Ugly Bastard

Chapter 199 – Girls talk

Theressa lifted her gaze from the papers that she was studying, glancing at the newcomer, while Samantha stood silently at the door carefully studying the gorgeous woman’s appearance that hid a true monster under that fair skin. 

As the door was closed behind her back, leaving Samantha alone with this terrifying creature, she struggled to hold a stoic face and calm demeanor, however as Theressa’s chilling gaze landed on her, her gulp from sudden dryness in her mouth echoed like a clap in the room, no doubt announcing her nervousness as clear as daylight.

Theressa stood up from her seat behind the table slowly sashaying through the room looking all elegant and suave while throwing her gaze at Samantha, looking her over from up to down as if evaluating her messy getup.

“I apologize for my appearance, your call was unexpected and the maid did not let me go change saying it was urgent.” Said Samantha her voice trembling slightly as the creature came closer and closer. 

Halfway through the distance between them, Theressa changed her direction, coming over to the armchair at the side of the room and sitting into it, elegantly fixing her dress. 

“It’s alright. Please have a seat.” Said Theressa pointing at the empty armchair at her side that had only a small table with a far talking device in the space between them.

Nodding slightly in silence, Samantha walked over to the armchair, and sat down on the edge of it, feeling nervous as if waiting to be berated by the superior. 

This creature exuded a truly noble or even regal aura more than any of the nobles that Samantha ever met. When nobles she knew before felt merely arrogant and conceited pricks overflowing with self-importance, this woman had a feel of superiority that made Samantha squirm under her gaze, barely holding herself from kneeling. The people calling themselves nobles felt like phony fakes compared to Theressa. If this was how a noble should have been like, then those that Samantha knew felt to her as mere hyenas when this woman had the presence of a Lion. This woman was so natural to being noble, Samantha felt like a commoner without anyone pointing that out to her as if she exuded an unseen noble aura.

As she sat, Samantha waited for the Madam to start the talk but an uncomfortable silence spread in the room as the two women sat looking at each other without uttering a single word. A few seconds after the silence spread Samantha felt the rivulets of sweat starting to flow down her back, making her unconsciously gulp again.

“May I know what was the reason for your summon, Madam?” Finally asked Samantha, unable to bear the tense silence. When she saw Theressa open her mouth she could not help clenching her teeth waiting for something bad.

“I have work for you. I need it done today.” Said Theressa with a cold emotionless voice.

The nervous glimmer in Samantha’s eyes suddenly ceased changing into a cold and firm look. 

“What work?” Asked Samantha. The meek subservient tremble in her voice now gone, changed to a cold and business-like tone. She always knew this day would come. There was no free cheese. All nobles offered you kindness only to ask from you a hundredfold later. It seems that this family finally decided to show its colors as well.

“I want you to attempt an assassination on someone.” Said Theressa in a monotone voice, sounding unperturbed as if she asked something trivial like trimming bushes or cleaning the bath.

“I am sorry. But this kind of job we do not take. We never did assassinations for anyone. Neither would we do it for you. If this is all, I will excuse myself.”

“We took you in and protected you.”  Said Theressa raising an eyebrow.

“We will be gone from your territory by the morning then.” Said Samantha standing up.

A smile spread on Theressa’s lips as she gazed at Samantha with squinted eyes.

“You are wanted all over the country. You will get caught a few days after you leave.”

“I would risk it rather than take the leash. I know what this task entails. I told Noah once, and now I will repeat. I am not your property. I work for you for a stay and protection but I don’t do your dirty work like a leashed dog."

“Ah. This answers a few of my questions” Said Theressa with a smirk.

“What questions?” Asked Samantha with a raised eyebrow still on guard against the woman opposite her.

“Why he might have been so infatuated with you. Although you are not bad in appearance, I could not fathom what he saw in you. I could more or less understand it if it was your sister or Kate. Those two no doubt delight to the eye. One beautiful and fragile-looking small thing begging for protection. Another is a calm beauty with smart eyes. No doubt they were the main bait in your past schemes to capture newbie adventurers. But you and Danyella, although quite beautiful, are not as mouth-watering to make a man jump into the fire to save after just one meeting.” Said Theressa giving Samantha a once over, checking her body in a way a man would measure her up with a bit of distaste on her expression.

“Cold. Unsmiling. Definitely not fragile-looking. What could force a man to jump into trouble to protect you? You are not the type a normal man falls easy for. So I had to wonder. Is there something about Noah that I still don’t know? Or is it something in you that did not catch my eye?”

“And what answer did you see?” Said Samantha, clenching her teeth, anger glimmering in her eyes. Although Theressa called her beautiful, the way she said it could only make her feel angry within. 

“Principles, courage, firmness, loyalty. You have an inner strength and unbendable will that many men don’t have. This sure intrigues. Even knowing that you are no match for me, you are ready to oppose me and look like you're ready to fight me if I were to pose a threat.” Said Theressa, nodding. The previous expression of distaste was instantly exchanged with a pleasing smile. “I could see how he would be smitten by that.”

“S…smitten?” Said Samantha her cheeks starting to heat from unexpected compliments. “T…that does not concern me. We have a purely business relationship. I have nothing between me and your man. What was in the past is the past.” Said Samantha, averting her eyes.

“Is it?” Muttered Theressa barely audibly, but Samantha no doubt could hear her words. “But you would like to have more than that don’t you?”

“I…I….” Said Samantha gulping. “I am not inclined to answer these questions. I am working for him but this is the limit of our relationship. Besides, it seems we reached the end of even that relationship.”

“I see.” Said Theressa, in a cold, thoughtful voice through which Samantha could not read the woman’s true emotions.

“Before you go, you should hear the name of a person I wish you to attack.” Said Theresa dismissively. “After all she is not a stranger to you.” Said Theressa.

“What do you mean?”

“Madam Irene from the Greenville town pleasure house.” Said Theressa observing the quickly changing expressions on Samantha’s face.

“Why?! What business do you have with her?” Asked Samantha in shock.

“Sit. Let me finish what I have to say. As I said, I only want you to make an attempt on her. No need to actually harm her. Only pretend but make it believable.” Said Theressa, her cold voice changing to a softer one as she pointed to the armchair beside her.

“Why?” Asked Samantha suspicion in her voice.

 “In short because Noah and I wish to offer her our protection.” Answered Theressa gently, smiling as she watched Samantha.

“What does an assassination attempt have to do with it?” Asked Samantha, still standing with her hands crossed.

“Sit.” Said Theressa softly beckoning Samantha to return to her seat once more. “Please.” She added when she saw that Samantha still did not take her offer still standing with a cold glare.

Samantha gazed at Theressa’s now amiable expression for a few more seconds trying to understand this woman’s play before silently sitting back into the armchair with her arms crossed.

“There is something you should know about your friend that you did not seem to consider when you showed up at her doorstep with your team after the incident with Noah.” Started to explain Theressa.

“That doppelganger woman named Nu that Noah brought to this house with you four, is on a mission in the Greenville town for us at the moment. Today she met with Noah for a short time and reported a few interesting findings. One of them was information about the expansion of the business and the ambitions your friend Irene was carrying in recent years.” Explain Theressa calmly looking at Samantha. “However, there is some point of concern that I have seen in this matter. There might be serious consequences to her after you showed up at her door that day.” 

“Expansion?” Asked Samantha with a raised eyebrow. “Consequences?”

“Your friend seems to be gaining quite a firm grasp on the business sphere in the Greenville town and beyond it.” Answered Theressa. “In other words, she is gaining power. However, power holds risks. Although she may have been aware of the risk this would have entailed, her situation would be a lot more dire now. Her help to you and your friends back then may literally mean death to her in the near future.” Said Theressa.

“What do you mean?” Said Samantha, clenching her hands into fists.

Theressa rubbed her chin thoughtfully for a few moments as she chose the right words and started to explain everything that Nu learned about Madam Irene and the kind of ambitions the woman showed in recent years, spreading her influence in business and among nobles.

“Okay. So my friend really makes it big. I am happy for her. But I don’t understand your reasoning. She’s not an idiot, she should be well prepared for the risk and hire decent protection. Why do you say she is in danger because of me?” Said Samantha in a confused voice.

“Look.” Said Theressa with a sigh. “The influence and power she is gaining would no doubt bring attention of the underworld and greedy nobles. They would, however, be deterred if Irene is well prepared and surrounds herself with true professionals from Adventurers or Mercenary guilds. This was no doubt what she intended to do at the beginning.” 

“However, you showed up. From what Nu told me about the incident with that crazy Bishop in the church that was after Lily, Dark Association seems to have been observing you for quite some time and gathering information about you for a long time. They knew many of your connections.”

“Those damn bastards.” Muttered Samantha, realization dawning on her.

“Now think. What if they found out about her connection with you as well as her role in helping you escape the Greenville town back then? While everyone else may be deterred by the strong professionals your friend should have hired, these bastards would have crucial information that changes everything.” 

“Had she been just a usual brothel owner they would not bother with it. But your friend is becoming a tasty piece of meat everyone will soon want a bite of. And with this information, she can be blackmailed.”

“There’s no proof of her connection with me. How can she be blackmailed on baseless rumors.” Said Samantha.

“Even if there is no strong proof to be found, as long as there are some indirect indications of it being more than a rumor there may be consequences for her. It’s enough for one or two girls who worked there and may have seen you there before to open their mouths, and this would be enough for rumors to gain power. And believe me, once people know where to dig they will always dig something out.”

“What will happen if this rumor with some indirect proof were to reach the Adventurers Guild that considers you as an enemy? What would happen if the local government, heavily trashed after the Royal Investigator's visit, were to find she helped those who are presumed to be part Dark Association? The same Dark Guild that recently caused a disaster in that town's vicinity and enacted the Royal Investigator's appearance.”

“The Adventurers guild and Town Lord may not outright oppose her without any proof, so her business may not be affected strongly, however, they would still need to be wary of not losing face. And being found providing service for someone who helps their enemies would really make them lose face.”

“Adventurers guild would have to stop their subordinates from taking her job offers and City Lords that local Mercenary companies answer to would have to stop adventurers and local mercenary companies from doing work for her so that they would not lose face if the rumors turned out to be true.” 

“The professionals she may have already hired may even break off their contracts to not risk being implicated with someone associated with a criminal like you. You have a strong resentment of the adventurers guild, one of the main powers of the human realm. You should imagine the degree of fear of being associated with you that would awaken in those protecting her.” Explained Theressa seeing Samantha clench her teeth with a truly pissed-off expression.

“So here’s the question. What would be her actions in this situation? Would she try to save her skin and submit to the Dark Association’s blackmail, joining the group that wishes to harm her friend or would she stay a true friend and tell them to fuck off?”

“She would never…!” Started to say Samantha but Theressa stopped her with a raised palm.

“Yes. That’s what I thought you’d say. But if she is a friend you think she is and refuses Dark Association, they would most likely spread the information just to spite her. In this case, as I said, she would lose a way to hire strong warriors from the Adventurer guild and Local Mercenary companies and be left facing all those greedy bastards knocking at her door asking for a piece of her riches and power while inadequately protected.”

“If it comes to this, she would be facing several choices.”

“First, hide under someone's wing. She can bend her knee before some of the nobles in hopes of gaining their protection. As a result, becoming someone’s foot-stand and giving up her own ambition.”

“Second, turn to underworld guilds, which is quite a gamble, as you never know how trustworthy the ones you hire would be.”

“And final choice, scramble for whatever subpar mercenaries from all over the place that are desperate enough to take the job even if they oppose the Town Lord and Adventurers Guild, and hope to survive until she finds capable Mercenary company from other regions or other countries.”

“Oh my God. I have ruined her life.” Said Samantha with a trembling voice, realization dawning on her as Theresa ended her explanation.

“Or she may have chosen to ruin it for you.” Said Theressa. “Your friend is very smart. She may not have said it to you, but she no doubt realized these things when she opened her doors for you.”

“What do I do? Oh my God. If she dies because of me…What do I do?” Muttered Samantha in a panicked voice.

“That’s why I said that we decided to offer her our protection. You four just wasting your talent doing trivial works here for me that Dryads can do a lot faster and better. So why don’t you take the task of her protection upon yourself? Of course with all our assistance.” Said Theressa smiling.

“Myself? Even if we can protect her life, there is not enough of us to protect her business.” Said Samantha with a dejection in her voice.

“Indeed. But as I said. We will offer our full assistance. So you have my daughters as well as my best friend's Nosferatu household that will no doubt help if we ask. As well as Dryads, Doppelganger, Battle Golem, and Black Mist cats. And in case of emergency, there is always Noah’s skills to change appearance and to travel a big distance that you can use to hide here under my protection.” Said Theressa.

“You would help us so much?” whispered Samantha.

“Yes. But I don't know her as you do, so I don’t trust in her loyalty. Before we offer our help, we need to be sure of her situation and see which choices she made. For that, we need to make her spill everything truthfully. And I am sorry, Samantha but I can’t believe her on her words alone. When the secrets of my beloved Noah are at stake, I need to be fully reassured."

"That’s where your plan of making a theatrical attempt on her life comes into the picture." Said Samantha nodding.

"Indeed. Take Kate and go see how strong her security is. Are there strong people belonging to some nobles? Are there Dark Association people, some other dark guild, or ruff-raff fighters she scrambled to gather from every hole she could think of searching in? Let me see if your friend is as truthful as you believe. Then we will decide whether to help her or not.” Said Theressa watching Samantha who carefully considered the offer in silence before her face took a sad shade.

“What is it? You don’t like my offer?” Asked Theressa, crossing her hands while gazing at Samantha with a raised eyebrow.

“No…it’s not that. It’s just that…this mess is my fault again and here I am needing someone’s help in solving it. We owe Noah more than we can ever pay, for all the risk he took in helping us. Even all that tall talk about hiring us as mercenaries. What job we could possibly do for him when we are wanted all over the country? Just being associated with us is a great risk for you and him. My girls may not understand it clearly but I know it well. We are too much in his debt with no way to pay it off. How can I ask him to stick his neck out for me even more?”

“Well, you don’t really need to ask him for help. I discussed the situation with him right before you came. The moment he heard your friend might have been in danger, he immediately jumped to help out your friend. He only stalled when I warned him about needing to make sure that she is worthy of his help and offered him a plan on how to do it. That's why you need to go now. So it’s not really a question of whether to ask him for help or not. He already made a decision.” 

“Why?” Said Samantha with a trembling voice. “Why would you and him render so much help to me and my friends even knowing I can’t really pay you back for all this?”

“Well, it’s not like we do it entirely selflessly. I wish to have this Madam Irene as my ally. The power she may hold in the future would really be helpful. As for Noah….he probably thinks with his dick again.” Said Theressa thoughtfully.

“Eh?” Voiced Samantha dumbfounded.

“Oh please. Noah went over and beyond in helping you. No payback deserves that much. He is a very noble and responsible man, but not that noble to just throw himself in danger for any stranger. He tends to do it for women. Especially women he desires.”

"Surely there must be a..." Started to say, Samantha.

“Believe me there are plenty of men that may seem altruistic as there is no direct gain for them but in truth, they have lascivious reasons. They simply think with their cock. And if you overlooked it, Noah is an eighteen-year-old with a libido that can satisfy three monster women in heat every night. Believe me, his cock plays a lot of role in his decision-making." Said Therssa seeing that Samantha did not believe her.

“Yes he is a kind, righteous, and truly noble man but you can’t overlook the fact that when he helps someone to the degree of risking his life, that always turns out to be a woman, so his salacious intentions have to play a role in it quite a lot.

“He save beastmen…” Started to say Samantha but then remembered he took away women and small children from Red Bull Clan’s wretched town.” 

“Yeah, he was greatly pissed by the stuff he saw and could not walk away without helping. That’s just the type of man he is, but…God, have you seen the boobs of those women? What man would not have lustful thoughts? I am sure there were some lascivious reasons there as well.” Said Theressa smiling.

Samantha watched Theressa with an open mouth, not understanding how this woman could be so calm admitting her man looked sideways. Why was she saying this so lightly? How could she be so calm when she should be jealous and angry if her man tried so hard for another woman?

“I am not saying he is a player chasing every skirt.” Said Theressa seeing the questioning look on Samantha’s face. “No, for him it’s not just sex. You could say he is getting carried away in his pursuit of girls he likes but, he really is getting strongly attracted to the objects of his infatuation. 

I don’t know if it is because of his overly strong libido or because of the atmosphere he grew up in. But he tends to like…many women. Not all but those that he deems special. And he holds you special. He likes you, Samantha. Not just lust or wanting to have a piece of you. He wants you, not just in his bed, but as his woman, as a partner at his side for the rest of his life. He would not force you, but be sure as hell would give his all to make you fall for him. That’s how he is. That’s how his lascivious side works. And to tell you the truth, that's one of his charms. If he goes after the woman he makes sure to give his all.” Explained Theressa.

“Please don’t joke. We’ve known each other for over what? A few days? How can he feel…” Started to say Samantha as she felt her cheeks starting to blush severely.

“How can you feel equally as much toward him?” Asked Theressa with a raised eyebrow

“I…I don’t..” Started to say, Samantha.

“Oh, please dear, don’t lie to me and yourself. I can see it in all your gazes that you’ve been constantly throwing his way. As well as all those jealous pangs you felt seeing him in our hands. It's fun to tease you. You really can’t hide your emotions well, you know?” Said Theressa, reaching out to Samantha and gently squeezing her hand. 

“Your friends are not here right now. You need not pretend with me.” Said Theressa in a soft voice.

“Even if it's so. Even if I want him…He did so much for me. He saved my friend, my sister, he saved me. He’s been more kind to me than any man I’ve ever met. Yes, I do bear feelings for him but…He is not mine…” Said Samantha quietly.

“I know that you are mates, Madam. He is your, mate…I would not dare.” She almost whispered at the end unable to look Theressa in the eyes 

“And if I did not mind?” Asked Theressa leaning back in her armchair and watching Samantha with a light smile.

Samantha gazed back at her in surprise, opening her mouth but finding no words for a few seconds. “Is this a joke?” she asked finally after a few seconds.

“Not in the least. We monsters regard this matter quite a lot differently than you humans. You, humans, live on made-up morals that may be regarded and overlooked however you like. We are however bound by our instincts. I assure you that I would fight any other representative of spider monster species to the death for my mate as I would feel challenged by them. However, all other species are not exposed to danger from this vicious jealous instinct. To tell you the truth it only makes me regard him as a better mate knowing that he is so desired by other species as well. It excites me quite a bit knowing you want him.” Said Theressa reaching out to Samantha once again.

“So the question here is not whether I can live with sharing him but whether you can live with that?” Said Theressa observing Samantha who sat with a shocked face after hearing that revelation.

“You would not be angered if I give myself to him?” Half-whispered Samantha in disbelief

“Me and my daughters will accept it…or more like welcome it even. As I said the more lovers he has and the stronger they are, only excites us more about him. To tell you the truth I hope he finally nails that prim-looking Dahlia while they both away. God knows she is willing. I feel wet for him just from seeing how she drools at him from the side.” Said Theressa with a smirk as she looked at Samantha who sat with a shocked face, her eyes wide and cheeks burning red from hearing those words.

“Look at you all burning from embarrassment. Did you already imagine the thing you would do to him? Or is it a memory of your last tryst?”

“No. Madam, I just feel a bit overwhelmed by such openness.”

“One more thing, though I would like you to consider if you are willing to share him.” Said Theressa her face changing suddenly making Samantha straighten in her seat.

“If we’re going to fuck the same man, stop calling me Madam. Theressa is fine.”

“I never said I was going to do it with him!” Said Samantha. 

“Oh? It looked to me like you already decided. Have not seen any aversion on your face when I mentioned sharing.”

“I did not decide anything. Can we get back to the topic of my friend's protection, please?” Said Samantha weaving a hand at herself trying to cool herself.

“No, no. This is the most important topic we need to discuss. After all the protection of your friend would be best left to you and your friends with assistance from us from the background. This means we are sending you toward Greenville town tonight, where Noah is staying just for tonight. This means that if you want him, you have to play your cards well to get all hot with him right this very night. Let’s plan!” Said Theressa

“Wha…What? Wait. What do you mean?” Said Samantha shocked once again. 

“He is going away for training for another two weeks after tonight. You have a strike tonight!” Said Theressa grinning.

“I don’t have to! You just want me to do it tonight! I have plenty of time for that another time!” Exclaimed Samantha with her face going entirely red before she realized what she said.

“Oooh. So you DO plan to do it after all.” Said Theressa with a complacent grin.

“I refuse to answer! Let’s get back to the real topic!” 

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