Ugly Bastard

Chapter 220 – Overwhelming feelings

Noah moved through the forest with such a speed that everything simply blurred in his side view.

This world was not functioning on the same rules as the real world. When he was drawing the landscape, back when Alice taught him how to seal nightmares, he learned that to pass distance here was enough to hold a clear picture of where you would want to go. It was hard to orient when this world was just a black canvas, but once he gained the first imprints of stories, randomly thrown into this world in different places, Noah could move toward them by just willing to go there. After he drew the world all over, the principals stayed the same.

However, he went quite far, yet did not meet Daniella on his way. Could she possibly be further? Or did he pass her by? Maybe she did not take a straight road? The forest was quite big to search through it without having any traces to follow.

“What if…” Muttered Noah as an idea came to his mind. 

He willed his ‘Homework’ folder to open and called out his two trusty hunters - the Whip-chan and Rope-chan. Two mimic creatures, one in the shape of a thick green twine with thorns and handle and one white as snow silky rope, slithered around his leg like serpents, climbing his body and coming to his raised hands. Even though they had no eyes, Noah could feel their attentive gazes on him as they circled around his hands.

“Search.” Muttered Noah a quiet order as he pictured Daniella in his mind. Two beings immediately perked up as if gazing at him with attention as if reading the thoughts from his mind. “Capture and wait for me, but don’t harm.” He said and two serpents sprang to action with lightning speed, quickly disappearing in the forest’s lush.

“Tessa.” Said Noah calling his mate through their link as the Whip and Rope disappeared from view.

“Yes, Dear?” Replied Theressa, immediately.

“Please look after the girls, I find it strange that Ugy did not notice Dany’s disappearance. If Dany was called by nightmares he should have heard them. I know he can hear them or knows when they are agitated. It’s possible that he did it on purpose. Maybe he wants something from them?” Said Noah. When he spoke to his mates through their true mate connection Ugy could not overhear them, so it was a safe way to discuss something behind his back.

“Hmm. Or maybe his target wasn’t the girls.” Said Tessa thoughtfully.

“What do you mean? You think he wanted me in the forest? Why?”

“More like he wanted you away from here. Maybe he has something to tell us, but does not want you to hear. It was him that suggested bringing Danyella for a test too, right?”

“Now that you mentioned it…it was his idea indeed.”

“He may have predicted this kind of reaction from both Danyella and your nightmares so he used it as a tool to send you away. I’ll find out what he wants and look after the girls. Did you find Daniella yet?” Said Tessa 

“Yeah. Whip just reported that it caught her.” Said Noah looking in one of the directions where the serpents went.

“Whip?” Asked Tessa surprised.

“Yeah. These guys are natural hunters. It took them just a moment to find her unlike me. But they tend to go overboard in their capturing, so I better go check on them quickly. So take care of things there while I am busy here.” Said Noah.

“Sure. Leave it to me.” Answered Tessa.

“Alright. Let's go take a look at Dany.” Muttered Noah, disappearing from the spot.

It took him just a few seconds to transfer through the forest to get to the spot where he saw struggling Daniella hanging in the air parallel to the ground. She was caught by the Whip, her body tightly entwined by its body, and then they were both caught by Rope that hung from the tree branch above and held them a few feet from the ground as if an animal snare. 

“Ranger caught by a trap, huh?” Thought Noah as he stopped a few meters away from her and started to walk normally.

As he walked closer to Daniella, Noah noticed that she was struggling very strongly, so the whip had to tighten its grip to not let her get away. 

“Dany, stop struggling. I will release you in a second.” Said Noah walking up to the hanging girl but as if his words made her scared she started trashing even harder, floundering her bound hands and rubbing her legs as whip squeezed even harder and even started to let out its thorns, piercing into her skin to grab at her harder. It was not to the degree of letting out blood but it was going to be soon.

“No! Whip let go of her. Dany! Stop! Don’t struggle.” Exclaimed Noah, raising his voice but as if possessed Dany trashed madly, now even clutching a whip in her palms, not letting it get away from her. 

The whip now struggled to get away from her as Noah ordered, so it twirled and moved like a caught serpent’s tail. From all these flailing Dany even started to rock like a pendulum as the Rope still held them in the air. To not let her fall Rope started to entwine around flailing Dany instead of Whip, while whip slithered all over Dany’s body in its own serpent-like flailing, so Dany’s body was raised from a few feet over the ground to about the heights of Noah’s chest as more and more of Rope coiled around Dany.

“Dany?” Called Noah but the girl ignored him entirely, continuing her struggle. “Dany!” Said Noah firmly, yet there was no effect.

“DANY!” Shouted Noah not knowing what to do, following it with a loud slap on the girl's ass.

“Mmmmmm.” Voiced Danyella, a strange noise that seemed more like moaning. “Yes! Yes. More. More!” She hissed finally showing she was not delirious.

Noah took a step away in a startle.

“I am sorry, Dany I did not mean to…” Started to say Noah.

“No, you bastard! Do it more!” Screamed Danyella.

“Dany what are you…?” Muttered Noah walking around her to see her face but her head was down, her hair covering her face from view. 

Noah gently touched her chin and raised her face up to make her look at him.

Danyella looked at him with an angry expression before suddenly biting at his hand with full force.

“Ou, fuck!” Exclaimed Noah. Whip and Rope instantly reacted to Noah’s pain with aggression, immediately squeezing her body tightly. Whip pierced into her with thorns while one of the Rope’s ends jumped fast as cobra, entwining around her neck and starting to strangle her.

“No! Don’t harm her!” Commanded Noah, stopping them from further actions. “Fuck!” He exclaimed, grabbing Dannyella's hair and trying to peel her away from his palm.

At that moment Danyella’s whole body stopped. She let go of Noah’s hand but then squeezed her teeth together in a snarl. All her muscles tightened like stretched to the limit string as she first moaned through her teeth then shouted aloud in voice that Noah realized was full of pleasure. 

He stood frozen in confusion holding the girl by the hair, turning her head up and looking into her full of pleasure face with an expression of orgasm on it. Her eyes rolled up, her mouth open with spit hanging from the sides of her opened mouth as she seemed to stop breathing for a few moments, turning her loud shout into an expression of silent scream.

Several seconds later her screaming-like expression eased and she started producing barely audible whimpers at every jerk of her body as aftershocks of orgasm made her body twitch several more times in waves.

A few more seconds later, as she continued panting in heavy breaths, Dany's gaze regained its clarity as she turned her eye from sky, now looking straight at Noah. Their eyes locked and from her expression Noah could say that she only now realized that he was before her.

They both stayed silent, with their eyes locked to each other, seeming to take each their own time to understand what happened. They kept that silence through all the period of Dany’s breathing calming from panting to normal breathing, before she gulped loudly. 

“Can…can you please let me go master Noah?” Said Dany shyly bringing Noah out of his reveries. The way she addressed him sent a strange shiver down his spine.

Noah looked at his hand, that still held her by the hair, forcefully pulling her head back so that she looked up at him from where she hung slightly below his face. Her head was at the height of his chest. Coming to his senses Noah immediately let her go, apologizing profusely while commanding the Rope and Whip to lower her gently down and free her.

 *Sigh. Breathed out Dany heavily, as she sat on the ground rubbing her aching neck. 

“Fuck, I needed that.” She muttered as she cracked her neck from side to side.

“Excuse me?” Said Noah.

“I…I am sorry you saw such a face of mine…I just…” She said freezing, as she realized that she said it aloud and lowered her gaze in embarrassment, before shyly looking up at Noah.

“No. I feel like I should be the one apologizing here.” Said Noah as he unintentionally glanced between her legs before turning his eyes away.

Danyella glanced where he was looking and saw a dump dark spot of her pants all over her thighs and crotch.

“No. You don’t have to apologize…khem, I should thank you instead.” She said, hiding her embarrassment with a cough.

“Thank me…for what just happened? What just happened anyway?”

“I…I don’t know how to say but after that torture in vampire’s hands I…” said Danyella shivering slightly as she reminiscented the events. “Their feeding on me… What they did to me back then. It was so painful. So much painful. Even now I want to scream just from remembering it. Back then I screamed so much I went hoarse. But the worst part is it felt so…good. It felt so pleasurable and…so addictive. I could not get it out of my head.” Started to explain Danyella as Noah stood listening in silence. He felt like she needed to talk it out so he did not disrupt her, waiting patiently.

“Deep inside, I knew it was horror. That twisted degrading pleasure. I never felt something like it…or no. I felt it once. Back then when you attacked us in the forest.” She said looking into the ground and not noticing as Noah cringed from her words, feeling very uncomfortable from remembering the event he caused.

“But even then, it wasn’t like this. With that monster you, it felt so damn good. It felt so horrid, degrading, shameful. I was used and deprived of all rights… but it felt so damn good. Ever since then that painful pleasure felt…maybe not addictive but I could not stop recalling it.” She added, making Noah's eyebrow rise in surprise. 

“To be honest, I even wished I could try it again. Somewhere deep I felt that maybe we deserved it for all we did. For all our crimes. For all the people we send to a similar fate. But if this punishment felt so… overwhelmingly good. I did not mind being deprived of freedom, being used, shamed. No, I wanted to be punished this way. Desired it…” Continued to talk, Danyella. “It was strange. I did not understand the feelings well, and was ashamed, so I…kind of locked myself out from Sam and girls. Distanced myself.”

“However, what these blood suckers did felt different. It was painful and pleasurable, yes. But also so wrong. So filthy. So disgusting. This pleasure…it was not mine. It was forced on me. As if I was drug induced to make it feel this way. I did not like it. Not a single moment but could not fight it. It was overpowering my will and my mind. After that I felt dirty. No matter what I did, I could not get rid of that feeling even after all these weeks…No amount of washing could clean that feeling of dirt on me.” She said, going silent for a few seconds.

Noah sat down on the ground near her, keeping silent as he waited for her to continue.

“I tried to harm myself, you know? I don’t know why. I think I tried to recall the feeling but all I could feel was pain. I stopped when Samantha found out, but this feeling, it just…kept invading my mind in waves and did not pass by. It kept accumulating within me with every new influx. Today It just... overwhelmed me. I think I kind of lost it when we got here, because I started hearing some voices that kept calling out to me. They promised to rid me of these feelings, so I just…followed after them.”

“Then, these guys caught me here and…” She said, glancing at the Whip and Rope that lay at Noah's side unmoving as if they were normal inanimate objects.

“I knew they were yours, so you had to be nearby…then I kind of recalled how it was back then. With you. When pleasure was all mine, not some foreign entity forcing its own feelings into me. So…I wanted to recreate it…kind of like making one pleasure rewrite the other…I Don't know. It was all so complicated in my head, but…when I got my release, I…now I just feel so light, so empty of that addictive pleasure that they installed in me. I feel free…not entirely but…God. I must look like a madwoman blabbering all this nonsense in front of you.” Said Danyella covering her face with her hands.

“No. No you're not. You make perfect sense. Vamps... they connect with their prey and share their feelings both ways. As their senses are dull, they get pleasure from any bright feeling. And pain is the brightest. So they share their pleasure with the prey while feeling pain that their prey shares with them. That’s why some enjoy torturing people they feed on. The more you feel pain the more pleasure they would get. It’s no wonder you felt it foreign and unnatural. Because it is. It was not your feeling of pleasure. It was theirs. It’s actually good that your mind understood it. Those who don’t…They simply fall into addiction.” Said Noah.

“I see.” Half-whispered Danyella.

“So, you feeling better now?” Asked Noah

“Yeah.” Muttered Dany barely audibly, feeling greatly embarrassed from showing her O-face to Noah, however at the same time she felt excited that he did. ‘Fuck what he must be thinking of me.’ Thought Danyella.

“That’s good.” Said Noah, and she felt a relief in his tone. As she glanced up at him she only saw concern there and not a spec of loathing.

“What about the voices? Do you still hear them?” Asked Noah with worry.

“No. They are gone.” Answered Dany and saw Noah breath a heavy sigh of relief.

“You know something about them? What was that? Where did the voices come from?” Asked Dany, feeling weird.

“Nightmares. You have your nightmares and I…I have mine. Only mine are more sentient. They felt your troubled state and called out to your fears and nightmares. Wanted to use you as a way to get out. Some of them…love to bring pain. So they would give that a plenty. Only I doubt you’d feel any pleasure there.”

“Thank you. For stopping me.” Whispered Danyella.

“I am just glad you’re safe.”

Noah saw that Dany wanted to say something more but bit her lip and went silent.

“Let’s go back? Your friends are worried sick.” Said Noah.

“Umm…maybe you could send me back real quick? I think… I should change my attire a bit.” Said Danyella, her cheeks going red.

Noah glanced at the wet spot on her pants once again and nodded as he scratched his cheek.

“Yeah. I think you should.” Said Noah.

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