Twisted Realm

Chapter 391 - game

This seems to be the “method” to enter the black dead market?

Meng Xuan looked at the picture that appeared on the “ticket” in his hand with some surprise, and thought it was a bit interesting.

These pictures appeared because he came to this wasteland, so it should be where he was, which stimulated the change in the tickets in his hand.

“The Black Dead Market, is it a strange realm that you can enter only by locking yourself in a black coffin made by yourself? It really fits the name…”

Meng Xuan thought that it was not difficult to achieve the picture indicated on the ticket. He was going to try it according to the picture on the ticket. If it didn’t work, he would consider trying other methods.

He turned his eyes to this wasteland. The black trees he saw in the animations of the tickets were everywhere, but to find the black wood that could be made into one coffin in one go, it would take a lot of searching. 

However, this is not difficult for him. His strong will sweeps the surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters and finds suitable trees.

Cut down the tree, remove the head and tail, dig out the heart of the tree to form a groove, and then make a black coffin cover from the part of the tree that was dug out. A simple coffin that looks a little ugly has already been built by Meng Xuan.

He swept his spirits around and determined that there were no people in the surrounding area, then walked into the groove of the freshly baked black coffin and sat down.

“Burying yourself is really novel.”

Meng Xuan shook his head and stuck the “ticket” between his eyebrows, like a zombie being affixed with the legendary corpse-suppressing amulet.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved, and a large number of colored silk threads escaped from his palm, lifted the lid of the coffin that was lying on the side, and covered it by himself.

There was darkness in the black coffin, and nothing could be seen. Meng Xuan found that these black woods seemed to be somewhat special, and even the spiritual power seemed to be difficult to reveal.

He waited silently for a while, but nothing happened.

the wrong way?

Meng Xuan was about to get up, thinking of other ways, only to realize that although his spirit was very active, his body could no longer move.

He struggled for a while, and from the only trace of consciousness left in his body, he found that his body was extremely heavy, as if there was something in the black coffin that he made by himself, and it was silently pressing on him. body, restraining all his actions.

This feeling······

At the same time, his spirit also began to feel a little trance.

He remembered the source of this strange feeling.


Or it is also known as a ghost press in the folk.

This is a symptom that occurs when the mind and body are separated from each other.

He felt a sense of dizziness. In the boundless darkness, he seemed to be falling continuously. It felt like the bottom of the black coffin suddenly opened, and there was an endless abyss below, and his body was falling uncontrollably. .

“What the hell?”

Meng Xuan frowned. The characteristics and personality of this strange realm seemed to be beyond his imagination. At first, he thought that with his current strength and realm, even the Black Death City could not help him, but he did not expect that only one The way to enter, the power of the rules originating from the strange realm, even he can’t resist.

No wonder it can become one of the largest black markets in the virtual world, and it can survive in the gap between Serio and the twisting force. There is indeed something.

It seems that this time I really want to keep a low profile as much as possible, especially in the black and dead market, which is someone else’s territory.

It’s a pity that I got nothing from Chi Li except this ticket. That guy doesn’t even know the specific situation in the black death market.

In the process of falling, although Meng Xuan couldn’t control his body, he still had no problem in controlling his mind. He used his will to mobilize the power of his pure will, and hid them under the surface of his body, ready to meet the situation. explode at any time.

The process of falling seems to be infinitely long. Perhaps it is because the senses of reaching out in an environment where you can’t see your fingers are scattered. Meng Xuan always feels that time seems to have passed for a long time. This uncertainty and uncontrollable feeling made him feel Straight frown.

I don’t know how long it took, he felt that his body seemed to vibrate slightly, and his body’s consciousness seemed to recover.

He felt a sense of restraint from all around him, and he was basically certain that he should still be lying in a coffin, which should be the black coffin he made by himself.

“This is the end? What’s the situation?”

Meng Xuan was a little confused about the current situation. The black coffin seemed to block his mental perception, making him unable to feel the outside world.

Just as he was about to stand up and lift up his coffin board, his pupils suddenly shrank.

In the darkness where he was so close to him and couldn’t see anything, an extremely pale face that didn’t seem to be human suddenly appeared in front of Meng Xuan, and the other’s nose almost touched his. above the nose.

Rao Shi Meng Xuan excluded the power of the twisted side, and his mood fluctuations became smaller and smaller, and he was also shocked by the sudden pale face.

But then he reacted, carefully observed the pale face that was close at hand, and found that this guy was quite handsome…

However, that handsome and neutral face always had a mocking smile on his face, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The next moment, before Meng Xuan could make a move, the pale face in front of him spoke first. It was the voice of a somewhat neutral woman.

“Desire, Killing, Mystery, Power and Wish.”

“In this game called ‘hunting’, who is the hunter and who is the prey?”

“Welcome to Black Dead Paradise.”

“Here, the soul, is the best bargaining chip.”

As soon as the neutral voice finished speaking, the extremely pale face suddenly burst open and turned into a large white light, which made Meng Xuan feel a little dazzling.

Subsequently, these white lights turned into a light curtain, and some text information was displayed on the light curtain.

“Number: 7758258.”

“Nickname: Not set.”

“Number of entries: First time.”

“No stored item detected.”

“Soul Coin: Zero”

“title: none”

“Please set a nickname and choose to disguise your identity.”


Meng Xuan was a little surprised to see this information. Why does this ghost look like the online games he played in his previous life?

Black Death Paradise…Is this the original name of the strange realm that built the Black Death Market?

Meng Xuan knew that the Black Death City was built on the basis of a very high-level Bizarre Realm, so it retained a large part of the original Bizarre Realm’s functions. Therefore, he was not too surprised by such a strange situation.

Now it seems that this strange domain should have been constructed by drawing on some fantasy information related to the game in the real world, which is why this situation occurs.

“Take a nickname…”

Meng Xuan frowned, no matter what game he was playing at any time, this was a problem enough to cause headaches.

“The power level of the Black Dead Paradise is not low, it can control the existence of this level, and survive in the gap between the two major forces, the controller of the Black Dead City is not a simple person, and the nickname is still less disclosed. It’s better to be who you are.”

Meng Xuan thought for a while in his heart.

Who knows how many chips the Twisted Forces and the Mother of Fear have secretly offered rewards. These black market people have their own interests first and are ruthless. Once they expose themselves in other people’s territory, there may be some consequences.

“Young chaser.”

Meng Xuan thought for a while, and then used his mind to enter a popular online name in his previous life.

“Sorry, your nickname has been taken, please try again.”

“Forty-five degrees to the sky.”

“Sorry, your nickname is too long and does not fit the label, please re-enter it.”

“Bury Ai Xuan Shao.”

“Sorry, your nickname has been taken, please try again.”

“This ghost name is used by anyone?!!”

Hearing the somewhat indifferent mechanical sound, Meng Xuan was a little startled.

“It’s so rude…”

Even now that his mood swings are already very weak, he can’t help but sigh at this time.

“Sorry, your nickname has been taken, please try again.”


So, playing games hates naming names the most.

Meng Xuan couldn’t help but patted his head, feeling a little headache.

This black death paradise has existed for I don’t know how many years, and there are probably countless new people who have come in. If each one needs a nickname…

It seemed that there were really not many options left to him.

“Can you be random? Give me a random nickname.”

After several more attempts, Meng Xuan gave up resistance and asked the system.

“Auto nickname is being generated, please wait…”

Nima’s has an automatic generation option why not say it earlier.

An impulse of destruction spread from Meng Xuan’s heart.

“Automatically generated, player nickname: Barbara Papa, are you sure?”


Meng Xuan nodded quickly, not wanting to waste too much time on this option.

Next, the system began to let him choose an image and clothing that concealed his identity.

There are many options for this. Men’s costumes include black robe, rattan armor, doctor bird’s beak, white robe, etc. I don’t know why, Meng Xuan actually saw the women’s clothing option.

He clicked into the women’s clothes to take a look, and then backed out. He had no interest in wearing women’s clothes, but it reminded him of his previous life when he was innocent and young and seemed to have been deceived by women’s clothes on the Internet. The large amount of red envelopes in the Spring Festival have been rushed to the other party without hesitation…

Meng Xuan randomly chose a set of large black robes, and finally completed the novice selection stage. The data page in front of him disappeared, and everything around him became dark again.

Meng Xuan waited for a while, and there was no other change. Then he stretched out his hand, ready to push away the coffin board to see what this black death paradise outside looked like.



The outside world is a gray and black wasteland, the sky is dark, and the whole world seems to be composed of black and white, giving people a feeling of extreme depression and despair.

On this wasteland, black coffins, large or small, can be seen everywhere, and most of these black coffins are empty.

Around, there are also some black woods like the ferocious trees in the wasteland of the real world, which are very terrifying in the depressing black and white environment.

At this time, on top of one of the larger black twisted trees, five figures in black robes were standing on the branches of the tree, their eyes fixed on an unopened black coffin on the ground.

“Boss, why hasn’t anyone come out for so long?”

Among the five people, one of the relatively thin black-robed man asked the black-robed man at the head.

“Stupid, it’s just because I haven’t come out for so long that I can be sure that it’s a newcomer. Newcomers have oil and water. Otherwise, what are we doing here? If they came out of the coffin as soon as they entered the Black Death Paradise, they must be old birds. You don’t know how slow you were when you picked your name? This stupid paradise rule, as long as it doesn’t randomly assign you a name, you have taken 10,000 names and they are already occupied, and some people’s brains are not good. It’s normal to spend a day in there.”

The black-robed man at the head slammed the skinny black-robed man on the forehead and scolded.

“Business in this area is getting more and more difficult to do. Since the two major forces officially started war, we have not had a good time. Even in the black dead market, a large number of people have poured in to grab business, and most of the new ones are still They are all powerful people, and if they are not careful, they will capsize in the gutter, it is difficult…”

The other man in black robe sighed and said.

“Anyway, it depends on the situation. If the opponent is weak, they will eat it. Anyway, all the killings are chips. If the strength is strong, then pretend to be a grandson, or run away. What’s the big deal? And we also have trump cards, and ordinary people don’t necessarily know that. I’m afraid.”

The headed man in black robe cheered the crowd.

These five people, in the words of the game, are the old birds who specialize in betting on the newbie village to bully the In the black death paradise, the soul is the most important bargaining chip, which is all transactions in the paradise And the price that must be paid to use any magical item in this strange realm.

And how to get such soul chips?

Quite simply, it is killing.

As long as the intelligent life is killed, it will explode the soul chips like killing monsters and explosive equipment in the game.

This is also the reason why they stay in this “birthplace”. Many newcomers have just emerged from the coffin when they enter the paradise of black death, and they have become bargaining chips for others.

This is the Black Dead Market, a huge and notorious black market built on the base of the Bewildering Domain.

creak! !

At this moment, the eyes of the five people hiding above the branches lit up, and the simple black coffin that had just appeared vibrated slightly, making a sound, and a palm stretched out from the coffin.

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