Type Moon: Me! Magic King! I Want To Marry Timmy!

Chapter 102 It's Better To Come Sooner Than Later! Enemy Infighting!

The two walked cautiously at the entrance of the big cavity, avoiding the black mud pouring out from the inside. From time to time, some churning black mud splashed towards them, but they were blocked by the shields on their bodies.

This made Marne heave a sigh of relief, but when he saw that the black mud was corroding the shield, he hurriedly built hundreds more layers, saying: "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time, let's speed up.

"En," Niang Xing replied.

So the two of them ran up, relying on the shield to resist, directly ignoring the black mud, and rushed inside at full speed.

Not long after, the two came to an empty cave.

But at this time, inside the cave, black mud is everywhere, almost filling up the whole cave.

Nail! Clang! Clang!

Before Marne could take a closer look at the surrounding situation, there was a sound of metal beating.

Marne and Niang winked at each other, and they both smiled immediately.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence, which is the current situation.

"It seems that the enemy is not monolithic, is it due to conflict?

"Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up and 'persuade a fight'."

At the same time, Marne was also relieved. Fortunately, he was thinking too much. It wasn't that the enemy was preparing some big plan, but the internal strife held him back, otherwise he would be in trouble again.

Then the two quietly came near the sound of fighting, and saw three figures fighting fiercely.

One of the figures was covered in pitch-black armor, with a bunch of blue-purple long hair hanging behind his head, holding a big sword.

With that familiar appearance, the two instantly recognized that it was Lancelot!

But there is nothing surprising, after all, there is a precedent of Hassan Baimao, and it is reasonable for Lancelot to be blackened and resurrected.

The focus is on the people beside him, who fight with him.

It was a black shadow that kept changing, sometimes in the shape of a human, and sometimes like a wild beast, only the two weapons in his hands remained unchanged.

There are two grotesque short swords, forked like branches, and shaped like the fangs of some kind of creature. The blood-red sword body is covered with black twisted lines that look like curses.

With this pair of weapons, Marne instantly recognized that this is the real evil in this world, Angola Mainyu!

On the opposite side of the two is a red-haired man with a fierce face, wearing a black-and-red-striped shirt, Alexander the Great! Iskandar!.

However, what's going on here? Why did they fight? Moreover, two besiege one. It seems that the two people on the opposite side really want his life.

It is estimated that Lancelot was blackened and controlled by Angolan Manuel, so the two stand on the same front, but what about Iskandar?

Why is he fighting both? Isn't he controlled?

Marne's eyes are fixed on Iskandar, hoping to see the problem in him.

Then it was discovered that there was something wrong with Iskandar's expression.

The Servant controlled by blackening should be without sanity, but Iskandar has an expression on his face, which proves that he has a clear mind.

At the same time, his demeanor now is very different from when we first met.

If the original image was rude and heroic, then it is cold and fierce now.

Combined with his blackened attire, "It's hard not to remind people of Alterization.

Alteration is also blackening, but it is not the kind of blackening that is eaten by black mud, but another matter.

Alteration will retain the original memory and the essence of personality. The person is still the same person, but the way of thinking and the personality of dealing with things are somewhat different from the original.

It is not the same thing as the kind of insanity that has been eaten and controlled by the black mud, only madness and destructive impulses.

Now Iskandar, Marne looks like an Alter.

However, if Iskandar is transformed into an Alter, then there will be big problems!

This Alteration cannot be transformed casually, except for the restraining force that can directly summon Heroic Spirits to have this ability, there must be something that can change the Spirit Base, such as...……… Holy Grail!

Now I'm in big trouble. "

The moment he thought of this, Marne felt dizzy. The last thing he wanted to meet seemed to have happened.

Thinking about it now, the reason why those blackened troops were able to get out of the inherent barrier and resurrected might be due to the power of the Holy Grail.

This can also explain why Iskandar fought with Angolan Manuel.

Needless to say, Iskandar's goal is to conquer the world.

But Angola Mainyu, this guy is thinking about how to destroy the world, and the two sides must have conflicts in this regard.

Iskandar, who wants to conquer the world, naturally won't let Angola Mainyu destroy the world, at least not before he completes the conquest, absolutely not!

Angola Mainu saw that Iskandar actually wanted to prevent him from destroying the world, and how could he agree, so he wanted to kill Iskandar.

"Don't you have the guts to come out while hiding? Intruder 々"!"

Just when Marne was thinking this way, Iskandar's cold and loud voice rang out, and the fighting over there also temporarily stopped.

Marne was not surprised, after all, they broke in by force, and it would be strange if they didn't find out.

So he walked out with his mother, and looked at Iskandar with a smile on his face: "."Meet you again, Iskandar.

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be you kid!"

When Iskandar saw Marne, he recognized him instantly, and said with a grinning smile: "Thanks to your care, otherwise there really wouldn't be such a chance to realize my wish.

Marne sighed slightly, sighing secretly that he had created a difficult opponent for himself.

Then he asked straight to the point: "So, do you really have the Holy Grail?"

Iskandar raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you actually know all this, it seems that I still underestimate you.

After being recognized, Marne was not only not happy, but her heart sank again.

"I know, I know, but I didn't expect that I would actually encounter this kind of thing one day, and I'm just now) I want to 'thank you' for your care, thanks to the blessing of your army, but Got me in a lot of trouble."

"Well, that's really happy news, but it's not enough."

Iskandar stared at Marne, his eyes full of murderous intent: "The previous defeat has not been returned to you yet."

"It just so happens that you have also built a city wall, so we can have a good offensive and defensive battle.

"To be honest, your move is really good, and I am excited. After all, my army is best at conquering, and it is conquering cities and lands!"

"Wei~ Do you hold grudges so much?"

Marne made a speechless remark, then looked at the two figures beside him: "I was thinking, can we cooperate, after all, this is a grievance between you and me, don't you think there should be no outsiders to intervene?"

Angolan Manuel immediately raised his weapon and looked at the people on both sides vigilantly.

..... Seek customization, flowers, tickets...power....

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