Two hundred million in debt? I relied on metaphysics to make my debut and become a top-notch person!

Chapter 248: The day does not understand the darkness of the night, the top student does not underst

Hear the righteous words of your parents.

Breathing behind the nape becomes thicker.

His parents kept saying they loved him, but they poked wounds on him again and again.

How can such a family not be called rotten when it still wants to muddy the waters in the face of major issues of right and wrong?

Empress Xiang was afraid of pain and never dared to end her life. He painted all his hopes on watercolor paper. He wanted to get out of the predicament so much. With the encouragement of his friends, he met Shi Sang and resolutely chose Lian Mai.

There was only one last step left before he could send his parents in and completely step out of the shadows.


These are his parents!

Can he kill his relatives out of justice?

Xiang's father saw that Shi Sang was not listening to anything he said, and he was not wearing the execution recorder used when the investigation team was dispatched. He said with disdain: "It's just throwing an object from a high altitude. There are people behind me. The investigation team never acts alone." I suspect you are fake, what is your leader’s name?”

Xiang Ma raised her chin: "Don't call it a cat, even if it kills a person, we can still deal with it!"

Shuiyou laughed angrily during the live broadcast.

[Holy shit, so arrogant? 】

[Has the anchor encountered a tough situation? 】

[Tougher Toki Sang: That’s great, they dare to say it. 】

[No matter how big the background is, breaking the law is breaking the law. Don’t try to escape the sanction of the law! 】

Xiang Hou's heart sank to the bottom.

Such parents will not only leave scars on him, but also cause harm to society.

After Xiang looked at the little black in Shi Sang's hand, she made up her mind and took a brave step forward.

"I reported my parents for throwing objects from a height. The camera in my room can prove that my parents threw my cat out of the window and that they knew the dangers of throwing objects from a height."

"Knowingly committing a crime without causing any major impact, he should be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years."

Shi Sang was not surprised by Xiang Hou's righteous decision to kill off her parents. She smiled, straightened her phone, and pointed the camera at Xiang Hou's parents, recording their shocked and ferocious faces.

Friends in the live broadcast room applauded one after another.

【well done! 】

【Great pleasure.jpg】

【It should have been like this. 】

After all, Empress Xiang's parents were high-level intellectuals and would not point their fingers at Empress Xiang and yell at them, but they were still vicious enough.

"How could we give birth to a white-eyed wolf like you?"

"What can you do if you go out like this? You don't have much ability, but you have a lot of ideas. Do you think you can spread your wings and fly high after you step out of the wings we have opened for you?"

"You, an unfilial son, have done evil in your previous life. What good will it do to you if we go in!?"

"Idiot, you deserve to be unloved for the rest of your life!"

Xiang Hou calmly accepted the abuse from his relatives. He had a strong ideological conflict with his parents. At the same time, it was difficult for him to change his parents' thoughts.

Some things are deeply rooted, like tangled vines, tightly entangled together. As we all know, some roots will never see the slightest light in their lives.

Did the parents’ education fail?

he does not know.

He only knew that the birth of life was great, and he thanked his parents for giving birth to and raising him.

However, once a root rots, no one can help it up. Only by cutting it off decisively can we ensure that other roots will not rot along with it.

[Some people are making trouble. Parents are a bit strict in educating their children, but that is a matter of course. It is not your turn to point fingers. 】

[I have long wanted to say that Queen Xiang, no matter what, they are still the parents who gave birth to you and raised you! 】

[I think the Xiang family has quite a status in the society. Children in this kind of family should not be strict in discipline. Children are really easy to learn bad things. You can't just send your parents there just because they can't stand their education. Empress Xiang is not good at it. 】

[Please, if it weren’t for Han Xin, who would want to tear it apart completely? 】

[I hate this kind of suppressive education. If I don’t love my own children, who do I expect to love them? 】

[I want people to know that the good intentions of parents are not expressed in this way. You are domesticating, and humans are not eagles. You will only push them further and further away! 】

What else did Xiang Hou’s parents want to say.

The investigation team appeared in front of everyone.

Xiang Hou's parents resisted the investigation team's "invitation" and said they were unwilling to go for tea.

Toki Sang said slowly.

"He was taught to be a hollow bamboo by you, but he could have grown into a towering tree."

"If you go in, he will take good care of his body and still have a chance to thrive."

Fans in the live broadcast room all agreed.

[That’s right, without you, Empress Xiang still has a future. 】

[You have suppressed him for more than ten years, it’s time to give him freedom to fly. 】

[I feel sad when I think about how things could have been better after Xiang. 】

[Speaking of which, how come the anchor is acting like a soy sauce guy this time? 】

Toki Sang paid no attention to the comments.

Instead, he looked at the taciturn Empress Xiang.

Empress Xiang is where he is today because of his constant self-improvement. He can resist the wind and snow. However, when the dense bamboo leaves are covered with thick snow, the weight of the snow will still bend his waist and make him lower his head. .

At this time, someone needs to help him shake off the snow, so that he can rise higher and higher into the clouds.

In the original story, Xiang Hou did not see Xiao Hei, his courage did not emerge from his guilt for Xiao Hei, and he did not step out of the room to testify against his parents.

As a result, he was trapped in the snow all his life, so much so that even marriage matters could not be controlled by him.

Depression took away his young life.

He only lived to be 24 years old. He was obviously afraid of pain, but chose the most painful method of cutting his wrists.

Fortunately, there is a turning point now.

Empress Xiang's parents stared at Shi Sang.

There seemed to be a layer of gloom hanging over Shi Sang's head. He was smiling but was inexplicably linked to the evil spirit.

The faces of Xiang Hou's parents were as hot as fire. It wasn't shame and guilt that filled their bodies, but their faces were flushed with fright.

Shi Sang continued: "Don't be wronged. Your education is just to show your status as a parent. You always feel that you will not harm your children, but you don't see your children drifting away from you. When your children become talents, that's it. If you educate yourself well, if you don’t succeed, your child will grow crooked.”

Shi Sang ruthlessly tore off the disguise of Xiang Hou's parents and watched them being taken away by the investigation team.

After Xiang sat on the ground, the flesh on his face trembled. He was white and plump, like Xue Mei Niang who had just set up a stall.

Shi Sang shrugged and said with a smile: "The top students drive speedboats in the ocean of knowledge, and the bad students feed the sharks in the ocean of knowledge. Everyone has a bright future."

Friends in the live broadcast room were the first to laugh out loud.

[Pfft, I remembered a saying: Day does not understand the darkness of night, and a top student does not understand the tears of a scumbag. 】

【555 I am just a poor student, but I am a good person. 】

[Studying well does not mean everything. You cannot become a genius or a talent, but you can become a sound person. 】

[It’s all my fault, the traffickers, for taking all my wisdom away. 】

[Human trafficker: I won’t take the blame. 】

[Hhh Queen Xiang is finally free, celebrate freedom! 】

The live broadcast room was full of laughter.

Shi Sang turned off the live broadcast.

Xiang Hou felt better. He imitated Shi Sang and turned off the live broadcast. He stood up holding on to the wall and thanked Shi Sang.

When he was about to ask Xiao Hei.

Shi Sang threw Xiao Hei's soul towards Xiang Hou, who carefully caught it. She thought Xiao Hei would pass through him, but she didn't expect that it would land firmly in his arms.

Xiao Hei waved his paw: "Shit Shovel Officer, we meet again!"

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