Two cute babies: Mr. Si loves his wife too much

Chapter 3527 Teach a man how to fish!

Although Su Qian liked the pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the store, she had to focus on other work again.

Su Qian is very diligent, and quickly adapted to the busy pace of work in the store. When she is not busy, she will quietly stand in the back kitchen and watch the short-haired woman wash, chop, cook and carve vegetables. I keep it all in my heart, I just want to learn it one day and come in handy.

The short-haired woman usually talks very little, and her temper is actually not good. When she is busy in the kitchen, she always frowns tightly and keeps a straight face, as if she doesn't like the job very much.

But when she faced Fang Ziye and Su Qian, she would smile, approachable and patient, which moved Su Qian who didn't know why, so she would work harder when working.

She would put down everything in her hands and take out alcohol to disinfect Su Qian's hands when she broke her hands, and would gently push her away to clean up the pieces when Su Qian accidentally broke the plate. No matter how outrageous a mistake she made, she was never willing to say a serious word.

From her, Su Qian could always feel the warmth of her mother.

Not only that, the short-haired woman never asked Su Qian anything about her family, but she knew that Su Qian needed money, and she needed it very, very much.

Unlike ordinary bosses or elders, she never provided Su Qian with any extra money except for paying her salary on time, but she taught Su Qian other skills to make a living.

Later, when Fang Ziye asked, the short-haired woman just replied with such a simple sentence: "Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish. You can't protect her forever, and she can't live under your protection all her life."

It was such a simple sentence that once again became Fang Ziye's life creed.

So, after Su Qian slowly entered the rhythm, the short-haired woman gave Su Qian her first skill, which was making milk tea.

Different from the fast food ingredients used in ordinary milk tea shops, as a super chef, she pays special attention to the selection of ingredients. The ingredients and milk used are all carefully selected in the supermarket, instead of the ones that cost a few dollars in a large bag in the wholesale market. plant something.

The short-haired woman taught Su Qian how to make tea, how to prepare milk and seasoning according to the proportion, taught her the popular tastes that are seasonal and popular, and taught Su Qian her own exclusive formula.

After learning this, Su Qian has been able to get rid of the chores and take orders and make recipes at the small window alone, and is urged by customers. She is very busy, but painful and happy.

The pace of life in this city is very fast, and the proportion of young people is also very large, so this is an opportunity for Su Qian to find her second job in life.

Every day after get off work, she would come to a chain milk tea shop outside Santiao Street on time. On the day of application, Su Qian took out the skills taught to her by a short-haired woman, and passed the level with ease. This surprised the store manager. He asked Su Qian Whether Qian has received professional training, but Su Qian's answer is no.

All walks of life need excellent talents, and Su Qian is obviously the kind who is excellent and talented, so the store manager did not hesitate to keep her, and also agreed that Su Qian would come to work part-time at night. I was busy until 11:30, leaving the last half hour for cleaning, and I was paid 15 yuan an hour.

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