Twisted Realm

Chapter 170 - dream

Please remember the domain name of this site: Golden House Distorted Realm

Chapter 170 Dreamland

“I once felt this kind of power up close on the baptism day of the holy light in the outer circle of Luo Ning. It seems to have a strong repulsive effect on the power of distortion. This power is the regular power of the Seventy-two Temple? Its essence is what?”

Meng Xuan asked.

He felt that he had to figure out some basic information about the power of Shengyao. After all, the characteristics of this power were extremely threatening, and it seemed to be related to the real world.

“The essence of the power of holy brilliance has always been in the hands of the Seventy-Two Halls, and outsiders have no way of knowing it, and only the core saints of the Seventy-two Halls know its details, and we don’t know more about it.”

“The power of holy glory is also graded. The higher the level, the higher the purity, and the more amazing the power. Generally, the power of holy glory is used in the baptism of holy glory.

The power of holy glory does have a strong repulsive force against the power of distortion, but it also has to be graded, but you can rest assured that this kind of power is completely beyond the grasp of ordinary members of the temple, even the guardian knights of the seventy-two temples, Yi Orbital extraordinary, or the caster, can only store this kind of power. As a backhand, it is usually used in defense, and this kind of power seems to have limited supply, not conventional power, if this is conventional power If so, Rhonin and other residents of the City of Sanctuary will not have such a miserable life. The Seventy-Two Palace has already counterattacked the Fallen and the Twisted Legion.

As for the holy talisman, you can understand it as the lowest level of holy power. As an important means of resisting environmental distortion and pollution, its production method is also in the hands of the seventy-two temples, which is also closely related to the power of holy glory. .

As the distorted pollution has become more and more serious, now, in the virtual world, in the Serio Federation, the holy talisman can almost be used as currency. “

This time, Ishioqi answered Meng Xuan’s question.

“Actually, there has always been speculation about the power of Shengyao.”

Chromie, who had not spoken much, suddenly took over the conversation, and everyone looked at him.

“Some people speculate that the power of holy glory is likely to be related to the real world.”

Chromie said briefly.

“Related to the real world?”

Meng Xuan narrowed his eyes and suddenly became interested.

“I have also heard this kind of speculation. It is said that the source of the power of holy glory comes from the real world, but this is just a rumor. Now the two worlds are closed, no one can communicate, and the secrets are in the hands of the Seventy-two Palace. What is the truth? , no one knows.”

Xil Noah shook her head.

Meng Xuan nodded when he heard the words, and did not ask any further questions, but kept the guess firmly in his heart.

Perhaps, this speculation is unreasonable.

If you can master the power of holy glory, even if it is the power of primary holy glory, the value is immeasurable.

You must know that with the serious distortion of pollution, the holy talisman has almost become the general equivalent of the Serio Federation, and its value status is similar to gold in the real world.

Next, Meng Xuan also stopped. Although he still had a lot of questions in his heart, he also knew what to do. Many questions needed to be answered in private. This time, he asked three questions, and he already owed a lot of favor.

However, the knowledge of the will core construction method can be rewarded, and it is worth paying some price.

For the rest of the time, the other four were basically communicating with each other. Meng Xuan just listened quietly, but obtained a lot of information that he didn’t know before.

After that, Meng Xuan and everyone added the “Hessian” to each other, and then went back to their respective homes.

A day later, Melinseer and Ichiocchi approached him, ready to start his dream training.

In the courtyard of the hut, Melinseer, Ishioqi, and Meng Xuan sat at the round table.

“Now, I will explain the details of the dream method with you in detail. Because this method has a lot of risks, you must ensure that you fully grasp the relevant knowledge and precautions.”

Melinsel said to Meng Xuan with a serious look.

Meng Xuan nodded.

“Then, first of all, I will introduce the principle of the dream state to you. I said before that the dream state is the most real illusion. Can you understand this?”

Merlin Searle asked.

“I don’t quite understand.”

Meng Xuan told the truth that although Hillnoah had clearly explained the concept of manifest subconsciousness to him, he still lacked the necessary knowledge about dreams.

“You should already know the concept of manifest subconsciousness. It is actually very simple to understand dreams on this basis.”

“A normal person, when awake, is dominated by the conscious mind and therefore able to remain sane.”

“When you enter a dream state, the subconscious mind dominates, and the conscious mind is suppressed by the subconscious mind, so no matter how bizarre the dream state is, you won’t doubt it, and you will make a lot of absurd actions in the dream.”

“What the Dream Law does is to make the dream a battlefield between your conscious and subconscious, and to continuously sharpen your control over your conscious through the pressure released by your subconscious.”

Merlin Searle gave a brief introduction.

“What about the specific method?”

Meng Xuan seems to understand a little bit. He has learned similar knowledge in the memory of his previous life. It seems to be called Qingming Dream, which seems to be a method of lucid dreaming.

“The illusion released by my devourer is quite special and can affect the human subconscious. I will use this skill to affect your subconscious when you are dreaming, activating their ‘rebellion’, the specific form, you will be in a dream I know, I can’t tell.”

Melinseer said.

“What you need to pay attention to is that ordinary dreams have a protection mechanism. Once the conscious mind is hit to a certain extent, the human body will naturally protect the conscious mind and exit the dream state, but in order to exercise the effect, my illusion will temporarily cut off the connection between the two, In other words, during this time, your body’s protective mechanism will fail, and once you completely lose consciousness in the dream and die.”

“How would that be?”

“Your conscious mind will be swallowed up by the subconscious mind, and normal people will become chaotic madmen in this case. And you have condensed the secret pattern, which means that your subconscious mind is full of a lot of distortion pollution, once that happens, the secret The will in the pattern will replace you, and at that time, you will be alienated and degenerate, which is actually equivalent to death.”

“Before you are exhausted, you must read the closing language to close the illusion, reactivate your body’s protective mechanism, and pull you back into the real world.”

Melinseer said very calmly.

Meng Xuan frowned upon hearing this. He didn’t expect this method to be so strange and dangerous.

“You don’t have to worry too much, I will control the strength of activating the subconscious, and control the strength of the conscious mind that is required to initially condense the core of the will. Your strength must be far beyond that. As long as you read the closing language in time, there will be no problem.”

“And Ishioqi and I will always pay attention to your situation in the outside world. Once we find something wrong, we will immediately stop the illusion. In fact, the risk level is extremely low.”

Melinseer comforted.

“Try it first.”

Meng Xuan pondered for a while, ready to try it first, and then make a decision after understanding the specific situation.

“Okay, you can prepare first. It’s best to get rid of the distracting thoughts in your heart first. The smaller the distracting thoughts in your heart, the lower the risk.”

Melinseer said.

“Let’s start right away.”

Meng Xuan doesn’t have much nonsense, this is just the first attempt, he will not take the risk of the unknown.

“Okay, you can find a place to sit first.”

Melinsel said, the three moved to Meng Xuan’s hut, and Meng Xuan leaned on his bed.

“It’s about to start, the closing language of the illusion: KUAIJIUJIUWO. To remind you, in a dream, don’t lose yourself, you must immediately perceive your existence, and what you believe will be your strength.”

Melinseer said in a deep voice, she reached into her black robe and took off a necklace from her neck.

The workmanship of this necklace is very delicate. The chain and the main body are both silver and white, and there are extremely subtle and complex patterns carved with a knife on it. Just looking at it will make you feel dizzy.

On the pendant, there is a blue gemstone inlaid, and there seems to be a sea of ​​stars and seas in the gemstone, which is beautiful and dreamy.

“Don’t move your head, keep your eyes fixed on the gems on the necklace.”

Melinsel hung the necklace in front of Meng and began to slowly shake the necklace in front of Meng Xuan.

“Relax your body.”

“Relax your mind.”

“Imagine an endless darkness slowly wrapping you around.”

“The darkness here is not cold and scary, it is very warm, it makes you warm and nourishes your body and mind.”

“You are getting deeper and deeper in this darkness, getting deeper and deeper, getting deeper and deeper”

Merlinsell’s voice was incomparably soft, and light blue smoke slowly filled the necklace that swayed rhythmically.

Meng Xuan’s eyes stared at the rhythmically swaying necklace. The complicated patterns and shimmering lights on it, combined with the relaxed and soothing voice of Melinseer, made his brain sink deeper and his sleepiness became heavier.

His eyes slowly closed, and his body became heavier and heavier. The whole person seemed to sink quickly in a warm darkness, and it felt like returning to the mother’s body.

When he sank to the deepest part of the darkness, a real sense of touch came, and there seemed to be an extremely noisy and noisy voice in his ears.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

He found that he was in a suit and leather shoes, holding a briefcase, sitting on a seat in a crowded subway station. It seemed that he was too tired from today’s work, and his body felt extremely tired, and he accidentally sat there. There was a nap in the chair.

“This is·”

Meng Xuan’s pupils shrank suddenly.

He abruptly stood up from the subway seat and looked at the rushing crowd around him.

They dress in different ways, some in professional attire, some in vibrant casual attire, and some in trendy fashion.

They were carrying bags in their hands, or carrying briefcases, or talking on the phone with their mobile phones, or staring at the screen and bowing their heads. People came and went. This scene looked so familiar.

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