Ishioqi jumped up and plunged into the dark abyss in the mountain with a leap of faith.

Accompanied by a ghostly howl of the wind, Ishiochi’s figure quickly fell freely, and within two seconds, it was completely engulfed by the dark shadow and disappeared.

Meng Xuan looked at the endless abyss, took a deep breath, and found that he seemed a little afraid of heights.

He adjusted his mood and jumped into the abyss.

The strong feeling of free fall stimulated his spirit and made his heart beat faster.

There was darkness in front of him, and he could see nothing.

A strong airflow blew past him, making a distorted sound.

As the free fall intensified, after about five seconds, he found that the twisting wind roar in his ears seemed to have turned into inexplicable horror ravings.

These ravings kept stirring his The secret lines in the sea of ​​​​mind began to beat violently, uncontrollably releasing power.

The ravings in his ears are getting stronger and stronger, but for Meng Xuan, who has experienced more terrifying ravings, these are only pediatrics and cannot have a substantial impact on him.

He stubbornly suppressed the beating of the secret pattern, and his face remained calm.

When the ravings are at their strongest.

hum! ! !

A violent vibration shook his mind.

He felt like he had entered a sticky slide, surrounded by disgusting goo.

After about three seconds.

Whoosh! !

There was a strong whirlwind, but for Meng Xuan, who used to travel between the two realms through the mirror, this was still just a trivial matter.

There was a sense of solidity on his feet, he opened his eyes, and found that Ishiochi was standing beside him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

“Congratulations, you passed the ‘meaning value’ test of ‘Mystery Sound Path’.”

“At the same time, you are also welcome to the ‘Black Forest’.”

Ishioqi said to Meng Xuan with a smile, then turned and pointed behind him.

Meng Xuan followed his direction and saw a huge plant like a world tree standing in the middle of a black twisted dense forest.

The plants are full of folds and vines. On the forks of the huge branches, black houses are built. Between the houses, there are also paths covered with dim street lights, which are in harmony with the light reflected in the houses. With a little light, the entire black giant tree was dyed with a mysterious and wonderful spark of spark.

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