Ugly Bastard

Chapter 191 – Dildo rent price

“As for the benefits to you….” Said Noah scratching his cheek bashfully. “What do you know of the Great Spirit Tree or World Tree as some races call it?”

The eyes of Dryad Queen went cold in an instant.

“You better choose your word carefully, Noah. We have not forgotten what led to its demise.” She said in a voice that sent shivers down his back as the temperature in the room went from warm to cold in an instant.

“I…I do not know what happened to it exactly.” Said Noah startling. He sure did not expect such a reaction. There definitely was something he did not know of The Worlds Tree history that he would have to find out.

“It was lost because of human’s insatiable lust and greed.” Said Dryad Queen

“Well, one of the benefits would be similar to a world tree.” Said Noah pointing at the big wooden dildo in front of them. “Or…a portable version of it with lower performance.”

At that moment the cold air in the room disappeared as Dryad Queen's eyes went wide with surprise, instantly locking on the wooden thing lying in the case. She once again stretched her hand toward it, her hand visibly shaking while her breathing quickened. She looked just like an addict stretching for a dose, but stopped her hand millimeters away from it, regaining her composure.

“It has the ability of a world tree?” She asked in disbelief, still breathing heavily.

“I think that saying would not make you believe. But what you felt from it when you touched it is proof on its own. That’s why we have this discussion here, aren’t we? You felt it yourself. You just refused to believe what you felt.” Said Noah.

“How is it possible?” She whispered her eyes shuddering with trepidation.

“I can’t lay out all my secrets, right?” Said Noah.

“What do you want for it? Ask anything.” Said Dryad Queen, locking her eyes on him.

“I am sorry but it does not work like that. As I said, it is only a portable version, which means it needs to be recharged after…use. There is no meaning in you possessing it without a way to recharge it.”

“You want to rent it then?” She asked her eyebrows creasing.

“Yes.” Answered Noah nodding. “For now it can be used, once every….month. It would take a month to recharge it.” Said Noah “It may be more often in the future.”

“Agree. I will reserve the next hundred years of its use. No two hundred years. Name the price.”

“Sorry, we don’t negotiate such long periods yet. Let’s say a year of trial period and we will renegotiate conditions after that period.”


“As for the price for this year. I need several things.”

“Name them.” Said Dryad Queen clenching her teeth and leaning back with crossed hands, waiting for absurd conditions. After all, humans were known for their unbound greed.

“The debt of my stay and the stay of the beastwomen in your care is included in the rent price.”

“Alright.” Said Dryad Queen curtly.

“Permission to visit Core Forest to use the training ground you made for me, to anyone that I acknowledge as a member of my household.” Said Noah in a business-like manner.

“On the condition that they bring no harm. If this condition is broken you will pay the price.” Added another condition, Dryad Queen.

“Fair enough. Agree. However, for that, I would need ambassadors of your race that I will grant an access to my mind realm for an ease of travel through the dream realm.” Said Noah.

Dryad Queen glanced at Dahlia standing at the side of the room squinting her eyes before turning to Noah.

“I will appoint a suitable…”

“No.” Interrupted her Noah. “This is non-negotiable. I will not let inside my mind anyone I don’t trust and granted access is currently unchangeable. I will grant only three permissions to Dahlia, Aster, and Zinnia. This much is already too many people for my liking.” Said Noah gazing firmly at the Queen.

“Fine.” Said Dryad Queen after glancing at her daughter once more and seeing no particular emotions on her face from this discussion. “What else?”

“We forget all past misunderstandings and offenses between us. I will not rent it if we are on bad terms with each other.” Said Noah.

“And?” Asked The Queen, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s it.” Said Noah.

“Bullshit. Humans would never ask this little. What scheme are you trying to pull?” Said Dryad Queen leaning forward and smacking the table with her palm, her anger seeping through her clenched teeth.

“I wish to stay your ally as previously agreed and will come to your help in times of need, as well as do my best in finding new shelter in case you need it. But not because I owe you, nor because you have leverage on me. But because I wish to call you and yours as friends and promise to be a worthy friend to you. In return, I ask the same from you. Trust instead of playing tricks to blackmail me.” Said Noah. 

Dryad Queen glanced at Dahlia but saw her stoic face give away no emotions. She had a perfect maids working expression.

“Friend? With Dryads?” The Queen asked, surprised. Noah nodded in a curt reply. 

“Even if your Kingdom turns on us?” Asked Dryad Queen measuring him with her gaze.

“Yes.” Said Noah firmly.

“What if your whole race turns on us? What will you do then?”

“I will stand by my beliefs. And if my friend did not deserve that treatment I will make sure to help however I can.” Said Noah making Dryad Queen falter.

“We…can’t just put our trust in humans easily. Not after what happened with Fae. Not after the World tree.” Said Dryad Queen in a weak voice as if all her power deflated, shaking her head.

“I don’t know what happened to it. But I don’t ask you to trust humans. Only me.” Said Noah with a firm gaze.

Dryad Queen sighed, rubbing her eyes.

“Whether you are worthy of trust or not, we shall see. I can’t agree to this condition at the moment. You would have to gain that trust, not bargain it.” She said quietly.

“Very well. Then we have a deal, Your Majesty.”

“Marva. Friends call each other by names when they are not in public, do they not?" said Dryad Queen.

“Yes. They do.” Answered Noah with a smile, standing up and stretching out his hand. “So we have a deal, Marva?”

Dryad Queen stood up as well walking around the table and stretched out her hand in return, but instead of grabbing Noah’s hand she gently took him by the chin and pressed her lips against his.” A smile painted the corner of her lips as she heard the commotion from the direction where Dahlia stood.

She opened her eyes and glanced at her daughter seeing her finally lose composure, giving out her true feelings.

“Truly a man I wish to strip layer by layer.” She whispered, breaking the kiss. “I want you to know that you will no doubt be the one dominating my imagination when I use this portable world tree tonight.” She whispered.

“Mmm.” Moaned Noah feeling getting hard from just one kiss from the Queen and mother of all Dryads. “Then you should know...” He whispered back looking her in the eyes making sure she was listening carefully. “That its form is an exact replica of mine if only upsized with its ability to grow.” He whispered with a smirk seeing as her eyes went wide with surprise before they jumped to the object in the case then back to Noah, then once again to the object, and then sliding down Noah’s body to his crotch as she bit her lower lip and made a loud gulp.

“What a mean man you are. Now after I use it I would always wonder which is better, the replica or the original. Naughty, naughty boy.” Whispered Dryad Queen sliding her finger down his chest. “Do not tempt this Old Lady like that in the future. You may not be able to bear the consequences.”

“Not yet at least. But someday you may not even be enough.” He whispered back, making her eyes shudder with hunger and desire.

Dryad Queen unconsciously licked her lips before biting her lower lip again in frustration.

“Bad! Bad man! Bullying a lady like that.” She said loudly backing away from him. “Fuck night. I am giving it a try right now.” She said rushing to the case and snapping its lid close before grabbing the case into her hands and walking out of the room.

“Dahlia, please let our friend out and tell everyone not to disturb me anymore today. Your mother has an important matter to attend to.” She said leaving the room in a rush.

“Fuuuh.” Breathed out  Noah heavily. “This went better than expected,” he said, shivering as he remembered the cold gaze of Dryad Queen. “For a moment there I saw my life pass by in front of my eyes.” He muttered.

“What did you two whisper about?” Asked Dahlia.

“Just a little sweetener as a bonus for her.” Said Noah with a laugh. 

Dahlia watched him with a raised eyebrow but seeing that he was not going to explain she sighed and let him out of the Palace.

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