Ugly Bastard

Chapter 32 – In the name of science

Noah walked out of the bath house into the dim alley with a sense of relaxation. He felt like the night story 'readings' really squashed the juices out of him. Why do people love to make up all those nightmare stories in that world? He thought, sighing from realization, another night of the same torture awaiting him.

/So what stories do you have for me tonight, system?/ Asked with his thoughts Noah.


"-_-" Noah stopped with a strange look after not hearing a proper answer. System long thinking was never good news for him lately.


*Sorry, I didn't mean to startle user. I was thinking on how to raise the topic better.* Said system.

/What topic?/ Thought Noah was still worried.

*User has acquired quite a hefty sum from defeating slavers, right?*

/Yes./ Said Noah waiting to be hid with another of system ridiculousness.

*I remember we had a discussion about researching the street behind the alley over there.*

Noah looked at the turn leading away from the street and suddenly realization hit him. Painting his ears red. The street down that alley was the red light district. 

"Khe-khem." Coughed Noah into his fist.

/Oh the research. Yes I remember now. However…/

*User do I need to remind you that you lost your sanity from being overloaded with horny thoughts exactly because you are a virgin…was a virgin.*

/I am still a virgin! That thing….that….that did not count ok? That shouldn't be counted as my first. It was an accident./

*Alright, but then it is even more reason to do proper research on that street.*

*Gulp. Swallowed Noah nervously.

*Unless you want to lose your sanity on the next wave of horny again.*

/You made filters to prevent that./ Said Noah searching for an excuse.

*You are forgetting something again, user.* Said system with an educational tone to it's voice. *Our last bout of acting with accordance to the principles of Ugly Bastard, brought us enough Evolution Energy to make jump to the next level. I postponed the evolution for now, because we discovered how dangerous it might be if we are not prepared adequately. However I can't guarantee the same situation as last time would not recur once we level up and open yourself to the CS world even more.*

/I see./ Thought Noah. /This….this is necessary right?/


/I am not agreeing because I want to do immoral stuff or anything. It's just a prerequisite for my own safety from the CS influence in the future./ Stuttered Noah in his thoughts.

*Yes, yes. This is exactly like that. We need to go there, not want to. It's for a pure scientific purpose.* Pushed him, system.

/I see. Let's go then./ Thought Noah and his ears added a few shades of red to his already red hot ears.


Noah walked through the alley to the sound of music and festivity coming from the red light district wearing his original face. He thought it would be quite awkward to explain if a lady he would accompany to the private room were to touch his face and find that it distorts as if made of jelly. However, going there with just his face in the open made him even more distressed. So in his naive attempt to hide himself he put on a cap which earned him a previously unheard sound of "pffft" coming from the system voice.

He walked out of the alley into the bright light of the loud street, that was as festive as the previous time he saw it. The girls, in sexy, and totally unacceptable if worn anywhere else in town clothes, were flirting and chatting with happy men walking down the street.

Some women noticed Noah as soon as he basked in the bright lights of the night street coming out of the dim alley. As if an angler fish coming for the small prey that just got here attracted by the light they wanted to grab him in their clutches. However he quickly escaped from their sight, disappearing in the crowd on the street. 

He walked in the center of the street watching from side to side, looking over everything with curiosity. Single men and companies walked on the street, stopping occasionally to have a chat with a few flirty women that would pretentiously laugh at their drunken jokes and touch them in affectionate ways, trying to bring them inside their establishment. Seeing this festive atmosphere Noah could totally understand why many men would be usual visitors to such a place. 

He walked a few more minutes until he noticed the building of an establishment that clearly was outclassing every other place. It was richly decorated and women did not stand on streets pretending they were not cold. In this building they sat by the huge crystal clear windows behind the table with their long lean legs in high heels peeking out of their colorful dresses or waved at the walking by man with dreamy eyes as if telling then they were the only one for them, making many man stop rooted in place enchanted with their beauties. 

None of the women there were dressed in outright shameless clothes like the women on the street. All of them exude elegance and even nobility yet with the notes of seductiveness to their dresses that allowed only slight peeks at what they had to offer and making your imagination work for itself imagining what else they had in promise.

Noah had no hesitation when choosing a place for his rendezvous…research. If not this place, then none other was good enough.

Heavily breathing out once. He turned to the entrance of the establishment and walked inside.

A sweetly smiling girl met him at the door welcoming him inside.

"Welcome to Madam Irene's entertainment house, dear customer. Have you come here today for a specific girl of your liking or would you first like to relax and choose for yourself?"

"I…I'd like to sit down first." Stuttered Noah, bringing an even more sweeter smile to her lips.

"Of course. Please let me guide you." Said the girl and walked deeper into the hall in front of him with a full of seductiveness sway to her hips, while beckoning him to follow after her.

"Is this your first time visiting our establishment, sir?" She asked while they walked.

"Y..yes it is." Answered Noah.

"In that case I would like to explain to you how things work if you don't mind."

"Yes, please."

"First thing first. No one is forcing anyone to do anything within this establishment's walls. If you were found to be breaking this rule and harming girls we would have to ask you to leave and may even ban you from coming here again in the future. You can offer a girl of your liking to go to the private room with you or simply spend time here with you for an hourly price of course. The price for her company a girl will tell you herself. This is a recreational area,'' said the girl showing around. "Here you can rest and look around to search for a girl of your liking. You can order a drink at the bar or call a girl that you would like to drink with to bring you your drink. If you don't want any company immediately you can have a drink alone until you find a girl you like. Any area on this floor can be freely used for your entertainment to spend a nice time in the girls' company. All we ask is an entrance fee to be paid to have the right of staying here." Explained the girl.

Noah paid her the entrance fee and she bowed to him slightly as a thank you while showing off her beautiful neck, which made him go red at the ears from being caught gazing when she raised her head back. However, the girl only smiled sweetly, removing hair behind an ear with a finger as if with an unconscious gesture, opening up even more of her beautiful delicate neck skin for his view.

"Would you like me to bring you a welcoming drink? All other drinks you will have to order at the bar or call a girl to drink with you and order one for her too."

"Yes. Please. Something, not too high on alcohol." Said Noah.

"Please have a seat at these couches if you'd like. I will be here with your drink shortly." Said the girl, pointing him to a comfy leather couch in the hall and walked away to the bar counter.

Noah sat on the couch sinking into the soft leather seat and shyly looked around.

Girls in beautiful dresses and with sweet smiles stood around the place chatting and having fun with other customers. Some girls threw flirty gazes at him from the balcony of the second floor that was circling around the whole first floor hall with two intricate stairs leading to the second floor at the two sides of the hall. 

The hall itself was beautifully decorated. There were many green plants in many corners and a few fountains. Couches and tables with nice chairs stood at some corners where a few couples sat having chats with girls making man weak at the knees from their temptresses like skills of seduction

Noah watched from the corner of his eyes as one man sat drinking with a girl at one of the private tables explaining her something actively with her listening him with the whole hearted attention at him alone, as if nothing except him existed in this world for her, which only made the man more and more active in his talking to her. A moment later her delicate leg peeking from inside her dress slit as if in passing touched the man's leg at the chin and  after he decided it was just an accident her leg touched him again. This time slowly and sensually rubbing at his leg, while the face of full attention at his word did not weather for a single second, making him even doubt she did this on purpose.

"You drink, sir." Said a sweet voice of the girl that met him at the door, startling him a bit.

Noah shyly smiled at her taking the drink from her hand that "accidentally" made their hands touch.

"Please enjoy your stay." Said the girl smiling a bright smile and making another "unconscious" gesture of moving away a strand of hair behind the ear, showing off her long delicate neckline. "I will be at the door if you'd like my company this evening, sir." Said the girl and slowly walked away, swaying her hips so temptingly, that he almost got up from spot to press his face into those delicious buns, but barely held himself in control.

*Yes, yes. This was the right choice without a doubt.* Said system. *I can already feel you having a firmer grasp on your emotions, user.*

*This will definitely be a glorious research.*

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