Two hundred million in debt? I relied on metaphysics to make my debut and become a top-notch person!

Chapter 202 The heartbeat is racing! Who peed on my crotch?

There were many dynasties and many princesses in history, but Princess Wenyang was different. She carried forward the ancient witchcraft and taught humans how to pick up the witchcraft left in the long river.

Warlocks peer into the destiny of heaven. Most people are destined to have no descendants, and it is extremely difficult to pass it on.

It is precisely because of Princess Wenyang that Xuanxue, which was almost eliminated by history, did not fall. Now there are people from Xuanmen who are in front of them to compete with the Xuxue, and this is why there are 505 Office and the Awakened.

Everyone in Miaocheng knows about Princess Wenyang, but people in Miaocheng don't know that Daozhai is the hometown of Princess Wenyang, they don't know that Miaocheng is the birthplace of the ancient witch, and they don't know that Daozhai is the descendant of the ancient witch.

Different from the Tang family's cultivation of gu, Daozhai is good at cultivating gu, and people in Xuanmen call them grass ghosts. Since ancient times, it has been passed down from female to female, but not from male to female.

The Dao Village has a huge number of people. As Dao family members, they are extremely proud and even disdain to associate with the 505 Office. They believe that no one can break the Miaocheng defense formation. As long as Miaocheng is defended, it is the last pure land of mankind.

two days ago.

This pride was shattered.

Dao Xiang sighed: "Miaocheng is the hometown of Princess Wenyang, and Gongzhuling is the mausoleum of Princess Wenyang."

Gongzhuling covers an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers. Viewed from the top of Miao City, Gongzhuling looks like a circling dragon. Some people jokingly call it a dragon vein.

After the tomb was excavated, the museum was not built next to the tomb, but on a separate foundation.

It all starts with the tomb.

Two days ago, an elderly sunset tour group disappeared shortly after entering Gongzhuling. The investigation team searched for a long time and finally found it on the mountainside of Gongzhuling. As we all know, the distance between the mountainside and the bottom of Gongzhuling is a thousand meters.

It's not the weirdest place.

The weirdest thing is that from that day on, every elderly person in the tour group received a note one after another.

The paper is wood pulp paper made by ancient methods. On the paper are the six words "The hundred-year agreement has arrived" written in blood, and the signature is Princess Wenyang's personal seal.

So, the question arises, Princess Wenyang’s personal seal is in the museum.


Dao Xiang unfolded the paper.

Friends in the live broadcast room began to discuss heatedly.

[Is the signature seal a forgery? 】

[I major in archeology. There are too few records about Princess Wenyang in history books, but there are records about her private seal. The lower left corner is missing. If it is a fabrication, it would be too similar. 】

[So it’s true? 】

【It's so weird! ? 】

Dao Xiang frowned.

After investigation, they found that the blood was that of Golden Pheasant, which made them relieved but also a little surprised.

The Golden Pheasant is not only a second-level protected animal, but also Princess Wenyang’s favorite animal during her lifetime.

The investigation team is helpless. They don't know if it is man-made. Fortunately, no murder has occurred yet.

Dao Xiang did not go into detail about the disappearance of many people in the live broadcast room. She only focused on the weirdness that happened later.

It was at this time that a gap appeared in Miaocheng's protective formation, and the house leaked all night long. As a result, Daoxiang didn't sleep well for two nights.

After hearing Dao Xiang's explanation, the hairs on the body of the fans in the live broadcast stood up.

[This is not a horror movie! 】

[This is the weirdness of Gongzhuling recently. I remember that many passengers disappeared before. 】

[Heart: Hey, my heartbeat is speeding up~]

[Actually, I'm not afraid. Are you shaking your legs? I didn’t shake my legs! 】

[Who peed in my crotch! ? 】

Shi Sang said earnestly: "Believe in science."

Dao Xiang: "..."

She wants to believe it too!

Shi Sang said: "The two things you mentioned are not related, but they are both man-made."

Dao Xiang took a breath.

They calculated it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Shi Sang just listened to the description and figured it out clearly?

Dao Xiang said hurriedly: "Can you come to Miaocheng?"

Shi Sang nodded lightly with a smile: "Tell me how big a red envelope you will give me."

Dao Xiang was confused: "Red envelope?"

Shi Sang narrowed his eyes: "Public and private should be distinguished. This is a private matter for you. Do you want to be in vain?"

Dao Xiang shook his head repeatedly: "No no!"

[Look, the child is so scared. 】

[Hurry and hide in your husband’s arms. 】

[Toki-san: Just say how much it will cost and that’ll be it! 】

[The main focus is to treat each other sincerely. 】

Dao Xiang looked confused. In order to persuade Shi Sang to come out of the mountain, they discussed it all night. The elders believed that powerful people are upright and upright and do not like money and other mundane things.

If Shi Sang can save Miao City from fire and water, they plan to carve a statue of Shi Sang according to the statue in Shi Sang Taoist Temple, and make it stand next to Princess Wenyang.

Unexpectedly, Shi Sang preferred those vulgar objects to statues.

Shi Sang added: "Then let's talk about compensation."

Dao Xiang wondered again: "Compensation?"

What compensation.

Where is the compensation?

Shi Sang said nonsense seriously: "After all, you deprived me of my freedom."

Dao Xiang was confused three times: "Freedom?"

Shi Sang smiled: "The point is compensation."

Dao Xiang: "..."

Did you say that the master doesn't care about money?

Dao Xiang paused: "How much compensation do you want?"

There was no one around Shi Sang to send express, so he could only fold a paper crane, put the talisman into the paper crane, and said at the same time: "Of course the more the better, I will send you a talisman first to seal the gap."

[I can obviously steal money, but I just gave you Zhang Fu. 】

[Toki Sang: My time is really money. 】

【happy? depression to luck! 】

[I'm just curious if a talisman can be useful? 】

[Who made the note? 】

[Who made the gap? 】

Daoxiang rewarded him with millions in rewards.

Shi Sang nodded with satisfaction and released the folded paper crane out of sight of the camera: "Who? I have to ask Uncle Dao Xiang's eldest brother."

Dao Xiang was in a daze.

Although their family's inheritance is only passed down to daughters, the children in the family are still free to marry and have children. When a family does not have a daughter, they will either adopt it or pass it on to their daughter-in-law.

Dao Wanhong is the only exception.

Dao Xiang felt disgusted with his uncle's family from the bottom of his heart. Without him, his character was too bad.

Youdao means marrying a virtuous wife. Whose parents don't treat their children with all their heart and soul? Dao Wanhong's parents are different. They seem to have a grudge against their son.

The disappearance of the elderly tour group is a matter for the investigation team, so it stands to reason that they should not be troubled.

The reason lies in the elderly people in the tour group. One of the couples is Uncle Daoxiang and his aunt.

Dao Xiang hesitated before speaking: "They are still at the hotel on the mountainside. I will go and ask them right away."

Before going out.

A red paper crane flashed in front of Dao Xiang. Dao Xiang put the phone aside and took the crane. Seeing the aura fluctuations of the talisman, she inexplicably thought of the formation that was suddenly reinforced not long ago. Its fluctuations seemed to be similar to the talisman. Paper is the source.

Will Toki-san be the one to strengthen the formation?

in the case of.

How dare the eldest aunt stand up and take credit?

Dao Xiang stuck the talisman paper in the gap of the formation and appeared at the hotel with doubts and his mobile phone.

Arguments could be heard in the distance.

"Useless thing, why are you such a waste boy? Dao Xiang has been completely out of the limelight in the past two days!"

"How could we give birth to such a useless son like you? He is incompetent in literature and martial arts. He is so embarrassing!"

The heart-wrenching words are chilling.

Dao Xiang didn't need to think about it to know that Uncle Dao and Aunt Dao were scolding Dao Wanhong every day.

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