Twisted Realm

Chapter 361 - God descended

Like the two brothers Groot and Gurud, countless ordinary people gathered in Layetti City held similar beliefs in their hearts.

They have heard some rumors more or less and know what kind of risks they will face in Layetti City at this moment. In front of those supernatural beings with real power like monsters, they are like ants Generally, once the superhuman war really happens today, they are probably the first group of people to die.

But even so, they gathered here like moths to a flame, just because of a glimmer of hope.

Homes are destroyed and life is ruined. How many people live like corpses. If they don’t have the hope of controlling their own destiny, they would rather die completely in the vigorous hope.

Only those who have experienced pain and darkness will know how precious the light of hope is.

“The world needs us, and the true self will save these people who are limited in suffering and guide them in the darkness of hesitation.”

Standing on the high platform, Lin Ya felt a sense of mission and responsibility in her heart.

Not only her, at this moment, all the official members of the True Self Society also have the same thoughts in their hearts.

What they do is not meaningless, but they are truly saving the world and guiding these lost lambs.

Originally, they had various reasons for joining the True Self Society. Most of them were for power, and they didn’t understand or value their responsibilities. But at this moment, under such a grand event as the pilgrimage ceremony, some kind of feeling in their hearts. Everything was ablaze, and something deep within the human consciousness could be called sublime was awakening.

Even Jiu Lao, Adorod, and Fianna seemed to have a flame burning in their hearts at this moment.

“This power… have you felt it?”

Old Jiu looked at the sky, where it was dark, and a bright moon was slowly rising.

“I take back what I said before, this pilgrimage ceremony may not be useless, and the standard of remuneration this time is a little lower.”

Fianna ruffled her hair, which had been blown away by the breeze, and watched the round slowly rise, gradually climb to the highest point, cut through the dark moon, and a confused gleam flashed in her eyes.

“Human hearts… They can bring great power, but when they collapse, they will also bring great disaster.”

Adorod folded his hands on his chest and seemed to be praying in a low voice.

“Then let’s not let it collapse!”

A tall and sturdy man with dreadlocks on his head clenched his fists, and his bulging muscles showed extremely powerful strength.

Brand Ali, who used to be a special officer in the ordinary world, was extremely strong-willed. When he was out on a mission, his wife and children all died in the cataclysm. Under great sadness and hatred, he met Lin Ya. After accepting the power of the heart seed, with his firm will and strong emotional potential, he grew rapidly and became one of the pillars of the True Self Society. He was deeply trusted by Lin Ya, because of his ability to rule, so the True Self Society Most of the direct line troops are dispatched by him, and like Fianna, they are the representatives of ordinary people in the True Self Society.

“It’s getting late, let’s take your place, the bright moon is in the sky, let’s see if the bright moon tonight can illuminate the darkness that has lasted for thousands of years.”

Old Dou said slowly.

“In the shadows, leave it to us.”

The pair were shrouded in shadows, and they could only roughly see that the figure of a woman gradually disappeared into the darkness. They were a pair of sisters, and they were also the last two of the six high-level members of the East Bailuozhen I Society. Responsible for intelligence, assassination and other work.

At this time, the six high-level executives also dispersed and returned to their positions.

Lin Ya on the high platform looked up into the sky, and the bright moon slowly rose to its highest point.

“it has started·······”

Lin Ya took a deep breath, walked slowly towards the statue in front, stood in the center of the high platform, and then slowly raised her palm.

In her palm, there is an eye-shaped bead, which is now blooming with a faint light.

At the same moment, in the entire city of Layetti, the crowd that had been noisy and lively instantly quieted down, and the eyes of countless people were now on the figure on the high platform.

“‘The Demon Saint’…”

Doma Keshromi looked at the figure from a distance and narrowed her eyes.

“Are you finally going to start?”

All the supernatural forces surrounding Layetti City were all energized, and their forces were about to move. As long as the pilgrimage ceremony began, it was time for them to take action.

hum! !

At this moment, the eye-shaped gemstone held in Lin Ya’s raised hand suddenly burst into a dazzling purple light. This light shot up into the sky and seemed to merge with the moon that was on the zenith at this moment. Within a short time, the moonlight seemed to turn purple.

A large number of purple light patterns appeared on the entire high platform, including the stone pillars, overlapping and overlapping, making people dazzling. The entire high platform was instantly shrouded in dense transparent ritual patterns, which looked unusually mysterious.

These ritual lines seem to be alive. They follow Lin Ya’s body, climb up her raised arm, cling to the eye-shaped gem in her hand, and shoot from the eye-shaped gem along the way. The beam of the moon seems to be about to climb to the moon where the purple light is temporarily placed.

Everyone present had a feeling that the moon that bloomed with purple light seemed to have become a living creature. That feeling was like a living pupil, and it seemed to be ready to open a huge vertical eye staring at the earth at any time. .

“Let them do it!”

When Doma Keshromi saw the vision that appeared in the sky, she immediately gave an order to let the prepared first echelon force start the attack.

These forces are a team of extraordinary people from all over the world. This time, they will oppress them layer by layer, so that all ordinary people gathered in Layetti City will feel the breathless oppression. In the extreme chaos , to complete the feat of “killing the gods”, completely shattering this new hope.

“Everyone!! Prepare to fight!!”

Brand Ali and the direct line troops of the True Self Society have long been guarding outside the city, always preparing for a **** battle.

And Jiu Lao and others are the same at this time. Their task is to ensure that the ceremony will not be destroyed before the “God” comes.

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, hand-to-hand combat, the city is quiet, but outside the city, it has become a battlefield of blood and fire.

“For six thousand years, this is the darkest moment in the world!”

At this moment, Lin Ya, who was standing on the high platform, spoke up. Her voice spread rapidly in the city, covering every corner.

“The end is near, and the eternal night is about to come!”

“A huge disaster has swept our world, and the terrible cataclysm is just a small prelude to this disaster.”

“The world is being trampled on, and life is like an ant in the face of disaster.”

“Every life should be respected, and every will should have freedom!”

Lin Ya’s voice slowly echoed in the sky above Layetti City, with some kind of shocking power.


Outside Layetti City, the tragic battle is continuing. More than a dozen third-ring level superhumans belonging to the True Self Society have shown their incomparably tall supernatural bodies, and the huge real bodies of the opposing forces are fighting each other.

And the superhumans under the third ring are also in close quarters, blood splashing.

What the superhumans of the True Self Society are facing is a scene of despair.

Almost the entire Dongbailuo’s forces have participated in this operation more or less. At this moment, the low-level extraordinary people are pouring in like a sea of ​​people, and the number is at least ten times more than that of the real self extraordinary people. At first glance, it looks like a frightening trend.

On the other hand, the three-ring level superhumans are almost five times as tall as the real self. Dozens of three-ring level supernatural beings, just witnessing, can make people feel a sense of powerlessness and fear.

This is by no means a head-to-head contest.

“Too many lives in the world, in these endless years, are dominated by inherent forces. They can’t bring us true prosperity, they can’t bring us true peace, they are like blood-sucking reptiles, Crawling on top of us, sucking blood desperately, they will only lead us to death and doom!”

“Now! In the face of disaster, before the rolling wheel of history, some people, some forces, are still reluctant to let go of what they are holding. They will never be able to give us the respect and power we want, and they will never be able to. Give us the ability to control our destiny and recognize our true selves! They only hope that we will only be pigs and sheep that they keep in captivity!”

“I used to be, and was just an ordinary person. It was the great eye of my true self that gave me strength and the power to choose my destiny!”

Lin Ya’s voice continued.

Boom boom boom! !

The ground of the entire Layetti City was shaking, and stones fell on the surrounding buildings. If these buildings had not been reinforced by ritual means, the terror would have collapsed in the shaking.

This is the shock caused by the fact that the three-ring powerhouses on both sides have already faced each other head-on.

But under this terrifying shock, no one in the whole city was panicked or scared. They still raised their heads, quietly watching the high platform, listening to the words that spread throughout the city.

“The great eye of the true self, He will guide us to recognize the true self and recognize the true power that exists in our hearts. He has the wisdom to see everything, the vision to see through the future, and the power to subdue everything.”

Boom boom boom! !

The fortified city walls around the ancient city of Layetti were rapidly shattering, huge stones fell, and some people were injured by the stones, but no one retreated.

drink! !

The arms of the gigantic superhuman body incarnated by Brand Ali suddenly opened two huge meat shields, blocking the joint attack of the five three-ring powerhouses. His huge body hit the city wall, causing the city wall A violent tremor.

“Hundred Wheels, Sanhua!!”

Fianna’s gigantic transcendent body is covered with a large number of blade-shaped organs. These blade-shaped organs shoot out instantly, forming a field of blades around her body, destroying everything.

“It’s all old bones, do you still need a little more blood at this time?”

Old Jiu did not reveal his supernatural body. At this moment, he was standing on the city wall, looking at the crowd of supernatural beings, and sighed.

His already old body shriveled up quickly, and in an instant he became skin and bones. certain informational nature.

Osteotomy and Plague.

The superhumans who had fallen down stood up again, and they completely turned into terrifying war monsters. What’s even more terrifying is that other superhumans who were injured by them will also suffer a kind of terrifying message in a short time. The level of poison attack completely changed their minds and wills, making them weapons mastered by Jiu Lao.

“It’s just a man’s arm as a car! But the ability of this old man is really troublesome. Several other high-level officials of the True Self Society should also have the ability of a half-step holy messenger. However, these few people are not enough to see.”

Doma Keshromi said lightly.

The powerful superhumans of the second stage poured into the battlefield. They are all elites of the third ring level, a total of 22 people. These people joined the battlefield and cooperated with the original strength to contain the counterattack of the True Self Society. .

Poof! ! puff! ! puff! !

Brand, Adorod, and Fianna were all injured in the new wave of siege. Facing the extraordinary power of the entire East Bayro, the situation of the Real Self Society became more and more critical.

After all, they are not opponents with such a huge power. In terms of numbers, they have been completely crushed.

This is a war about The extraordinary powers of Dongbailuo, who have inherent interests, will never show mercy, and will use the most powerful force to completely crush the true self. .

“I can feel that it’s about to start, and the holy envoy from the Jishu Society seems to be ready to do it, so I’m sorry.”

The little dragon on Doma Keshromi’s shoulder suddenly said, his body exploded into a mass of flesh mud, melted into the ground and disappeared.

Doma Keshromi raised his head, and he saw that the purple moon in the sky seemed to have a tiny gap in it, and a terrifying pupil could be vaguely seen.

“The great eye of the true self will guide us to recognize ourselves, fight against disaster, against this injustice world, let us come together, recognize our true self, and use our innate power to rebuild a new one world!!”

“It’s really me!”

Lin Ya shouted a slogan.

“It’s really me!”

“It’s really me!”

All the people in Layetti City followed with a hysterical cry, the voice pierced through the darkness and resounded through the sky.

The will accumulated over thousands of years is released at this moment.

Under the gathering of countless wills, the light of the gemstone in Lin Ya’s hand instantly expanded, covering the entire stone platform.

A large number of runes rushed into the moon sky and projected onto the moon.

The cracks on the moon are getting bigger and bigger.


The crack opened.

A huge vertical eye appeared on the surface of the moon, watching the world.


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