Ugly Bastard

Chapter 173 – Vol.4 Prologue

Holy Lady sat in her office with her eyebrows creased as the setting sun shone through the window at the side of the room turning shades longer. As one of the shadows spread around the table covering the report lying on the table in front of her the magic lamp at the side of the table lit, brightening the table. This woke Saintess from the state of concentration as she looked around with surprise only now realizing how much time had passed while she sat working.

She threw the paper out of her hands and breathed out a heavy sigh, as she reclined in her chair, tearing her eyes away from work, for the first time in hours.

She sat in silence for a few whole minutes simply staring into the ceiling. 

"Maybe it's time to take a rest, My Lady?" Asked the voice out of nowhere. 

Saintess moved her eyes from the ceiling back to the table, where a stack of papers piled so high she could barely see over them, and only if she straightened in her seat.

"This is endless." She muttered.

"This is the degree of gravity of the situation. We were lucky to find out about the trouble so early. Otherwise, we would be in even deeper trouble." Said Trisha as she appeared out of the shadow near the window where a decanter with water stood on the table and poured a glass of water, before walking over to her mistress and offering her the glass.

"Lucky, huh?" Said Saintess with a heavy sigh as she took the glass from Trisha's hands and moved it to her lips, taking a small sip after her words.

"Well, the trouble that we found ourselves in is no doubt far from luck. What I meant to say is, that it's a fortunate incident that Moonstar Kingdom unveiled this plot so early on. If not it would have been a disaster had it blown up into our faces all of a sudden at a later date." Said Trisha bowing after giving her Lady the glass, before sinking back into the shadows.

"I understood your implication. It is that fortune that is confusing or more like suspicious." Said Saintess.

"How so?" Asked Shadow Commander.

"You know what the most strange thing in all…this?" Said Saintess, spreading her arms as if pointing at the whole pile of papers. "Even though there are already serious consequences of that drugged milk in other countries, the Moonstar Kingdom was almost untouched by it. The poisonous potions barely reached it. So how the hell were they the ones to unravel it?"

"Everything says it's pure luck. You doubt the result of our investigation, My Lady?" Asked Trisha with a worry in her tone.

"No, I don't doubt you. I doubt them." Said Saintess.

"Why?" Asked the voice from the shadow.

"No matter how I look at this I don't see the true picture in it, as if puzzle pieces don't add up. According to the investigation, one of the Magisters in the Royal Academy was doing a specific test while preparing for the class when he saw a strange reaction. They immediately informed the Royal Chancellery and it gave an order to inspect their recent stocks. They realized the gravity of the situation and thought of a way how to contact me without sounding an alarm. So they contacted the affiliated high families of Central Cathedral bringing this concern to their ears. The noble and "trusty" high families immediately contacted us. What a wonderful story!" Iterated the chain of events Holy Lady with a tone full of mockery. "You do realize how it looks?" She asked her Commander.

"Khem…" Coughed the voice from the shadow, feeling uncomfortable. "Now that you said it, My Lady it does seem a load of…" Said Shadow Commander stalling at the end not willing to cuss in her Mistress' presence.

"Bullshit." Said Saintess, continuing what Trisha didn't say. "That's what this is." She added with an annoyed voice. "In the whole chain of events, basically a few people only knew of it all the whole time. Absolutely no one leaked it anywhere. From that savior of a Magister, to Director, to Royal Chancellery to High families, not a single soul was aware. Should I also believe that High families did not even start to act on lowering their losses and recent discounts in all their branches on this potion was just a coincidence?"

"Well if that was so then information no doubt would leak. Managers in branches would no doubt start doubting decisions to lower prices all of a sudden when all new supply orders were declined. Suspicion would rise."

"Exactly. As this report here shows, suspicion did rise! But only at the last moment. But that's the strange thing. If there was such a long chain of decision-making, how come only now and only the High Families of Central Cathedral acted on their greedy impulse of saving their money selling poisonous potion as much as possible at the last moments? How come this never happened in the Moonstar Kingdom? They are saints? Their secretaries would not leak information because they are all greatly loyal? Right up until information got into High Family's hands we had an ideal event where all chains acted as the best magic clock. As if the Moonstar Kingdom is an ideal country we all should strive to reach. Do you really believe that?"

"I did not think about it. I am truly sorry my Lady, this is my oversight." Said Commander.

Saintess sighed as if tired sinking in the backrest of her soft chair even more.

"You bear no blame. This is just not your cup of drink. Politics is a damn quagmire that you all need not dip into. You are trained for different tasks. I am already happy you all provide me with whatever help outside your responsibilities as is. Just… It was bearable until recently but lately, I feel overwhelmed with all this."

"You need help." Said Trisha.

"We both know I can't have it. I can't rely on anyone who is even slightly capable among all who are available. No matter who I pick they will not be detached from the roots. They will always be affiliated with one of the centers of power or High Families. And these greedy bastards can't be allowed anywhere even near to stepping close to the top of this tower. The moment they get here they will feel unsatisfied and ask for more. The balance would tip in some family's favor. You know how hard it is to find truly loyal members for those who simply serve me. Imagine finding someone to do the most important tasks. Someone who basically sits in my place." Said the Holy Lady with a hopelessness filling her voice.

Trisha did not know what to say to cheer up her mistress. She herself knew better than anyone how right her Mistress was. Only after rigorous screening could they find servants and guards that would not leak information or spy on Saintess for High families.

"So what do you think they hide under that story?" Asked Trisha instead.

"There are a lot less links in that chain." Said Holy Lady smiling slightly, understanding Trisha's way to change the topic. "Most likely the story about academy involvement is a lie. No. Probably the Chancellery was unaware as well. The Royal family directly contacted the High families. The King himself acted with no middlemen in between. Only that would explain why it did not bring much attention to the event and at the same time reached us as intended before information leaked, giving us enough time to think on countermeasures. This, however, raises a question. Where did the King of Moonstar Kingdom get the information from? Who can report directly to the King? The logical answer is - Royal Investigator." Contemplated aloud, Holy Lady.

"But you have doubts about it?" Asked Trisha's voice from the shadows.

"Yes. Because this does not answer the question of how they knew the full gravity of the Bullmen incident. And they knew it."

"Why do you think so?" Asked, Shadow Commander asked, surprised.

"There was a small detail in the reports from the shadows that we sent to contact High Families that day. They mentioned that they are concerned with the event in the Guidestar Kingdom. How did they know it was connected when the Moonstar Kingdom found out about poison in the potion ingredients accidentally? It makes no sense for the Moonstar Kingdom to be the one with the most spies in Guidestar. I would understand if other countries reported it. They have a lot more spies there because they have a common border. Moonstar doesn't have such deep interests there to spy on random regions of the Guidestar Kingdom. Too many empty spots in this story. It reeks of bullshit."

"So where could they get the info?" Asked Trisha thoughtfully.

"I don't know! That's the main concern." Said Saintess with a confusion in her tone. "It bugs me the most. I can't explain it."

As she said it, she heard some disturbance outside her office and turned her head toward the door.

"Let him in!" She said without waiting for Trisha to check what was going on.

A second later the door opened showing the scrawny Librarian Jakob standing at the door looking like a scared mouse with Guard Knights blocking his way. Once the door was open women in armor stepped aside letting the male pass.

Jackob stood a few seconds without moving as if contemplating whether he should enter or run away as Knights glared at him.

"Adrianna ease off of him if you don't want to get in trouble with Mia." Said Holy Lady with a smile. 

As she spoke, the Librarian who had the look of a person whose greatest wish at the moment was to become invisible to have a chance to scurry away unnoticed, finally came to the conclusion that he was spotted and there was no other choice than to walk through the angry guards. As he walked in with unsure steps, followed by gazes of the armed women he could not help to make a loud gulp. Once he was inside Guards stretched to the door handle to close the door but stopped when Holy Lady spoke.

"Jakob is not like any other male out there and would never come if it was not important. He is an exception to the visiting hour rule. If he wishes to see me he will not be stopped in this kind of manner again." She said gazing at the Guards.

"I will pass your words, My Lady." Said the Guard Knight, both of them bowing before closing the door.

"So what brought you here Jakob at such a late hour?" Asked Holy Lady her voice going mellow once they were alone.

"I…I…I.. dd..deeply app..olog" 

"No need of this Jakob. And please don't be nervous. You and I always converse freely when we are alone." She said, smiling slightly, trying to reassure him.

"I apologize…for visiting so late." Finally said the shy Librarian, feeling a bit less threatened.

"As I said, no need. It pleases me that you finally tore away from your precious books and visited me at least once yourself instead of me going to find you in the Library when I need to talk with someone." Said Saintess with a playful sadness in her voice.

"Oh…If you feel you need to talk, you can always call for me, you don't need to search for me yourself, My Lady. There is no book more important than you." Said the shy male going all red in his face.

"Did you hear that Trish? I am more important than books." Said Saintess with a smile.

"Unbelievable. You must really be precious then." Said the voice from the shadow.

"I…I..What..I mm..mean.." started to stammer fully red in the face man, with wide from fright eyes.

"Oh. Relax, Jakob. We were just joking. So what brought you here? I know it must be really important if you decided to come here risking facing the girls outside.

"I found something related to the problem you wanted me to check on."

The Saintess changed her face, a smile disappearing from her lips.

"You mean the disappearance of Sage?" She asked, standing up from her seat and walking around the table. She beckoned to the Librarian to follow her to the armchair in the corner of the room.

"Yes." Said Jakob as he followed the Holy Lady and sat down in the armchair near her at her beckon. "It is not directly related but it may be helpful." He said stretching toward her the papers that he held this whole time.

"There was a small mention of one particular event. One of the Heroes in olden time…"

"Before me." Said Saintess feeling the words he was afraid to voice

"Yes. In legends of heroes from previous civilizations, there is a story of one hero who lost his friend. As he looked for his friend he met a person. In the story, it is described as if it was an almost fateful encounter. He did not really search for that person but just bumped into him. This person was called The Seer. This Seer seemed to miraculously know past events and pointed Hero toward the direction that helped him find his friend." Explained Jakob as Holy Lady skimmed through the pages with quick motions of her eyes.

"I see." She said, nodding thoughtfully. "You think this Seer may be able to help us with finding the missing Sage or at least finding out what happened to him?" Jakob nodded at her words.

"Thank you. I will contemplate this. You did a good job of seeking me out. As you heard me saying to the guards before, if you feel it important don't feel afraid to visit me as soon as possible." Said Saintess standing up from her seat.

"Yes. Of course. Thank you, My Lady." Said Jakob, jumping up to his feet and bowing deeply. 

Then he rushed back to the door to quickly leave the room as if his feet were burning while he was alone with Saintess. When he opened the door to exit the room, guards gazed at him again, only this time they simply nodded at him calmly and Saintess heard their apologies murmured to the Librarian as the door finally closed behind him.

Saintess stood near the window gazing outside as the sun almost entirely sank below the horizon. 

"You think of using divination, My Lady?" Asked Trisha.

"Umm." Voiced Saintess affirming Trisha's words. "I should go take a nap, anyway. How long was I up?" 

"Five days." Said Trisha.

"Damn. This work is endless." Said Holy Lady gazing at the stack of papers with disgust. "Sleep it is then. They all can wait with their damn problems." She added, turning away from all papers that flooded her when news of poisoned potions spread around the world and the decision to check every batch and destroy it all was made. Complaints and pleas she threw to garbage not even reading. However, this led to many other consequences as well. The rise in prices, and disturbance in the whole market, problems with the workforce in guilds. Many other problems rose up as a tsunami leading her to five days of work without sleep. 

For high-level individuals with a strong mentality going so long without sleep was of course not a problem, but not pleasing either.

The Holy Lady breathed out a heavy sigh and left the office. Once her concentration on work ceased she started to feel how mind exhaustion started down on her in waves.

By the time she reached her bedroom, she had yawned at least three times. 

Overworking. People never realize how dangerous it may be, thinking they are in their prime state of mind until they make a mistake they otherwise would never make.

And Saintess was no different. Had she not been so tired and gone to sleep normally that day when all these problems started to pile on her, she would not be this mentally tired and would not have forgotten this important thing until it was too late…

She calmly walked to the bed, but the closer she came to it, the stronger the feeling of something important that she forgot, crept into her mind. With a thoughtful expression on her face, she raised her hands to her shoulders, slowly sliding the cloth of her silken dress over her smooth skin, pulling the shoulder straps off. The entire time she could not remember what was so important that she was forgetting.

Feathery light dress sailed down her curves, exposing her fair skin and all the voluptuous shapes of her magnificent body.

Only once the cloth slid down her delicate waistline uncovering that peach-like gorgeous butt, did the thought finally sink deep enough into her mind to remember what she forgot. However at that moment it was already too late. Cloth slid off her ass and fell on the ground at her beautiful feet.

The strong feeling of someone's stare flared so intensely that it felt like a slap on the fair skin of her butt. In an instant, it turned from unperceivable to so vivid she felt this gaze as if someone's hands sliding all over the back of her body 

She stood naked as on the day of birth, exposing her everything to the same stare that she felt five days ago when her shadow squad returned from the Moonstar Kingdom. 

Ever since she tried to grab in the direction of that stare almost five days ago, she felt it hide, becoming so faint, that even with her full concentration she could barely feel its presence somewhere near. But it was a present nonetheless. However, work flooded as waves, overwhelming her for the most of the week, not allowing her time to even sleep. And the problem of this creepy "being stared at" feeling, as if someone spied on her from close by, has been thrown into the corner of her mind. Until now.

Now, as she stood fully exposed, her eyes going wide from shock, the feeling of "being stared at" became stronger than ever before and almost burned the skin of her but with its intensity, coming from somewhere behind her and below the waistline. It was right at the heights where, had she worn a short skirt, it would be just low enough to peek at her panties.

In this current situation, however, at this angle, it no doubt had just the right scope of view to see EVERYTHING that she exposed. 

With a yelp, Holy Lady moved her hands to cover her butt and the line of her delicious-looking puffy pussy lips that could be gazed at from the direction of where the stare was coming. She sank to her hunches covering one part with one hand while covering her gorgeous tits with another, her eyes shutting closed from fright.

"Noooo! Get away!" Screamed the Holy Lady scaring the shadow guards in the room and Trisha who hid inside her shadow.

A layer of pitch-black material rose from the floor covering the body of Saintess in a second, as Trisha jumped out of shadow and kneeled at her side.

"Don't look! Don't look!" Screamed Saintess in panic.

"It's me! It's only me! My Lady!" Exclaimed Trisha, staring at her Mistress in worry.

"He saw me! He saw me!"

"There is no one here! Only us! I covered your body. No one can see you." She said in a reassuring voice, hugging her Mistress.

The Holy Lady opened her eyes, tears welling in their corners, and looked around. 

She saw herself covered in pitch-black shadow so thick she looked as if a black spot swallowing the light itself. Then she gazed around seeing only a squad of night watch standing at their side scanning the room with full concentration. 

The Holy Lady jumped up and scrambled to the bed, getting under the bed sheets and covering herself entirely with the thin material. 

"Leave me! Go away! Everyone!" Shouted the Holy Lady from under the bed sheets.

The night watch squad looked at their Commander who kneeled at the side of the bed and saw her point her head, confirming the order. 

All five of them sank back into the shadows and disappeared from the room.

"Trish?" Asked Saintess from under the bed sheets a few seconds later in a quiet voice.

"Yes." Whispered back Shadow commander.

"Don't leave me, please!" Said Holy Lady with a quivering voice. 

"I won't." Answered Trisha clenching her fist so hard they made popping sounds as her mind filled with rage.

Who dared to peek at her Mistress?!

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