Ugly Bastard

Chapter 36 – Pillow talk (18+)

After they soaked a bit and cleaned again, Noah and Samantha, covered in towels, went to the room. They turned all the lights off and under the white light of the moon peering into the room through the window they jumped into the bed naked. Under the bed sheets Samantha squeezed into Naoh's embrace and he covered her with his hands hugging her to himself.

"Samantha?" Asked Noah a bit later


"This is just a one night thing right?"

"..." Samantha did not answer immediately, thinking on his words.

"It's just that this evening was wonderful, but somewhere deep inside I feel it's not enough. I want to know you better. I hoped that maybe I earned a chance for a date?"

Samantha lifted her face with an indescribable look on her face. 

"You earned it." She said silently, putting her head back on his chest. "You already earned all the dates I could give. But I can't give them to you. I am just on business here. I will be gone very soon. And I can't stay. There is something very urgent. My team and I have important stuff going on." 

Noah hugged her a bit stronger. "I see." He answered, not asking further. He knew very well her business and important stuff happening. By now the two newbies she tried to kidnap for sale must have woken up and spoken. Soon their wanted posters would be circulated.

"You mentioned the cleric before and the team now. You are an adventurer?" Asked Noah.

"I was. Long ago." Whispered Samantha into his chest. "Now I do other business."

"Why did you leave? You don't have to answer if it's unpleasant. I just want to know you a bit more

"We did not wish to leave. We were forced to. The guild was like a home to us. We did work and it protected us. Until it stabbed us in the back. It was supposed to protect us from all kinds of bastards but sold us out. We refused to comply and were thrown out." Said Samantha with sadness in her voice.

"I am sorry for bringing that up." 

"No. It's okay." She said looking up at him again looking in his eyes. "I am kinda glad you did. Makes me happy you want to know me." Then she hugged him stronger.

"You know, it's the first time for me to be like that?"

"Like what?"

"This. Laying. Talking." There was another sadness in her voice. Noah heard it as a kind of longing. "I had quite a few shugs here and there. A few quick fuck now and then. But it's just putting clothes back and going separate ways. No one ever stayed, like you. No one was ever interested in me. Only tits or ass. Never in me as a whole enough to want to spend more with me." She said, sinking into his embrace even deeper.

"But now that I found someone willing, I can't stay. Isn't that funny?"

Noah just hugged her not knowing what to say. 

"I am sorry." She whispered. "For disappointing you. I really wish I could be with you."

"Don't be. You are amazing and I was lucky to know you, if only just for one night."

"You are so sweet." Said Samantha and turned around, sinking into his embrace with her back, while touching his hands over her body.

"You know? You were wrong last time." She said while not watching at him

"About what?"

"That I am strong. You said I look strong and dependable. I am not." She said, "I just put on a mask. Just so others would not see my true self. So that they would not think they can just use me and throw me away." 

"You are not…" Said Noah, but was stopped by her finger when she turned. 

"Please let me feel weak in your hands just a little bit. It's been so long since I allowed myself to be." Said Samantha, and Noah saw a wet gleam in the corners of her eyes. Hugged her stronger making her press her naked back into him more"

"Yeah. This feels amazing. To be in the arms of a man that you can open to. That you can show your back without fear. Thank you Noah."

"I am happy that you feel this way with me."

"When you said you wanted to stay, I was very happy. Happy to meet someone that bothered to look twice before leaving. I was afraid, you know? That there is no man that would ever want to. That I am just not made to be cared for. I thought it would be like this again. That you'll just put pants on, say thanks and walk away. Like everyone else did. I was thinking that I am just a one time use tool. Man did not want me more than a shug in the alley. The Guild used me and then threw me away. Many clients and businesses we tried after that were even worse. But I put up a strong front for my girls and moved forward. They needed me strong. So I was. And it worked." Spoke silently Samantha in his arms and he felt a small tremble of her voice and body. He had no doubt she cried. "Until that time." She said, shuddering.

Dark feelings sunk into Noah's heart. He had no doubt what "that time" she meant.

"Irene told you I was hurt recently."


"I don't want to talk about what happened." She said

"Okay." Silently said Noah.

"But. That time…what it did to me. How it made me feel. All my feelings of being just a tool…It made me like it. Made into something not even human and made me like it. Then walked away, throwing me away. Just like a used thing and I liked it. Loved every moment of it." Samantha clearly cried now, unable to hide her strong shudders. "When I thought that I was already on the bottom, it opened for me a new, depthless, pit to throw me into. I was so afraid of what I would become. I wanted to get away. Wanted to be better when I saw what's becoming of me. Then you showed up. And was so sweet and delicate. Even though I am just a broken used up thing. You said it's a pleasure to stay with me." Said Samantha, bawling her eyes out. "Thank you, Noah."

"You are not anyone's tool. Nor are you one time use. You are a wonderful, amazing strong woman, Samantha." Said Noah carefully caressing her sides and pressing a kiss onto her shoulder.

"It feels so good, when you say it. When you touch me so caring." She said enjoying his tender touches.

Noah tenderly slid his hand on her shoulder and kissed her shoulder blades making her shudder with goosebumps.

"So good." She said, "Do that more."

Noah lifted himself up and started to slide his hand on her waist and hip while kissing her neck, then shoulder and spine, while being rewarded with her shiver from pleasure.

Samantha turned to lay on her belly, and Noah lay partly over her, caressed her firm butt and thick thighs while kissing her spine.

"Mmm" Moaned Samantha, spreading her legs slightly. Noah did not miss that gesture and slipped his hand between her legs touching her labia with his finger, sliding on her already wet with her own juice pussy lips.

After a few moments of fondling her sensitive part she started to breathe hard. She lifted her head from a pillow to gaze at him with dreamy eyes and opened from a laboured breathing mouth. Noah did not need to ask to know what her gaze meant. He lifted himself over her, spreading her legs a bit more and slid his dick inside her making her moan louder this time.

He wanted to go in slowly, but to his surprise she moved her hips, lifting them a bit and slamming back at him, impaling herself on his dick with a burst of loud noise of pleasure from her mouth. Noah looked up at her and saw her staring at him with an absolutely slutty face full of need and wanton need. Noah lowered himself on her pressing her to the bed and started to move piercing her insides with his spear

"Yes. That's it. Feels so good to be under you. To be a weak woman under your body, Noah. So good." She moaned while he lay on her slamming his pelvis into her butt cheeks. "Oh God. It's so deep. Yes. Fuck me like that. Fuck me like a weak woman. Press me down." Screamed Samantha her desire to be dominated under his manly body.

"Oh, Noah!" She called him when she felt she was almost there. "Oh yes! So good!" She moaned and started to shudder. Her convulsing from orgasm inner folds squeezed him so hard it pushed him straight over the edge and made him spray inside her with a few jerks and a loud moan of pleasure.

Noah strengthless, dropped on top of her, pressing her convulsing body under himself.

"Oh, God. Noah." Purred Samantha when she came back to her senses. "What are you doing to me?" She asked without waiting for an answer.

"You are the one doing something to me. I am a virgin you know? How can you charm me so much? I keep getting hard." Joked Noah breathing hard and sliding off her back to the bed, laying on his back.

"Is that so? I should charm you some more then."

"You are going to kill me from drying me empty." He said with a playful worry in his voice, making her smile.

"Lay down and rest." She said standing up from bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll go wash myself. Again. And come back."

"I…I will…" Started to say Noah lifting up but she pressed him back to bed.

"Shhh. Stay. You gave out a lot. Men need to rest after giving their force to women right? Rest. I'll be right back and clean you when I return." Whispered Samantha calming him down and slipped into the bathroom.

Noah lay exhausted, closing his eyes. However instead of dreamland he appeared in the mind realm.

"Oh, right." He said. "Can't sleep."

*From a practical point of view this state is better than simply...*

"Yeah, yeah." Said Noah interrupting the system's tirade of how useless soundly sleeping was.

"I don't feel like going story reading today." Said Noah. "What's new in the comment section?" He said looking into the CS screen, that had a few more pictures blurred with systems filters.

*There were a few waves of the usual stupidity that only these people are capable of, that I had to filter a lot.*

"Hmm? What's this 'gore' thing?" Said Noah watching one of the blurred pictures with words NSFW gore in the middle of it.

"I've seen 18+ words before."

*I divided them by category. Latest wave was of the pictures full of death and cut off parts and innards of people. It is covered by the 'gore' filter.* Answered system.

"What the fuck? What is going on inside the heads of these people to make fun of such things. I thought they were some bunch of perverts, but is this group of some maniacs?"

*I am not entirely sure yet, to give an answer. These people are too unique to judge quickly. However there is a word many of them prefer to call each other.*

"What word?"


"Sound fitting." Said Noah, scrolling the CS screen a bit. "Glad I have you to filter it. Can't imagine what would happen without the filter."

*S…sure.* Said system's uncertain voice.

"They did a lot of post waves here in recent time, and even another horny pictures wave again, but thanks to you it's not affecting me like last time."


Noah stopped scrolling feeling another premonition.

"Right, system?" He asked, "They don't affect me?" 

*This topic needs an in depth discussion.*

"Fuck! It does affect me! Spill it, system!" Said Noah.

However before he heard an answer he felt some pleasurable feeling and opened his eyes in the real world. 

Samantha was gently cleaning his cock with a warm wet towel while sitting on the bed.

"Sorry. Woke you up?"

"Wasn't really sleeping." Answered Noah.

"There. All clean now." Said Samantha and put the towel on the small bucket of water she brought from the bathroom. Then she slipped under the covers into Noah's embrace. "Sleep now." She whispered, kissing him gently.

"Don't want to. I am afraid if I close my eyes, you will be gone the next time I open them.

"I won't. I promise. I will be here in your arms in the morning. That's how I want to wake up."


"Sweet dream, Noah."

"You were a sweet dream, I am afraid, my lady. Nothing waits for me in my sleep."

"Sweet talker. Stop trying to charm me and sleep."

"You will be gone soon, you said. Not tomorrow?"

"No. But there is a pressing business waiting for me tomorrow. My team needs me. I was not the only one…..hurt." She said, "I must help them recuperate…. just like you helped me." She whispered in the end.

"I am glad I helped." 

"Noah?" Said Samantha hesitantly


"If…if I ever return…"

"I won't be here. I was supposed to be here initially for a few weeks only. Once you are gone, nothing would hold me here. I will be on my adventure road."

"Wait." Said Samantha, lifting her head up from his chest and peering into his face. "You are an adventurer?" She asked surprised. Her thoughts started to spiral. How high ranked he was. What does he know of recent events?

"Well. Just registered a few days ago. But yeah you could say so." Said Noah with a shy smile. 

"Few days ago? You are a newbie?" Oh God! she thought. What would he think if he knew what her business was? Ensnaring and kidnapping foolish newbie adventurers for slavery. And now here she was with a newbie just like one of those she ruined and she was happy as she never was in her life before. Fuck, how he would hate her if he'd knew. He probably doesn't know anything. The Guild would not share information easily. Less people know, less info leaks. Newbies are not part of the inner circle. She dropped her head back to his chest but lay with worry.

"What? Don't believe me? Want to see my badge?"

"No. I believe. But ok. I'll show you mine if you show me yours." She said with a smile at him.

"You saved your guild card?" 

"Yeah. It's not usually allowed, but my leaving circumstances were special so I left the card. Don't tell on me though."

"Of course, my lady."

Noah stood up and went to the pants laying on the floor near bed. He had his card in his dimensional pocket, but pretended to take it out of pants pocket. He jumped back under the sheets and showed it to her. She took it and turned with her back toward him watching the card on the stretched hands.

"Tamer? Oh I see, so that's what you've been doing here? Taming me?" She asked him to turn her head and watch him with a flirtatious look while shaking her hips humping into his privates with it.

"I am afraid I can only tame dogs. It doesn't work on naughty cats like you." He said, squeezing her butt and making her smile.

"An 'F' eh? You said you registered a few days ago. Quite a costly establishment you choose for a low income ranked one." She asked with an interested voice.

"Well yeah. Tamer is a family skill. I have a great wolf raised by my house as my companion. Its skills are way above what normally newbies are capable of, so I hunt quite a lot. The guild even quickened my ascension in ranks. I will get my 'E' tomorrow." Explained Noah

"E already? A little prodigy aren't you?"

"Not really. It's all thanks to the wolf actually. Ok your turn. I showed mine, now you show yours." He said taking back his card from her hands.

"Noah. So brazen" She said with an innocent voice. "How can you ask a lady such a thing?" She said, making him smile. 

"Not that! Although I'd enjoy seeing it some more. But give me your card. You promised." He said laughing.

"Here." She said and took her card out of her pocket ring.

"Pocket ring eh?" Said Noah, taking a card from her. "You are a rich young lady, aren't you, my lady? And how did you get to bed with a poor F-class like me.

"Shut it! Poor boy. Just enjoy your luck with this lady." She said, hitting him slightly.

"I do." He said and kissed her. "I do, enjoy this luck." These words made her blush slightly.

"Sweet talker" muttered Samantha jumping into his embrace and burrowing her head in his chest.

"Samantha Wild? That explains it. You sure are…"

"Don't you dare joke at my last name." Said Samantha, grabbing his cock and peering at him with squinted eyes. "I've had that a lot in my life from all kinds of assholes. Don't do it." She added gently.

"Sorry." He said and kissed her.

"Good boy." She answered releasing him but still holding her hand in his private area and caressing his skin gently 

"C-class? Sword master? Wow. That's like a real high right? You are so strong?"

"It's years old. I am stronger now, you know?" She answered, lifting her head and peering at him with a cocky smile while resting her chin on his chest.

"Now I know where you get so much strength in bed." Said Noah, giving back her card.

"Talk for yourself!" She said, grabbing away her card and storing it back to the ring. "Where do you get all that stamina from? Are you really a virgin?" She asked and something in her word grabbed his attention, making him think on something.

"I am joking. This night was wonderful. I have nothing to complain about." She quickly said when she saw his silent look.

"Me too. You are wonderful." Said Noah, returning from his thoughts. He should dwell on this later. He made an illusionary note to raise this topic with the system later. He did not feel like it right now though.

They hugged for some time after that until Noah heard her calm breathing change just a few moments later. He closed his eyes.

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