Ugly Bastard

Chapter 111 – DOMINATE

In the real world, Noah started to trash and jerk with spasms, startling Cassandra. Feeling something very strange happening to the man in her hands, she unconsciously released him, letting him drop to the ground. A moment later a mad scream started to tear out of his throat that almost made her deaf.

He clawed at the tile and then turned on his back and started to dig at his own chest and face as if trying to dig out his own heart and eyes. Throughout this whole time, his legs jerked beating on the floor. He was screaming as if someone was tearing his limb away.

Cassandra was so surprised she stood frozen. Only after a few moments of this seizure did she come to herself seeing the foam coming out of the man's mouth. She did not know what was going on but she was sure that if she suddenly died here and now, there would be no way to explain to Tessa and her nieces that she did not do anything. Well, she did hit him a few times, but….

"Hey! What's wrong with you? What's going on?" She asked immediately moving toward Noah. He did not answer, only screaming like a beast that was slaughtered. She doubted he could even hear her. She kneeled near him and grabbed his hand, spreading her senses through his whole body.

There was nothing wrong with him physically. She scanned every cell of his body yet could not understand his state at all. She needed a real healer to check up on him before he died.

Before she could stand up to go for a healer, his hand suddenly grabbed her wrist squeezing it like a vice. But before she could even get surprised her whole body shivered with intense feeling flowing from her hand, where he grabbed her and spread within her like a tsunami. 

*Hoooup* she breathed in, filling her lungs with air to the brim and biting her lower lips before a beastly roar tore out of her throat. Jet-like stream of liquid spurted from between her legs where she squatted near Noah, making her drop to her knees into a puddle of her own juices from an intense orgasm. 


"Ugy? What are you waiting for?" Asked Brianna with worry in her voice looking out of the window. Red vicious-looking mist with streams of black lines inside it started to form out of nowhere in the mind realm outside the house. With every second it became thicker, covering the whole ground and skies. The ground was shaking and the walls inside the house started to creak.

"It's too early yet." Said Ugy.

A loud rumble of thunder spread throughout the whole realm, coming from the black mountain peak in the distance.

"They feel agitated." Muttered Yuko

"Who?" Asked Brianna turning to look at the girl standing at the window with her.

"Other nightmares." Answered Yuko.

"Other nightmares?" Asked Brianna looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"The ones less friendly than me." She answered. "The ones Noah would not like to get free."

*Gulp* Sounded Brianna's nervous swallow.


"Too early! It needs to reach the core. He must feel it in the very soul." Answered Ugy carefully staring at the TV and the codes streaming all over it.

Another loud rumble sounded right after his words. This one made an avalanche of stones roll down the mountain. It looked like the mountain was struggling to hold down whatever was underneath it.

*Do you want this pain to go away?* Suddenly sounded menacing voices in the mind realm

*Do you want us to make it stop?*

*Do you want power?*

*Release us. We will make them pay!* 

"Ugy!?" Said Brianna with a hurrying voice full of worry.

/Fuck off bastards. Get back inside!/ Suddenly Noah's voice roared with earth-trembling force.

*Skill: The will of D has been activated.*

"He can manage." Said Ugy looking back at Brianna with a smirk.


*New skill (active) has been created: Pain Induction.*


*New skill (active) has been created: Reaching the Core.* 


Just a few seconds ago Noah and Brianna listened to Ugy's crazy plan with strange faces. 

The plan is to make that high leveled ancient noble vampire into their bitch.

When Noah asked his system how the hell they were going to do that, he was half sure this was some kind of sick joke. Yet listening to Ugy he realized, that this crazy system of his had no intentions to joke. That Ugly Bastard really had a solid plan to do that.

"We are going to give this poor poor woman what she desires the most. What she hungers for centuries." Answered Ugy when he started to give a short summary of his plan.

"And that is?" Asked Noah

"Feelings." Answered Ugy with mischief in his voice.

"Huh?" Voiced Noah questioningly, not understanding his system.

She is a vampire, User. Vampires are undead. Her body once lived, enjoying the pleasures that this world had to give. Undead are unnatural beings. Their bodies are dead and keep living only through dark magic. Her heart does not beat. Her blood does not circulate. Her nerves do not conduct signals except for the very strongest stimulations. Such as a cut off hand, from which she would feel a slight prickle-like feeling.

/So how giving her feelings will help?/ Asked Noah.

"Don't you listen to me? Undead do not 'Feel' anything. A warm touch of another person, the feel of wood grain under your fingers. The soft fur of a pet when patting it. They can't feel any of those. But the worst of all is that this poor woman has no way to pleasure herself. No hand touch, no dick even the size of a horse's would give her pleasure. No shlicking or fucking can get her off. Vampires are truly frigid beings." Explained Ugy.

"I read that vampires get so much pleasure from drinking blood they get addicted."

"That's not exactly true. Vampires get addicted to sucking blood directly from the body of their prey. Although they can drink from a glass to get satiated. It is biting into prey that gets them off. And the reason for that is exactly their frigidness." Said Ugy, surprising Noah with this information.

"When they bite into their prey, they create a connection through their teeth and through this connection share senses with prey. They feel what the prey feels and the prey feels what they feel. And these starving, for any kind of sense, creatures get pleasure from any feeling that they get their hands on. Such as pain from the bite spot that their prey feels when they bite into them. Vampires feel pleasure from that pain and that pleasure is shared through their connection with their prey. So after the initial pain of the bite, their prey would feel immense pleasure as well. This is why many humans are also addicted to being vampires' servants. But this is not their pleasure, this is the pleasure that the vampire feels and shares with them." Hurried to explain Ugy as he felt they were losing precious time with all the unnecessary explanations.

"To make it short, the best desire that undead can have is to get their sense of feelings back. That is why the bite of elder vampires is the most pleasurable for the prey. Because they are the most starved ones. They feel the most pleasure from even a small portion of the feeling. This woman is one of the eldest vampires. One of the most starved ones. And we will give this woman what she desired for a thousand years. We will make her dream come true. We will make her feel as she has not felt in a thousand years. Make her addicted to it so hard she would kneel at your feet begging for more."

"And how do we do that?"

"We don't have that skill yet. But I know how to get it."

After that Ugy explained the way to get that skill, making the hair on Noah's neck go straight from fear of what he heard.


*Mmmmmmmmm* Moaned Cassandra from yet another orgasm that slammed into her just as she rode off the wave of a first one. This one is even more intense than the previous one. 

She could not understand what was going on, all she knew was that it was unnatural and it was coming from the man lying at her legs while clutching her wrist. She had to get away from him, had to stop him, but it felt SO SO GOOD. All the pain he shared with her through the touch, all that lost feeling, reaching her deepest parts, reaching her very core, her very soul. She felt it. Like a desert that saw no rain for a thousand years,  she finally FELT.

She felt it. She had not felt something so intense, something so vivid for a thousand years. Now she felt as if she had her sense of feeling back, as if she was…living again. She felt more than just pleasure. It was far more than just her overwhelmed senses. Even setting a vampire on fire would feel to them like an itch. Burning under the sun felt slightly warm before they died. But now she felt. Felt as if her life returned. Felt as if she was living.

Life? Was he using life magic on her? The moment she thought that she became afraid. She was an undead. Life magic was the bane of her kind. She wanted it to last, but fear awakened her instinct of self-preservation. 

Weakly she lifted her other hand and clasped with it the hand clutching her other hand's wrist, trying to tear it away from her and breaking free from his grip.


/U…Ugy…She…She is strug…ling./ Groaned Noah's voice from the TV in his mind.

/Stop her! We are not done yet. Don't let her get away! We need more time./ Screamed at him Ugy intently gazing at the codes streaming on the screen divided into two. One part showing the happening in the real world and the other overflowing with lines of codes that changed with almost lightning speed.

*Skill: Ugly Bastard Transformation used.* Sounded emotionless announcement, and immediately on the screen showing the real world, Brianna saw how Noah's body started to change and metamorphose into a huge muscular form. His hand gripping Cassandra's wrist now was a few times larger than before squeezing her entire forearm with his full force to not let her go free.

Yet even with intense orgasms trashing and seizing her entire body one after another she still struggled to break free. Her other hand pulled at the giant vice-like hand of a monster holding her down and pulled at it, slowly yet surely overpowering him.

She may have looked small and fragile in her human form, but this look was misleading. Underneath this beautiful and elegant noble lady's demeanor was the body of one of the most powerful monsters in the world. Her small thin fingers clutching at Noah's hand held him so strong he could feel the pain from it even through the waves of pain that overflowed his mind. Seeing as these small fingers were overpowering his steel-like grip and slowly peeling his hand off herself felt unnatural and scary. The moment she broke free they were done for.

"No, you don't!" Breathed out Brianna and suddenly spider legs broke through her dress cloth from the back and started to move with lightning speed forming threads in her opened human palms stretched out in front of her and moving with equally quick speed, leaving after images in their moves.

"Weaving is not my strongest side, but I did train a lot under my mother's guidance." She muttered as a thick rope made of spider thread was forming in her hand so fast it felt like she was simply pulling it out of her sleeve.


/Ugy…she is getting free!/ Struggled to think, Noah while trashing from intense pain, barely keeping his sentience with the use of his skill 'Dragons will', that let him bear the pain with Dragon-like unbendable will.

/User, check your homework folder. There is something that might help./ Said Ugy.

Noah struggled to will the folder, containing items he would not want anyone to see, to open and saw a few things that surprised him, but he had no time to dwell on it at the moment, so he chose the thing that looked like snow-white rope and took it out of the folder into the real world, making it appear in his free hand. 

In his state, there was no way for him to bind her so he concentrated on another skill in his arsenal and breathed into it a speck of life.

*Skill: Kyaan Damee, has been used.*

A moment later he could feel the rope start to wriggle in his hand.

/Rope Bind!/ Ordered Noah with his mind and smooth silky white rope swished over his body like a snake. It crawled over his hand clutching at Cassandra's wrist and smoothly weaved itself around the three hands binding now both Cassandra's hands with him.

"AaaaaaaaaaAaaaaa!" Wailed Cassandra with an open wide mouth, a loud scream breaking out from deep within her throat as if it came from her very soul. Was it the scream of yet another orgasm that after so far already a dozen previous ones, increased to such intensity her eyes started to roll back showing stars in her sight, or was it from frustration that she could not get enough force to break free from his grip? She did not understand herself. She just screamed to let the accumulating feelings out of her in the hope to protect her mind from blaze-like scorching senses that assaulted her.

Had it not been for all these mind-shattering orgasms that made her so weak in the knees she struggled from staying prone and not dropping to the ground, she would have no difficulty breaking off their contact. Break his giant monstrous hand with protruding veins and muscles as easily as if they were dry twigs. But now her strength simply left her body. The forces she struggled to concentrate on flowed through her willpower as if she was clutching at the sand. She could not even peel him off herself, not to mention tear apart Arachna's silk threads. Where the hell did he get such rope? She barely combined thoughts to wonder. 

On simply binding them together Rope-chan did not stop. After it whirled around her hands it crawled further up her forearm and over her shoulder. Round after round it circled around Cassandra's torso, starting to tighten on her forearms, locking them at her sides, barring her freedom to even struggle. It laced between her breasts and entwined them, tightening and squeezing her upper body from the waist, over her belly, and back to her neck in an intricate mesh-like pattern, tying knots in the spots where it crossed over itself to lock itself in position. 

Cassandra now sat on the floor on her knees with her whole body above the waist bound by the pure white rope that squeezed her tighter every time she shuddered and spasmed from a new orgasm, adding to her discomfort and turning pain from cutting into her skin rope into new waves of pleasure that intensified her craze inducing orgasms even more. Everything this man did to her, reached deep inside her. Touched her very core.

"LET GO OF MEeee grhggr!" She roared spitting out the drool that started to foam at the corners of her mouth, her roar turning at the end into a beastly growl and then a simple throaty gurgle. In her last attempt at struggle, Cassandra stretched out her nails, turning them into sharp claws, and pierced them into Noah's skin.

At this moment Noah felt her starting to form a connection with him that Ugy mentioned vampires get from biting into their prey. Through this connection, her mountain-like will that could struggle through all that pleasure without losing up till now slammed into his mind trying to overpower him and make him obey her.

Noah met her with his own unyielding will of a true dragon. 

Two enormous wills clashed in their minds like Dragon and Tiger tearing at each other with their fangs and claws.

/User! We need to intensify her feelings! Use that other thing./ Screamed at him Ugy.

Noah looked into his homework folder yet again and hesitated.

/What the hell is this thing doing here?/


While Noah fought with Cassandra over dominance in their minds, Ugy quickly wrote codes, line after line on half of the TV screen. In the mind realm, he did not need a keyboard or use his hands, he was a system and only needed his mind to do that. He stared at the screen with his eyes quickly shuddering, his pupils moving from side to side while reading codes so quickly their movements could barely be perceived.

Source Codes of different skills were opened, copied, and intertwined with the sheet in the middle of the screen where he was creating a new skill. Newly created skills 'Reaching the core' was only a part of this plan. Using it as the main body he mixed it with other skills. Adding lust skill, malignant aura, corrupt touch, pain induction, will of dragon, and even some codes of the companion and Kyaan Damee skills, topping them with connection skill. Mixing and rearranging the lines of different skill's codes he was making his newest creation that was needed to beat this ancient monster once and for all.


*The skill Reaching the core has leveled up…..


"To use that… I will… have to let go… of her." Said Noah aloud, not able to concentrate enough to have a conversation with his system with his thoughts alone.

"No problem. You can let her go now." Said Ugy


*The skill Reaching the Core has leveled up.*

*Skill name modified to DOMINATE*

Sounded like a new announcement immediately after Ugy's words.

Noah did not lose time thinking. Letting go of Cassandra's hand he pushed her away, tearing her nail out of his hand. As she was bound with the rope she could not stop him from breaking away from her clutches no matter how much she struggled. However, even after their contact was broken, she did not stop 'feeling' the pain. As if he shared it with her without contact. 

Noah pulled out of his homework folder a piece of Malicious vine that they fought with Dryad's power in Tessa's garden when they purified the mansion's territory. 

"Why the hell do we have it?" Asked Noah.

"Just felt it might get in handy. It was such a waste to just kill it off. No time to chit-chat. Use the skill."

Noah gripped the end of the vine in his hand and used his 'Kyaan Damee' skill again, breathing a speck of life into it, just like he did with the rope.

Suddenly the vine started to struggle in his hands. The spot Noah held it at thickened to fit his palm, turning into thick hard wood, while the leftover elastic body started to grow out the thorns. In a few moments, he held a green vicious looking thorn whip.

/So what does dominate do?/ Asked Noah.

/Too long to explain now. What matters now is DOMINATE, which allows you to spread the effect of all your skills in a certain area. So you don't need to hold her hand to reach her core and induce pain. Now use the whip to make her feel it to the max./ Said Ugy.

Cassandra watched as Noah in his monster-like form struggled to his legs, holding a vicious whip, and shuddered. She struggled to stand up in an attempt to get away from that monster but her legs did not listen to her. 

When Noah, gritting his teeth, stood fully prone, she barely struggled to her feet, standing on shaky legs and still half bent, with crushing waves of orgasms slamming at her. In her futile attempt to escape, she turned her back toward Noah, and Rope-chan, tightly binding her limbs and torso, readjusted itself, opening a wide spot of her back for the whip.

White light filled Cassandra's eyes before she registered the sound of a whip's crack sound, making her bend backward with a scream while a new jet of her juices gushed out of her like a fountain. Before she even stopped squirting a new crack of the whip on her back overwhelmed her senses so hard she was blinded by the white light in her eyes.

The next crack of the whip crumbled her mountain-like will. She bent her neck back, her back tensed as a violin string. With an open wide mouth, she kneeled at the feet of the huge ugly monster with a silent scream. At that moment her voice already failed her making her unable to even weep. 

Another crack of the whip made her lose the last speck of her sanity and strength. She dropped to the floor shivering and spasming in the puddle of her own juices, muttering something. 

With her eyes glazed as if her soul left her body, Cassandra lay on the floor unaware of everything that was happening around her. Total silence spread in her mind. That silence was only broken by a very rare rhythmic sound. 

*Thump-thump.* Sounded in her ears something that reminded her of the beating heart. Her heart. A dead heart that has not beat for millennia, suddenly beat once again. It was so slow that any doctor would consider it still dead, yet it beat, again and again, slowly spreading life through her body with every beat.

Noah could not hear her muttering well, however, Ugy heard them clearly. With a wicked smile spread on his plush bear's face, he added the last line to his code, and a new sound of the announcement spread in Noah's mind.


*New 'sub' has been added to your list.*

"The what?" Asked Noah, breathing heavily as he watched  Rope-chan unbind Cassandra's body and crawled over his leg to get into his free hand, binding itself into loops like a lasso.

"sub. It is short for submissive. It means…." Started to explain Ugy but sudden words heard in Noah's mind interrupted his tirade.

"I am sorry, Noah." Whispered someone into Noah's ear, startling him. 

Noah turned back as if to see a person that spoke behind himself, but saw only a cracked wall.

"Samantha?" Said Noah with an unsure voice. 

Following the pull of his skill 'He who hears the call' Noah disappeared from the spot, leaving only the ruined room and the High Noble Lady in a torn dress, muttering illegible words, with her glazed eyes rolled back in her head, shivering from aftershocks of almost hundred mind shattering orgasms she was through, her cunt overflowing with juiced so hard, they streamed over her legs and formed puddle under her, soaking her own shredded dress, lying on the dirty floor of the servants' toilet room.

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