Two hundred million in debt? I relied on metaphysics to make my debut and become a top-notch person!

Chapter 242: The cost of spreading rumors is too low.

Han Yinni was worried that she wouldn't be able to hear Shi Sang's voice due to the crowd, so she hurriedly put on her Bluetooth headphones.

The friends in the live broadcast room looked proud.

[There is no way, who makes the anchor omnipotent. 】

[I just saw Chu Fei’s figure outside the wonton restaurant. It’s a bad dish. Isn’t she here to challenge the enemy? Han Yinni, run quickly! 】

[What are you running for? In the final analysis, it was Han Yinni who caused Xiao Mo's accident, so she still had the nerve to run away? 】

At this time.

Chu Fei had already walked in the door. Without saying a word, she pulled Han Yinni up from the chair and said angrily: "As soon as I came back, I found Xiao Mo lying on the bed. What did you do to Xiao Mo!? I handed Xiao Mo over before I left. You, this is how you take care of him for me? Do you deserve my trust!?"

Han Yinni was looking at her cell phone and couldn't stand still for a moment, falling to the ground in a panic.

Hearing Chu Fei's question, Han Yinni lowered her head in shame. She did not take good care of Xiao Mo.

It was indeed because of her that something happened to Xiao Mo.

Han Yinni reluctantly stood up from the ground and did not cry out in pain even though she twisted her foot.

There was a "pop" sound.

Chu Fei slapped Han Yinni.

the end.

Chu Fei looked down at Han Yinni and wanted to throw the wontons on Han Yinni's head, but was stopped by the store owner.

"If you go out and make a quarrel, if it affects my business, can you afford to pay for it!?"

Fans in the live broadcast room were surprised by the change.

[Why did the fight suddenly start? 】

[Although Han Yinni failed to take good care of Xiaomo, it is wrong for Chu Fei to hit someone! 】

[The anchor talks very little today, why? 】

See this.

Shi Sang raised his eyebrows.


She's waiting for someone to break the law.

Shi Sang chose Han Yinni as the destined one. In addition to the fact that Han Yinni was surrounded by criminals, the second reason was that Han Yinni should not be trapped in life and be pessimistic and world-weary due to rumors.

at this time.

Han Yinni was about to explain to Chu Fei, but Chu Fei didn't want to listen at all. Chu Fei threw Han Yinni away, turned around and walked out, walking fast and firmly.

Shi Sang reminded Han Yinni: "Follow me. By the way, you have to be mentally prepared to be misunderstood."

Han Yinni didn't know why.


What misunderstanding?

After Han Yinni paid the money and limped to follow, she could hear the conversation between Chu Fei and the aunts downstairs from a distance.

"Chu Fei, are you back from a business trip? Hey, why do you look so ugly?"

"What happened?"

"There are no obstacles that we can't overcome. We are all neighbors. If you can help us, we will definitely help!"

"Yeah, just say it."

Chu Fei looked embarrassed. She sighed, as if she couldn't resist everyone and had to speak.

"Auntie, I really don't know what to do. I have no face to face my brother."

Chu Fei exaggerated and told everyone present what Han Yinni had done.

"I'm not blaming Han Yinni. She took care of my brother until he became seriously ill. How can I not be angry? I know she helped take care of Xiao Mo out of good intentions, but I just can't get angry. Why can she still eat and drink like a normal person? Leave my brother alone at home?"

"If I had known that she was such an untrustworthy person, I would never have put my brother in her hands."

Hear this.

Han Yinni at the corner was stunned.


She treats Xiaomo sincerely!

She's not eating or drinking!

Friends in the live broadcast room shook their heads repeatedly.

[The cost of spreading rumors is too low. 】

[Yes, people can bring infamy on an innocent person with just one specious word. 】

[A mouthful of spit can really drown someone. 】

[But Han Yinni is not innocent! It was indeed her who harmed Xiao Mo! 】

[If you want to blame, blame the anchor. It was the anchor who asked Han Yinni to go downstairs to eat, otherwise she wouldn’t be misunderstood! 】

The friends in the water were in a quarrel.

Some people think that Han Yinni deserves what she deserves, while others think that Han Yinni is not guilty enough.

There are different opinions.

In short, no one thought that Chu Fei's behavior was excessive, they just thought that she was angry and upset.

Until Shi Sang said: "There are two roads from the restaurant to Han Yinni's home, a short road and a long road. If Chu Fei is really worried about Xiao Mo, why bother to go far away from the near and take this long road with the aunts 'guarding' .”

As soon as these words came out.

The water friends in the live broadcast room realized it.

[Oh my god, don’t say it, don’t say it. 】

【It’s scary to think about it! 】

[Then why did Chu Fei do this? 】

[I don’t know if you have noticed one thing. We came out of Han Yinni’s house and didn’t meet Chu Fei along the way. Chu Fei had just returned from a business trip. How could she know Xiao Mo’s current situation and see the right time to appear. 】

The environment where Han Yinni lived was not very good. There were only two roads in and out. No one was met on the short road, and there were aunts on the long road. If Chu Fei took the long road, he would not meet the aunts, and the aunts would not say anything. Say these words.

Chu Fei seemed to appear out of thin air.

As the saying goes, if all impossibilities are eliminated, whatever remains that is unbelievable is the truth.

Either Chu Fei appeared out of thin air, or he had been living next door to Han Yinni without going on a business trip, but neither possibility could explain why Chu Fei knew about Xiao Mo's condition, and why he still blamed Han Yinni after knowing it.

The water friends were confused.

Shi Sang said: "Xiao Mo's condition was caused by Chu Fei, so she didn't need to see it with her own eyes to know Xiao Mo's condition. Because Chu Fei just wanted to spread rumors about Han Yinni, and she wanted Han Yinni to pick up her tail and leave here in dejection. To be precise, leave where she and Xiao Mo are."

Han Yinni: "!?"

The friends in the live broadcast room widened their eyes.

【why? 】

[I can’t keep up with Chu Fei’s brain circuit. 】

[I don’t understand the same style! 】

[I understand, Chu Fei did not go on a business trip, but she deliberately used the excuse of a business trip to hand over Xiaomo to Han Yinni. In fact, Xiao Mo was destined to be evil since three days ago. Chu Fei jumped out and spread rumors, and Han Yinni couldn't argue. 】

[But I don’t understand why Chu Fei did this. 】

Toki Sang knew.

There is a secret hidden in Chu Fei's heart. This secret will no longer be hidden as Xiao Mo grows up. She thought about taking Xiao Mo away from here, but everyone would definitely ask why, and Han Yinni would definitely not let them go easily.

Han Yinni loved her family and would not move easily. Han Yinni was so kind to Xiao Mo that Chu Fei was afraid that the secret would be exposed and she had to get rid of Han Yinni.

Address the problem at its root.

At this time, the aunts began to murmur.

"We have watched Han Yinni grow up, so why is she so ignorant of the importance?"

"After all, I don't have a father or a mother. I don't know how to take care of a child. I panic when something happens. After all, Xiao Mo is not her biological brother. How can she treat him sincerely?"

"There is a gap between the heart and the belly."

Han Yinni strode forward, interrupting the aunties' muttering: "I don't have one!"

Chu Fei noticed Han Yinni a long time ago from the corner of her eye. She did not restrain herself and even sneered in her heart.

She deliberately took this long road because there were very powerful aunts on this road. With these people gossiping, Han Yinni could not get away with her "crime".

To know.

There is no shortage of gossips anywhere in the world.

These people think they are just gossiping, and they don't think they are harming others. In fact, they are spreading trouble and are even more hateful than the people who spread rumors, and Chu Fei needs the help of these hateful people to deal with Han Yinni.

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