Twisted Realm

Chapter 312 - shelter

boom! !

In Shahe City, more than a dozen pure white beams of light shot up into the sky, and the strong fluctuations and momentum shocked even ordinary people in the ordinary world.

“Dad, look, big popsicle!!”

A little girl carved in pink and jade was lying in front of her window, pointing to a white beam of light rising into the sky not far away, turning her head in surprise and excitement and shouting to her parents. “Kiki! Come here!”

The little girl’s parents hurried to the window and glanced at the white beam of light that was clearly visible outside the window. Not only was there no surprise and excitement, but instead, like a frightened bird, they forcibly pulled the little girl who was lying by the window back. And locked the window tightly.

“What to do?!” said the wife, slightly panicked.

“Basement! Let’s all hide in the basement!”

The husband gritted his teeth, picked up his little girl who was carved in pink and jade, and hurriedly rushed down the stairs to his basement with his wife.

The ordinary world of the entire city shook at the moment when these dozen or so beams of light appeared.

No surprise, no excitement, just fear. It has not been long since the tragedy of Charol, and it is still vivid in my mind. This terrifying and majestic force makes every ordinary person in the ordinary world feel fear.

In the end what happened?

Is there going to be an extraordinary war in Shahe City?

Will Shahe become the next Charol?

Will they fall victim to war like thousands of innocent Charroleans?

No one will know, and no one will not be afraid.

Almost all ordinary people respond to some degree in fear.

Those with basements wanted to hide in the basements, those without basements closed their doors and windows, and the whole family knelt on the ground and prayed in fear, hoping that disaster would not come to Shahe City.

And some daring families just took the prepared dry food and hurriedly prepared to go out and went to the nearest air raid shelter or underground shelter in order to protect themselves.

However, when people fell into fear, a strong male voice suddenly came from the telephone poles and lampposts on the roadside in Shahe City, repeating a sentence repeatedly in a standard late-night radio broadcast tone:

“Dear citizens, please don’t panic, there are illegal and extraordinary forces invading Shahe City, trying to destroy the hard-won stability of Shahe City, the true self has already exerted its power, and the evil invaders will eventually suffer the most severe trial!”

“In the face of justice, all reactionaries are paper tigers!”

“Please wait for a while, the battle process may be a little noisy, and there may be slight vibrations of the ground and the house. Please close the doors and windows, stay in the room and don’t walk around, the battle will end soon, for everyone’s nightlife Sorry for the inconvenience caused…”

“The eyes of the true self protect you!”

The surrounding residents were stunned in place. At this time, people with a heart discovered that there were many more loudspeakers in the telephone poles and lamp posts or alley corners around the street, and they were playing continuously at this time. sound.


Hearing the somewhat familiar name “True Self”, all the ordinary people looked at each other in dismay, and couldn’t help but stop their steps to find a place to hide.

“Really I will?!!”

Everyone murmured in a low voice, repeating the name repeatedly in their hearts, not knowing what they were thinking.



“Really? An organization created by Ron?”

Hearing the sound from the loudspeakers hidden around the street, Malbey’s heart grew more and more disturbed.

Ahhh! !

Suddenly, he heard a series of shrill screams not far away, and the breath that he was very familiar with was quickly extinguishing.

“We have to go all out. I didn’t expect that under our noses, there are still such forces hidden in Lunan, and it is still in a remote place like Shahe City. Did Leiji feel that when he passed Lunan at that time? Is the stock fluctuation real? Is there really a huge secret entrance hidden in Shahe City?”

Malbeni bowed his head and pondered, a glimmer of light in his eyes.

“Fortunately, this time the leader has the foresight to come in person, with the leader present, the extraordinary real body, will be able to suppress everything.”

Malbei took a deep breath.


Malbei did not hesitate to use all his strength.

boom! !

The smoke of the power of the ring, which almost condensed into substance, rose from the sky, and at the foot of Malbeni, a large circle of complex ritual pattern circles was formed, which seemed mysterious and full of a powerful sense of power.

Armored Armor! !

With the rapid rotation of the ritual pattern under his body, the power of the ring began to solidify violently, and a huge orangutan-shaped monster with a height of ten meters appeared.

This monster is wearing a patterned armor that is almost condensed into reality. It does not look like an illusory influence, but like a real creature, and all the details are vivid.

This is a special skill, and it is also the fundamental reason why Peak Shuanghuan is much stronger than ordinary Shuanghuan.

In the secret method of ritual, at the level of the peak double ring, it has already begun to prepare for the liberation of the supernatural body.

This requires a lot of special materials to imprint special extraordinary patterns in the soul, body and life, so that this special power can be completely integrated with one’s own mind, just waiting for the last moment to sublime and promote the life level of the extraordinary enter a new stage.

In this process, very huge and precious resources are needed, and strong will, spirit and physique are required to carry these mysterious patterns. Therefore, there are very few extraordinary people who can complete this link. .

The Great Elder Malbeni has completed such a ritual. He has imprinted the ritual pattern associated with the extraordinary will he has cultivated into his spirit and life, laying a solid foundation for the liberation of the extraordinary body at the third ring level. Only the last leap of extreme sublimation can complete the leap of life level.

It’s a pity that it is that leap that stops most people. What it takes is a strong talent, a firm will, indomitable courage and an uncompromising spirit. With one go, breaking the boundary between life and death can realize the transition from the human body to the extraordinary. A great feat of bodily transformation of life.

Relying on the polishing of the world and the abundant resources of the Bihai Alliance, although Malbeni has polished his ritual lines to a perfect state, he has not been able to break through life and death, break the shackles of the human body, between life and death. Complete the true evolution and liberate the supernatural body.

However, with the help of such powerful rituals, it has also succeeded in making the influence of the extraordinary will exerted by Malbeni far more realistic than the ordinary extraordinary will, and even able to exert the power of some weakened versions of the extraordinary body, which is very powerful. The terror is not comparable to ordinary Shuanghuan.

“Let me see what kind of existence it is, and whether it can compete with my armored armament!”

Incarnated into a giant ape in armor, with long arms, a granite-like body with muscle mass, and a terrifying face, it gives people a strong visual impact, and it has a strong destructive power at a glance.

However, just as the Great Elder was about to rush to the nearest beam of light, an ordinary person who was not covered in white light appeared in front of him.

It was a fat man with a somewhat ugly appearance. His fat body was wearing loose clothes, and his belly was so high that it protruded like a huge mountain peak. Put it in your mouth and chew it, making a clicking sound.

His three-tiered chin was trembling, and he looked pitifully at the giant ape more than ten meters high in front of him, looking a little scared and sad.

“I knew it!”

“To let me deal with such a terrifying monster!”

“It’s really scary! It looks like it can’t be beat!”

“Throw all the dirty and tiring work on me, black-hearted boss, squeezing the residual value of employees, it’s really hard for me!”

The fat man seemed to be talking to himself and made some very strange noises. Malbeney glanced at the fat man with some doubts in his eyes. Where did this lunatic come from?

Wow! !

Unexpectedly, Fatty was babbling alone, as if he had been greatly wronged, and suddenly burst into tears with sadness.


Malbeni was at a loss. This Shahe City was really wrong tonight. Forget it, he didn’t feel any power fluctuations. He should be just an ordinary lunatic.

But this guy’s crying was so annoying, Malbei still prepared to leave by smashing him to death by the way, freeing his ears while freeing him.

However, after his monkey transformation, his huge fist had not yet fallen. With the cries of the fat man, everything in the world changed color. He could clearly see that a black vortex with him as the core was in the void. Rapid prototyping, everything is collapsing towards darkness.

All the light, positive, positive, happy and other emotions were stripped away from his body in an instant as the black hole collapsed, and an extremely bad feeling of depression came to his heart.

“Not right!!”

A strange sense of crisis rose in Malbeni’s heart, and when he looked at the fat madman, he realized that there was no other person on the street.

The hole of despair has captured him in silence.



“Not right!”

Bardotos, who was on the outskirts of Shahe City, looked coldly at the dozen or so beams of light rising into the sky in the middle of Shahe City, his eyes were cold.

In Shahe City, there is still such a power hidden, it is incredible!

Where does this power come from? !

“Death! Killing! Bloody!”

“The Black Death Star is giving me ominous omens.”

“And these unknowns are not what we brought to Shahe City.”

“It’s what Shahe City brought us!”

Bardotos murmured in a low voice, his eyes were filled with black smoke, and he seemed to be able to see things that normal people couldn’t see.

At this moment, the keen spirit in his heart has been occupied by the strange and ominous feeling that pervades the sky above Shahe City.

With the will of the “Black Death Star” and his extraordinary real body, he has a keen spiritual sense. At this moment, he clearly felt that if he did not take action, a large number of Bihai League extraordinary people and Great Elder Malbeni would enter Shahe City. Likely to be enveloped in the ominous, and then to lose his life in the killing and gore.

When he made a decisive decision, a large number of black silk patterns climbed onto his body, and the black mist in his eyes became more and more dense, accompanied by the violent diffusion of the power of the black mist ring that almost solidified into a solid.

Bang! !

His body began to change dramatically, his arms unnaturally spread out, and the pipa bones behind him suddenly protruded, as if something was about to come out of his body.

The skin pores all over his body were wide open, forming holes that made the scalp numb, and a large number of black feathers and hairs grew out of them.

At the same time, his body was rapidly expanding, a hard shell like a bird’s beak was arched out of his nose, and his palm was rapidly changing to the shape of a bird’s claws.

Bardotos directly revealed his extraordinary body, and a huge floating monster appeared above the suburbs of Shahe City.

thump! thump!

The birdman-like form, covered with black feathers, behind a pair of huge wings with a wingspan of hundreds of meters, blood-red eyes full of ominous aura, huge mouthparts, looks like a variant of a crow.

This is the extraordinary real body condensed by the will of the rare extraordinary creature “Black Death Star” in ancient times. In ancient legends, this creature is the messenger of the **** of death, spreading death, fear and despair in the human world, and has the ability to communicate with the underworld and deprive human beings. The powerful force of life, wherever it passes, must be destroyed.

Bardotos gained a place in Lunan Province with this extraordinary body. Although he entered the third ring for the shortest time, because of the special origin of the extraordinary body, his actual combat ability ranked second among the three major forces. Existence, only under the unfathomable old monster of the scale of everything, stronger than the blazing roaring leader!

The huge wings behind the Black Death Star fanned, setting off a black gust of wind, forming a powerful storm.

Boo! !

A sharp cry burst out from his mouth, which was deafening, and his figure rushed towards Shahe City at an extremely fast speed, like a messenger descending from the underworld, with a mythical terrifying power.

Flying sand and stone, a black storm tide comparable to a typhoon of level 12 was set off in the air. The huge body blocked the moonlight and showed terrifying power recklessly.

“This is!!”

Some ordinary people secretly observe the outside world at home, and see the huge black shadow passing by quickly in the and see that carrying the black wind of death, like a terrifying creature sung in myths and epics. , Everyone’s body could not help but tremble slightly.

They have nowhere to hide. At this moment, the weak and weak, in front of this terrifying creature, can only pray silently and seek shelter.

I don’t know how many people are praying silently to the eyes of the true self at this moment. Compared with the powerful monsters that swept through the air and showed their terrifying power, they are still the native-born true self who once maintained the order of Shahe city and left many legends behind. more trustworthy.

On the roof of the tri-color club, Meng Xuan stood on the rooftop with the moonlight on his back and his hands on his back, watching the birdman “Black Death Star” coming quickly in the distance.

At the same time, he felt that in the entire Shahe City, a special force was converging towards him, continuously integrating into his spirit.

This feeling is very similar to the situation when the collective will was integrated in Charlotte.

“Did you feel it?”

“This is the power of the masses!”

Meng Xuan waved his hand slightly, the power gathered from the whole city, combined with the huge pure will he transformed himself, was reflected in Shahe City.

The bright moonlight shone down and appeared in front of everyone, and a figure as magnificent as a **** appeared in the sky above the city.

He is like the incarnation of light and darkness, with a black robe on one side and a white robe on the other, and a huge vertical eye is revealed on his face, as if he can see through the fog of the world and see through the true self of human beings.

His hands were slightly open, as if embracing the world and guarding the city. A peaceful mind appeared in the hearts of every citizen.

“Miracle!! This is a miracle!!”

“The great eye of true self is protecting this city!!”

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