Ugly Bastard

Chapter 146 – Madman

"What's this? What are you doing? We had a deal!" Groaned Theron laying on the floor of the secret laboratory.

"Deal? Oh you mean our agreement to exchange a high-level cleric for a legendary GenSera potion? Don't worry, you will get your potion without a doubt, Mr.Theron." Said Father Benedict calmly.

"Then what's the deal with this magic? What did you do to us?" Roared Theron in fury feeling his body burning from the light that the liquid in the tank exuded.

"Is this your first time to feel the power of divine magic?" Asked Father Benedict as he pulled Lilly toward one of the beds at the side of the room ignoring Theron group's discomfort.

"Divine magic?" Asked, Theron.

Lilly stared at the tank full of liquid again, finally realizing why she felt a sense of familiarity from it. This liquid exuded the same aura as her mana. Mana of a cleric that has healing and purification properties. As she figured it out, she turned to the side looking at all the kids laying on the beds in a trance state and realization dawned on her. He was drawing the mana out of these kids. Kids that were brought to him by nearby villages to be apprenticed under him. Kids that their parents trusted him with were used for some kind of experiments.

"I see you have a quick mind, girl." Said Father Benedict with a smile, noticing the changes in her expression. "Indeed, all these kids were born with a clerical system and have a small portion of divinity inside them, a lot smaller than you, dear, as they are low-level brats compared to you, but divinity is still within them. Well, not for long, as I am going to suck them dry from all traces of divinity and store it in this tank. Just as I am going to do with you." He said calmly, but Lilly was not feeling calm at all. She started to struggle and tussle gazing at him with eyes full of hatred mumbling something through the cloth in her mouth.

Father Benedict did not understand her words well because of the gag in her mouth but the word "kids" and the hatred in her eyes were telling.

"Do you think I enjoy using kids? It is only a necessity, girl. I did try using grown-ups, but you see, once a lot of clerics started to disappear, the church became agitated and started to conduct an investigation, which led to the disclosure of my lab. I had to escape the country and lost almost all the research material when I destroyed my laboratory to not let it get into their hands. Back then I was lucky to just stay alive. Thankfully I found some great friends that lent me a helping hand. An organization that understands the importance of my study. They helped me escape and provided me with enough funds. I was given a new chance to start from scratch and I don't wish to make the same mistake."

"Because of my first failure, the church is on guard. Now every time a cleric disappears, it attracts the immediate attention of the church. It is impossible to conduct my experiments in such a condition. I had to find a new method of accumulating divinity without sounding an alarm." Said Bishop with a sigh.

"Kifts" murmured through the gag Lilly.

"Yes, Kids. Kids that have just awakened the clerical systems and have not been accepted to the church yet. No one knows whether they really have any talent to progress. After I dry their divinity they will just be considered talentless and no one can prove that I had something to do with it. And with my skill to put them in a trance, none of them will even remember what I did."

"Mofster" struggled to say, Lilly.

"Monster? Oh Please. This world is all about the strong preying on the weak. Good and bad are relative as long as you are strong enough to prove your point. Just like you when you were selling all those innocent people to slavery and all the kingdoms, royal families, and nobles that have agreements with man-eating monsters that prey on humans. Monsters that proved their usefulness are let to feed on commoners as they like. Even the church that you all look up to for protection is no different. If everyone can do as they want as long as they prove their worth, why can't I?"

Father Benedict looked into Lilly's eyes as he cuffed her hands to the bed and smiled. 

"What? You think I am wrong? Alright. Do you know that church is allowing all these monsters to live in human countries?" Said Father Benedict pointing at the three monsters laying on the ground in pain. 

"Oh, I see that is not a surprise to you. But how about that? Have you ever wondered why is it that most of the clerics in the world belong to the church? Why is it that Central Cathedral has the most amount of powerful clerics, even though systems are assigned by Gods randomly? Mm? Are they being patronized by God? Why can't other countries raise a cleric that would rival the Saintess, Patriarch, or even an Archbishop that would give them protection from demons and independence?" Said Father Benedict raising an eyebrow. "Silence? You don't know then? Of course, you don't. You rogue clerics that were not taught by the church were spared of painful truth. Well, I will tell you."

"They steal it." Said Father Benedict raising his head after locking Lilly's both legs. And sighing with relief. "They steal divinity, just like I do."

"Yes." Said Bishop, seeing Lilly's piercing gaze. "They spread their churches all over the four kingdoms, in every region in every city except for danger regions. Propagating good and justice in already freed zones, inputting absolutely nothing, yet gaining the devotion of all common people. Their churches cover almost all villages of safe regions where commoners bring their children to the church with happy faces when they find that their beloved children can become clerics, can serve god, and can bring good to the world. But then they are told that only a select few can have talent even though they have the system. Of Course, to fulfill the quota they take in some for apprenticeship and send them to Central Cathedral for brainwashing before the church teaches them any knowledge.

While those that are not chosen are being robbed of their divinity, just to bring it to the Central Cathedral where the church uses it for birthing clerics from the talentless rich kids of their Archbishops. This is no different from what I do here only on a much bigger scale. Shocking truth right? So who is a monster? Me? At least I am doing it for a greater cause, they on the other hand do it just for keeping power in hand."

"Had you been born anywhere in a safe region you would not even have a chance to become a cleric and would have lived as a useless waste of space robbed of all your divinity. Just like I was when I was a kid. I was once sitting on the exact same bed, only I had a skill that allowed me to remember it. I remember how I was robbed of it. All I do now is use the same method. Back then I was weak so others preyed on me. Now it's my turn." 

"Ay af youf doif itf?" Asked Lilly.

"Why I do it? I am a man of science, Miss Wild. If the church feels the right to steal divinity from people for selfish purposes, why can't I do it for a great cause? The Church uses the stolen divinity to birth clerics in their country but it is by far not all that it can achieve. If it is used by scientists instead of imbeciles it can achieve something that even Gods were not able to do. And it is in my power to do just that."

"Whaf fo youf meaf?" Asked Lilly suspiciously

"What I mean? I can…." Father Benedict suddenly stopped turning to look at Theron.

"Oh, please, Mr. Theron, do you really think this will help you?" Said Father Benedict seeing how angry Vampire downed the last drops of fresh blood from the bottle he took out of the pocket.

Once Theron drank it, he threw the bottle away and hissed at the bishop as his eyes reddened and his skin quickly restored. With lightning speed, he flashed toward the bishop with his sharp as knives nails extended.

With a small sigh as if seeing an unruly kid, Father Benedict only lifted a finger and a golden white light slammed into the Nosferatu like a giant hammer breaking his lunge and concave his chest, putting Therin down in an instant. He crumbled back on the floor in a heap like a broken puppet and felt great searing pain. It's been decades since he felt such an intense feeling of pain and it wasn't from the hit that broke his bones but from the light that passed through his body seeming to touch his very soul, burning him from within.

"I hate to use my precious divinity, so be a good boy and lay where you are." Said Father Benedict gazing down at the broken form of Theron as if looking at the garbage. Then his face changed to thoughtfulness. "By the way, I completely forgot, where is your fiance? Shouldn't she be with you here?" He said as if reminded of something. Then he heard the steps coming from the stairs and his lips stretched in a smile. "Ah, there she is." He said looking at the woman's figure coming down the stairs.

She had an ugly face ruined by nasty-looking burn scars all over her skin. Her hair was so rare that there were just a few strands on her head. All leftover skin was charred black and disfigured. Her clothes were burned and full of holes as was the skin all over her body. With every step she made with her naked feet on the stone floor, her dry burned skin cracked and came off in layers, showing the burnt meat of her muscles and charred bones.

But the most eye-catching thing about her was that she was now painted in crimson red from head to toe of her naked legs. Red thick liquid streamed down her body, dripping on the floor, leaving bloody footprints behind her everywhere she stepped. As she came down the stairs she stopped at the last one without entering the lab and looking at the people in the basement, lifted one of her hands, and put her smeared in blood finger into her mouth enjoying the taste of the liquid.

"Goodness gracious, my dear, look what he did to you." Said Father Benedict gazing at Theron's fiance that was left in the carriage when Lilly was dragged inside. "But I see you've had a nice meal to restore yourself." He added, smiling.

"Yes, master but it was not enough. This bastard burned me alive under the sun. Even feasting on all those servants was not enough to heal me." She said as her severe wounds could be clearly seen slowly healing. "I thought I was going to die, master. This bastard…look what he did to me." She said as the bloody tears streamed from her damaged eyes down her ruined face.

"Oh don't cry, my dear." Said Father Benedict coming closer to the woman and putting his hand on her cheek, once we are done, you will be as beautiful as before and a lot more powerful. I promise. Believe me, all this pain was worth it. For now, however, be a good girl and go clean the mess you left outside. We don't want anyone to see all those torn-apart servants. When you return we will be ready to make you into a Nosferatu just like you dreamed."

"You bitch! You dare to betray me?" Groaned Theron.

"Shut up! If it wasn't for needing you alive, I would have torn you to shreds, you trash!" Screamed the woman.

"Betrayed? Hardly. She never really worked for you, she worked for us the whole time. We sent her to you to be our agent and spy. It wasn't really hard to make you fall for her. Your teenager-like behavior is so predictable. You are truly a simpleton, Theron." Said, Father Benedict.

"Us? Who are you?" Asked Theron. "Who are you working for?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you that I joined an organization after my first failure? The dark association was kind enough to take me in as a member and even offered me a senior position. My study is really important to them." Said Father Benedict, smiling as he saw Theron's surprised face.

"What? Surprised? You thought you were doing stuff behind our backs these days? No boy, you were just playing into our hands. You are such a useful tool, you know?"

"Dark Association? But…the team we killed? You knew of our plan?" Muttered Theron surprised.

"Knew of your plan? We gave you that plan. You were just our tool. And that useless trash you killed at Samantha Wild's hideout, they were expendable." Said Father Benedict, coming closer to Theron and gazing down at him.

"How can this be?" Asked Theron dumbfounded.

"You are really dumb, aren't you? Alright, I'll explain to you a bit of what happened and the role you so willingly played for us." Said the bishop with a sigh.

"You see, Theron, Samantha's team were members of our association for years and rendered good service, gaining us a lot of followers and clients with their exclusive merchandise. But this is not the reason we protected them under our wing. I had plans on them, or better to say on Miss Lilly here. So we raised them as chicks for years. But a few months back there was a nasty accident that we don't really know the details of, but it somehow attracted the attention of the Saintess herself. Allowing the shadow squad to capture them was too dangerous. We needed to dispose of them, but I was reluctant to lose my resources so easily after inputting so much effort into raising them. And after a discussion with other members, we saw an opportunity in this disaster."

"By luck or by the will of fate, their team had a hideout in the Northern Region, very close to the Black Market that we targeted. As we've been preparing to capture the Wraith Dungeon Lord that ruled the Black Market Dungeon we could not figure out how to sneak in a squad capable enough to deal with the dungeon lord and at the same time make it look like we have nothing to do with it."

"You see these black market dungeon lords communicate with each other and if we were to be suspected of attacking one dungeon lord our organization would have been expelled from all other black markets in the entire human realm. That would have dealt a heavy blow to the Dark Association. But the shadow squad sent after Samantha's team gave us a unique opportunity. All we had to do was lure them inside the Black Market dungeon and let them fight the dungeon lord. Oh and of course we had to make it look like it was not our fault so that other dungeon lords would not act against us."

"And you and your simpleton friends were just the right pawns to make this plan come true. We contacted your fiance who was our agent in the Vespertine household and let her whisper in your ear a few ideas and give out the information about the whereabouts of Samantha's hideout. Of course, we were the ones to also slip that information to the local branch of the dark association assassin guild to make it all look plausible. Afterall we had to look like victims of your wicked plot. Then with good timing, we passed the information to Central Cathedral so that they would send their shadow squad as well. 

And voila you led the shadow squad to the Black Market where they had a bout with the dungeon lord and guardian just like we planned. And just a few hours ago I was contacted by my friend that he succeeded in capturing the dungeon lord."

"How did you know I was going to bring those women to the dungeon for auction?" Asked Theron.

"Well, after we brought down a few of your profitable businesses with which you made money behind your Duchess' back, all we had to do was bring up the idea of selling the captured women. This we did with the help of spies in your friend's Taur group. He of course would never admit that some of his lackeys suggested it and brought it to you as his own genius idea." Said Father Benedict Pointing at the Tariaksuq who was laying on the floor without moving.

"My business? You were the ones to attack me! How did you find out about our…That bitch!"

"Yes, as you guessed, your fiance was feeding us all the information about your underworld dealings for years. We got our people into your schemes long ago. And when we needed it, we undermined all your recent deals making you incur great losses. Being dumb, reckless, and nervous from fear of losing your status in the group, you took in the idea of selling them without a second thought."

"What the hell? Implanting that bitch near me, implanting people in my businesses. You've been targeting me for years. I have never had any disputes with dark association. Why would you?"

"Oh don't be surprised. You were never of any interest to us. Well up until now, that is. We were looking for a way to infiltrate the Vespertine, Frostgale, and Bloodhound Guardian families for decades, but your family heads were too on guard against any infiltration. So we tried a different approach.

"The three wastrels of the families, deemed dumb and useless to be let in on any true family business, were the weakest spot of each of the three guardian families. We made a small attempt to get you all close to each other and just as we expected, you losers started to cling to each other, soon organizing into a group. As your three were weaklings, you needed underling. All we had to do was fill this group with capable agents at its very beginning and when your organization, not without our help of course, started to bear fruits, and you three started to gain power within families with each other's help, we finally had bridges into all three families."

"Well it was a hard and long road, trying to make you, a bunch of trash, into something worthy of being approved by your families, and for a long time we barely got any useful information on the true happenings inside the Guardian families from you idiots, but it was more than nothing so we kept spending our resources on you. And sometimes there were pure gems of information that you could provide such as the trouble of the Threadweaver family that we had an opportunity to deal with only thanks to you. Overall you were a slightly useful tool. But this time you had a chance to pay off all the trouble we went through to support your group. Thanks to you we gained the power to rule over the entire underworld! You should be proud of yourself, Theron. You turned out to be a worthy investment."

"Wait, you went through so much trouble to infiltrate our families, then why are you doing this?  If you kill us, you will lose any access to our families. Isn't that what you wanted the most?" Rattled Theron quickly thinking of ways to stay alive.

"Oh, have you forgotten the reason you came here, Theron?" Said the man smirking.

"Huh? The potion? So what? Who would you use it…." Said Theron but stopped as his eyes went wide.

"On me, asshole. He would use the potion on me." Said Theron's fiance coming down the stairs once again. "I am done, master. No traces of the blood bath left."

"Good. Now wait there dear, this divine aura is harmful to you so stay away from here." Said, Father Benedict.

"As you guessed it by now Theron, when I came into contact with you a month ago promising you a GenSera potion in exchange for a captured high-level cleric I was not lying. If drunk by humans it can transfer their lifespan, but if drunk by monsters it can transfer their powers. Only this potion was never meant to let you transfer the power from your Duchess Cassandra to you, but from you to your fiance Marianna over there. I forgot to mention that this potion has a strong divinity aura within it and your Duchess would have to be a total moron to drink it by accident as you hoped. Besides, power transfer and assimilation takes time and if interrupted everything will revert back. Meaning if Cassandra killed you after drinking potion she would return her powers. This is just useless for you. You would have never been able to steal Cassandra's power with it." Said the Bishop as he walked to one of the tables and took a bottle with a murky gray liquid that had a dim golden hue just like the liquid in a huge tank in the center of the laboratory.

"Wait. Wait! I am better than that bitch. I can be your servant too! You don't have to use this precious potion! Wait!" Begged Theron as the Bishop walked up to him, opening a potion.

"Better than her? Oh, this I doubt, Theron. You see, you are a slave to your Duchess in body and soul and can't disobey any of her orders, you can't betray her of your own will. We know all about it. You have freedom to act in the benefit of the family and trying to steal Cassandra's power seems beneficial to the family from your point of view, as you deem that you would be a better family head than her. Her actions of calling those spider girls as nieces and treating them better than family members is putting her quality as a housemaster at question, which gives you some freedom in betraying her as you think you act in the family's favor. This is a mere loophole in the slave magic program she has installed into you. But that loophole is not enough to be a spy. Besides, she can always install a new program for you. The one that will make you unable to even think of betraying her. I even suspect that is exactly what she is going to do to you if you return." Said father Benedict gazing at a doppelganger laying on the floor. "You are her slave. Her puppet. And always will be. Unlike your fiance."

"She is my bitch too!"

"Have you not noticed how Marianna dismissed you this entire time while you were here? Have you heard me saying she was a traitor in your family this whole time? Do you get it? She can disobey your orders, Theron." Said father Benedict, making Theron's eyes go wide.

"Bullshit!" He screamed "I ordered her countless times. I ordered her to walk into the sun! She obeys me! She is under my command."

"That's what we forced on her. She obeys your command because we ordered her to obey you until we say otherwise. That should have given her credibility and left her without any suspicion. But she can betray you whenever we want it."

"How?! Our magic…" Mumbled Theron with fear in his voice.

"How? It is not a conventional method of course and it took Dark Association years of experiments to achieve. They experimented on soul-enslaving magic for decades. And she was one of the oldest successful experiments. Her soul was enslaved with a demonic ritual that the Dark Association had created as an attempt to prevent her from being enslaved by Wraith's Mother after turning to Wraith. But as you can see it works on your Nosferatu slave magic as well. She is loyal only to us. And when she turns to Nosferatu while you unluckily succumbed to the shadow assassins in the Black Market dungeon, as Cassandra will find out later, Marianna will become a new senior member of the Vespertine family in your stead. A far better member than you were. She will be extremely loyal after her miraculous breakthrough in the face of danger that you all met inside the black market. And will serve the Vespertine family well. Besides she was turned a few decades ago and breaking through so fast would seem a prodigy talent. Unlike you, Cassandra would like her a lot more than you, maybe even make her into her heir. And at the same time, Marianna will be our eyes and ears totally loyal to us. So this is goodbye Mr. Theron." Said Father Benedict as he poured the liquid into Theron that was too weak to struggle when the bishop made the light exuding from the tank intensify on him. As the light intensified monsters felt as if a brick wall crushed on them from above, while Lilly felt herself calming down and relaxing

Besides a new bout of intense pain as the divinity magic poured into him, Theron did not feel any changes within himself from the potion. But as he concentrated his senses on himself he noticed that his monster core was slowly decreasing as small bits of it crumbled and turned incorporeal slowly evaporating from his body. No matter how much he tried to control his power to reinforce his core, it kept crumbling, bringing a panicked expression to his face.

After Father Benedict forced half a potion into Theron he stood up and walked toward the stairs where Theron's ex-fiance stood waiting nervously. He gave her the potion with a benign smile and Marianna drank the leftover part of the potion.

"Good. Now be a good girl and go upstairs to meditate while I finish here. Make sure you assimilate as much power as you can." Said Father Benedict after sending the vampire woman out.

"Now then…Where were we when Mr.Theron interrupted our conversation?" He asked, walking back to Lilly's bed. "Oh right, you were wondering why am I doing what I do here." He added after thinking for a moment.

"I have a great ambition, Miss Wild. It's a great secret of course but you don't have much to live anyway so I'll humor you. Do you know what dungeons are, Miss Wild?" Said the bishop as he started to connect to her limbs all kinds of strange devices similar to the ones that were connected to the children on nearby beds.

"They are made with Dark Gods' power. This power can only corrupt and destroy. With this power, Dark God was able to corrupt the ground to make a path to the dark realm. That is a dungeon." Explained Father Benedict as if teaching a student.

"The God of this world however uses another type of power. It's a power to create. With it, God created systems for us. The dark power of the Evil God is the opposite of the power of our World's God. One God can possess only one of these powers. So evil God can never create. Only destroy. While our world's God can never degrade and destroy. Divinity is made to create and purify."

"This brings a limit to their ability. If you think about it carefully, the above-ground dungeons that we faced in recent decades are the limit of what Dark God can achieve. He degraded the ground and the beings that dwell in it. But can he create a dungeon that for example would float in the sky? The answer is - No. There is nothing that can hold the evil seed, nothing to make walls off.  But it is a different story if we use divinity. With the power of divinity, it is possible to create space that would hold the evil seed and contain the power of Evil Gods. By combining both powers it is possible to achieve it. No God is able to do something like that on their own. But with science it is possible. If I get my hands on an evil seed and create a special space in the sky, a New kind of dungeon will be born! This dungeon will be unconquerable! Isn't this simply amazing? What Gods can not do with their hands, I will make it possible with science!" Said Father Benedict with a mad gleam in his eyes finishing installing the devices to Lilly's limbs.

Once he was done, he stood up and went to the side of the room where all the tubes and wires coming from the beds, laying haphazardly on the floor, connected to, before going to the tank with liquid. There Lilly saw some kind of table with levers, knobs, rotating handles, and many shining crystals. It looked like a control of his strange device.

"Youf afe fuffing madfman" said Lilly through her gag.

"Madman? Maybe. Or maybe this world is the mad one. Just think about it. We live in the times of devils. Darkness and evil threaten humanity, yet still, humans are corrupt and selfish. As if all threats were not enough, they keep fighting and killing each other. Madman? No humanity was mad from the get-go! I may seem a madman but that is what a normal human trying to save the world would seem like to those who are truly mad."

"Fave? You ave deftoing itf!"

"Hundred years ago when Dark God just sent his disaster of monsters upon us, humanity united to fight back and for a short period of time they were selfless, heroic. But then we started to win and our wickedness returned. We felt the taste of victory. We rejoiced in our measly achievements and look what has become of us again. No. Humanity still doesn't see their wicked ways. They are blind and even the disasters sent by Dark God did not threaten them enough to finally become better. In this case, they need a bigger threat than a God can give. And I will give this world that threat. I will make them remember the horror they felt a hundred years ago. Only this time they will not be able to fight back so easily.

Lilly watched the man that spouted mad ideas in shock.

"Youh will deftroy all fumanify." Said Lilly.

"No. If they are destroyed from this, it will be their own fault. And if they succumb, they never were worthy." Said Father Benedict with a mad look in his eyes.

"Why yof neef me?"

"Well, the method of accumulating divinity from children works, even though a lot slower. But as with the creation of pseudo cores for labyrinths the bottleneck that I faced is not from quantity but quality. With children's low levels, their divinity is too…impure, I'd say. And for my experiments, I need a high-class product. I tried to prioritize the villages with high-level ex-adventurers living in them as their descendants have a higher chance of giving birth to more talented, or better to say purer in divinity clerics. But even that was not a high enough quality. Meaning I still need a high-leveled cleric's divinity. That's why you are here Miss Wild. I have enough in quantity, but I need some quality divinity for my success. And you are here to compensate for it."

"Thef if mofe of wem outh thefe".

"Yes, there are many clerics out there that are far easier to get than you, but there are a few problems. Clerics serving church are no good. First, their disappearance would bring trouble as I said, and if I am found at this stage, I will lose too much. But the biggest problem is that they are not good sources. When they create clerics artificially with the stolen divinity, their divinity is somehow impaired. I am not sure what, but something's missing in them. Something that makes their divinity unsuitable. All my experiments show that something is missing in their divinity, something that I need very much. Only those who were truly born with a cleric system are suitable. But how am I going to find which one is a good quality source among a load of trash clerics? I even suspect that the church knows it and is even doing something on purpose to those it takes in from other countries as apprentices. I think they use this side effect to make sure none of them can ever achieve greatness and rival Central Cathedral. They cripple them."

"But it is different with rogue clerics such as you. You can give me what I need, Miss Wild. Besides, no one would bat an eye if you were to disappear. However, it is not so easy to find such high-level rogue clerics. Most of them die in the dungeons at mid-levels. And once they get to a high level their teams are too dangerous to try and capture them. Just like that famous Nolan in Greenville. His wife Margaret is a disaster on legs and taking them by surprise is close to impossible because of their Cat-woman scout. We even tried to go in a roundabout way and used monster baits to lure them into the stampede, yet we still failed. Also, the adventurers' guild when angered is no less troublesome than the church."

"The best choice I had was to raise you, girls, over the years under the wing of the Dark Association. There are other groups of course. But blame yourself for being the first ones to be reaped. I don't know how you turned the Saintess' attention to yourself, but this signs your fate."

"Raife? Whaf do youf mean?"

"It is exactly as you guessed, Miss Wild. The trouble you got yourself in and your expulsion from the adventurers guild was not just an accident. We set you up to ostracise you from the guild. Then we roped you into the Dark Association. Didn't you wonder why we were so welcoming toward you? You could have joined any underworld guild: Thieves, Assassins, Mercenaries, so we had to give you enough benefits to make you join us."

"Fon of a bitf!" Roared Lilly into the gag.

"Well, enough chit-chat, Miss Wild. Now that everything is ready, you will feel enough pain to not be able to have a proper conversation. I would have put you into a trance, like the kids but, to tell you the truth, your level is too high for me to do that successfully. So unfortunately you will have to bear with all the pain." Said the wicked man turning his back on the people in the room and starting to turn the levers and knobs. With a flash many different feelings coursed through her entire body soon changing to intense pain, making her scream.

"With this, my plan would soon succeed." Muttered Father Benedict. "Now all that's left is to decide what to do with you." He said turning to the three monsters laying on the ground and looking over them with a thoughtful expression.

Hey guys! I was not slacking lately. Just that it was kinda hard to squeeze this chap out of myself and it turned out quite big, so it took a lot to make it look presentable. I had to rewrite it a few time. Dunno why it was so hard on me😮‍💨. Well anyway, enjoy.

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