Twisted Realm

Chapter 67 - programmer

The four parts of startup energy, core code, operating mechanism and startup key are the basis for the ceremony to take effect.

The so-called activation energy is the energy required for the initiation of the ritual. This part of the energy can be supplied by oneself, or by others or other unknown beings. Generally speaking, the orthodox Nelson ceremony has a normal energy supply path.

The most commonly used energy from Levels 1 to 4 is actually one’s own spiritual power. Through the combination of spiritual power and various materials, the core code of the ceremony is amplified and amplified, so as to leverage the great power of nature and achieve powerful effects. The effects are relatively stable and the risks are small.

And if the power of other beings is used as the starting energy, that kind of ritual has a greater risk. For example, the twisting secret medicine ceremony uses the unknown life of the twisted world as an energy provider, so it is necessary to offer corresponding sacrifices and take great risks.

The core code is actually somewhat similar to the computer language of Meng Xuan’s previous life. It is the corresponding ritual language obtained by the Nelson people after analyzing the mysteries of nature. Mystical power.

The Nelsons even split these ritual languages ​​into countless characters with precise pointing meaning, which is the origin of the Nelsonian script.

In addition to the tens of thousands of Nelson characters in everyday language, most of the other millions of Nelson characters are related to ritual languages, representing the mysterious power of rituals. As long as these characters are obtained, there will be opportunities to study, compile and create corresponding rituals. system and gain great power from it.

This is also the reason why the Nelson civilization is so strict about the hierarchical management of written knowledge.

In theory, there are countless kinds of rituals, which are as vast as a sea of ​​smoke. In the ancient Nelson Empire, high-level Nelson citizens possessed a lot of advanced knowledge of writing, and almost all of them had special rituals created by their own combinations. These rituals often had various strange effects.

Almost all of Nelson’s life was spent on spiritual practice and ritual exploration.

The entire Nelson civilization is full of code farmers…

Meng Xuan was a little speechless. He wondered if he could keep his thick hair after learning the knowledge of rituals.

In the Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony, Meng Xuan was able to master only more than 100,000 Nelson characters, and it was still relatively low-level character information, which basically did not involve extraordinary power, but this was enough for Meng Xuan to study for a long time.

The next part is the operation mechanism of the ritual. The knowledge in this part is more complex and covers a wider range, including ritual steps, pattern drawing, ritual materials, ritual methods, ritual conditions and many other contents. Operating mechanisms that combine individual ritual languages ​​to produce more complex effects.

Meng Xuan took a look at the introduction of this part. Although he knew all the words, he couldn’t understand a word of the words together.

He scratched his hair with a headache, but when he saw that there were a few more broken hairs in his hand, he couldn’t help being surprised.

Is this the beginning of hair loss? !

Meng Xuan felt a little cold in his heart, but if you want to gain knowledge, you must pay a price, and if you want to become stronger, you must pay a price. He can only bite the bullet and look down.

The fourth part is about the relevant knowledge of the activation key of the ceremony. This part describes the commonly used activation methods of the ceremony, including the introduction of activation language, activation gesture, activation dance and some common external environmental factors required for activation. , and includes a basic tutorial on how to set up a startup key and parse it.

Meng Xuan could understand this part, and looked at the introduction with relish.

He felt that this part of the knowledge should be more useful, especially the part about startup key parsing.

He does not believe that such a huge civilization as Nelson will completely disappear overnight, and no relics, historical materials and cultural relics will remain. What he believes is that because the knowledge and power level of Nelson civilization are too high, modern people cannot understand and Explore how they exist.

For example, the powerful virtual-reality conversion technology and the peak application of rituals made Meng Xuan suspect that in the real world, there are probably many Nelson relics, but they were blocked by the ritual power and virtual-reality conversion technology of the Nelson people. The corresponding technology to touch and open.

After possessing enough ritual techniques, you may be able to find these relics and analyze their unlock keys, so as to enter the relics of the ancient Nelson civilization and obtain the rich knowledge left in them.

After listing this part of knowledge as a focus of recent study in his mind, Meng Xuan continued to read the last part of the knowledge about ritual teaching in the Fourth Wisdom Endowment Ceremony in his mind.

Meng Xuan found that this is actually the analysis part of the ritual instance. This part of the knowledge is divided and explained by the complete ritual, and the example is used to let the learners grasp the ritual knowledge more Most of the explanations Meng Xuan is fundamentally I don’t understand it, but he can still see that the dozen or so cases listed in the example analysis are all complete ceremonies!

Meng Xuan immediately regained his senses.

The complete Nelson ceremony, each one is a treasure.

He examined these ceremonies carefully.

To his disappointment, the first few seemed to be some basic rituals of life.

For example, the toilet ritual that Meng Xuan experienced at the time was among them, which the Nelsons seem to call the “internal cleaning ritual”?

The ritual of taking a shower and dusting is also there. He also saw the introduction of a ritual pattern. The function seems to be to remove the blackheads and stains in the facial pores and keep the face clean and pore-tightening.  …

After a facial cleansing ritual, he finally found a ritual that worked.

The function of this ritual can actually achieve the effect of dredging hair follicles and preventing hair loss by promoting blood circulation in the capillaries of the scalp…

Don’t worry about losing your hair…Nelsons who love beauty have long found a way out for their descendants. It seems that in a society where all the people are code farmers, Nelsons also faced serious hair loss problems. This hair growth ceremony It has been written into the basic tutorial…

Meng Xuan was a little speechless, what kind of stuff is this recorded? ! Can’t there be a substantial improvement?

Meng Xuan looked at the follow-up content boredly, and no longer had any hope in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in the last few ceremonies, Meng Xuan really found a ceremony that could help improve his strength.

“Secondary metal refining ceremony? Secondary energy nuclear refining ceremony?”

Seeing the names of these two ceremonies, Meng Xuan was instantly refreshed.

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