Twisted Realm

Chapter 94 - Ritual

Shen Lao has a deep understanding that Kunnan’s strength is very strong, and it should not be his strongest strength now, but it is very rare to be able to play evenly with Kunnan in this state.

This means that Meng Xuan’s strength is already moving towards the real peak.

“This time, Kunnan may have to go all out. If the information is correct, this guy is likely to master the secret method of ritual, and the source of the secret should come from the transcendence of the star trail…”

Shen Lao held his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly. He also wanted to see how strong Kunnan was after performing the secret rituals.

His energy was completely concentrated, and his muscles were on alert, ready to take action at any time to save Meng Xuan.

Because he knew that with the terrifying power of the secret method of ritual, if he couldn’t take action in time, Meng Xuan would probably be directly killed by Kunnan.

The figures of Meng Xuan and Kunnan were still entangled in the dim light.

Brush brush brush brush! !

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

Kunnan’s palms collided violently with Meng Xuan’s folding knife, occasionally accompanied by the roar of the golden lion’s head and the shrill howl of the slender ghost.

Gradually, Kunnan confirmed one thing, Meng Xuan’s overall physical fitness seems to be half better than his.

Extremely agile speed, powerful body reflexes, terrifying insight, and extremely sharp body instincts make Meng Xuan a great threat even if he can only slash with a knife.

And the young man in front of him, who is only less than eighteen years old, is really terrifying strength and talent…

Kunnan’s eyes narrowed, and blazing killing intent poured out of his heart.

Meng Xuan’s terrifying dynamic vision was keenly aware of a loophole in Kunnan’s defense, and he slashed out.

what! !

A scream of extreme pain and hatred rushed out from his blade, and a monster with a distorted face and a body that looked like a piece of internal organs slammed into Kunnan, with countless black lines gushing out of his body.

Secret skill, blood brake! !

Ok? !

Kunnan clearly felt that Meng Xuan’s secret sword technique was different from the previous one, and the power was at least doubled.

He slammed out with a slap, and the roaring golden lion headed towards him.

puff! !

The golden lion’s head shattered in response, and the half-shattered piece of the monster hit his chest.

A slight numbness and lag

A sense of stagnation comes.

What followed was a gleaming silver light.

Kunnan’s pupils shrank, he stepped out, and instantly retreated.

brush! ! !

The sound of the blade breaking through the air sounded.

Because of the continuous attacks and the sudden explosion, Meng Xuan couldn’t help but stop on the spot and gasped violently for two times, his physical energy consumption was extremely fast.

Kunnan, who was five meters away, also stood there, silent for a while.

A fine crack appeared on his black suit.

Snapped! !

The suit and the bottoming white shirt were torn apart, revealing Kunnan’s robust body, with blood-red tattoos crisscrossing his body.

Kunnan suddenly laughed and yanked the clothes on his body.

Stab it! !

The black suit and bottomed white shirt were torn apart easily, turning into a pile of rags, which he casually threw aside, revealing his sturdy body.

The broad and strong shoulders, the bat-like latissimus dorsi, the perfect inverted triangle, the whole body is like a sculpture, full of explosive power and beauty.

On his body, there are blood-red lines crisscrossed in a crisscross pattern, which looks a bit like some kind of extremely complicated ritual pattern, giving people a sense of mystery and dizziness.

“It really is a ritual, a ladder beyond the limits of human beings, I just don’t know what type of power…”

Shen Lao stared at the dense blood-red lines on Kunnan’s body and whispered to himself.

Ritual? !

Xian Shi and Elena frowned slightly when they heard the term, which was not within their knowledge.

Xian Shi opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask, but saw Elena shaking her head at him.

The secrets that involve beyond the limits of human beings are not within the scope of their knowledge. If the old man does not take the initiative to tell them, they should not ask.

“You are qualified to see my strongest strength.”

Kunnan’s expression quickly became indifferent.

blah blah blah! !

His right thumb suddenly connected at several nodes of the blood-colored lines on his body.

An extremely uneasy premonition appeared in Meng Xuan’s heart.

A fierce killing intent flashed in his eyes, and regardless of his slightly tired body, he suddenly charged towards Kunnan with the knife again.

However, he was only halfway through.


! !

An extremely terrifying sense of oppression came from Kunnan’s body.

His body was inflating rapidly like a puffed balloon.

The blue veins all over his body burst out, the violent heartbeat can be heard clearly from a few meters away, and the muscles all over his body swell more and more terrifyingly.

His hair exploded like the mane of a lion king, and his eyes were bloodshot, full of cruelty and pride.

Bang! !

An extremely rich golden smoke surged out of his body, sweeping the area of ​​twenty meters around him like a tide.

Breaking the limit of fifteen meters! !

Such pressure! !

what did this guy do? !

Meng Xuan’s face changed gritted his teeth and stopped his steps, a large amount of mental energy turned into black smoke and gushed out, resisting the terrifying oppression.

“So strong!!!”

Standing on the branches, Xian Shi and Elena, who were twenty or thirty meters away from the battlefield, looked at Kunnan’s figure and found that their bodies trembled involuntarily. Intentional sphere of influence! !

Roar! ! ! !

A majestic roar came, all the golden smoke condensed behind Kunnan, and a terrifying image appeared faintly.

It is about five meters wide, with a huge head like a lion’s head, with ferocious fangs in its mouth, a fierce face, a pair of sharp horns on the top of its head, and its face is covered with mysterious lines.

Its eyes are indifferent vertical pupils like a cat, and its long tongue like a snake letter is waving recklessly in the air.

What Kunnan condensed was not a real creature! !


Old Shen whispered solemnly.


Xian Shi and Elena were trembling all over and sweating coldly. I don’t know why they were beyond the influence of Kunnan’s mental force field, but they could still see the condensed matter of his mental force.

The phantom of the mythical and legendary terrifying giant beast was so oppressive that they even felt that if that thing looked at them, maybe they would fall to the ground softly.

“Grace, a magical creature in the myths and legends of the Western State, is said to be the king of beasts on land. It has the majesty and ferocity of a lion, the sensitivity and flexibility of a cat, the reaction and indifference of a snake, and the toughness of an ox. Endurance and strength…”

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