Twisted Realm

Chapter 368 - re-enter 0

in the sanctuary.

“Zero World contains all the source information above the world, not only at the material level, but also at the will level. From the collective subconscious level, there is a path to enter the Zero World.”

Walking out of the pure white beam of light, filling the gap, and binding the blood of the apostle firmly, Meng Xuan was ready to enter the Zero Realm.

In fact, he really had only brief contact with the Zero Boundary.

At that time, Wan Rog and Ashke Warwick intercepted him halfway. They used the power of the holy messenger to pull him into the zero world, and used the power of the holy messenger level to manipulate all his information. All supernatural powers are limited. If it weren’t for the power of information imprinted in the unknown ruins, Meng Xuan at that time would have been more fortunate, and it was impossible to get rid of the control of the power of the holy messenger.

It was at that time that he had a positive contact with Zero Realm and entered a “Holy Sea” completely constructed by majestic golden energy. Those majestic energies were suspected of being the power of existence and the power of holy glory. , perhaps derived from Nelson’s Seventy-two King Pillars, is an important part of the seal of the two worlds, and has the powerful function of isolating and purifying the power of distortion.

But since that time, although he has had many contacts with the power of the holy envoy, he has never entered that magical and terrifying realm again.

On the one hand, it is because he has the power of distortion and the ability to shuttle between the two realms, and he is worried about attracting the attention of the unknown existence of the zero realm.

Relying on the strength of his pure will, he can compete with the level of the holy messenger, but the strength of his body has not reached the level of holy messenger, which means that he can’t find a way to enter the zero world at all.

This is a very embarrassing question.

However, now it is different from before. Although the strength of his body is not comparable to that of a real saint, whether at the material level or at the will level, but in the process of establishing and expanding the True Self Society, he is in the process of subconsciousness, In the analysis of the collective subconscious, and in the practice of building sanctuaries and magic nets, his understanding of the power at the level of consciousness has surpassed that of most saints.

Sometimes knowledge is power.

The zero world contains all the original information of the world, and the consciousness information is also an inseparable part of the original information. Through the collective subconscious ocean, one can find the path to the zero world.

Meng Xuan pondered for a while, and with a dodge, he appeared on the edge of the sanctuary. He manipulated the boundary of the sanctuary to separate, revealing a dark opening. Emotional babble.

The sanctuary was established by Meng Xuan mobilizing the collective subconscious power. It is deeply rooted in the collective subconscious ocean. Therefore, if someone can break the boundary of the sanctuary, they can enter the collective subconscious ocean.

Gollum! !

Meng Xuan dodged and entered the darkness full of overlapping babble.

These boundless darkness are like some kind of viscous liquid, constantly trying to cling to his body and contaminate his will.

A sense of drowning strikes. This collective subconscious ocean belongs to Shahe City, which not only contains the humanities, history and other information of Shahe City from ancient times to the present, but also contains the most instinctive emotions, wills and memories of countless Shahe residents. .

If ordinary people enter the ocean of collective subconsciousness, I am afraid that they will immediately be polluted by these chaotic subconscious information, become a “collection” of some strange wills, and become lunatics or fools.

Of course, there are also very few people who can survive after contacting the collective subconscious ocean and retain their own reason in the chaotic experience. Because of the baptism of countless subconscious information, the spiritual will of these people will become extremely sensitive and sharp. , has become a super genius full of all kinds of inexhaustible inspiration, imagination and creativity, showing a strong talent in the fields of human humanities, art, technology and so on.

Sometimes, genius and lunatic, indeed only a line between.

Meng Xuan can naturally absorb these countless subconscious powers for his own use, but he will not absorb it directly, but through the transformation of the bite device, which will be safer. Although it sounds tempting to become a genius, most Geniuses are actually lunatics.

hum! !

The pure will covered his body, and the soft white light bounced off the viscous darkness around him slightly, propping up a peaceful space for Meng Xuan.

“My goal is the fringes of the collective subconscious.”

Meng Xuan closed his eyes and sensed it slightly, identified the direction, and then, under the protection of his pure will, broke through the viscous darkness and began to swim somewhere in the collective subconscious ocean.

His speed is very fast, or in other words, in the world of consciousness, there is no clear concept of distance. As long as your willpower is strong enough, in many cases, time and distance can be ignored.

Length, width and height form three dimensions, length and width form two dimensions, and a single line represents one dimension, while ideological information is an invisible and intangible point. It is infinitely small because it cannot be grasped, and it is infinitely large. Because the power and influence produced by the information of thought and consciousness cannot be limited.

The bigger the heart, the bigger the world.

The place where only thought and consciousness can be accommodated is zero dimension.

Suddenly, thinking of this, Meng Xuan understood why the realm that seemed to contain all the “information” in the world was to be called the “Zero Realm”.

In a sense, it has the same essence as zero-dimensional, infinitely small, but infinitely large, everything is illusory information, but it contains all the truth in the world.

It is a paradox in itself, and the world itself is but a part of the paradox.

In the dark subconscious ocean, there is no reference to coordinates, and even thinking has become slightly dull. Maybe after an infinite time, maybe only a short moment, Meng Xuan has arrived at his destination.

This is a “boundary”.

It was also a viscous darkness, surrounded by a lot of subconscious information, but when he got here, Meng Xuan found that he could no longer move forward. This was indeed a boundary line.

It may represent the edge of the collective subconscious of Shahe City, and beyond this boundary, it may be able to reach a wider realm.

Meng Xuan knew that that was the place he was looking for.

Zero bound.

brush! !

The white light on Meng Xuan’s body became more and more fiery, and it solidified in the palm of his hand, forming a slender sword, which gently stroked the dark border.

The white light surged, and the next moment, the viscous dark boundary wall was separated by the white light, revealing a different boundary.

A dazzling golden light shone in, and on the other side of the border, there seemed to be a golden ocean.

“Zero Realm…it’s here.”

Seeing the golden ocean and feeling the familiar aura in it, Meng Xuan knew that he had reached the place he was looking for.

He didn’t hesitate, his figure moved slightly, and he entered the golden ocean through the crack.

The boundaries of the collective subconscious ocean in Shahe City slowly healed, and everything returned to the darkness that was invisible at first.



Gollum! ! Gollum! !

At this moment, Meng Xuan felt as if he had entered another ocean from one ocean.

Surrounded by golden rays of light, this golden “Holy Sea” contains a large amount of information flow and possesses powerful power.

“Are these powers of existence?”

Meng Xuan carefully felt the power of the golden ocean, and soon discovered that these oceans are not the power of existence, but should be the result of some kind of huge ritual performed with the power of existence as the driving force.

He expanded his consciousness to the maximum, and carefully analyzed the various streams of information that flowed past him without a trace of gold, and seemed to have found some clues.

If you refine these information flows to the extreme, you can find that the original color of these information flows is not actually golden, but a series of small to the extreme, attached to the information flow in various information flows. , the structure is also complicated to the extreme of tiny ritual chains.

“The ritual chain can actually be reduced to such a degree? This is hundreds of times smaller than the atomic-level, molecular-level, and nano-level. Perhaps it should be called the source level.”

Meng Xuan’s consciousness sensed the essential structure of these golden oceans, and even though his mood swings were gradually diminishing, he still felt a shock in his heart.

This is simply exquisite workmanship to the extreme.

“These things seem to be built on the basis of the power of existence. Is this the essence of the seal of the two worlds?”

Meng Xuan guessed in his heart.

Curious in his heart, he controlled his powerful pure willpower and turned it into the tiniest shape, wanting to test the tenacity of this tiny ritual chain.

However, his pure willpower was just exerting force against a subtle ritual chain, and his heart jumped, and the mutation suddenly occurred.

boom! !

Within a small area, the golden ocean that hides countless subtle ritual chains suddenly rioted. They were composed of the power of existence and quickly burst into extremely fiery golden rays of light. From these rays of light, Meng Xuan felt extremely domineering. , a terrifying force that seems to want to conquer and purify everything.

Before, Meng Xuan had tried the taste of this kind of power.

The top-level power of holy glory has an extremely terrifying purification effect.

His face changed color immediately, almost without thinking, he immediately activated the strongest level of pure will, partly for body protection, partly for escaping, trying to escape from the small-scale riot as soon as possible, and the top-level Holy Glory appeared. The golden ocean range of power.

The aftermath of the shock sent Meng Xuan flying, and his will was shaken indistinctly.

“Fortunately, the power on the twisted side of my body has been isolated, otherwise the explosion of the power of holy glory just now would have caused a series of explosions because of the fluctuation of the power of distortion in my body, leaving me nowhere to escape… …”

Meng Xuan, who escaped from the explosion range of the power of Shengyao, felt a little lingering fear.

Even if these ritual chains are so subtle and exquisite, the most important thing is that these countless ritual chains that turn the zero world represented by the entire real world into a golden ocean are actually interconnected and extremely tough.

This is a super-large ceremony group that is extremely precise, extremely small, extremely complicated, and extremely terrifying!

Touching any point of the ritual group may cause the ritual group to react, transforming the huge power of existence stored in the core of the ritual group, erupting a series of explosions of holy brilliance, completely erasing all the enemies of intrusion from the information will level. remove!

“Is this the pinnacle of Nelson’s ‘ceremony’ civilization, the pinnacle masterpiece of the Seventy-two King Pillars?”

Meng Xuan took a deep breath. No wonder, for so many years, the forces of the virtual world, even those high-level twisted virtual gods, have not been able to break through the seal between the two worlds. This is already the pinnacle of the entire ritual civilization.

If there seems to be some problems with this ritual, there are loopholes, and the power is gradually declining, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to break into the real world, especially distorted life forms.

“These things can’t be touched. As long as I don’t try to destroy them, there shouldn’t be much of a problem with my twisted side power being isolated now.”

Meng Xuan thought for a moment and became more cautious.

He no longer went to test the golden ocean, but was ready to figure out the way forward.

This layer of the Zero Realm should actually be only the surface layer. Most of the information flowing is at the material level, including some shallower subconscious information. The power of the holy messenger used by the ordinary holy messenger level is actually It is to draw strength from this level and change the information.

And the level of the Zero Realm Apostle should be at a deeper level, where the information situation is more complicated, and the truth of the world will be He thought about it, turned his direction, and moved towards the golden Swim to the bottom of the ocean, he wants to see what kind of existence exists in the golden ocean, that is, the deep layer of the information flow of the zero world, and whether he can find the realm where the apostles of the zero world place their imprint.



Just as Meng Xuan was exploring the Zero Boundary Ocean, in Lunan, Wan Luoge and Ashke Warwick were making their final preparations.

The two of them stood in front of a huge mass of flesh resembling a purple heart, watching one of them infected with twisted life forms, transporting a large number of corpses and flesh into the purple heart.

Pfft! Pfft!

The beating of the purple heart became more and more violent, and it seemed to have reached a certain node, which contained extremely huge energy.

“By now, the basic construction of the life nest should have been completed. We avoided the power of the True Self Society and even launched an attack outside Lunan. Although the time was delayed, it was finally completed. The headquarters has been very concerned about our progress. dissatisfied.”

Ashke Warwick sighed while looking at the huge purple heart in front of him.

“Our progress is no longer slow. Among the companions who have come, no one is faster than us. It’s just that we have come for the longest time and the recovery is the best, so the headquarters will be dissatisfied with our progress. But this way The progress has also made our situation safer. You should have received the news from Dong Bailuo. The guy in Shahe City is no longer the same as before. If we hadn’t avoided him specially and had a head-on collision with him , now we may end badly.”

Wan Rog said with a slight smile.

At that time, our task will be completed, and what other tasks to perform will depend on them. “

Wan Roger said lightly.

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