Twisted Realm

Chapter 412 - sacrificial scene

What if this incident is a loophole? Black Dead Paradise, or is this event at all, taken advantage of by some existence that we can’t fathom? “

Xianglong said that what he had just seen in the hallucination made him feel that that will is not illusory, but the real reality, an indescribable terror that even the Holy Envoy cannot touch. An extraordinary person of the holy envoy level, he believes in his own judgment.

“I suggest, if possible, use that prop. The danger of this incident is far beyond our imagination.”

Xiang Long said to Hong Luan with a serious face.

“This incident has only just begun, and it is normal for an incident of this level to be dangerous.”

Qingluan frowned and said, obviously not agreeing with Xianglong’s words.

The Flying Bird Squad dared to enter the dungeon event of this difficulty. Naturally, they had a hole card. This hole card cost them a lot. Now that they have just entered the event, it is too wasteful to use it immediately.

“Have we ever experienced such an incident? We have encountered life-and-death crises several times just at the beginning? And even the release ability has been suppressed, and we have to run away? It’s not that I’m dejected, if our ultimate mission goal is to re-seal that me The existence we saw in the hallucination, I think we don’t even have the ability to look directly at each other, are we going to die?”

Xianglong asked back.

“Don’t say things too absolutely, this may also be part of the difficulty of the event. Although it seems very dangerous, it still gives a way to survive and how to deal with it. For example, this ruin is the best explanation, maybe we can do something here. Harvest, those difficulties and horrors are probably only part of the obstacle, just like when facing the landing mission, as long as we can find the key, the problem can be solved.”

Jin Jiao said softly, his voice seemed to have a natural affinity.

“Xianglong, what happened just now may have caused some problems with your mental state. Now, what you need is calm.”

The silent Hongluan also spoke up to comfort Xianglong at this time. Now he has encountered some dangers, but before it is fatal, there is a direction and a way to solve it, so as not to use the trump cards that they have consumed almost all their savings.

“Brother, hurry up and rest, we need you.”

At this time, Tengu also came over and patted Xianglong on the shoulder to comfort him.

Obviously, the danger just now can’t make everyone give up and continue to act, because it needs to pay a considerable price, and this incident is not unsolvable, there is always a chance of life hidden in the crisis, for this chance, everyone will not. Give up so easily.


Xianglong was slightly startled when he saw this.

“You are wasting your time.”

Xiang Long finally shook his head and sighed.

“Is there still a chance now? Although there are losses, we have at least figured out some directions. Let’s go to the next node. If the difficulty increases again to the point where we can’t handle it, I will consider leaving.”

When passing by Xianglong, Hongluan lowered his voice and said in Xianglong’s ear.

“Forget it, we are a team, we both win and lose, and I can’t back down by myself.”

Xianglong sighed and stood up again.

“When you encounter danger, you must not hesitate.”

He said to Hong Luan.

“I will, I won’t joke about your lives.”

Hongluan nodded solemnly and said.

Xiang Long nodded and followed Hong Luan in silence.

This is just a small episode. Everyone has not experienced it personally, so they cannot know what Xianglong was facing at the time, so they cannot substitute his feelings. They are actually paying more attention to this unknown ruins.

At present, it seems that this relic is guarded by an unknown power, and there is no invisible rotten flying baby entering the category of the relic. This seems to be a “safe area” specially prepared for adventurers in the forest.

However, there are too many variables in this incident. A little carelessness may cause a major incident. No one knows whether there will be danger in the safe area, so everyone dare not relax their vigilance. After Xianglong has recovered , back to the queue state.

The first thing they need to do is not to look for clues, but to determine whether this unknown ruin is really completely safe.

They walked through each area of ​​the ruins along the thread-shaped route, and slowly approached the central area. During the process, they passed some broken walls and broken statues. It looked like an ordinary building without too many abnormalities, but Out of caution, everyone did not touch it at will.

After reaching the location of the broken altar and confirming that there was no other danger around, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to carefully look at the central area of ​​the ruins in front of them.

A temple-like building collapsed to one side, and the roof made of huge monolithic stones tilted to one side, as if it collapsed because the stone pillars were broken. The roof was deeply embedded in the soil. At the southeast corner of the altar, the broken Head, statue with strange raised eyes.

In addition, there seemed to be some other things around the altar platform. From the broken bases made of white jade, it can be seen that something broke them.

Everyone searched carefully and found that there were no other artifacts in the ruins except for the building wreckage and broken stones. It seems that the artifacts that once existed have been taken away.

They thought of those sailors, they should be the ones who took the artifacts, and then they remembered a detail. According to the diary, those sailors should have died in the cave. When exploring the cave, it should not be possible to bring them with them. It’s right to focus on the artifacts obtained from the ruins, so where are those artifacts now?

Everyone was silent. It seemed that there were indeed many secrets in this incident that they had not yet figured out.

When everyone entered the collapsed building similar to an ancient temple, they made some discoveries.

They found some frescoes on the walls. Although some fresco carvings seem to have fallen off the walls due to their age, they can still identify the contents of the frescoes to a certain extent.

This appears to be a coherent mural.

The frescoes appear to be of a primitive tribe, and the people of the tribe, led by an old priest wearing many ornaments, seem to be holding some kind of sacrificial prayer ceremony.

The mural depicts the scene of the old priest waving his cane on the altar, and the strong men of the surrounding tribes beheaded some strange creature, mixed it into the big wooden barrel, and stirred some strange medicinal liquid. It was distributed to the tribal people who participated in the sacrifice and prayer, and the tribal people who drank the medicinal liquid began to dance strange dances under the leadership of the old priest.

When we got here, the picture began to look distorted, and the picture became a bit illusory, giving people a feeling that the world was spinning. In the trance picture, there seemed to be a pair of terrifying eyes, who were indifferently peeping at the rituals carried out by the tribe, and that The old priest, who was holding a wooden staff, was looking up and looking at those eyes. Something seemed to appear behind the old priest, like a beast in a position where multiple images were spliced ​​together, giving people a wild and ferocious feeling. , along with the old priest raised his head, and those eyes do not know whether to look up or to fight.

The murals on the back are on the other wall, but that wall collapsed because the pillars were broken and the roof tilted. Everyone tried to help up some of the fragments of the wall, but found that the murals on the wall had been in contact with the ground all the year round and had almost been destroyed. The soil is completely corroded.

“These murals seem… to depict the content of ancient sacrifices and prayers?”

Jin Jiao frowned and said, as if he had not found any useful clues.

“At the end of the frescoes, something seems to have appeared, but unfortunately the frescoes at the back were destroyed. Are the things depicted on these frescoes what happened in this altar and temple? It seems to be related to some kind of evil force. “

Hongluan frowned and said that others felt a little unclear. Because the other half of the murals were destroyed, it was difficult to restore the scene at that time.

“Brother Yan Luo, have you found anything?”

Hongluan turned his head and saw Meng Xuan staring at the mural without blinking, thinking he had found something, so he asked him.

In fact, Meng Xuan did make some discoveries from the frescoes, and this discovery shook his heart.

He felt that what was depicted on these murals was probably the scene of the prayer ceremony held by the vanished secret civilization in the ancient mythology era.

No, he was almost certain that this was the scene where the unknown civilization held sacrifices.

At the beginning, they gathered a crowd, and then used various creatures and plants with mythological blood to prepare strange potions, and then let the clansmen drink it and enter a wonderful state of trance. The distorted and hazy picture symbolized that it is likely that human beings are connected in a trance. The scene of entering the secret world, and the figure behind the old priest, which seems to be composed of various beast images, is likely to be the power of the “alliance” mastered by the sacrifice of that civilization.

As for those indifferent eyes floating at the top of the illusory scene looking down, it is very likely that they represent some kind of supreme existence.

Why did the picture of the disappeared history appear in this strange domain event? ! Shouldn’t that history have been erased long ago, without any trace?

What are those eyes? Is the supreme existence of that era a distorted False God? !

Meng Xuan frowned, remembering what Xiang Long had seen in his hallucinations, and it seemed that there was a lot of fit with the ability and image of the Distorted False God.

It seems that this copy does have too many unreasonable and wrong places.

He instinctively felt a certain threat.

Could it be that those distorted False Gods that are still in a sealed state have begun to recover, and some of them have even been able to reveal part of their power. Although they cannot affect the real world, they can already affect the strange world?

If it is related to the distorted False God, then the difficulty of this dungeon will need to be re-evaluated.

Meng Xuan pondered in his heart at this moment, wondering if he should make a decisive decision and forcibly “offline” and leave the copy.

However, just like the methods used by Hong Luan and others to press the bottom of the box, forcibly offline will waste the number of times of shuttle between the two worlds, and the next entry will require a certain amount of preparation time, and the loss is not too big.

If possible, he still wanted to try to see if there was a solution.

“It seems that there are no clues here, the murals are incomplete, and we can’t speculate anything with our imagination. The useful objects left on the ground are likely to be taken away by those sailors, and now I don’t know where they are hidden. , it is even very likely that the incident has forcibly increased the difficulty of our task, and those objects that may contain important information may be recovered.”

Hongluan frowned.

“I think they may not have had time to search in some places. They were all about treasure and wanting to find the last ‘treasure hole’. Many ruins were just simple searches.”

At this moment, the golden horn spoke again.

“Do you mean·····”

Qingluan said with some doubts.

“That altar, in the frescoes, is where the person who presides over the sacrifices stands, it should have a special meaning, and many civilizations seem to have the habit of burying things under the altar. On the one hand, it has a symbolic meaning. , on the one hand they also think it will have some metaphysical effects.”

The golden horn pointed to the relatively intact altar outside and said to everyone.

“This thing appears to be the most well-preserved of all buildings, and there may be some useful clues there.”

Hongluan nodded and said.

“Let’s dig and see if there are really clues under the altar. If not, I think there may be a secret passage at the bottom of the statue or the torso, especially the protruding eyes.”

Tengu said while rubbing his chin.

With the direction, everyone did not delay, took out their own tools, came to the altar, and began to dig.

The weapons made of Silver Gu are not, but their strength is many times stronger than ordinary alloys. In addition, their physical fitness is also a serious top professional level, and they can fight against those extraordinary things. It’s a little bit worse, but it’s still a good hand to carry bricks and dig pits.

The crowd dug down along the edge of the altar to a depth of about three or four meters, but they didn’t see the bottom of the altar.

“Are we looking in the wrong direction?”

Qingluan frowned.

“It shouldn’t be. It’s almost the end. The deeper it is buried, the more important it is.”

The three of the Golden Cloud Brigade did not stop, and continued to dig pits proficiently. The speed was several times that of the Flying Bird Squad. Hong Luan even suspected that these guys could survive so many difficult events because they were digging pits.

Finally, under the hard work of the three members of the Golden Cloud Brigade, after another ten minutes of digging, everyone finally made a new discovery.

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