Twisted Realm

Chapter 186 - cut the ship

Please remember the domain name of this site: Golden House Distorted Realm

Chapter one hundred and eighty-six ship cutting

blah blah blah! !

Along with a series of footsteps on the water, Meng Xuan’s terrifying figure in the black slaughtered form moved quickly in the direction of the ancient ruins.

At the same time, this high-profile dash quickly caught the attention of the Chinar fleet guarding the ruins.


A harsh siren sounded in the fleet.

The artillery and machine guns of the fleet were aimed at Meng Xuan from a distance.

At the same time, aiming at Meng Xuan, there are also the extraordinary-level guards of the Nine Life Palace waiting on the deck of the fleet.

Da Da Da Da! !

Bang bang bang! !

As Meng Xuan and the fleet group got closer and closer, the artillery and machine guns on the hull began to fire towards him frantically.

clang clang clang! !

A large number of machine gun bullets formed a rain of bullets, which was difficult to avoid, hitting him from all directions.

However, these terrifying large-caliber bullets that could blow the body of an ordinary person to the waist hit him on his black armor, only making a slight impact, bringing a series of sparks, making his terrifying figure in the dark night The sea is now even more ferocious.

He’s like an unstoppable monster, and the bullets affect him like a mosquito bite, with nothing more than a buzzing noise.

He was facing the bullets in the sky, and his speed did not slow down at all.

Boom boom boom!

The bombardment of the artillery exploded around his body, splashing the sky.

The long-distance ordinary artillery had no threat at all to him, who was moving at high speed. The accuracy was so poor that he couldn’t even touch his shadow.

Whoosh whoosh!

But a dozen or twenty Chinar’s latest heat-guided tracking bombs locked his thermal energy response, dragging terrifying flame tails and smoke, pouring toward him overwhelmingly.

However, the new missile, capable of sinking even a ship, was still not a threat to him.

Brush brush brush brush!

In his slender arm, the ferocious battle sword that was nearly two meters condensed from black jade smoke slashed out in a row.

A series of dense terrifying knife beams spanned a range of tens of meters, forming an airtight knife net in front of him.

Boom boom boom! !

The flying heat-guided tracking bombs all collided with the dense and complicated knife net, forming a terrifying explosion in mid-air, and the light illuminated the entire dark sea, looking like a large fireworks.


Old Azle looked at the terrifying artillery fire of the fleet from a distance and opened his mouth.

Even though they were far away on the other side of the sea, old Azle and Lin Ya, who were standing on the bow of the cargo ship, were still blushed by the huge light that exploded in the air.

Lin Ya’s expression was very calm, but her heart was undulating uncontrollably. Her palms hidden under the black robe were trembling slightly, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Whoosh! !

Meng Xuan’s terrifying figure more than three meters high passed through the smoke group formed by the explosion of the missile. Because the speed was too fast, the airflow around him was like the aftermath of a cannonball, which violently blasted the smoke into a huge gap.

He continued to approach the fleet unscathed, and the black slaughtered armor went one step further. No matter his speed, strength or defense, he had reached an extremely terrifying realm, and modern thermal weapons had no threat to him.

Even if he were to stand and concentrate the cannonballs on the front, it would be difficult to penetrate his black armor. Now he is undoubtedly a misunderstood monster in the ordinary world, and it is difficult to subdue him with conventional weapons.

The extraordinary can only be dealt with by the extraordinary.

blah blah blah! !

As Meng Xuan got closer and closer to the fleet group, the fleet group suddenly stopped firing, and the men in black robes wearing nine-life palace-style black robes jumped off the fleet deck, stepped on the waves, and quickly galloped towards him.

A circle of ritual patterns appeared at the feet of these black-robed people, forming a cool armor on the body. Exudes terrifying fluctuations.

The elite of the direct line of the Nine Life Palace? Have the Destiny Forces armed with extreme thoughts?

“Outlander! Stop your steps! Or kill me!”

The man in the black robe of the Nine Life Palace let out a roar.

Meng Xuan’s face was calm, and he ran towards the dozen or so men in black robes.

A large amount of black jade smoke escaped from his body.

More than a dozen elites from the direct line of the Nine Life Palace swung the colorful weapons of extreme thoughts in their hands and attacked Meng Xuan.

The two sides face to face.

A huge sword beam with unparalleled power shook five or six of the Nine Life Palace Extraordinary.

Meng Xuan didn’t even look at them, he suddenly passed through their line of defense, and continued to charge towards the entrance to the ruins guarded by the fleet.

blah blah blah! !

The fleet began to bloom towards him again, and the dense number of machine gun bullets hit his black armor, making a sound like a fly that made people uncomfortable.

A sense of irritability flooded Meng Xuan’s heart.


Meng Xuan roared, with unspeakable evil and ominousness, a huge power leaked from his body, and a huge sword was raised in his hand.

brush! !

The terrifying sword light that was hundreds of meters long slashed towards the small battleship in front of him.

Boom! !

The turbulent waves were divided into two by the black sword light. At the same time, the small battleship hit by the sword light suddenly broke off, and the incision was extremely smooth, like tofu cut with a steel knife. .

hiss! !

All the soldiers on the battleship, including the dozen or so Jiusheng Palace Chaofan, took a breath of air and trembled a little.

The broken battleship quickly sank. The screams and cries for help formed a continuous line for a while. Meng Xuan’s figure passed through the broken battleship, quickly crossed the fleet group that dared not move any more, and plunged into the fleet. There is an open sea behind the group.

The moment his figure touched the empty sea, he completely disappeared.

The chopped waves kept rolling, the battleship sank into the sea, and a large number of people on board fled the hull screaming and roaring, and the surrounding battleships immediately dispatched a large number of rescuers to the rescue, and the sea became chaotic for a while. a group.

More than a dozen people in the Nine-Life Palace in Heipao were completely silent when they saw the embarrassing scene formed in less than half a minute.

“Report it, this is not an existence we can deal with. I suspect that this person has exceeded the scope of a single ring.”

The headed man in black robe was silent for a while.

“Beyond the Single Ring”

The black-robed man was silent, and no one spoke.


“It’s the power of God.”

Azler saw everything in his eyes, his eyes were confused, he didn’t know what he was thinking, and he kept mumbling.

Lin Ya was so excited that her whole body was shaking.

This is the power she wants to chase.

Beyond everything, beyond the ordinary, to challenge the limits of what human beings can do.

No, there are no limits!

“Go, follow the long route back.”

Lin Ya suppressed her excitement and said to Old Azler in a calm tone.

Now, she can’t wait to go back and start cultivating what Meng Xuan left her.

hum! !

After coming into contact with the empty sea behind the fleet, a familiar sense of vibration came. Meng Xuan’s eyes were pitch black, as if he had entered a front-loading washing machine.

After about thirty seconds, he regained consciousness, and a light appeared in front of him.

A whole new world appeared in front of him.

The bright golden sun shines on the ground, giving people a warm feeling of laziness.

The sky was blue, and strangely-shaped white clouds slowly fluttered in the sky. Occasionally, one or two birds of unknown species flew by and made a pleasant chirping.

The air is extremely fresh, and the cool breeze blows, like the hand of the goddess gently caressing her people.

Meng Xuan found that he was now on a green grassland. The grass had just barely crossed his calf. He didn’t know what kind of grass it was.

The grassland is vast and vast, and occasionally there are small forests. This relic is indeed huge, and the grassland alone can’t see the end at a glance.

Moreover, he felt that there seemed to be a special force in the air, which made his spirit and will feel very happy.

This seems to be a magical power unique to such ancient ruins made to mimic mirages.

Whizzing! !

Suddenly, the grass rose and fell, and a white-haired animal resembling a rabbit but with a pair of goat-like horns on its head stared at Meng Xuan curiously and looked at Meng Xuan curiously. Feeling intimidated by the power of the sense, dare not approach.

Meng Xuan frowned, and a lot of silk threads from the black armor poured back into his body, making him return to his original appearance.

creak creak! !

There was a sound in his black windbreaker, and the two little guys, Qinglong and Baihu, curiously stuck their heads out of the windbreaker, looked around, and finally landed on the small animal in front of them.

“Wow, a big fat rabbit!”

“No, it’s obviously a fat goat!”

The two little guys were arguing.

The strange creature seemed to have never seen a human before. Seeing that Meng Xuan lost that terrifying power, he jumped in front of him curiously, staring at him with wide eyes and tilted head.

Meng Xuan is also looking at this big rabbit, which is almost half a person tall. Although he can feel the powerful blood and vitality of a peak fighter, he does not perceive the blood of extraordinary life, or in other words, this guy’s extraordinary The blood vessels are too thin, so it seems to have inherited only a little surface feature.

It seems that this relic has been closed for so many years, and the extraordinary life forms in it have interbred everywhere, changing the biological form in the relic long ago.

After this unknown creature circled around Meng Xuan with its big curious eyes, for some reason, a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of its mouth.

Roar! !

The big rabbit with sheep’s horns suddenly opened its mouth, its whole body seemed to be split open, its huge mouth was covered with ferocious mouthparts, and with a kick of its hind legs, it slammed towards Meng Xuan’s head. bite.

Snapped! !

A giant black claw composed of black smoke suddenly appeared in the void, intercepted the attacking route of the rabbit with goat horns, and kneaded it into flesh.

A large amount of disgusting bright red flesh was scattered on the ground, giving off a pungent and disgusting smell. Meng Xuan could see that these flesh and blood pieces seemed to be alive, squirming non-stop, as if they wanted to gather.

“Even if there is only a trace of extraordinary blood, the vitality is so powerful.”

Meng Xuan sighed, this kind of mixed-race creatures often become very chaotic due to the impact of blood power, but they cannot be easily deceived by their appearance.

In this seemingly peaceful relic, there are actually dangers hidden everywhere.

He quickly left the place where the rabbit monster’s flesh and blood was left. In this kind of wild, the breath of blood is likely to cause huge trouble.

Finding a no-man’s land among the groves in the grasslands, Meng Xuan began to test the shuttle between the two realms.

There is no problem in returning to the virtual world, but the speed seems to be a little slower than traveling between the two worlds in reality, but this has no effect.

This reassured him and began to plan his next move.

First of all, he needs to get a “guide” to help him understand the terrain distribution in the ruins, otherwise, walking around like this is simply a smear, and it is easy to encounter danger.

After that, it was to see if there was any news about the Tree of Deception, that is, the Darrowdir Tree, which was the main purpose of his coming to the ruins this time.

The second is to hunt and capture extraordinary lifeforms. The extraordinary lifeforms are full of treasures, especially their energy cores. This core of power is the most important material for the evil couple to break through the extraordinary limitations. If there is a chance, he wants to put two The little guys are all supernatural, and that will become their important strength in the real world.

In addition, it would be great if he could obtain more extraordinary materials, as long as he could find a suitable place for transformation in the virtual these materials would bring him huge benefits.

Just when Meng Xuan was about to find a place to grab a “tongue”.

Outside the ancient ruins, on the high seas of Suhai, in a luxury cruise ship.

Several figures stood at the top of the cruise ship building, quietly looking towards the ancient ruins.

“I didn’t expect that what you have brought out is actually a large-scale ruin that has not been explored. Your leader is a bit bold, and now I look forward to seeing him sooner.”

Ashke Warwick said lightly.

“If you want to get it, you need to pay. What they gain in it will eventually return to our hands. Besides, if you don’t make it more realistic, how can those shrewd guys step into the trap obediently.”

The black-robed leader said indifferently, there was a glowing crystal ball in his hand, and the images in the sphere kept jumping, and some key nodes in the ruins were all under the surveillance of the black-robed leader.

“Now that the fish has been bitten, the entire Chinar has almost dispatched one-third of its extraordinary power, and almost all the extraordinary people of Suhai have entered the ruins, and even the extraordinary power of Dongbailuo and other places has also Just around the corner, too many fish, it is possible to break the net, when are you going to close the net?”

Wan Rog asked indifferently.

“Wait a few more days, after Suhai’s ritual formation is completed, we will close the net. At that time, Suhai will become the source of Chinar’s chaos, and Chinar will eventually belong to the ‘door’. Embrace, we will eventually push open that ‘door’ in the chaos, usher in a new world, and reproduce the great glory of the ancient times.”

The black-robed leader had a frenzied look on his face, and he slowly opened his hands, as if to embrace the distant Chinar into his arms.

Recommendation: “Vast Immortal Qin”, enter the mobile version to read for a better experience.

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