Twisted Realm

Chapter 348 - see

“I’m curious, who can give you such information, who is that guy?”

The woman in white asked the man in white beside her.

“He’s a ‘companion’.”

There was a meaningful smile on the face of the man in white.


Hearing this word, the woman in white couldn’t help frowning.

“Is it the old friend of the year? But I didn’t feel the familiar aura from him.”

The woman in white said with some doubts.

“For me, the meaning of ‘companion’ is not limited to this era, not even to this world.”

The man in white said lightly.


Hearing the words of the man in white, the woman in white looked even more confused.

“Do you think you know all the truth in this world? Actually, no, you don’t know everything, so you can’t understand what I’m saying.”

“Did you think I stopped you back then just because of that ‘hidden danger’? In your realm, although you haven’t been able to really get in touch with Primordial Primordial, there must have been a lot of speculations, right?”

“Infinite power brings infinite ambition. While gaining powerful power, you are also bound by the truth, and there is no chance for you to escape.”

“I could have changed, but now, even I have lost the opportunity to change everything, but maybe he can.”

The man in white continued to say, for some reason, although he couldn’t see his face, the woman in white could feel a trace of pity in the eyes of the other party looking at her.

The woman in white was silent for a while.

boom! !

Suddenly, black smoke surged from her body, as if all the fears in the world belonged to her.

The body of the man in white began to shake and twist violently like a phantom, as if it might disappear at any time.


The body of the woman in white flashed in front of the man in white as if teleporting, and her slender hand grabbed his throat.

“The most annoying thing is your preaching appearance.”

“God nagging, but with a little luck, do you really think that you are the savior of the world?”

“You are telling me this now, just don’t want me to destroy your plan. After all, among these old guys, I am the only one who still has enough action.”

A terrifying light flashed in the eyes of the woman in white.

“Whatever you think, I’m telling the truth. As for why I’m beating around the bush, it’s just because, outside of the original, even if I only reveal the slightest bit, I will suffer an irresistible punishment.”

The man in white said calmly.

“What is the truth, I will see for myself, since you left a mark on that little thing, there are traces to follow, as long as you hold him in my hands, and trace the traces, with my current With the ability, I will definitely be able to find the location of the original palace, and then I will know everything.”

“Do you think I’m really afraid of you? How many years have passed, even if you are really resurrected and your strength has reached the peak of your life, you’re just on par with me!”

The white-clothed woman said in a cold and stern voice, smashing the white-clothed man’s throat with a snap.

The white clothed man’s body collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

The woman in white was suspended in the darkness, recalling what the man in white had said in her mind.

“A companion?”



Meng Xuan’s eyes flashed, and there was a sense of shaking and shaking under him. When his consciousness completely recovered, he found that there was no part of Eggers’ body that was not hurting, and the bones seemed to fall apart. , No, it should be, the bones in the whole body are indeed dislocated and broken in many places, and the slightest movement will bring the pain of the heart.

He felt that his throat was extremely dry and thirsty, his eyelids were as heavy as lead, and there was something soft and prickly under him, which seemed to be some dry straw.


Meng Xuan groaned involuntarily.

“You’re awake!”

At this moment, a surprised woman’s voice came from beside her, and then Meng Xuan’s eyes saw the face of a young woman with slightly dark skin but a fairly beautiful appearance. The woman held an animal skin water bag in her hand. He poured clear water into Meng Xuan’s mouth.

“Cough cough cough…”

After drinking some water, Meng Xuan regained some consciousness, struggling to sit up half-staggered.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to be on some kind of transport. This transport was similar to a bullock cart, but it was beaten a lot. The creature pulling the cart was a huge one-horned monster similar to a rhinoceros. It can be seen from the muscles and heavy breath that these monsters have a lot of strength.

At the same time, he also found that by his side, there were the same dozen vehicles, which seemed to be a very large fleet.

On it sat some figures dressed as strong warriors, with blood surging on their bodies, and some with obvious scars on their bodies. In addition, there were a lot of materials and corpses on the car, and many corpses looked at each other. A clear dissimilarity can be seen.

Sitting not far from him are a few middle-aged men in priestly robes. From time to time, some powerful auras of the power of the ring are revealed from their bodies. The convoy shrouds all threats from the secret world.

Almost all of these robe priests have reached the chief priest level! The worst people are also similar to the strength of the old priest!

And the young woman who fed him water had the weakest breath, but it also reached the level of a top priest.

Meng Xuan took a look at their priestly robes. It seemed to be some kind of standard equipment. There was an embroidery made of various plant fibers on the chest, which was the image of an ouroboros connected head to tail.

Obviously, this is the priest of the same power.

“Are you awake? We thought you wouldn’t be able to survive. It’s a miracle that you haven’t been alienated in the area after the arrival of the ‘God’. It’s a miracle that you survived.”

The young priestess sighed in surprise.

“You are······”

Meng Xuan asked in a hoarse voice, he was not using the ordinary tribal language, but the secret world language he had learned from the old priest. The world language is unified, since the other party is a priest, he must know the secret world language.

At the same time, he also turned his still drowsy and aching brain, recalling the memory of the empty window in the middle.

In my memory, after seeing the destruction of the tribe and the tragic situation of Sisiya, the old priest and others, it brought a great psychological blow to the young Eggers, so when he fought against the alienated bodies of the old priest and Sisia, he did not They couldn’t be as decisive as Meng Xuan, and in the end they didn’t even destroy them, but escaped directly from the tribe.

It is a pity that due to the influence of the distorted False God, the entire surrounding forest is almost shrouded in the power of distortion, and a large number of creatures are crazy and alienated. As soon as Eggers left the tribe, he was attacked by a large number of alienated creatures.

Although the power of these creatures is not strong, they cannot withstand a large number, and Eggers is injured and consumes a lot.

He hides and flees, fleeing toward the northeast of the forest according to the direction in his memory. The entire forest has become alienated, and soon even plants will become alienated into monsters. Staying here can only be a dead end.

However, the forest is very large, and there are many alienated and powerful creatures. It took seven days for Eggers to walk nearly two-thirds of the way. During this period, the injury continued to aggravate. In the confrontation of the creatures, he was finally exhausted. Just before he fell into a coma, the last picture left in his consciousness was that these people appeared in front of him, blocked the attack of the creature, and rescued him.

“We are the scavenging team of the ‘Ring of Life’ tribe, and we rushed over as soon as we found signs of ‘gods’ coming here.”

“You should have heard of us, right? Judging by your clothes, it should be a priest of a certain tribe in this forest? You should know that every time a ‘god’ comes, the power of ‘calamity’ will appear in In this world, if you don’t control it, this force will grow rapidly and erode the surrounding area. We came here specifically to remove this ‘calamity’ force. I didn’t expect it to just save you, and it can be regarded as your life. “

“By the way, what’s the name of your tribe?”

The young priestess shook her head and said.

“Giant Bear Tribe…”

Meng Xuan said softly. There seems to be a record about this Ring of Fate tribe in his memory. This seems to be the largest tribe around, an absolute overlord-level force. The strongest are at least at the level of sacrifice, even if there is a “totem” blessing. Not weird.

“I have heard a little about this tribe. It is recorded in the history of our tribe. It seems to be a medium-sized tribe. It was not called that name at the time. “

A man wearing a priest’s robe with a bald head, with flower tattoos on his bald head and face, looked a bit vicious and said.

“It’s all gone. My master and my clan died in the disaster. Only I survived under the protection of my master.”

Meng Xuan said calmly.

“Is that so? Sure enough, you can survive to count your fate. In fact, if it wasn’t for your luck, you would have died in the alienated beast tide.”

The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

“The world is like this. Many times life doesn’t go according to the trajectory we expected. You can mourn by the way.”

Another middle-aged male priest with messy long hair shook his head when he heard Meng Xuan’s words and comforted him.

“By the way, what are your plans now? Because you are the only survivor we found in this forest, we need to bring you back to the tribe for further investigation. If the investigation is correct, you will be restored to your freedom. You can walk freely.

But you’d better try to see if you can join our tribe. Although it is impossible for ordinary people to join our tribe, you are a priest, and judging from your age, there should be a lot of potential , is likely to pass the review. “

The young priestess said to Meng Xuan.

“If you can, that’s the best thing. I’m homeless now, I just need a place to go.”

With a calm expression on Meng Xuan’s face, he seemed to be in a state of extreme sadness because of the demise of the tribe, but when he heard the priestess’s suggestion, his heart moved.

According to the information obtained from the old priest, this Ring of Fate tribe should be the largest tribe in the vicinity of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of miles. Not only that, this tribe is also a consortium, and it controls many medium-sized tribes. The tribe, when the giant bear tribe was at its peak, was once under the control of the other party. To a certain extent, the other party was the king of this area.

The old priest once traveled to this tribe when he was young. According to his recollections, Meng Xuan concluded that this large tribe was more like a large city, with complete equipment and systems, and people from surrounding tribes often came and went.

·If you want to get more knowledge and information and start the next “plot”, this super large tribe should be a good choice.

Presumably the original Eggers should have joined this tribe, and then gradually came into contact with a higher and more secret I have to say that this guy’s fortune is really domineering, which was originally a bad thing, but Unexpectedly, he was rescued by people from a large nearby tribe, and he may have to go through a very tedious investigation in the follow-up, but he also gained the possibility of joining this tribe and opened a new path.

Along the way, Meng Xuan chatted with a few priests. Because they were all priests, the exchanges between the two parties seemed more pleasant.



Just when Meng Xuan was sitting on the “express train” to the Ring of Fate tribe, another group of people had already arrived in Shahe City.

Ron, the Lodas team, Schnoch and Titi Versail stood on the high ground, looking at the city from a distance.

“Across such a long distance, I can feel the evil aura. That’s right, this is definitely their old lair. The ominous clouds floating in the sky are a symbol of chaos.”

Luodas looked at Shahe City from a distance, and his eyes gradually became dignified.

“Compared with the last time I came here, this city gave me a stronger sense of terror. Are you sure it’s okay to attack directly?”

Ron looked at Shahe City in the distance and asked Lodas in an uncertain tone.

“There is no big problem. Although the breath is very strong, it is still in a controllable range, at most the level of an envoy, but if he is allowed to develop further, he will conquer several surrounding cities and complete the transformation of the life forms there. , I am afraid it is not the current scale.”

Lodas said with a solemn expression.

“What are you going to do?”

Ron asked.

“Of course, rush in directly, and purify and clear everything you see.”

Lodas said calmly.

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