Two cute babies: Mr. Si loves his wife too much

Chapter 3576 The last light

Three days later, Su Qian finally met Zhexi as she wished. The child was lying on the hospital bed with tubes inserted into his body, looking at the tablet hanging in the air. There were some materials about programming and hacking in it. Very bad, but still studying hard.

Seeing this scene, Su Qian was so distressed that she couldn't breathe, her eyes were already moist but she didn't want to show it in front of the child, because she knew that once she cried, Zhe Xi would be even more sad when she saw it.

For the past three days, she had been guarding outside the ward and could not get in. She could neither see Zhexi nor Si Mohan. At that time, Su Qian's whole sky collapsed. She didn't know what happened, and there was no one there. talk to her.

Su Qian waited silently like this, praying in her heart, finally, on the third morning, after she stayed up all night with red eyes, Jiang Ye came out of the ward and said softly to her: "Zhe Xi has passed the dangerous period, you can go in and have a look."

Hearing these words, Su Qian burst into ecstasy, and rushed in impatiently, only to see Si Zhexi who was immersed in the spiritual world.

At this time, Zhexi finally found Su Qian who had quietly come to his side. Surprised, he immediately wanted to struggle to sit up and give Su Qian a big hug, but the pain from the incision in his abdomen made him pale instantly, but In just one breath, Zhexi's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, showing how much pain he had.

But even if this was the case, Si Zhexi didn't yell out, he was exactly the same as Si Mohan back then.

"Zhexi! Good boy, don't move around! Mom is here with you!" Seeing this, Su Qian pressed Zhexi's shoulder and comforted her softly, "You have to be strong!"

"Mummy, why are you here! Is this a hospital? Then am I sick? Why didn't Daddy come to see me?" Zhexi asked softly, holding back the pain, and every time he said a word, his stomach It would involve nerves, and the pain made him frown.

Since meeting Su Qian, Si Zhexi finally opened the window of his soul, began to slowly learn to speak, was willing to try to accept new people and things around him, and was willing to put down that tablet and return to a normal life.

So, at this moment, he suddenly saw Su Qian and his mommy whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He cherished this rare opportunity to get together very much, and even pain couldn't stop his joyful heart.

Hearing this, Su Qian wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes and said softly: "Zhe Xi, you have a little diarrhea, that's why Daddy sent you to the hospital for injections for a few days! But it's a coincidence, Daddy's new medicine There is something wrong with his company, so he has to fly abroad to deal with it, but he will come back to see you soon, don't blame dad for being good."

Speaking of this, Su Qian's voice was a bit crying, she took a deep breath, and then tried her best to hold back her emotions, just not wanting to cause trouble and sadness to Zhe Xi.

"So it's like this, alas, Daddy is so busy, it's normal to have no time, I can accept it with Mommy by my side, hahaha! I'm so happy to see Mommy!" The innocent Si Zhe Xi Xi didn't doubt Su Qian's words, but turned her head and looked at her with a smile on her face, with infinite satisfaction in her tired eyes.

Seeing this scene, Su Qian's heart suddenly twitched with pain, and when she thought of Si Zhexi's condition, she felt cold all over.

Why is God so cruel, a boy who is so good, so cute, and so ill-fated, why does he want to extinguish the last light of his life!

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