Twisted Realm

Chapter 409 - treasure

This seems to be written by the sailor of the “Seagull” cargo ship. The content in the diary is rather messy. The copy makes it realistic enough to explain the reasons why this cargo ship appeared here.

A small cargo ship that only ran offshore shipping, but suddenly encountered strong winds and heavy rain, deviated from the channel, and then the storm stopped, and the ship appeared strangely on the periphery of this island that did not exist on the chart. All communication equipment and direction finding tools failed, and they were forced to moor on the island.

Strangely, they did not seem to have encountered or seen the floating corpses that Meng Xuan and others had seen, nor were they attacked by jellyfish and flayers. At that time, in fact, there were no floating corpses in the far sea, and the strangeness of this island had not yet fully manifested?

From the description in the diary, these surviving sailors lived on the island for a long time, but they could not see any hope of leaving the island, so they planned to go deep into the jungle to explore, but this behavior was regarded as The captain’s Rona strongly objected. He believed that there was some terrible threat in the depths of the island, and if he got close, he would lose his life faster.

At this time, the sailors seemed to realize that this captain named Rhona, who they were once familiar with, seemed to be hiding some important information.

“Thinking about it, since the accident, Rhona seems to be acting really wrong. Sometimes he will be in a daze for no reason. He doesn’t play Quentin with us at night, but often stands on the deck in a daze. Sometimes I look at the starry sky, sometimes I look into the depths of the island, and whenever I look into the depths of the island, there will always be strange eyes in my eyes, and now that I think about it, it should be fear.”

“What is he afraid of, he does know something, we all fried the pot, and the quarrel exploded like gunpowder, and White rushed forward, grabbing his collar and questioning him, Mo Ray, Charlotte, Gorman… We thought they died in an accident, but now that we think about it, they all died of betrayal? What did Rona do? He betrayed us!!”

“At this moment, Rhona’s spirit seemed to suddenly collapse. I have never seen that kind of twisted and weird expression, that kind of expression that seemed to be mixed with self-blame, sadness, fear and a little fanaticism…”

“This look disappeared in a flash, and he fell to his knees in front of us, tears streaming down his face, speaking about his experience.”

“Just over a month before going to sea, when he was on vacation, his wife was diagnosed with a serious illness. That’s not a problem that money can solve. We all know that he and his wife have known each other since childhood. To some extent, , his wife is his other life.”

“He was anxious, fearful, and hesitant as if the deadline was approaching, but he had to put on a reassuring smile in front of his wife every day. The enormous mental and psychological pressure kept him up all night, and even uncontrollably appeared a certain hallucinations.”

“One night, he told us that he saw an island, and the darkness and dampness were his most intuitive feelings about the island. In the center of the island, he saw an incomparably huge thing, which seemed to be a The huge black horn is engraved with intricate patterns, and this black horn is as tall as the sky.”

“His consciousness couldn’t help thinking about the island drifting away. He couldn’t describe the shock in his heart and the fear that human beings had when facing such a majestic unknown wonder, and he didn’t understand why he was still in such a state of fear. Without struggling from the hallucinations, he finally entered the island, where he saw many indescribable wonders, forests of flesh and bones; swamps of blood and rotting flesh; placenta-high Hanging high on a tree, a beehive of monstrous babies will fly’; white tender stumps grow from the ground into flowers; the tree bears bright red heart-beating fruit…”

“He said that when he got to the back, he almost closed his eyes and moved forward, not daring to watch at all, until he realized that he had stopped, and he found that he was standing in front of the huge black horn, in front of him. On the surface of the huge black horn, there is a deep and dark hole, and he always felt that it was like the intestines of some kind of creature.”

Hole in the black corner

Seeing this, Meng Xuan and the others looked at each other.

Is this the burrow entrance they were looking for in the mission?

“It seems that a voice is calling him to let him enter the deep passage on the black horn. The voice seems to be saying ‘Come in, I can fulfill all your wishes’, but he never dared to enter it.”

“The hallucination lasted for about an hour in total, and Rona thought it was the product of his stress, but the second night, the third night… it lasted for seven days, and every night he would enter the In that hallucination, gradually, he had a sense of absurdity, that hallucination, maybe not just hallucination.”

“It happened that his wife’s condition was getting worse and worse. Finally, one day, he walked into the cave. He said that he felt a feeling of being swallowed and chewed, and then he woke up from the hallucination.”

“Nothing happened, the hallucination hasn’t happened since that day, and right when Rhona was depressed, his wife’s condition miraculously improved, because the hallucination was so bizarre that he never had it. He told us about it, but he kept it in his heart.”

“Then, when the vacation period was over, and the first order we took, we encountered a storm and the ship veered off course. Rona said that when the storm disappeared and he saw the island, he was horrified because the island was actually It’s exactly the same as what he saw in his hallucinations!!”

“He knew that what he did in his hallucinations brought us here. He cried and said that he didn’t know what was going on. If he knew that such a thing would happen when he went to sea, he would have killed him. won’t take us out to sea.”

“He was crying loudly, reading Morey’s names in his mouth, his head slammed on the deck frantically, and it didn’t look like it was a fake.”

“However, we can’t believe him anymore. No one knows what his illusion will bring us, and we don’t know what is hidden in this island.”

“Shit! I’d rather believe this is a ludicrous and absurd plot made up by some third-rate writer than believe it’s true! Maybe it’s a coincidence? How can there be such a weird thing in the world?!”

“He couldn’t give us the key information, so we locked him up, the rest of us discussed it a little bit, and finally decided to explore the interior of the island, we can’t be trapped here, if the depth of the island is There really is a cave that can make people’s wishes come true, we must find it and let it help us realize our wishes, which is much better than eating here and waiting to die.”

“We chose a brighter morning, brought most of the equipment and dry food, and entered the forest.”

“We were apprehensive, we were cautious, but after going deep into the forest, we did not encounter those strange things that Rona described. This jungle seems to be no different from other desert island jungles, except that the wild things here are not Knowing what they grew up eating, they are a bit bigger than we have ever seen, but the meat is more tender and juicy. I discussed with White that if I can leave this ghost place one day, I will definitely take a pair of hares out to breed. , maybe we can become the largest rabbit meat dealer in Qilan country!”

“However, when we approached the center of the island, we did have some different discoveries. It was not something strange, but it looked more like the remains of some buildings and sculptures. It seems that there were traces of some civilizations here. , is not quite a desert island?”

“We found a huge dilapidated face with raised eyes, and some broken bricks, hidden in the woods, and we also found some things, which were utensils made of gold and silver, just scattered in the ruins Among them! They are peculiar in shape, exquisite in workmanship, and look very old, God! We don’t know which era these things belong to, but we can also know with our **** that if these things were put in the largest Ende auction house in Qilan, One piece is enough to last us a few lifetimes! It can make any collector go crazy!”

“I’ve made a fortune! It’s not an island full of weirdness like what Rhona said, it’s simply a treasure trove used by ancient civilizations to bury treasures. This is a hidden island, unknown to the public, a chance for a storm. Coincidence brought us here, as long as we find the materials to repair the boat, follow the current, and get out of here, we will all become high-class people!!”

“Beautiful wine, mansions… everything we can imagine! No more **** wind and sun, no need to look at this endless sea!!”

“This is our blessed land!”

Meng Xuan and the others frowned when they saw this. These sailors were obviously blinded by the treasure in front of them.

It’s just that the situation in the deep forest is beyond their imagination. There is only treasure in the depths of the island, and there is no danger? What the **** are you talking about?

However, thinking that when these people came to the island, they did not encounter skinners on the periphery, everyone felt a little relieved. When these sailors came here unexpectedly, the island should not have changed too much. Perhaps, it was their Exploration touched what caused the situation today.

“Rona looked pale with fear when he looked at the treasure we brought back. He said that these were taboo items and would bring us bad news.”

“We ignored this guy. He has lost his mind. He is a lunatic. Maybe what he told us before was just crazy words he made up.”

“We tied him up and continued our exploration program.”

“With the deepening of exploration, we have mastered the established route and can ensure that we return to the wreck in time before night comes. At dusk on the seventh day, we saw a high mountain with a huge cave that seemed to be formed naturally. There is a huge stone gate, and there are some sculptures on the stone gate, but we can’t understand what it means, it seems to be a scene of an ancient war?”

“There are rusty metal chains on the stone gate. We think that behind this stone gate, there is the biggest treasure in the island hidden, which must be a shocking wealth! We can’t wait to open the stone gate, but it is a little late, and the night The jungle is very dangerous, we can only return and wait for tomorrow’s action.”

“It’s another beautiful day. I feel hope and wealth beckoning to us. Today, we must open the stone gate and explore the ultimate treasure on this island…”

When everyone saw this, the diary had no content behind it. It seemed that after the sailors opened the stone gate, they could never come back again, so the diary came to an abrupt end here.

Hongluan quickly turned back a few pages, and found that on the last page of the book, there is a very rough and scribbled route map. Obviously, the painter did not systematically learn map drawing, so that this route map looks consistent with Toddlers’ doodles make no difference.

However, some key marked words can still be vaguely seen. In the center of the figure, there is a stick figure similar to a stone gate, and the word marked on it is – the door of treasure.

“It seems that this is what Mission 2 has us looking for.”

Hongluan looked at the simple stone gate painting and said.

“I can’t believe it. It’s so simple to give a map. I always think it’s a bit too strange.”

Jin Jiao pondered for a while and said.

“When these sailors came to the island, there was nothing unusual about the island, and the same was true in the forest. They seemed to be attracted by a special force. According to the usual habits of similar events, perhaps this island is sealed with some terrifying force. Things, those buildings, wrecks, statues, and stone gates are some kind of seals of ancient Mistaken by greedy sailors for some kind of treasure, the seals are opened and anomalous things are released. They may be the It was brought to the island by some force for this reason.”

Qingluan thought for a while and said.

“The forest now is definitely different from what the sailors used to explore. After the anomaly is released, it may be closer to what the captain named Rona saw in his hallucinations.”

“So, this roadmap may be able to quickly approach the entrance to the burrow, but there may be greater risks hidden.”

Meng Xuan narrowed his eyes and seemed to have noticed some details that others had not noticed.

“When we approach Shimen from other places, there will also be unknown dangers, and the speed is not necessarily faster than these routes. Moreover, this is a task item identified by the system, and the probability of fraud is not high. My suggestion is, first Carry out preliminary exploration according to the roadmap, and if there is a problem, we can avoid it in time.”

Hong Luan said.

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