Ugly Bastard

Chapter 47 – Aftermath of disaster and the brewing storm

When the sun started to lighten the gloom of the forest, the strange poison fog that was slowly seeping out of the ruined village through the sieve-like broken wall started to disappear with quick speed. Every place within the mist that the sun beams touched would be dispersed within mere seconds. By the time the sun rose slightly above the trees, the whole fog ceased to exist as if it never was there from the get go.

What was left though countless monster bodies that were strewn about on the ground in heaps.

Once the frenzy horde dispersed, warriors made a camp on the outskirts of the ruined village along the road leading to Greenville town and waited for the backup contingent to come and decide what to do with the poisoned village. However by the time back up arrived the fog was long gone. The only job they had left to do is clean up the heaps of dead monsters, that the warriors fighting the whole night had not touched ever since the danger eased and then start to repair the walls.

Just as the camp was made many adventurers fell asleep within moments leaving the rest to be sorted by the others.

Except clerics.

There were still those who needed medical attention as the heals used on battlefield were quick and basic, made just to restore strength and heal any bleeding and minor damage. Now that they were out of immediate danger it was time to start healing everyone seriously to prevent any lasting damage that may occur if healing is not performed adequately and timely.

Rey was laying on the blankets inside one of the tents while two clerics carefully examined him and used their healing skill to fully restore him. However, the body that was so severely damaged by the poison before being detoxicated, needed time to restore fully. Heals were not a panacea against everything. Many things like nervous system damage, brain damage or bone marrow damage would not be fully healed with the skills that were in their possessions. Even though they did everything they could for now. Rey needed time to recuperate.

"How is he?" Asked Jake after two clerics exited Rey's tent.

"It's not ideal, but we did all we could Jake. You yourself still feel some after effects. And his poisoning was a lot more severe. Only time will show if he recuperates to the fullest. Unless of course you find a high leveled cleric for him." 

"Thank you, Nolan. The beer's on me when we get to town."

"Fine, but I drink wine." Said Nolan with a smile. "I will check on him again in an hour, just before we go. Let him rest for now." Said Nolan.

"Okay." Said Jake when clerics left for other tents.


The silent rustle coming from the tent's entry was enough to make Rey's high level ranger's senses kick in and wake him even through the deathly weariness he felt.

"You forgot something doc….why are you here?" Said Rey surprised seeing his visitor. "Wh..wha…what? Wait what are you…?" Tried to say Rey lifting his body up, but a hand clapped his mouth and forced him down.


"There you are!" Said Margaret catching Keena by the scruff. "I was searching all over for you! We are getting ready to return, where the hell were you?"

"I…umm..I was…well….on a look out…yeah I was on a look out." Said Keena with a face of naughty cat caught red handed in the middle of mischief.

"Huh?" Said Margaret with raised brows. "What lookout? I followed you since you exited one of the tents over there. What were you doing there?" Asked Margaret not letting Keena go while pointing at the tent a bit away from them.

At that moment she saw a cleric enter that very tent and then rush out of it with a worried face.

"Nolan! Nolan! Rey has gotten worse!" Screamed cleric calling for Nolan.

"What? Nolan, come quickly! Rey is getting worse." Screamed Jake standing up from the seat where he sat eating not far away.

Nolan rushed out of the tent nearby and ran to the Rey's tent

"What's going on? Is it a relapse? Did we not heal him well?"

"I don't know!" Said cleric while opening a tent for Nolan to rush in. "But he is definitely gotten worse than before!"

"Rey! Dude! Don't die on me!" Screamed worried Jake rushing inside the tent after Nolan.

Margaret watched the scene with a stupefied face while keeping a firm hold on Keena's nape.

"Keeeeeena…" said Margaret a few moments later with a malice in her voice.

"Wha..what?" Asked Keena with eyes running around everywhere but not looking at Margaret, while struggling in the hold that was getting tighter by the second.

"You lewd cat!" Screamed Margaret and an electric shock hit Keena making her shiver for a few moments and then drop on the ground senseless.

Margaret grabbed her by the tail and dragged her toward the tent where worried Jake and Nolan were arguing.

"Nolan! We are going. Now!"

"Honey, I can't leave Rey is…"

"Rey will be fine." Said Margaret.

"Listen Marge…" Started to say Jake.

"Don't call me Marge Jake and no one died from losing virginity before neither will your Rey boy. Let's go, Nolan." Said Margaret and then dragged the still unconscious Keena's body away. 

Jake and Nolan looked at each other and then at Rey. Next moment they started to laugh and went out of the tent.

"Damn, if he is going to die. He'll die a happy man." Laughed Jake. "Sorry, Nolan. You should go, before your wife electrocutes half the camp from anger."

"Damn, that would be better than what's waiting for the guild. You know she is seething without stopping until she vents, usually? I bet by the time we reach the city she would be at the limit of her irritation."

"Well. Poor guild manager, then." Said Jake

"I still think you should report back yourself instead of letting Margaret go."

"Rey needs rest, and Kail also still weary from all the potions he downed tonight. He's not as good as your wife in magic. Your team is a lot healthier."

"NOLAN!" Screamed margaret from the end of the camp

"See you in town, Jake."


"Oh and Jake"

"Yeah?" Asked Jake.

"Paula…you better not come to me for heal after you meet her. Last time she broke my arms for healing you."

"Oh. Fuck." Said Jake. "I forgot about her. Should I run away to another town while she's still not back?"

"That would worsen your punishment, you know?" Said Nolan and walked away while Jake sighed dispirited.


"Paula! Paula!" Screamed a man rushing inside the tavern where a team of adventures sat drinking and joking while everyone else sat there in dead silence.

"Shut up! You ruin my drinking mood! What are you screaming." Said the girl in the rangers leather armor.

"Paula! How can you drink leisurely!" Said the man breathing hard ignoring the ranger girls words.

The woman in the warrior's armor that was drinking silently while her companions laughed and joked loudly, put her mug down with a loud thump, silencing everyone.

"What happened?" She asked, looking at the man making him shiver just from her gaze.

"You are from Greenville town, right?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Didn't you hear the news? There was a disaster in Greenville!" 

"What?" Said the people around the warrior woman standing up suddenly.

"The guild just spread the news. Whole village was lost. One third of all C-rank adventurers died. The B-rank team was heavily wounded."

*Bang. Sounded the loud noise of a fist hitting against the wooden table splitting it in half.

"When?" Asked the warrior woman standing up.

"Yesterday. The news just came today."

"We are going." Said Paula and went out of the tavern followed by her other companions. The Ranger girl threw a coin to the tavern owner that caught it and looked in surprise. That was a lot more than needed to cover their bill and the broken table. As expected of the A-class team.

Only when the five adventurers exited the tavern did the other customers finally start to breathe and chat silently discussing the news. No one dared to annoy Paula ever since she came to town for the mission.

"What the fuck, Jake." Muttered Paula with her armored gloves making a cracking sound when she clenched fists. "I left the town in your care for a month. Just a fucking month!"

The storms moved to the Greenville town from all directions. One of those storms was an A-class adventurer named Paula.

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