Ugly Bastard

Chapter 216 – End of party

William slammed open the door to his father's cabinet, startling his father and guests that sat there surrounding him. They were leisurely sipping alcohol and discussing the business with Margrave O’Sullivan, when he interrupted them, barging into the room with a furious face.

“William! What the hell?!” Shouted his father in anger standing up from his feet.

“You fucking bastard!” Screamed William pointing at his father, startling Margrave into shock. His son was always so docile and quiet that he started seeing him as a wimp. That’s why this kind of outburst from his son was so surprising, he was standing speechless for a few moments with his mouth open.

“What kind of degenerate piece of shit are you? You call yourself a father?” Shouted William.

“Will…What the hell possessed you?” William's father asked, coming up to himself and straightening his face.

“YOU ARE FUCKING HER!” Shouted William.

“What the hell are you spouting brat? What kind of behavior is this in the presence of gue…” Started to say his father with a raised voice.

“That skank of a fiancé of mine! You’ve been fucking her and that whore of a mother of hers, both! You, motherfucking piece of shit! How can you do this to me?! I am your son!” Shouted William.

Margrave O’Sullivan was shocked for a second that Williams found out, but it was no time to be confused. He looked around seeing the strange expressions on the other noblemen's faces and squinted his eyes.

“Enough! I don’t know what kind of drugs you partook in at the party, and how much wasted you are right now, but there’s a limit to how much you can embarrass yourself and our family, Will!” William's father shouted, walking toward his son.

“I am not the one drunk. It’s those whores of De la Cour family that are drunk! They are so drunk on cock that's been fucking them, they just couldn’t keep their mouths shut when they revealed all these secrets to that piece of shit Keneth McAlister that is fucking them right now. I was hearing it all when that skank could not put the hearing device properly down to end the call.” 

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Screamed Count De la Cour, jumping up on his feet. He could not allow this little brat to tarnish his family name no matter how much he depended on Margrave. There was a limit to such insults any nobles could swallow in front of others. Even if he was to break apart the only lifeline he had left, he could not allow his generations-long family to be smeared in dirt by either William or his father in front of so many people.

“This is outrageous! Theodor, what kind of education do you give to your son to raise him so disrespectful? I demand an apology! If this matter is not settled there is no further discussion of marriage between our families?” Said William’s future father-in-law with his angry face seeming to go even fatter than it was.

“Marriage?! Who the hell wants to marry a whore you raise with YOUR education. That wench spread her legs so much, the whole county had a try at it!”

“Shut the hell up!” Roared Margrave, coming up so close to his son, their faces were mere inches away from each other. Just now he sensed the Count De la Cour gathering strength in his hand that was enough to kill William instantly, but with him now standing so close to his son, there was no way the fat Count could harm him.

No matter how much of a disappointment he thought his son was, he still was his only heir, and he did not wish to lose him yet. But this brat clearly went too far. Had it been any other of the guests in this room, they would have already punched him to the death. He was lucky that Count De la Cour hesitated for too long in his contemplation before making a choice.

“The only one you are disgracing here is yourself.” Said Margrave, looking William in the eyes. “Spouting accusations with no evidence to show. It’s just a tantrum of a spoiled drunk brat. No one is taking you seriously. The only one who is getting smeared here is you and me as a man that raised such an idiot son.” Clearly trying to give face to Count De la Cour to calm his anger, Theodor O’Sullivan quickly tried to turn the situation around by stating that it was dumb fantasy of a drunkard. 

Even if he would be able to protect William with his strength, the bout of two people at their levels would undoubtedly ruin the party and a great part of a mansion. Count De la Cour may be a wastrel but nonetheless, a Count with his levels topping 50's as it was demanded by the Royal decree. 

For Margrave O’Sullivan this fight would not be long, but it was going to be loud, destructive, and most of all, very attractive. In fact, it is attracting attention to this conflict that would cause most damage. Social status was the most important thing of a noble. And having a fist fight with a guest under the roof of his own house would ruin it for years.

“Evidence? Why need them? Let him just call his dear wife and listen to how she’s riding the cock of that piece of shit McAlister, just as I’ve listened to his whorry daughter ride his cock too. Oh, and by the way, she said she knows what a sick perverted piece of shit you are, lusting for his own daughter, that’s why those two skanks, your wife and daughter, have been satisfying my dad’s cock behind your back. They all plotted to fuck you around.” 

“Shut the hell up!” Roared Margrave, punching William in the face. 

William stumbled back, not able to fully protect himself even though his dad clearly did not put much force into it.

“This is all just drunken bullshit. Don’t believe him!” Shouted Margrave.

“Bullshit…Bullshit…” muttered Count De la Cour, however a deep sense of horror sunk into his heart. How did the brat know of his darkest desire?

“All you need is to call. Then we will all know the truth. There’s the magic far talking device, over there.” Said William standing up from the floor and pointing at the corner of the room, where a second far talking device was placed.

“Stop it, don’t listen to his crap.” Said Williams' father. However, Count De la Cour already walked up to the device and quickly pressed several symbols, while holding up the listening part of the device.

The silence took over the room as everyone stood in silence waiting for the outcome. Happy gleams could be seen in their eyes as they sipped their alcohol, clearly finding the situation a lot more entertaining than anything Margrave prepared for them this evening.

Long signals were coming from the device for quite some time but no one answered it.

“It’s just a stupid drunken fantasy…” Started to say Margrave a minute later.

“Yeah? And why did none of his servants hear the call? I’ll tell you why. Because his wife and daughter are fucking in his work office, with soundproof magic active. Yeah. They are fucking so hard they don’t have time to pick up the call.” Said William with hatred in his voice.

“Enough already, William! If you don’t shut your mouth, I swear…”

“Butler would answer… he would answer even if it was night…” Muttered Count De la Cour, his face going pale. “I have another device! No sound muffling barrier there. Anyone would hear a call there.” He said aloud disconnecting the call and redialing another set of sigils.

Just a few moments later the connection was established with a butler answering the call.

“Count’’ De la Cour residence. How may I help you?”

“Why did no one answer the call just now?” Demanded Count De la Cour immediately.

“Master?” Said butler, recognizing Count’s voice. “The call sir? I am sorry but…”

“I called the cabinet right now. You did not hear? Is the soundproof barrier active? Why?”

“Umm, I remember Madam and Young Lady going there some time ago. Maybe they did not want to be overheard.”

“Pick the device and go there immediately! I want to talk with my wife.”

“I will go call her for you sir.”

“I said take this device and go to the office! Was I not clear?” Shouted The fat Count, his eyes starting to gleam with anger. His butler never retorted to him and was always compliant. Then, why was he so noncompliant now? Deep down he had a feeling that the brat did not lie.

“Master, there must be some impo…” The butler started to say in what sounded like a terrified voice.

“I gave you an order! Speak one more word and you will regret it. Pick the device and go to my office. I want to hear my wife's voice. NOW!” 

The loud gulp of the butler could be heard in the silent room of Margrave office, followed by the sounds of footsteps as the butler finally walked to the office holding the far talking device in his hand.

Butler walked for a few seconds before a knock on the door could be heard.

“Madam, your husband, is on the call. I am bringing the second far-talking device with me here.” Said the butler.

“Don’t speak! Just go in there, you bastard!” Roared Count De la Cour in fury, understanding that his butler dared to warn his wife. There clearly was something going in there!

There were a few seconds of silence as the butler did nothing as if waiting for something before everyone heard him open the door.

But he needed not to bother as his effort had no meaning at all. The moment the door was opened, the sound barrier was stopped. Immediately the moans and screams poured out of the room and into the far talking device held by the trembling hand of the Count De la Cour.

“Oh yes! Fuck me, fuck me good Keneth!” Screamed the voice of his wife from the device.

“Oh yes, fuck my slutty cunt.” Screamed the voice of his beloved, gentle daughter.

“Aaah, aaah aah! I am comiiing!” Screamed the voice of his favorite maid that he liked to fuck behind his wife's back.

When the butler entered the room the people engaged in orgy did not even notice his presence as they were shouting their pleasure without a care.

William gazed into the eyes of his father that stood there with an ashen face, his mind finally calmed.

“You and I are no longer a family. I despise you. You are no longer a father to me.” Said William calmly yet with a voice full of contempt and scorn.

“As for you all, you should be careful with your families, sirs. If he can put his hands on his own son’s fiancé. Would he hesitate doing it with yours?” He threw the words toward other guests in the room, erasing smiles from their faces, before waltzing out of the room, soon leaving the mansion. He took a horse and left into the night with nothing but his clothes on his back, riding wherever his eyes looked.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!” Screamed the Count De la Cour so hard that his voice startled everyone on the other side of the far-talking device.

“Eeeek!” Screamed the young Lady Evelina’s voice.

“Oh my god! Honey?! What? What is this? Why did you bring this here?” Stuttered Countess De la Cour coming to herself.

“Your husband is on the other end, Madam. He ordered me to bring it here.” Said Butler in a trembling, terrified voice.

There was a sound of shuffle on the other side before Countess' voice was heard.

“Honey! This is not what you think. I can explain!”

“Explain?! You whore! Sit there and wait for me! I will be there in a minute! As for that little bastard with you! He is dead! You hear me?!” Screamed the Count De la Cour before smashing the device, disconnecting the call and storming out of the O’Sullivan mansion.

“I think we better continue our discussion another time.” Said one of the guests, putting down his glass and standing up. The others, nodding approvingly, stood up to leave as well, soon leaving Margrave O’Sullivan in the room alone. 

“Son of a bitch!” He roared, throwing his glass against the wall, shattering it into small shards.

At this time screams of women, shouts of males and sounds of shattered glass were heard coming from the party hall.

“What the hell is going on now?” Grumbled Margrave, walking out of the room, but was stopped short with his wife standing in front of him.

“What…? What are you doing here? You were supposed to be at De la Cour mansion! If you were there…!”

“Oh, I am happy to see you too, my love.” Said Madam O’Sullivan with an amiable tone as if disregarding his angry tone entirely.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you know how important this evening is for our family and our son?” Shouted Theodor O’Sullivan coming up to his wife.

“Son? Our son? Up till now you never called him ours. You always said he was mine. That a wimp like him could not be yours. But I can give you more. If you only give me a chance. If you only let me! I would give you more sons!” Screamed Williams' mother.

“Enough of this bullshit! I have no time for your psychosis. Get out of the way.” Said Margrave, pushing her away but at that moment a knife pierced into his side.

“You never had time for me! But now you will! You will have all your leftover lifetime only for me!” She screamed in a voice full of madness.

“You fucking bitch!” Screamed Margrave punching out with his full force right in the middle of her chest. With a loud cracking sound of breaking bones his wife was sent flying away to the side of the hall, where she hit the wall with another sickening sound of breaking bones and toppled on the ground. 

“Fucking bitch!” Grumbled Theodor O’Sullivan pulling out the blade out of his side and throwing it aside. He concentrated his mana on the wound starting to quickly regenerate his body but the loud screams and sounds of crushing furniture that were coming from the party hall did not give him rest. 

He turned to walk in the direction of the party once again but stopped after taking just a couple of steps, the sound of creaking bones from behind startled him into surprise.

He turned back to look at his most likely dead wife and saw her rising from the floor with the sickening sounds of bones popping back into place.

“I gave you everything! You are mine! Mine!” Muttered the woman standing up from the ground in anger.

“What the hell…?”

“We will be together! As a family! You, me and all our new daughters!” Said Madam O’Sullivan as the temperature in the room suddenly started to decline. Soon Margrave found himself making vapor with every breath.

“Who the hell are you?” Asked Margrave, filling his hands with mana.

“I AM YOUR WIFE!” Screamed the woman and a sound wave of a wraith hit him so hard he stumbled back, falling to the floor, barely able to take a breath.

His eyes grew into saucers realizing this was no ordinary wraith. She did not make a screech of wraith. This was simply her raised voice! Yet with such force? Wraith mother! His wife was possessed by a fucking Wraith Mother! A true horror among undead monsters! He was no match for it on his own!

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