Twisted Realm

Chapter 375 - intelligence

“Now, should you believe what I said?”

Weak words came from the small mouth composed of blood-colored silk threads in Meng Xuan’s hands.

“The one just now was the projection of that person’s will, because the holy sea and the seal of the two worlds were separated, and the power of the seventy-two king pillars was used as a buffer, but the suppression of the genealogy still summoned that kind of almost instinctive willpower, but , This experiment also shows that with the seal between the two worlds as a buffer, and your prototype of the kingdom of God as a shelter, it can indeed isolate part of the induction and let me survive.”

The villain continued, looking a little relieved. It seems that even he himself is not sure whether Meng Xuan’s prototype of the kingdom of God can withstand this kind of gaze, but now it seems that the seal between the two realms is well-deserved, even in The gaze of the one with certain supreme characteristics in the subconscious realm is weakened to the point where only instinct remains.

“This is really good news. It seems that you do have a value to exist.”

Meng Xuan nodded and said, pondering in his heart, the gain from Wan Luoge this time is not only information, but also more knowledge about the collective subconscious realm.

“Then now, I will use the power here to do my best to isolate the connection between you and the collective subconscious. Now, you should give me some valuable information.”

Meng Xuan looked at the blood-colored villain and asked.

“You are really impatient, but you have to be prepared in advance. The more important the information I say, the more violent the subconscious fluctuations will be after you know it. It has attracted such a strong will to punish, if I find that you can’t hold it, there are some things I won’t say.”

“Also, after you know some things, you’d better protect yourself at the conscious level. Otherwise, even if there is a seal of the two worlds as a cover, just knowing these secrets may attract attention.”

Wan Roger said.

“What good way do you have?”

Meng Xuan asked Wan Luoge.

“I have a method, which is similar to a kind of self-hypnosis. If it is not actively triggered, that part of the memory will be sealed in the subconscious. This technology was obtained by accident when I still belonged to the Serio Federation. Yes, it can seal part of its own subconsciousness. I relied on this to seal part of the distorted influence, as well as some hidden memories, so my brain is still relatively clear. However, you have been able to condense the prototype of the kingdom of God, you are right The use of the subconscious mind should only be stronger than mine.”

“My suggestion is that the prototype of the kingdom of God is closely related to the individual’s subconscious. You can try to separate some important secret memories from your own subconscious, form specific objects in the kingdom of God, and read them when needed. Doing so is equivalent to Protecting that part of the subconscious with the power of the kingdom of God all the time will greatly reduce the risk of exposure.”

Wan Rogge offers some advice.

“Isolate and visualize relevant memories in the subconscious?”

Meng Xuan pondered for a while when he heard Wan Luoge’s words. This guy Wan Luoge really has some skills. At least a conversation with him greatly expanded his understanding of the subconscious.

With an idea in mind, Meng Xuan immediately tried to do it.

He pondered for a while, immersed himself a little into his subconscious, tried to separate some memories of his previous life from his subconscious, and then used the power of the sanctuary to separate this part of the subconscious, using his knowledge of the sanctuary. The absolute control of the domain, visualize it.

The pure white light gathered in his palm, gradually solidified, and finally turned into a real object.

It was a book with an old-fashioned heavy cover that seemed to be at least hundreds of pages thick, and it felt a heavy touch in the hand.

This book has no name. After opening the book, Meng Xuan can see that lines of complex text and information are written on the paper of the book. As soon as he comes into contact with this information, the memory of his previous life in his mind becomes more and more intense. clear up.

The original memory is chaotic and elusive, but after materializing it, it is equivalent to arranging these chaotic subconscious memories in an orderly manner, so that they have a certain regularity and are more clear at a glance.

This is a book written from memory.

“The Book of Memory…”

Looking at the various memories recorded in the book, Meng Xuan couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

The book he condensed inadvertently borrowed from a certain supreme image.

That was when he first entered the memory illusion of the floating island. According to Eggers’ memory, he followed the pure white stairs in the darkness, climbed to the place where the original palace was suspected, and pushed open the door of the palace. The heavy, ancient book that he saw in the glimpse.

The ultimate book, something that even the supreme beings dream of.

“The Book of Memory is the condensed information of my memory, and the Book of Ultimate is the aggregation of all the ‘memory’ information in the entire world from its birth to the present? If this is the case, getting that book is indeed equivalent to mastering it. All the knowledge and secrets of this world…”

Meng Xuan suddenly understood what kind of existence the original palace and the ultimate book were.

“You…learned so quickly?”

Seeing Meng Xuan complete the separation and representation of his subconscious memory so quickly, Wan Luoge was a little surprised.

The technology of consciousness has always been the most difficult to master. Even if you already have the hardware for manipulation, you still need to keep trying to master it.

“It’s nothing, it’s a very simple operation to separate the memory in the subconscious. In fact, I have done something similar before. I combined all the subconscious parts of my distorted dark side, including the secret pattern, with a distorted seed of supreme existence. Separated together and suppressed under the sanctuary, in comparison, the separation of memories is a very simple thing, but I didn’t think of it before, and I would like to thank you for opening my mind.”

Meng Xuan said disapprovingly.

Separating all the subconscious of the dark side of the distortion, including the secret pattern, out of the control of the distortion? !

And a distorted seed of supreme existence? !

And then they were suppressed together under the embryonic form of the kingdom of God? !

Wan Luoge almost thought that he had auditory hallucinations, and the blood-colored villain’s body jumped twice quickly, looking a little shivering.

If what the other party said is true, he knows why the other party is favored by the supreme existence, and even the distorted seeds of the supreme existence can be suppressed? Although I don’t know what method he used, this piece of information alone is enough to make people tremble.

That is the supreme existence!

This time Wan Luoge stopped talking. It was doubtful whether the distorted seed that suppressed the supreme existence was true, but from his perception, although Meng Xuan’s power had the essential characteristics of distortion, he was not affected by any distortion. , this statement is likely to be true.

Suppressing the twisted dark side of oneself, that was the dream of so many twisted conquerors…

There was a trace of complexity in Wan Rogge’s eyes. At the beginning, this was also his ideal.

“Okay, the preparations have been completed, and now you should be able to reveal some useful information.”

Meng Xuan said to Wan Luoge.

He waved his hand, and the power of the Sanctuary was concentrated in this corner, and the violent white light blocked everything around him.

“Let’s start with the Rebellion of the Fallen. You are a personal experiencer of that rebellion, and you should know a lot of information.”

Meng Xuan sat on the ground and said to Wan Luoge.

“That war…”

Wan Luoge fell into memory, and Meng Xuan could see that a trace of blood-colored lines flashed in the vertical eyes on his face, like some kind of rune, which was releasing some seals.


When Wan Luoge unlocked the relevant seal, Meng Xuan, who was in the sanctuary, keenly sensed a sense of peeping.

The protection of the sanctuary appears to be effective…  

Meng Xuan thought to himself.

“The Serio of the year actually had the upper hand in the hegemony of the virtual world and the twisted forces.”

After a while, Wan Rog continued to speak.

“The path of the Twisted Conqueror can be traced back to the time when the Serio Federation was first established. When the first contact with the Twisted Path, Serio, or the Nelsons before Serio, had already begun to distort this power. research, twisting the conqueror’s path is the end result.”

“They analyzed the genealogy of twisted creatures, and finally stripped out the essential power of distortion through rituals, that is, the secret pattern. Then through a long experiment, they decomposed the secret pattern and formed a mature one that ordinary people can also use. The method of mastering the power of twisting. The original twisted conquerors were extremely easy to go crazy, but the discovery of this path will undoubtedly give ordinary people who originally lacked aptitude and resources a way to see hope. Therefore, although this path is dangerous , but there are still countless people who stepped in one after another.”

“Ordinary practice is worried about the lack of resources, but the distorted conquerors are worried that the strength is progressing too fast, and the tempering of willpower cannot keep up with the pace of strength progress. Although the alienation rate of the distorted conquerors has reached the More than 30%, but because the front line is tight, the Serio Federation has not given up on this path even if there is a risk.”

“Under the huge cultivation base, there will always be geniuses emerging. In order to better get rid of the influence of distortion, the distorted conquerors have embarked on a new road of exploration, sealing method, fusion method, self-cutting method… Various methods emerge in an endless stream, and among the commoners, there are people who can only be outstanding. Later, the core structure of the will for cultivating a stable will and the sustenance method to isolate the influence of the secret pattern became the mainstream. These two methods The discovery of the Twisted Conqueror made the path of the Twisted Conqueror even more popular, and gradually became a pivotal force in the federal power.”

“And our leader, Evan, was the most outstanding conqueror of that era. He made his own explorations and conclusions based on ancient secrets. The core structure of the will is his most powerful invention. Among them, the person with the strongest will and subconscious exploration, was once the backbone of the Federation’s resistance to distortion forces, at that time, he was like the sun hanging in the sky, and he was the most eye-catching darling.”

“Although extremely powerful, he does not seem to have been affected by any distortion, rational, wise, learned, humble… All of us regard him as an idol and believe that he has truly conquered the distortions. People. That is, under his leadership, Serio once suppressed the twisted forces, and the two sides ushered in a relatively stable stage.”

“The rise of new forces will inevitably mean a war of power and interests, which is an unchangeable inferiority of human beings. When the initial stability comes, the struggle will also begin. The twisted conqueror force, mainly composed of the original civilian class, will inevitably Being jealous of the original it is necessary to fight openly and secretly.”

“Many records of later generations say that the rebellion of the fallen was because the Federation’s suppression of the distorted conqueror forces led to the dissatisfaction of the conquerors, which eventually led to the rebellion. This is not the case. Before we get rid of it, both sides have maintained due restraint, and those fights are not enough to make us give up our reason and devote ourselves to distortion.”

“The real cause of the rebellion is only because of one person, and that is the leader of the conquerors, Evan Tekriat!”

Wan Rog said slowly.

“You mean that the Fallen’s Rebellion was entirely caused by Evan alone?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“Yes, the beginning of everything is him, he created the core structure of the will, he entered the subconscious depths that should not be entered, and listened to information and knowledge that should not be heard, those terrifying, indescribable horrors Being, selected him, modified his will, made him a twisted one.”

“That was the seed that Evan originally made to help the first batch of distorted conquerors master the core method of will faster. These seeds created a powerful era and finally became the bane. Through these seeds, he used the The supreme characteristic, forcibly contaminates the holder of all seeds into a member of his lineage, and then uses his own alienation to drive us to irreversible madness.”

“He became the leader of the Fallen, that is, this battle, which completely changed the situation of Serio, so that the current Serio can only survive in the city, so that countless ordinary people can no longer isolate the twisted pollution. “

“There has always been only one Fallen.”

“That’s him, Evan Tekriat. He became a captive of power and went the old way of the Seventy-two Kings Pillar.”

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