Ugly Bastard

Chapter 100 – Keeping appearance

The next few days after Noah used his 'Mindbreak' skill on them, girls were slowly getting accustomed to their own feelings. 

At first glance there was not much change, except the disappearance of the hate that the mate bite mark challenge brought them, which was the whole point of doing it. Tessa was the usual cold and elegant Madam of the family. Priscilla was still the same smart, composed young lady. Brianna, although growing overnight from a young girl into a young lady just like her sister, still got her happy and meek demeanor.

However if watched carefully there was some unnaturalness to their relationship compared to what they were like before. 

Tessa noticed that both girls were finding more opportunity to chat with her and even offering help in some work on their own. Priscilla would come help her in the garden when Tessa was planning its restoration with dryads. Brianna started to help out in the kitchen when Tessa was cooking lunch. 

Tessa herself noticed that she was warmer and would occasionally pat her daughters or touch their hands when pleased with their help, which brought them smiles.

She noticed that all three of them enjoyed each other's company a lot more than before, talking and joking with each other as they haven't done since the girls were very little. Tessa has missed that feeling of a happy family ever since Priscilla and Brianna became teenagers and was quite pleased with the girls opening to her so much these days. 

However she also noticed another thing. The pleasure that the occasional skinship would bring to them. Girls would seek to hug their mother more often, holding an embrace for a long moment. When they were working together they would stand closely to each other, with a gap so little between their shoulders they almost touched. If they would accidentally touch each other's hand when they did something or just handed something to each other, they would linger a little bit longer as if prolonging the moment. She quickly realized that they were seeking these feelings of touch from each other and knew that this wasn't just a family skinship. They all felt sexual excitement from it. 

There were also the gazes. Tessa would sometimes catch Priscilla gazing at her over the dining table or just in the hall when they met each other. Brianna would occasionally look over her body and go slightly red in her ears if she was caught doing it. And Tessa understood quite well what those gazes were about. She herself felt quite pleased seeing the two young women in their beautiful dresses that she made for them a lot in these few days when they had women-only chit-chat evenings. Sometimes she would stop in the middle of her weaving the new dress around the girls, gazing at the naked body of her daughters and enjoying the view. Brianna in these moments would slightly go shy and smile meekly, while Priscilla would gaze back at her with sensual eyes as if daring her. Some evening before going to bed with Noah, Tessa and Priscilla would simply sit in the room in silence staring at each other while drinking wine without speaking. Simply getting pleasure from watching each other.

There was, however, some kind of silent agreement between the three of them. They would touch and gaze at each other, but they would not act on these sexual impulses outside the bed with Noah. Outside the bedroom they kept the appearance of the normal family. Or at least when Noah was not around.

They all clearly understood it was just a sham however they still kept to it. When they were over excited from each other, however, they found a way to cheat that silent agreement like the time when Tessa and Priscilla were training in the weaving room, with Tessa teaching her daughter to weave complicated magic spells and had to come over and take her daughter's hands to show her the right way to do it. 

They stood alone in the center of the room, with Tessa standing behind her daughter with her hand hugging her from the sides and placing her fingers above Priscilla's, showing the right movements of the fingers and hands when Priscilla slightly turned to gaze up at her mother. Tessa looked over at her daughter and saw the blush in Priscilla's cheeks, which also brought her to realize the pose they were in.

They both stood gazing at each other for a long moment with their breath quickening and feeling each other's quickening heart beats. Then Tessa felt Priscilla butt slightly move as if changing posture a bit, but she realized her daughter did it to rub herself against her. Instead of moving away, however, she stood still just gazing back at her daughter. When Priscilla saw that her mother did not say anything she moved again, rubbing herself on her mothers thigh more obviously. At first she thought her mother would try to stop her, but when she saw that the woman gazing at her although not moving in response, started breathing heavily with a slight moan, she gained courage and began rubbing herself in a mire sexual way. 

At that moment Tessa backed away from her daughter, stopping it from further development. At that moment she saw a trace of disappointment, fear and embarrassment flash in Priscilla's eyes, but before her daughter could say something, Tessa grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the room, walking through the hall with quick steps. Priscilla looked at her mother with a scared look in her eyes while being pulled somewhere with force. But when her mother barged into the room where Noah was training his skills, surprising their mate and slamming the door shut, Priscilla finally understood what she wanted, shining a smile at her mother.

Yes, they kept their appearance of a normal family between each other clinging to the morals as they could. However, once Noah was in the equation and it was private, they would lose all pretense and would act on their impulses as much as they pleased.

In these days Noah found himself being quite popular, however on many occasions he doubted that he was the real target of their desire, suspecting that they used him as a pretext to act on their lust toward each other. But that did not displease him in the slightest, as some of the scenes he witnessed in these days excited him more than ever before.

And when talking about privacy, they meant it to be between each other. Behind the closed doors with maids out of the room.

Even though dryads clearly understood the going ones behind the door, they kept it professional and did not mention anything about the relationship of these four people.

However Noah did find himself being stared at by Zinnia and Aster from afar before quickly skittering away when being cought staring by him.


"My apology, master Noah." Said Dahlia bowing to Noah one morning with her sisters bowing behind her as well.

"Our mother demands that we get back as quickly as we can. She did not mention for what reasons, so I can't tell how long we would be away. But I am sure it will take at least one day." Explained Dahlia.

"One day? You can get to the Great Tree Labyrinth so quickly?"

"Oh we would not be traveling the usual way. Master Noah has an open way connecting to our mothers dream real. We used it to get here as well. We will be using it to get back now too." Answered Dahlia.

"I see." Said Noah. "Please send my best regards to your mother and thank her for sending you all for help. You were a wonderful help, girls."

"Umm…" Voiced Zinnia from behind her sister.

"Yes?" Said Noah looking at her.

"Would…would it be alright for us to return again? We really enjoyed working here." Said Zinnia meekly

Noah looked surprised at her. He always thought that they hated being away from their home as they were here as a sort of punishment. Then he turned to gaze at Tessa and the girls and saw Brianna and Priscilla look at him pleadingly while Tessa nodded at him.

"We would be glad if you all decide to return." Said Noah, nodding to Zinnia.

"Thank you!" Said Zinnia. Then she ran up to Brianna and hugged her tightly.

"Good luck lady Priscilla." Said Aster reservedly but when Priscilla hugged her, she happily responded by hugging her back.

Dahlia looked at Tessa meeting her eyes and then bowed deeply. Tessa smiled and nodded at her.

After a goodbye all three dryads quickly disappeared.

"You know?" Said Tessa once they were gone. "I like them, but we really have to do something about your connection with the Dryad Queen that allows them to come and go inside this barrier as if it's their back garden. What's the point of multi layer barrier if everyone come and go as they please?

"Yeah that's some worrisome thing." Sighted Noah.

Later that day, Tessa received a call from Cassandra, saying that she is waiting for them the next day for the party she organized for Priscilla and Brianna. 

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