Ugly Bastard

Chapter 142 – Doonpine

Noah rushed to catch up with Samantha and Kate until he was sure that he was far enough from the shadow woman to see him, then he used a shortcut, by transferring through the dream realm toward the medallion that one of the women had.

"Samantha stop." Said Noah startling the two women, into taking fighting poses.

"Noah, how did you… Forget it. I've seen enough weird things in these few days. What happened to the shadow squad's woman?" Asked Samantha giving up on asking about his ability to catch up to them so quickly. She saw him sneak into the warehouse before they got to it, even though he stayed back in the vault and now he caught up to them when they ran using the full force of the warrior system and wind magic. He had weird skills but she did not feel the right to interrogate him.

"She is out for some time. I hope enough until we get out of here." Said Noah scratching his cheek with embarrassment showing on his face, making the two women raise their eyebrows looking at him questioningly.

"Let's not waste time then." Said Kate turning to leave.

"Hold on. Before that, tell me something as an experienced ex-adventurers. The dungeon is a separate space, right? What happens when the dungeon is destroyed? What will happen to its interior?"

"I heard that big dungeons with huge worlds inside every level collapse the space and everything that was inside gets squeezed into the small cave that this world originally was. Most likely killing everyone inside. Well at least in theory. But no one ever lived to tell the story. As for small dungeons like this one, it just loses the impenetrable walls, turning back to normal caves. Some of them collapse of course from the weight of the ground above, but usually they stay as is and are even being used as mines. Sometimes new evil seeds are found right underneath them. Why do you want to know?"

"Wait a bit. What about the exit? Does it have an exit in the same spot?"

"Oh. That's a separate story. All original caves of dungeons usually have a real exit. Unless it is blocked by a barrier so that the dungeon master could create an exit in the spot he chooses." Explained Kate.

"So why do you ask?"

"Look over there." Said Noah pointing his finger in the direction they were going before he stopped them. When the women turned to look at what he showed their eyebrows creased.

"There's a crowd of people. Why aren't they leaving the dungeon?" Asked Samantha suspiciously, seeing the crowd of afraid people pushing and pulling each other in the cave part that led to the dungeon entrances that they previously came from.

"That's my point. I think they can't. The thing is, this dungeon is on the verge of collapse, so the artificial exits that it had are probably closed down. We need to find a real exit that the original cave had."

"Huh?" Voiced Kate in shock. "Why the hell would a dungeon suddenly collapse? It takes months or years for the magic in the walls to dissipate." She said watching Noah with a strange expression trying to look him in the eyes but he was suspiciously turning his eyes away from her gaze.

"The human is right." Said suddenly a creaking voice startling them as the wooden planks in the rubble started to move and intertwined turning into a figure that resembled a treant monster. "The dungeon core is drained and the dungeon is barely holding. It has no more power to sustain the space magic gates that everyone used to get here." It said as everyone pulled out their weapon pointing at it.

"Do not need to be on guard human women. I wish not to fight thee." Said the treant monster. "Although I would kill you normally for what you have done in this dungeon human," It said, turning to Noah. "In the current situation, I must thank you for what you've done."

"You're…welcome?" Answered Noah with hesitation. "So what is it that you want if you don't want to fight us?" Asked Noah.

"A favor for a favor." Said the treant monster-like creature.

"I'll listen to your wish before agreeing. To tell you the truth I am quite sure I can find the exit myself. But make it quick we have to get out before the shadow squad gets here."

"I am named Doonpine. And I have been around for many centuries. You may have heard a few legends of me, human boy."

"Doonpine? The sacred pine tree on the mystical Doon mountain standing as a guard to the fairy realm gates? I read this fairy tale as a kid. You are saying you're that pine tree?"

"Indeed. That was long in the past. Far longer before I have guarded this dungeon. And I am guarding it for decades, serving the monster ruling this dungeon. The Wraith monster of a Great Mother class." Said Doonpine making Samantha and Kate hold their breaths with shock. As Noah gazed at their scared faces he realized this was not a monster he wished to face in battle.

"With my and the dungeon lord's powers combined we were able to make a barrier that stops anyone from entering the black market dungeon without our approval. Not even ghosts can enter, as there are no ghosts stronger than her walking these lands. Both of us are ancient creatures, so of course we were aware of several weaknesses we were unable to cover with our combined powers." Continued to tell the treefolk creature.

"Two loopholes always existed. One of them is to enter through the shadow realm, the other is to come through the fairy dream realm. The chaos you have created is utilizing one of these weaknesses. Seeing As you are friends with the dryads I can assume you are a possessor of a unique skill that gives you the power of dreams, boy, am I right?"

"What of it?" Asked Noah, as his eyebrows creased when he listened to the tree monster.

"I wish to ask for help. My mistress and the dungeon lord have been captured. Soon they will bind my core which is hidden in this dungeon as well. As they hold her as a hostage I can not fight against them. Both of us will be slaves of these captors soon. You used strange power to disperse her soul while she was possessing the auction houses, madam. If you disperse her soul again, she will be freed from the bounds that were placed on her. I will open the exit from this dungeon, but in return, I ask you to help her if you ever have a chance."

"You will let us escape and trust that I will someday return to save her?" Asked Noah.

"No, I ask you to save her life instead of killing her when you meet again. Meeting her would be inevitable for you, boy."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Noah suspiciously, not trusting any talks of fate.

"The captors that have bound her are devils. The talk of a coming war with the demon realm has been circulating for some time now. After all the news of Hero has been spread around the world. With this power of yours and spirit beasts as friends, I have no doubts on which side you will stand in this war. Thus comes my plea. If you ever meet my mistress as an enemy, use your powers to save her."

"What about you?"

"I will be content as long as she is well. I lived long enough."

"Why not kill yourself then, why let yourself be captured?"

"Because she still would need my protection." Said Doonpine.

"Why are you so loyal to such a monster? You are a sacred spirit beast, right? Aren't you aware of the atrocities going on in this place?"

"Humans lost my sympathy when they burned the fairy kingdom. The atrocities I witnessed your kind commit back then are far more vicious than what I see here. And is it not your own kind committing them? As for my loyalty…I serve not the monster, but the poor soul that has become that monster." Said Doonpine with a voice full of regret.

"Alright." Said Noah after a short thought. "However, if you and I meet as enemies, I might need to kill you to get to her."

"In this case take this with you." Said Doonpine offering Noah a small branch of wood. "I fully separated it from myself. Once it grows up, it will be another being, unconnected to me. Once I am bound with magic it will not influence this branch. If we were to face each other as enemies in the future, you may need my kin's help to defeat me."

"Thank you." Said Noah taking the small fragile pine tree branch that had just a few small needles and cones on it. "I give you my promise, that I will try to save your mistress with all my power, but I can't give a guarantee."

"Fair enough." Said Doonpine. /Fair enough, young Sage./ It said in his mind. /Do you see this from heaven, my old friend? Even if your family had failed you as legacy bearers, this world will bear another successor. I hope you can rest in peace now, Pendragon Merlin, I bear no grudge at you. This boy shall right the wrongs your family committed. You have not failed this world, we still have hope with this new generation of heroes./


"So where's the information coming from, Teacher?" Asked Ron. The young investigator team's knight stood leaning on the wall in the alley while watching the shop across the road. 

"Not sure." Said the Investigator woman with a sight. "It was a direct order from the higher-ups. But when I tried to figure out what was going on, no one had an answer. All I know is that Crown Investigator and Archduke are somehow involved. It seems like their magic ship hurriedly arrived just recently, so they will participate as well."

"The Crown Investigator is supervising this operation?" Asked a young woman with excitement visible on her face.

"He is an old man, Tara. Why are you so excited?" Asked the young knight.

"Shut up, Ron. That empty head of yours is only filled with perverted thoughts." Said the young woman with annoyance, as her cheeks flushed from embarrassment from his voice. "This is a chance to fly up the stairs of our careers."

"Is it empty or filled? Pick one." Answered the young man with a smirk

"Enough of this." Said their teacher. "Concentrate on the mission."

"Yeah, but it sounds kind of lame, teacher. Don't you think so?" Said Ron, turning to the investigator with silver hair, that saved him from drowning just a recent failed attempt to infiltrate the dungeon.

"Information from an insider that a commotion in the black market will make many people exit in a rush from all known entrances, so we would have a chance to infiltrate it. That's just plain nonsense. How many entrances are there? We've found a hundred places in the last decade. And every time we get to them they are gone without any proof of them ever existing. And there are a hundred more places we haven't even found yet."

"So?" Asked Tara with annoyance. "What's your point, Ron? Should we ignore the order given by Archduke himself?"

"No, Tara. What I am trying to say is just this is too damn strange. All our agents now run around the streets and sewers, leaving all our important tasks, based on some hint from, who? Can even be trusted. What if this is just a diversion? They might be robing city treasury while all city guards are in the fields."

"Archduke deems this hint enough to get involved himself. This should be enough trustable." Said their teacher. "Now concentrate on the task." 

"Teacher! Look. Something's going on." Said Tara as she pointed at the commotion on the street.

As their teacher turned to look at the excited crowd on the street she felt her magic communication device start ringing.

"Commander Beatrix!" Said an urgent voice from the device when she opened it. "Change of plans! All units are ordered to assist in the evacuation of the commoners from Holywell Street!"

"What?" Asked a silver-haired woman with bewilderment seeing as the city guards rushed through the street screaming at the pedestrians and beating on the doors. "What the hell is going on?"

"We received the news that the dungeon will collapse within an hour." Said the voice from the device

"This is nonsense! Dungeons don't collapse within an hour! Who gave the tip?!" Said Beatrix with a firm voice.

"This is an emergency order given with the Archduke's authority!" Said the voice from the device before the connection was cut.

"What do we do, teacher?" Asked Ron, while Tara gazed at her inquisitive. 

"Follow the orders. Let's go." Said Commander Beatrix with annoyance.  

However, before she could even make a step huge rumble spread through the street as the earth beneath them quaked. 

As she looked in the direction of the noise her eyes opened wide in astonishment as she saw a huge pine tree bark suddenly break through the earth and reach over the roofs of city buildings in the distance. That direction was exactly Holywell Street. This couldn't be a coincidence. The tip was right. There is a commotion in the dungeon and if it's right, the dungeon may collapse soon.

"Fuck! Hurry!" Ordered Beatrix, flashing toward the tree that brought chaos to the city with its sudden appearance.

Well basically I borrowed the Scotish folk tale of a Pine that stands at the entrance to the fairy world and that entrance somewhere in the Doon forest or blah blah blah. So yeah it's kinda real story yet its not. Cos....its a myth.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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