Twisted Realm

Chapter 328 - apostle

“The dark night has passed, and then the glorious sun will rise.”

Sigourney said lightly, and pointed his finger to the pattern of the pale golden Nelson’s Eye between his eyebrows.

hum! !

A strange force quickly poured into the pattern of the Eye of Nelson between his eyebrows. Hiss! !

An obvious bloodstain appeared between Signet’s eyebrows, and the bloodstain suddenly opened a **** hole under the perfusion of strange power.

An indifferent vertical eye appeared from the cracked blood mouth. This eye is no different from the eyes of a normal person, the white of the eye is covered with a little bloodshot, and the pupil is black.

The only difference from ordinary people is that in the black pupil of this eye, there is a golden Eye of Nelson pattern made of extremely complex patterns.

This indifferent eye can see through the barriers of reality and reality, see through the fog of history, go straight to the very essence of things, and have a panoramic view of all knowledge, phenomena, laws, etc.

This is a veritable “eye of the gods”, which originated from the bloodline of the original king of the ancient Nelson’s Seventy-two King Pillars. It can be said that it was this eye that led to an extremely brilliant civilization and created a powerful era. .

It is the totem of the Nelson civilization, and in the Nelson civilization, it is commonly known as… “The Eye of the Most High.”

Tutanlodia looked at Sigourney who opened Nelson’s Eye between his brows and murmured in a low voice.

This eye, after many years, reappears in this world, will it usher in a new glorious era as it did in history, or will it run counter to what it once appeared in history and bring to this world A catastrophe of destruction?

Tutanlodia did not know that her eyes could not see through the misty world, the elusive future.

“Hope you’re on the right path.”

Tutanlodia said in a low voice.

“You will see, just like in history, this eye will eventually bring glory!”

In the room like a starry sky, Sigourney made an incomparably magnificent voice.

His body has undergone tremendous changes.

His originally healthy and strong body was shrinking rapidly, and soon, he became skinny and thin to the extreme.

However, the mysterious eye between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

It looked as if it devoured the flesh and blood of his entire body, providing energy for the activation of this eye.

His pupils with Nelson’s Eye pattern on his eyebrows began to rotate rapidly, and an incomparably huge force and a powerful deterrent came from his eyes, which made Tutanlodia couldn’t help but go backwards. a few steps.

At the same time, a large amount of blood began to flow from the eye sockets between Sigourney’s eyebrows, and soon the cloth covering his eyes was dyed a coquettish blood red.

His momentum is constantly expanding, constantly expanding, as if it will never end.

That huge power, even the starry sky-like room of the Gazinger Tower could not be blocked and sealed, and it quickly escaped.

In the black law world, a number of extraordinary people turned their heads and looked in the direction of the city of myths, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The huge pattern of Nelson’s Eye in the sky blooms with bright golden light, illuminating all the life forms on the ground, like the eyes of the gods, overlooking the earth.

Not only the Black Law Realm, but in the entire Elna sky, the overlapping clouds were dispelled by terrifying momentum and power, and in the endless blue sky, a huge Nelson’s Eye overlooked the earth.

This almost miraculous scene made the entire Elna people boil. Under the strong sense of oppression, countless people knelt on the ground, like worshipping gods in the sky. That huge pattern.

With the powerful nature of Signety, this powerful fluctuation rapidly expanded, centered on Elna, and quickly swept the entire world.

Any extraordinary person, as long as he pays attention to his spiritual world at this moment, can clearly see the pattern of Nelson’s Eye there.

Every country in the world that is at war with Elna, every high-level superhuman has a look of shock in their eyes. Under the irradiation of the magnificent power, a strong sense of crisis and unease arises in their hearts.

“Elna, what are you going to do?!!”

On the other side, their opponent, the Elna Reformer who controls all actions all over the world, the moment the Eye of Nelson raised in the sea of ​​​​the mind, a frenzy flashed in his eyes at the same time, and the blood in his body was almost boiling. .

“Finally, are you going to start?!!”

At this moment, they issued their own orders at the same time, all over the world, at the same time to fight against the world’s major extraordinary forces!

Let the flames of war burn in every corner of the world, let this moment, chaos and killing become the theme of the world, let the foundation of the existence of the material world shake in this war and chaos, and create opportunities for the gazers to change the world .

Once, the appearance of the Eye of Nelson led to a brilliant civilization.

However, in this present era, the reappearance of the Eye of Nelson has brought killing and chaos.

Is this the throes of a new era, as Signety said, or is it a sign of world destruction and disaster?



“Finally, it’s started, it’s been so long.”

Wan Luoge felt the lines of Nelson’s Eye hanging in the sea of ​​​​mind, and sighed slightly.

“The day when the world is in chaos, when my lord comes.”

“The stars are going to deviate from their tracks, and the world is going to be bizarre. It’s time for us to welcome the arrival of the supreme masters.”

Ashke Warwick said lightly.

“The selected ‘sons’ and ‘goddesses’ should also be on the stage of history.”

Wan Rouge said with a smile.

Behind the two of them, four or five figures were completely shrouded in the shadow of the black robe, without saying a word.



The breath was still expanding rapidly, but after about half a minute, the breath seemed to have swelled to the top, and there was no further possibility.

“Is it the limit? If you can’t break through the shackles of reality, let the imprints of the mind, body and will be deeply implanted into the zero world at the same time, completely transform from real life into zero world life, and break the limit of lifespan and power of life. You cannot truly become an apostle of the Zero Realm.”

“Unfortunately, the power that exists in the real world is now scattered all over the world, and the power of existence alone is not enough to support any top saint to sublimate and break through the boundaries between zero and reality. Even if you burn such a top-level ancient bloodline, can’t you really do it?”

Tutanlodia frowned and said.

“It’s impossible, but what I want to do is not to break through the boundaries of the apostles, I only need the ability to activate the power of the apostles once!!”

Signety’s voice was obviously a little out of shape, and he looked a little hysterical and crazy because of the great pain caused by the intense burning blood.

“Not enough!! Then burn more!!”

Sigourney roared in a low voice, his skin-like hands and feet began to disintegrate rapidly, and his flesh and bones burned into a powerful force, pushing the supreme eye between the eyebrows to madly rotate.

“not enough!!”

At the same time, Sigourney’s body completely disintegrated, turning it into a powerful force and injecting it into the eyebrows, pushing the Eye of Nelson to turn.

At this moment, all his body is left, only one head is left hanging in the air, revealing that the vertical eyes between the eyebrows are turning frantically, blood is overflowing, and it looks extremely strange and scary.

Click! !

After paying a painful price, the sound of something shattering finally flashed through his mind.

His stagnant momentum began to accumulate and expand.


Tutanlodia was puzzled.

“This world’s cage can’t trap me!!”

Sigourney let out a low growl, his breath suddenly rising.

Outside, the sky is cracked.

A huge eye that was exactly the same as Sigourney raised his eyebrows, opened from the gap in the cracked sky, overlooking the ground.

It’s an incredible picture.

If a top artist paints this scene, it will be considered by later generations as the prelude to the rebirth of the gods.

Tutanlodia watched helplessly as the head of Sigourney, who was suspended in the air, suddenly twisted, and finally disappeared completely, not knowing where it went.



In the boundless zero-boundary information trend.

A huge crack lay across the information flow, and the crack opened, revealing the huge Eye of Nelson full of magic.

This was the first time that Sigourney had traveled to the Zero Realm in such a state.

Before that, he could only borrow the power of the Zero Realm a little, and at most he could use his mind and spirit to roam here, but at this moment, he was roaming the entire Zero Realm with his complete true body.

This is a wonderful feeling. He can travel through the information trend of the Zero World without any worries, and can appear anywhere in the world through the information trend. With the use of means, he can even manipulate information and transform into countless clones. He can even manipulate world information and make large-scale changes to the real world.

For example, as long as he implants some impressions and information related to houses in the information flow related to a certain place, a building will appear out of thin air in that area.

Even, he has the ability to modify the rules at the bottom of the world in a short time.

Rather, he can modify the rules about “weight” in a short period of time, so that a state of weightlessness occurs in a large area, and he can modify the law of heat energy in a large area in a short period of time, so that the doomsday bomb that is about to be detonated is extinguished.

All in all, this is a kind of power that he has only glimpsed in the gaps in history before.

This is the realm above the holy messenger. Under the ultimate sublimation, the imprint formed by the convergence of one’s own mind, body, will, etc. is imprinted into the zero world, and oneself is transformed from an ordinary life into a zero world life. Completely break the barriers of strength and longevity, change the fundamental form of life, and exert unparalleled power before.

This realm is called the Zero Realm Apostle.

It is a pity that Signetti’s current body is not complete. He sacrificed his body parts to sublime his own power. Therefore, he cannot imprint his complete imprint in the zero world, only in the stage of blood burning. , temporarily possessed the power of the Zero Apostle.

He raised his head and looked at everything around him.

He faintly felt that in the majestic zero world information trend, around his body, there were incomparably great powers and information.

Compared with these enormous power and information, Sigourney felt like a fragile child facing a strong man eight feet tall.

It was a feeling of powerless weakness.

These powers and messages seem to be bound by some force, like shackles, difficult to use and move.

“You were wrong, it’s still too late to turn around now.”

“You are leading the world down the road to doom.”

“Everything we do is for the peace of the world.”

“Go back. The boundary wall has not yet opened. As long as you wait patiently, there will be a time for reopening.”


An extremely majestic voice came from the surrounding huge power information groups, with a strong shock and a scalp-numbing power.

“It was you who were wrong!”

“The losers who have long been submerged in the dust of history, the garbage lingering in the seal!”

“What qualifications do you have to block my way?”

“What qualifications do you have to set up a cage that binds this world?!”

“Why should I obey the arrangements of you losers?”

“This new era belongs to me!!”

Under the shock and coercion of the surrounding huge information groups, the huge eyes representing Sigourney roared.

These huge beings are eventually bound or self-enclosed, and it is difficult to exert their real power.

This gave Sigourney an He used the abilities of the Apostles of the Zero Realm to find something and clues in the majestic information flow of the entire Zero Realm.

Finally, he found that it is the foundation of the secret realm, the source of the huge secret formula that gathers the power of existence, which has been changed and fixed by the huge power of the seventy-two kings, and has formed huge information with exact rules.

He used his strength to gently pull this thread of rule information and provoked it.

There was a smile in his vertical eyes.

“This cage, starting today, shatters.”

Click! !

After he finished speaking, he concentrated all his power and applied it to the power of this rule.

A light sound seemed to pass into his perception.

The thread that represented the rules of the information thread was broken.


At this moment, a faint sigh seemed to come from Sigourney’s ears.

In reality, in the starry sky room on the top floor of the Gazinger Tower.


Sigourney’s head suddenly appeared from the void, fell to the ground, and Gululu rolled.

His head was as thin as skin and bones at this time, and it looked very terrifying. The vertical eyes between his eyebrows looked a little dark, and a lot of blood flowed out of his eye sockets.

Stab it! !

Flesh and bones began to grow from his neck, looking very disgusting.

“Did you succeed?”

Tutanlodia asked in a deep voice.

“Don’t ask me, you listen, outside, the music played in the new era.”

There was a terrifying smile on Sigourney’s terrifying head.

Tutanlodia had not yet had time to speak.

Boom! ! ! Incomparably terrifying vibrations came from all directions.

The whole world is shaking.

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