Twisted Realm

Chapter 388 - Red

The unknown chains extending out of the void, the shattered kingdom of God around, and the trapped, suspected supreme being.

Could this be the reason why some supreme beings have fallen into silence?

They did not have their own problems, but were suppressed by external forces and could not help themselves.

And who suppressed them and made them fall into a state of silence?

Meng Xuan’s will is constantly approaching the indescribable life that is suspected to be the supreme existence, and the suffocating horror feels more and more solemn. Fortunately, the supreme existence of the source of the Chikui’s secret pattern lineage has been completely chained. Repression, no action can be taken.

However, Meng Xuan still felt the extremely strong chaotic, twisted, and crazy hostility that came from the other side.


This world, which is suspected to be a kingdom of gods, rioted instinctively, and a large amount of magma and twisted flames rushed towards him, as if to completely burn his will.

“If you were in your prime, I wouldn’t be able to match it, but now…the lineage I’ve accepted!”

Meng Xuan took a deep breath and swept out the pure white will.


The kingdom of God is shattering, and cracks appear.

In other words, this was not the real kingdom of God at first, it was just an instinctive counterattack of the will of the lineage. If it was really pulled into the kingdom of God, even if the opponent had died, it would not be something Meng Xuan could deal with.

That is absolute personal suppression.

The illusion is shattering, and Meng Xuan’s will is gradually moving away from the kingdom of God. A little peep from the dead supreme existence cannot threaten him, and it is easy to break.

However, he felt another inexplicable gaze, and he vaguely saw that behind the crack in the broken kingdom of God, there seemed to be another realm hidden.

It was a colorful sky, boundless. A city surrounded by chains floated above the colorful sky. On the walls of the city, there were various faces in a state of anger and roar.

He felt that the peep was coming from the floating city.

In the center of the city, in the attic at the top of a towering clock tower, there is a black cross emitting a cold black light. On the cross, there is a thick black chain wrapped around a human-shaped life form.

This lifeform was covered with red-golden armor, and its face was covered with a red-gold helmet, and its appearance was invisible. From its body, a red-golden light faintly permeated, and it was filled with an indescribable sense of anger.

“This is······”

Seeing this figure, Meng Xuan’s mind was shaken, but the pictures related to that city just flashed away, and before he could check more, his mind had left the illusion and returned to Chili’s will in the core information flow.

“Is that figure…is the King of Chi Yao, one of the seventy-two king pillars?”

Meng Xuan recalled the scene just now.

The colorful sky made him feel familiar, and it was very similar to the scene he saw when he entered the level of his own consciousness, no, it was no longer similar, it was exactly the same.

The floating city trapped by chains is also very similar to the Lost City of Heart Locks he saw in the colored sky of the consciousness layer.

And the figure of the human figure bound on the black cross that he saw in the center of the huge city was almost the same as the figure he had seen when he borrowed the power of the king column.

There is no doubt that where the image of the king column appears, it is the king of Chi Yao.

“The supreme existence of the Chikui secret pattern…and the King of Chiyao…There seems to be a certain connection between the two? Judging from the situation of these two pictures, the Chikui secret pattern Is the supreme existence of Chi Yao falling into annihilation because of the suppression and blockade of the King of Chi Yao?”

“Also, what does that colorful sky represent? Why is the city of the King of Chi Yao so similar to the Lost City of Heart Locks? Could it be that they are sealed in my consciousness? Those mysterious What is hidden in the Lost City of Heart Lock is the body of the seventy-two king pillars?!”

Meng Xuan had some bold guesses in his heart that shocked even himself.

However, he quickly denied it, because he had carefully studied these weird Heart Locked Lost Cities. From the appearance, none of the Heart Locked Lost City is exactly the same as the one just now, and the number of those Heart Locked Lost City is exactly the same. , and far more than seventy-two, and the specifications are almost the same, it is impossible to seal the body of the seventy-two king pillars.

However, since even Wang Zhu himself used this form of existence to carry out similar sealing behaviors, it is conceivable that the character and power of such a city must be extremely high, and the information involved must be of the highest existence level. And it must also be related to some key information of the Supreme Being, otherwise it would not be possible to seal it up in this way.

This also reminded him on the side that these heart locks must not be easily opened to a certain extent, otherwise these key information related to the supreme existence will inevitably attract terrifying attention, and even allow some existences to forcibly take action.

“I didn’t expect that I could get such information this time… It seems that the other surviving secret pattern lineages that have not been affected by madness may have a lineage origin similar to that of the Chikui Mystic Pattern. state, so the annihilation of many supreme beings is actually related to the seventy-two king pillars?”

Meng Xuan pondered in his heart, and thought of the characteristics of Chikui’s secret pattern. It seems that it has a certain aura of flame, anger, scorching heat, etc. In essence, it is similar to the power path mastered by the King of Chiyao. The degree is extremely high, and there is a large overlap of characteristics.

Perhaps, this has something to do with the path of power that the Seventy-two King Pillars explored after going deep into the collective subconscious.

Wan Rog said they eventually became them…  

Could it be that the way they have found is to find a twisted path similar to their own power, and then hunt and suppress these supreme beings, and obtain some power beyond their limits from them?

And it is precisely because of this violent way of gaining power that they have succeeded, leading to the demise of some of the supreme beings, and they themselves have some problems because of this distorted nature, and they have to seal themselves .

This is the most likely guess at the moment.

The harvest this time is not small, and I actually learned some secret information again during the contact with the instinctive will of the supreme existence.

Moreover, the magic net node designed by oneself seems to be surprisingly effective. Perhaps, this infection and erosion force itself is the core of this terrifying ability.

He looked at the trend of information, and a shining white seed had taken root and sprout, and the dense roots were wrapped around the subtle information in the core of Chili’s will, and it had completely taken root in the core of her will.

As long as he thought about it, Meng Xuan could feel a subtle connection between his own will and this node, and he felt that he could even use this connection to influence the other’s will invisibly.

“The **** of the genealogy is really terrifying…”

Meng Xuan shook his head. If it wasn’t for the secret patterns cultivated by the conquerors, the source of the pedigree fell into annihilation. I am afraid that no conqueror can maintain his own sense of reason. He only needs a thought from the source of the pedigree, and all the conquests under the context of the pedigree All will fall into irreversible madness.

This is due to the suppression of the most essential power of the distorted lineage, and it is simply irresistible.

After implanting the magic net node and shattering the will of the source, as long as the final step of emotional power infestation and change of the structure of the secret pattern is completed, Chi Li’s life, death and will will be completely controlled by his new source. .

“Then… let’s begin.”

Meng Xuan followed the connection of the magic web node and began to infuse the power of the emotional power pathway into Chili’s will core.

In the sea of ​​​​minds, Chi Li stared at the core of her own will, she could feel that something seemed to take root in her core of will, causing some unknown change to the core of her will.

She seemed to be able to vaguely feel that a figure of a higher, stronger, and greater existence appeared in her heart, which was difficult to erase.

He… no, or should he be called, is it true? Can pedigree replacement really be successful? And is he really willing and able to restrain that crazy force for the lineage life under his command?

If he can really do it, as he himself said, he may be the savior of all twisted conquerors, and it is even possible that he will become the savior of this world that has been twisted and tortured for countless years.

And she, will be the one who summoned the savior?

She thought it was absurd to herself.

Doesn’t that mean, round up, I’m the savior?

She never thought she would have such a day.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, she saw a mutation in the core of her will, and a large number of colorful silk threads came out from the core of will, frantically entwining towards her Chikui secret pattern, deeply implanted in the secret pattern, Deeply changing the structure of her secret lines.

Ah ah ah!

Chi Li felt a tear-like feeling originating from her soul.

The secret pattern itself is closely related to the soul, spirit and will of the living body. It has the characteristics of negative information of the mind. To modify the pedigree, it is necessary to change the secret pattern, and changing the secret pattern is actually similar to performing surgery on the soul level, and there is no anesthetic. , the pain level can be imagined.

Under the erosion of emotional power, the shape and structure of Chikui’s secret pattern are undergoing earth-shaking changes. The connection with the original lineage is gradually being completely cut off, and the connection with Meng Xuan’s magic net is getting closer and closer.

In a short time, the secret pattern of Chikui was completely covered by a large number of colorful silk threads, forming the shape of a huge flower bone.

And as the connection with the magic net became closer and closer, a piece of illusion appeared in front of Chi Li’s eyes.

She saw figures kneeling on the ground, fighting on the front lines, and praying devoutly. Their expressions were frenzied, their bodies glowed with white light, and they kept whispering a real name:

Great Eye of Self!

The raving-like real name kept reverberating in her mind, and she saw lines of illusory grids spreading like tree roots, finally converging in the highest place in the sky.

She couldn’t help looking into the sky and saw a magnificent scene like an epic scroll in the religious apocalypse.

Above the overlapping clouds, stands another realm like the kingdom of gods. The faintly visible mountains, auspicious clouds, palaces, etc. are all full of inexplicable sense of holiness and mystery. The huge vertical eye formed loomed over the hall, overlooking the world from the magnificent kingdom of God.

At this time, the transformation of her own secret pattern was finally completed, and the flower bones composed of colorful silk threads bloomed, forming a brilliant seven-color flower.

A completely different force from before poured into Chi Li’s mind, and at the same time, the sense of urgency and threat that had to resist the twisting force at all times disappeared, as if a body had suddenly been removed. Dashan made her feel the ease that she had never felt before.

The only trace of distorted influence disappeared without a trace, as if a patient who had been ill for a long time recovered in an instant and enjoyed the rare taste of health.

At the same time, she felt that her connection with the new secret pattern was unexpectedly close. Even if she was practicing the fusion method, she did not dare to break through 80% of her secret pattern liberation. UU reading www. But now, she feels that she is almost completely integrated with the secret pattern, and can release the power of ten layers without worrying about any negative effects.

It seems… the influence of distortion is really suppressed by some kind of force, or, in other words, this newly generated secret pattern is fundamentally different from that chaotic force.

This is the twisted power that has been controlled, a masterpiece of coexistence of reason and power, and the dream realm that the conquistadors of twisting have been pursuing so far.

Master the twist, conquer the twist, make the twist your tool, become the tamed lamb.

Originally, this goal was an unattainable dream in the eyes of the Distorted Conqueror, something that has long been proven impossible, but now, someone has actually achieved it?

Controllable distortion, the essence that can be restrained, the power without hidden dangers…

Everything the other party said just now actually came true? !

Chili couldn’t believe it, thinking she had hallucinations.

“This is your new secret pattern, I named it ‘Seven-colored Flower’.”

At this moment, Meng Xuan also left her core of will, turned into a white light, and reappeared in front of her.

Looking at the white-robed man in front of her, Chili didn’t know what to say anymore. Now, she is even worried that the white-robed man will disappear because of the time limit of Kruman’s summoning, and she is even worried about what she has experienced today. It’s all fantasy.

“Now, do you understand what I just said?”

Meng Xuan said to Chi Li.

Akagi nodded numbly.

Maybe the other party is right. In this world, many things are difficult to understand, because the level and vision are so far apart…

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