Twisted Realm

Chapter 343 - annihilate

The time period when Meng Xuan arrived was probably the time when Eggers’ strength reached the peak and he was ready to go out to hunt powerful god-bloods.

“So, is the danger this time in the process of the beast hunting the blood of the gods? It seems to be another easy journey.”

Meng Xuan slowly put on the ornately decorated priest’s robe and thought to himself.

He plans to end this illusion as soon as possible, and start the next stage of illusion as soon as possible.

In other words, end this part of the “plot” in the giant bear tribe as soon as possible.

Although there has been a priest with a scale of 10,000 people, even if it is the strength of the priest, in fact, between the double ring and the third ring, the information that can be contacted is very limited. In this period of time, he has almost been able to All the information excavated in the giant bear tribe has been excavated, and as long as the “plot” of this period of time is spent step by step, there should be a chance to leave the giant bear tribe.

Although Meng Xuan still does not know where the opportunity to leave the giant bear tribe is, he can know that this time will definitely not be long, because even if Eggers has excellent talents, it is impossible to always be trapped in this small place. There will be later achievements.

Moreover, he also learned from the old priest’s mouth that there are many powerful tribes and groups in the wider world thousands of miles away from the tribe.

“Are you awake? I’ll fetch you water!”

At this moment, Sicily’s voice came from behind, and it was obvious that his actions finally woke up Sicily.

He turned his head and glanced at random, and was speechless when he saw Sisia wearing a mosaic.

“Don’t be so troublesome, I’ll go out soon.”

Meng Xuan shook his head and said, after changing his clothes, he lifted the curtain and walked out. Sisiya, who had hurriedly changed his clothes, followed closely behind him, and did a full-service conscientious service. Exclusive guard.

Soon, through the streets of the tribe, the two soon came to the luxury tent where the old priest was.

Meng Xuan motioned for Xixia to wait outside the door, lifted the tent’s curtain, and walked into the tent.

The old priest sat cross-legged in the center of the tent as usual at this time, and seemed to be meditating and meditating.

In front of him, there are some peculiar objects, such as old nets woven with some kind of silk thread, wooden cones carved with peculiar patterns, herbs wrapped in animal skins that still exude a peculiar smell, and Weird insects strung with silk threads…

“You’re here, are you ready?”

The old priest opened his cloudy eyes, looked at Meng Xuan and said.

Meng Xuan nodded.

“Things have been prepared for you, although I really want to help you, but I have to say that you are much stronger than me now, and you have left the tribal enchantment, I am afraid I can’t help you. .”

“But you have to remember that in the secret world, anything can happen, you must be cautious and careful, there can be no slack, and everything is based on your own safety as the first principle.”

“You have to know that you are the hope of the entire tribe.”

The old priest said solemnly.

Meng Xuan nodded when he heard the words, but did not speak. In the memory he peeped from Eggers’ body, within this year, the old priest taught him all the money and cared for him in every possible way.

For Eggers, who lost his parents since childhood, the old priest was both his teacher and his relative.

Even in the eyes of an onlooker like Meng Xuan, although this old guy was attracted to Eggers’ talent, his performance was truly speechless.

“You don’t have to worry, although the powerful mythical nature of the black earth dragon itself makes you have to hunt down stronger god-bloods to meet the needs of the alliance’s mythical characteristics, but with your strength, as long as you are careful, there should be no what is the problem.”

“I think soon, our tribe will have a priest again and return to its most prosperous state.”

“No, it’s only been a year now. It’s not just the priest, you have a bigger future.”

The old priest looked at Meng Xuan with cloudy eyes, and his eyes were full of strong anticipation.

Under this kind of gaze, a strange emotion rose in Meng Xuan’s heart.

In other words, this is not his own emotions, but the hormone effect produced by the instinct of the body belonging to Eggers.

“Enter the secret world.”

Meng Xuan didn’t say much. He sat cross-legged on the ground. After a long period of training, he had been able to switch between the two perception systems of the free real world and the secret world at will.

After a strong sense of trance, the old priest and Meng Xuan switched their perception systems together and entered the secret world.

Meng Xuan packed up the materials prepared by the old priest on the ground, put it on his back, walked out of the tent with the old priest, and walked to the edge of the tribal barrier.

“Remember what I told you.”

The moment Meng Xuan walked out of the tribal barrier, the old priest said to Meng Xuan again.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”

Meng Xuan waved his hand and stepped out of the tribal barrier without looking back.

blah blah blah!

After walking more than ten meters, Meng Xuan suddenly stopped.

For some reason, a special emotion suddenly rose up in the body of Eggers he possessed, causing him to subconsciously stop his steps.

He turned his head and saw that the old priest was standing in the tribal barrier, slowly waving his old arms towards him from a distance, pulling a trademark ugly smile on his wrinkled face like a chrysanthemum .

Meng Xuan scratched his face inexplicably, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

Under the influence of the secret world, his figure became more and more distorted and blurred, and finally completely disappeared from the eyes of the old priest.

Meng Xuan looked back, and the tribe’s figure was vaguely visible in a mosaic-like scene.

The environment of the secret world is very strange. It is in a state between order and chaos. It seems that it is due to the influence of the real world. Many scenery and the scenery in reality are specious. For example, it is the same tree, and some are in the secret world. Among them, it will transform into an image with fuzzy arms, and some will become a bunch of vaguely disgusting tentacles, presenting a peculiar sight.

Meng Xuan looked into the sky, and he could see that the distant sky was always a blur and dim color. The heavy pressure on people’s hearts makes people unconsciously feel a sense of depression and mystery, which is also one of the reasons for the origin of the name of the secret world.

hum! !

A large number of smoke-like ring forces emerged from Meng Xuan’s body, and these ring forces spread to a range of dozens of meters around him.

As the power of these rings spreads, the blurred, mosaic-like distorted scenery around them has stabilized, showing a wonderful landscape combined with real-world information and the unique characteristics of the secret world.

This feeling is like walking among the paintings of a madman-like abstract painting genius. Everything is absurd, grotesque, and uninhibited. It is difficult to describe in words. Let any painting lover see these scenery, All have the potential to inspire deep inspiration and experiences beyond their senses.

The power of the ring can temporarily freeze the environmental state of the secret world and keep a certain range around it in a safe and visible area. This is an essential skill for priests to walk in the secret world.

Meng Xuan identified the direction based on the surrounding environment. This time, his target was a distant jungle area hundreds of miles away, and his target was another god-blood that ruled dozens of miles there.

However, before he could really walk away, he suddenly felt a violent vibration.


Meng Xuan frowned slightly.

The environment of the secret world is not the same as the real world. Everything here is more like an energy body, which is extremely inclusive, and has the characteristics of abstraction and distortion. Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary actions to cause the concept of “vibration”.

In order to make the living body in the secret world feel the “vibration”, it is necessary to release a large amount of ring force to shake all the space around the living body.

That is to say, since he can feel the feeling of “vibration”, there must be a powerful ring force energy source not far from him, releasing a powerful force, allowing the surrounding natural ring to form the secret world environment. The force creates the concept of “shock”.

However, Meng Xuan instantly spread his powerful will to the surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters, but did not find anything.

Then he felt something was wrong, it didn’t seem to be a “shock”, he seemed to be able to feel a certain emotion emanating from the environment around him.

trembling? !

No, Meng Xuan can be sure that the surrounding environment is not shaking, but shaking like human beings when they are afraid, and this shaking is gradually becoming more and more violent.

What are you kidding? ! The secret world is shaking?

Meng Xuan felt an unbelievable feeling in his heart, and then he felt an incomparable power.

He looked up to the sky.

In the depressing sky, a huge disc resembling a red moon hangs high in the sky, and on the opposite side of the red moon stands a huge terrifying creature.

This creature’s limbs are very slender, and its facial features cannot be seen clearly. It is wearing an old yellow robe, which is full of a crazy feeling.

These two strange creatures are the source that makes the secret world tremble.

Meng Xuan jumped in his heart and had a bad guess, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at the sky again.

But it was too late.


A lot of crazy raving and twisted will attacked his brain like a giant hammer, causing his spirit to collapse almost instantly, falling into madness in this twisting force.

“God”! ! In other words, those two guys are Twisted False Gods! !

Meng Xuan reacted instantly, hugged his own disclosure, and fell to the ground in pain. This was just an image created by the illusion, and he just glanced at it, actually…

hoo hoo hoo! !

He heard crazy and twisted roars coming from all over the secret world, and a bad feeling flashed in his heart. The surrounding secret world life seemed to be caught in the influence of the two terrifying existences. The state of distortion and madness, I am afraid that the next step is to produce a terrible alienation phenomenon, and then it will start to run wild, spreading the distortion and chaos to all the surrounding areas!

Is this the natural disaster brought by the “God”? !

drink! !

Meng Xuan shouted, and the pure will stored in the will surged out in large quantities. The pure will is worthy of being the nemesis of distortion. With the help of the pure will, the influence of the distortion is being suppressed rapidly, allowing him to quickly recover. ability to act.


Meng Xuan’s face changed slightly, and he turned and walked quickly in the direction he came from.

brush! !

Suddenly, a squirrel with a human face came from dozens of meters away, and drilled into his abdomen like an electric drill.

Snapped! !

Meng Xuan slapped the human-faced squirrel into smoke with one palm and continued to move forward.

Under the influence of the distortion, the mysterious creatures lurking around that were afraid to shoot because of his powerful abilities fell into madness and riots, and kept coming towards him like moths to flames, greatly slowing his progress.

When he returned to the tribe, he found that the enchantment surrounding the tribe had been broken.

There was a problem with the old priest. As a priest with powerful inspiration, it is impossible for him not to feel the fluctuations of the secret world. He may have looked directly at the distorted False God and suffered the erosion of distortion. With the strength of his will~www.mtlnovel. com~ almost impossible to resist…

Meng Xuan rushed into the tribe quickly, changed his perception system, and returned to the tribe in the real world.

Ahh! !

What came towards him was a strong man with blood-red eyes. He already had obvious alienation phenomena on his body, and his neck was crooked, as if he was about to grow into another head on his neck.

bump! !

Meng Xuan knocked him flying with a punch, and then he saw more and more alienated bodies. At the same time, he also saw a lot of blood and corpses. Almost the entire tribe fell under the influence of distortion.

The familiar figures twisted, mutated, went crazy, attacked each other, bit each other until their bodies were broken, and finally there was no movement.

This is a crazy scene. If Meng Xuan guessed correctly, Eggers should have seen exactly the same scene as him.

Roar! !

There was a violent roar from the center of the tribe, and an alienated body was constantly growing. This alienated body had brown hair all over its body. The appearance of a priest.

Click click! !

At this moment, a figure with twelve spider-like arthropods growing behind him, his belly bulging like a pregnant woman, and his navel bulging wildly, forming a twisted child’s face, appeared at the top of the tent, a pair of bloodthirsty, Resentful eyes were fixed on him.

He is very familiar with the face of this alienated monster.


Meng Xuan said the name in a low voice, and he could feel the intense to the extreme sadness emanating from Eggers’ body.

His mind was very calm, but the water in his eyes couldn’t stop flowing down his face.

“Igus, is this what you experienced back then?”

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