Twisted Realm

Chapter 377 - idea

Is this the truth that the Nelson civilization disappeared overnight?

Hearing Wan Luoge’s words, Meng Xuan couldn’t help frowning. After sorting out Wan Luoge’s words a little, he had a general recovery of what happened back then.

The original king with the ability of the Eye of Nelson acquired a lot of knowledge from the virtual world, opened up an extraordinary road for the Nelson civilization, and used the ritual ability to the extreme during the long years. The Nelson Empire is unprecedentedly powerful and pervades the real world. A total of seventy-two beings standing at the top have been born out of the huge power of existence in the midst, and they are the seventy-two king pillars.

And these seventy-two king column-level powerhouses should be the peak power that the entire real world can breed. They lost their further strength, so they turned their attention to that distant virtual world.

Originally, the distance between the two worlds was very far away and difficult to reach, but the Nelson civilization after it has developed to its peak has this kind of power. Yes, the proximity of the two worlds has revived some terrifying power, the distorted influence has reappeared in the world, and the distorted False God has returned from his slumber.

At this time, the seventy-two king pillars discovered that they could not fight against that power. Facing the more and more devastating disasters brought about by the distortion, the entire civilization was on the verge of extinction, and they began to analyze the power of the distorted False God. , trying to get a breakthrough from it.

In the end, they knew the method and went deep into the subconscious. They might have succeeded or they might have failed, but they have never shown up since then. Meng Xuan felt that it was probably their breakthrough back then. Some accidents caused them to enter a strange state, unable to return directly, and this state has continued to this day.

Without their power, the already crumbling civilization has become even more difficult, and their descendants and bloodlines have also begun to alienate, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to the entire civilization. More importantly, they also Pulled away from the power of existence that the real world depends on, when the entire civilization is about to collapse, they did not give assistance, but instead used the power of terror to transfer the entire civilization to the virtual world, so that all Nelson people will live from then on. in fear and despair.

It is no wonder that since then, the human civilization in the virtual world has never mentioned the word Nelson again, and regards their former glory as a shame, and has since changed its name to “Serio”.

However, there are still many unknown parts in Wan Luoge’s narrative, such as what the Seventy-two King Pillars experienced, what they found, what state they were in, and why they were pulled away from the entire real world. The power of existence, and even transferred the entire Nelson civilization into the virtual world.

According to common sense, the Nelson civilization should also be a source of strength to support them, and this approach is tantamount to killing chickens and getting their eggs.

Meng Xuan asked Wan Rouge his question, and Wan Rouge shook his head, saying that he didn’t know much either.

“But since then, they have established a seal between the two worlds, temporarily isolating the communication between the two worlds, and cultivated a new civilization in the new world. The specific purpose is unknown. Serio has A lot of guesses, but the most convincing guess is that they studied and analyzed them, and they ended up being them.”

Wan Roger said.

“They studied them and eventually became them?”

Although what Wan Luoge said was a bit like a tongue twister, Meng Xuan still understood what he meant. In the process of analyzing the power and mode of existence at the highest level, they may have finally embarked on a twisted road, or perhaps this world Its essence is madness. On the road closer and closer to the highest, madness is inevitable, and the alienation of the seventy-two kings and the bloodline seems to explain this.

“Then can you now know what state they are in?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“I’m not sure, but they should be hiding in the deep layers of the subconscious now. The bottom layer of the subconscious in the real world should be their territory. Maybe their state is somewhat similar to that of the Supreme Being, and they can’t fully come and recover. , Waiting for the opportunity, the real world may be their layout, and those acting are their pawns.”

Wan Roger said.

Meng Xuan heard the words thoughtfully.

“By the way, have you ever heard of another civilization that existed before the Nelson civilization?”

Meng Xuan asked Wan Luoge, wanting to see if he could get some information about the civilization where Eggers was.

“Civilization before Nelson? I’ve never heard of this. It is said that before Nelson, it was always a wild age, extraordinary life was rampant, and there was no record of civilization at all. Nelson should be the first civilization of mankind… …”

Wan Rog said with a look of doubt.

Seeing his answer, Meng Xuan was preparing to reveal more information about the civilization that Eggers was in to see if there were any similar traces in the virtual world.

Unexpectedly, before he could say his words, Wan Rouge began to shake his head again and again, motioning him to stop talking, and said sincerely: “I don’t think this is the knowledge I should know. I’m afraid that after I leave the prototype of the kingdom of God, will directly encounter the unexpected…”

Hearing Wan Luoge say this, Meng Xuan could only give up, and instead asked for some information about the supreme existence.

When discussing this topic, Meng Xuan instinctively felt a sense of staring. This time, the sense of staring was stronger than any previous time. That cold, twisted, and chaotic atmosphere was just betting. The gaze is so crazy, it seems to penetrate the blockade of the power of the sanctuary and see through his essence.

Being stared at by this terrifying sense of gaze, Meng Xuan’s heart tightened, and the pure white devourer in the center of the temple burst into a very dazzling light, mobilizing the central power of the sanctuary, which blocked the sense of peeping.

Sure enough, some secret topics will attract attention just by discussing…

Meng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that his own sanctuary is still relatively powerful.

Wan Luoge was also a little nervous after Meng Xuan asked a similar topic. After waiting for a while, he didn’t see the unknown peeping through the void, and he was relieved.

“I don’t know much, because the name of the supreme existence is not the knowledge we should know. I only know a few titles of the supreme existence that have responded to it.”

“The great mother of fear, the king in white.”

“The original nucleus of Calamity, Lord of Chaos Stars.”

“Bright red slaughter, degenerate black light.”

“The secret fetus of proliferation, giving birth to black horns.”

“The chaotic dawn, the beginning of the red moon.”

“All I know are these five. As for their real names, abilities, and origins, I don’t know them.”

Wan Luoge said several titles of supreme existence. Just by saying this, Meng Xuan could feel the vibration from the depths of the collective subconscious, as if these titles had different abilities.

The feeling of peeping got heavier and heavier, but fortunately, it was finally defended.

“The great mother of fear, the king in white?”

Meng Xuan repeated the name in his heart. The supreme being he saw in the illusion of the floating island was an image in white clothes. Could that guy be the king of white clothes in Wan Luoge’s mouth?

In addition, Wan Luoge mentioned the beginning of the red moon, which seems to be similar to the image of one of the two twisted False Gods who destroyed the giant bear tribe he had witnessed in the illusion of the floating island.

“How many are there in the Supreme Being?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“I don’t know, no one can say it clearly, there are hundreds of different types of twisted secret pattern lineages alone, excluding those that have died out, I am afraid there are at least seventy or eighty, otherwise the seventy-two How can Wang Zhu’s strength be so embarrassing?”

Wan Roger said.

“Seventy or eighty…”

Just hearing such a number, Meng Xuan felt a sense of despair rushing towards his face. How can so many horrors be confronted?

It is definitely unwise to confront head-on, but since these supreme beings cannot come to the world, they should be subject to certain restrictions like the seventy-two king pillars, and restrictions mean that there are weaknesses, and weaknesses mean that There are flaws in them.

And this kind of flaw, I am afraid that there are no people in the world who can know, otherwise they have been cleared by these supreme beings, that is to say, it is unrealistic to find the answer in the world, unless he has a whole like the Seventy-two King Column. With the help of a huge civilization, try slowly.

However, there is no such thing in the present world, which does not mean that there is no past. The separation of the two worlds seems to have come to suppress the distorted False God. Then, Eggers must have a lot of understanding of the distorted False God in that era. , may be able to understand the weakness of the distorted False God.

Going around, or returning to the original point, the exploration of the floating island is impossible to go around.

Next, Meng Xuan asked some more about the current situation of the twisted forces, including some arrangements of the twisted forces in the real world. Unfortunately, enough useful information was not obtained. Descendants like Wan Luoge are scattered all over the world. They each have their own tasks and are almost unrelated to each other. Even Wan Rogge does not know how many distorted lives have come to reality.

It seems that the twisted invasion is unstoppable, and according to the information given by Wan Luoge, the connection between the two worlds may bring the world closer and closer to the state of the civilization of Eggers, which seems to be conducive to the distortion of the False God Returning, we must know that the distorted False God at that time was still the master of the world, and could exert his power in the real world at any time.

The current state and purpose of the Seventy-two King Pillars are also unknown, but from the point of view that they can even give up the entire Nelson civilization, it is not a good thing.

Strength, strength, strength.

Meng Xuan felt the urgency more and more. If the distortion came and the Supreme Being recovered and returned, and he didn’t have enough strength to resist, it would be his doom.

He must expand his own strength as soon as possible… The progress of the real world is too slow, he needs more and stronger strength, but unfortunately he and the True Self will stand on the opposite side of various extraordinary forces, There are a large number of ordinary people, but even the path of emotional power cannot cultivate them to a sufficient height in a short period of time…

He needs stronger support and faster development.

Just, where to find enough powerful help? The transcendents of the real world are at the level of the angels. Although they are useful now, as the situation changes, the angels are gradually unable to become decisive in the face of Serio’s descendants and distorted lives. strength.

Looking at Wan Luoge’s small body, Meng Xuan suddenly had some thoughts in his heart.

“What do you want to do? I told you the secrets that you know, you don’t want to kill people, right? Secrets are only part of my value, I have more value, such as being a twisted spy, and more , killing me outweighs the gain.”

Feeling that Meng Xuan’s eyes were a little weird, Wan Luoge’s small body couldn’t help shivering, thinking that Meng Xuan felt that he was worthless after knowing the secret, and wanted to kill someone.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you, you do have great value. You just said that Evan used a special method to forcibly change your pedigree and become the source of your pedigree, and then you will all be subject to him. control?”

Meng Xuan looked at Wan Luoge and said.

“Yes, because the supreme existence of his path has fallen into permanent annihilation, so as the highest pedigree, he has naturally become the controller of the pedigree.”

Wan Rog nodded and said.

“So, what kind of method did he use, and what are your specific feelings?”

Meng Xuan continued to ask.

Wan Luoge looked at Meng Xuan with strange eyes, wondering why he was interested in this matter.

“I just said that in order to popularize the will core construction method faster, Evan used his will core to make a batch of seeds, and these seeds took root in our will core as we deepened our will core practice. Germination, using this connection, he infected us with his huge power, because most of the sources of our lineage are also in a state of silence, so he did not encounter too much resistance.”

Wan Roger said.

“That is to say As long as it is a distorted conqueror, is the secret pattern condensed actually an existence whose source has fallen into annihilation?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“Yes, since the genealogical connection of twisted power was confirmed, those conquerors who have cultivated the secret patterns that still exist in the source will inevitably go crazy after reaching a certain level. After many generations of experiments, the subsequent practice of twisted secret patterns has been passed down. Law, the cultivation is the existence that lacks the source, otherwise no one can resist the madness under the control of a supreme source, and if there is a source, even with the level of Evan, it is impossible to infect so many conquerors. “

Wan Roger said of course.

Hearing this, Meng Xuan’s heart slammed a little. Wan Luoge can become a new source of genealogy to infect others when the source of this pathway is dead, so why can’t he?

He knows that in the virtual world, there are still a large number of twisted conquerors, and they may become his fastest source of power.

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