Ugly Bastard

Chapter 86 – Bad mother and wife

The happiness that the family regained that evening did not last long.

Next morning Priscilla did not come out for breakfast and Tessa, who went to check up on her, returned with a distressed look again. It was not unusual for Priscilla to feel bad in the morning, however she did not come out for lunch either. Tessa's face looked worse than usual.

When maids said that Priscilla will coming for lunch either, Tessa sat behind the table biting her lip for some time, then excused herself and left from behind the table telling Noah and Brianna to have lunch by themselves walking back to the room with a magic-far-talking device where she spent her time since breakfast.

Noah looked at Brianna who was smearing her food on the plate with a sad face, clearly not having any appetite.

"If you are not hungry, it's ok to go. You don't have to sit with me." He said.

Brianna looked up to him with her sad eyes and nodded slightly.

"Thank you." She muttered and then walked out of the dining room.

Noah also stood up and walked away. He came to the room where Tessa was making calls and knocked.

"Not now!" Said Tessa, however Noah still came in. 

Tessa looked up with annoyance when she heard someone enter but when she saw him, she closed her eyes and breathed out. Noah walked up to her, seeing a huge notebook full of names and magic symbols that were used to connect the far-talking device with the person you wish to.

"Tessa. I want to talk." Said Noah standing in front of her.

"Can we do it, some other time?" She said, opening her eyes and looking at him with eyes full of pain.

"No. I think now is the time. You've been telling me not to worry and you will solve whatever problem is bothering you. But it was getting worse by the day. Tell me about your problems."

"How will it help? I know how to solve it. I just don't have….listen. Just give me more time."

"Tessa. You said we are family. Why do you not wish to share with me?" Asked Noah

"Will you share with me about your system?" Said Tessa with anger.

"Alright. What do you want to hear?" Answered Noah without hesitation.

"Wha…I…That's not what I…Sorry I didn't mean to, I am just too irritated." Said Tessa.

"I mean it. I am sure you realized that my system is unique. Maybe I can help you if you know what I am capable of."

"No." Said Tessa, turning away.

"What? I am willing to share with you all my secrets but you don't want to talk about your problem? Tessa this is…"

"Don't want…" Said Tessa quietly.

"What?" Asked Noah with a questioning look on his face.

"I don't want your help." Said Tessa more firmly.

"What the hell? Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Said Tessa watching his face. "I don't need it! I don't want your help. Just leave me alone. I will solve it myself!" Said Tessa vexed.


"Go away! Leave me alone!" She screamed.

Noah looked at her with a confused look on his face. Then disappointment exchanged confusion. He turned away and walked away.

"Noah…I.." Started to say Tessa behind him, but he closed the door, breaking off her voice. 

He stood at the door leaning on it with closed eyes and then walked away. Noah felt vexed. He wanted to help but he needed to at least know what was going on. His system was of no use as he noticed how silent it was regarding this issue. Even when he asked it, the system just tended to reply with quick dry answers. He had to find out for himself. Noah did not wish to use this skill on Tessa's daughters but she gave him no choice.

Noah walked around the mansion for some time and then went to the main room, sitting down in the chair. Ever since he left Tessa in that room he was watching her on his lock on view screen that he opened while standing behind the door.

What he saw there was Tessa bawling her eyes off ever since he went out. She was crying with desperation in her voice. It was unlike the strong firm Tessa he knew. What ever bothered her was beyond her powers.

And now Noah seemed to know what it was. He looked at the second lock on screen that he opened when he walked by Priscillas' room, locking in her when she appeared on his minimap. He did not use this skill on girls as he felt it was rude. They were Tessa's daughters and she trusted him, so he did not wish to undermine her trust with a skill that would let him peek at her daughter's butts.

What he saw on Priscilla's screen though was far more than her butt. In the dim room with all her curtains closed, Priscilla was laying on the ground in her half spider form, with her human legs spread apart while she lay with her back on the spider abdomen protruding from her butt and she was absolutely naked, as she was busy fiercely masturbating without stopping.

However much hot that looked, it was not time to be excited. In the short time that Noah had the screen opened, she already had at least two orgasms, but her lust did not diminish. Noah saw multiple objects that looked like imitations mens dicks laying all over the room. All of them were already wet from use. One of them was now piercing her pussy, pistoning in and out with a flash-like quick pace with the help of her right hand, while her left hand was busy fondling and squeezing her nipples. A few moments later she screamed to the sky, dropping weakly with a hazy look, but her left hand never let go of her breast and kept fondling it until she started to moan again. With spit streaming down her chin and her eyes rolling back she started to masturbate again.

Noah did not know how long this was continuing already, but it looked like she was at it from before breakfast. Possibly even since last day's dinner when he saw her last time. Could she have been masturbating this whole time without stopping? How was this possible? If she doesn't stop she might die from this. But why wasn't she stopping?

Noah sat there thinking. Now he knew what was the problem, however he had no way to help her…unless. No. No, what the hell was he thinking? She is Tessa's daughter. His woman's beloved girl. The fuck he think something like that? Besides there were dildos of all sizes and materials there in her room, he doubted he was anywhere near enough to compete with them unless he used transformation. Also Tessa would not be so despaired if it was a simple problem of needing a man. She could find countless if she needed. Noah did not doubt that Cassandra had countless servants she would bring if that would help.

What else could he do? Noah did not have any skill to diminish her lust, only to increase it, which would possibly make it worse.

While Noah sat thinking, he heard the room's door open.

Tessa walked toward Noah, sitting in the armchair with his hands on the armrest and stood at his side.

"Forgive me, please." She said softly.

Noah turned his eyes toward her seeing her red from crying eyes then looked away.

"Forget it." He said quietly.

"I love you, Noah." Said Tessa. "Love you dearly. The reason I had that outburst at you is not because I hate you. Forgive me please, I am just…I am afraid. Afraid because I already know that you can solve that problem."

Noah looked at her with surprise.

"I want to ask you for help, Noah. Will you listen to my problems?" Asked Tessa while tears streamed down her cheeks. Noah grabbed his hand and pulled her toward himself.

"Of course I will. I will do anything I can. Just talk to me. Just say what you need, Tessa. I will do anything."

Tessa sat on his lap hugging his neck and bowling into his shoulder.

"I am a terrible mother, Noah."

"You are not, you…" 

"No you don't understand. I could solve that problem. I had the chance given to me. I ruined it all. I am a terrible mother. You are right, I can't solve the problem myself. I could not solve it for some time now. The only solution that I ever found was you, Noah. And I hate it. I hate myself for what I've done. Hate myself that I could not find other solutions. Hate myself for what I am about to ask you."

"Tessa…" Started to say Noah but was interrupted by her hot lips.pressing against his. "I love you, Noah." She said, looking him in the eyes.

"Now I want you to listen to what I am going to say without interruption."


"I will say it clearly first and then explain the reason. So just please listen calmly until I end."

Noah nodded.

"Thank you." Said Tess and kissed him slightly again. Then she looked in the eyes and said:

"Noah, I want you to mate with my daughter Priscilla."

"Wha…" Started to say Noah, but Tessa's finger placed on his lips made him stop.

"I know how it sounds. But just listen. Please." She said with her voice shaking from desperation.

Noah sat there gazing at her silently and she nodded slightly.

"We are monsters, Noah. Not just some beasts. Monsters. We are magical beings and our growth does not go similar to humans that grow just by living on. Monsters grow up by stages. You humans get born as kids, then grow into teenagers, then young adults, then adults, after that you grow old and become seniors. There might be a few minor stages in between but this is the basics. All you need is to live and you will pass these stages. But we are not like that. To go from stage to stage for monsters simply living like humans is not enough." Started to explain Tessa.

"When we are ready to move on to the next stage there needs to be a condition met. However if it is not met we will stay in the same stage until we die. But if it was just this easy, I…Priscilla would not have this problem she is having now. Just like you humans we are also getting pushed to the next stages by time. But if the condition is not met and we don't pass the wall of stages, we get pressed against it so to say. Imagine you are against a wall and an unbearable force far beyond your capability to resist pushes you against that wall without stopping until it crashes you."

"Priscilla reached the end of her teenage stage a long time ago. But she can't go forward. And time is hurting her every moment. Normally something like that would never happen in the demon realm. As the chances to meet conditions there are high. But here…I have done everything I could. Used all the resources and connections I had. And still failed to help her. She is losing sanity. Right now she is already on the brinks of insanity. I bore her and Brianna with intelligence and wisdom. However if this carries on any longer she will break and may lose her mind forever. She will become just the usual monster. Just the usual Arachna. Killing people and getting killed in the end."

"And what is the condition?" Asked Noah with a serious look.

"To move into the young adult stage, Arachna needs to be sired for the first time."

"You want me to take her virginity?" Asked Noah.

"In a sense. Yes." Said Tessa.

"You could have asked any othe…." Started to say Noah.

"No. I can't. That's the problem." Said Tessa putting finger on his lips again. "As I said there is a way in the demon realm but in human Kingdoms, I did not find any. You see it's not just getting pricked once, like it's for humans. We get pleasure from this, yes, so it's enough for me to have just you as you are. But for stage pass she needs a worthy kin."

"What does that mean?" Asked Noah.

"Remember I told you we can accumulate our mates genes and then give birth using it a lot later? It is possible because we have special organs in our abdomen that can look through the genes of our mate. But this ability can't be controlled until we reach the adult stage. Or better said this ability awakening is what symbolizes the readiness to cross stage, but it is only possible to learn control over it once you are an adult. That means until we cross stage we can't decide which genes to use, we must choose a worthy one abiding by the instincts at the first mating.

To put it simply, once we get seeded, this organ will decide whether this seed is worthy or not. Whether this mate is compatible with what we want to get for our next generation that we will give birth to or not. Only that worthy seed will be accepted and any other will be rejected. Only when we mate once successfully will we be able to control it later on our own. So until Priscilla gets that seed that her body will accept she will not pass the stage. Also there is no way for someone other than the kin to give such a worthy seed. In other words, another spider monster."

"But I am not."

"Yes you are not, but also yes you are."

Noah raised his eyebrow.

"At least you were until recently. And your invisible friend there…" Said Tess, tapping his forehead. "Believes that you will give a worthy seed. And I know how smart your friend is. He would not think so if he was not sure." Said Tessa.

"How do you know what he thinks?" Asked Noah surprised.

"I analyzed, dear."

"From what?"

"The time came to tell. I am sorry invisible friend. He needs to know." Said Tessa looking at Noah with an apologetic look.

"Wait what?" Said Noah with bemusement. 

"Noah, you remember on our first night you asked why I did not kill you while you were in the shed, but I answered that I will not say, because it will kill the intrigue?"

"Yes. You said that you felt spider energy from me….oh, the nightmare. But it is inside my head and it will not change my seed."

"Nightmare." Mussed Tessa in thoughts for a bit and then shook her head, tossing these thoughts aside.

"Well your friend thinks it will."

"As I said, why do you say you know what he thinks?"

"Because you coming to my territory was not an accident. Your friend led you here. Noah, let me ask you this. Among your skills you have a skill that lets you travel through dreams, but this skill has a condition of being called. Right?"

Noah opened his eyes wide. "How did you…?"

"Analyzed." Said Tessa putting her finger in his lips again with a weak smile. "Ever since you appeared in the shed I was wondering what your endgame is. Why have you appeared? But it turned out, you, Noah, did not have it. But your friend has. And you were led here by him unknowingly. He led you here for a reason."

"That reason can easily be realized when I analyze the way you got here. You see, there is no way for you to pass my barrier at your level. So someone must have let you in. But how and who? There are only my daughters and I here. Who of us could let unknown being here and why? The answer is Priscilla. When I analysed my own teenage stage passing period I remembered one thing. Dreams. Wet dreams so to say. Dreams in which we find mate. I told you that we don't sleep. And it is not exactly the same. It is a state of delusion. A state where we lose sanity to our instincts. We call and beg our mate to come for us because the desire is almost unbearable. You would say we are too far gone being in heat. And that's what Priscilla should have been through as well

 She called someone that could breed her and you heard the call. Meaning you can breed her, otherwise your 'being called' condition would not be met."

"And I hate myself for not realizing it sooner, Noah. I did not get what your friend's endgame was until it was too late. Only when you sealed that spider energy that you were exuding and Priscilla came home, did I finally understand it all. Your smell, Noah. Ever since that first night when you walked all over the mansion with that male smell mixed with spider, this smell stayed in the rooms. And it drives Priscilla mad. However she is not jumping at you, because she does not sense it in you at the moment."

"You saw how she walk around corridors that you walked by on that very first night. Searching for the source of smell as if in reverie. You saw her sit in this very armchair with her eyes glazed enjoying the lingering tastes of your smell still left on it. She knows it's your smell, but as you don't have it right now she is not losing her sanity in one go. But ever since that very first day of her return the smell you left all over the place stimulates her and agitates her state of insanity. She was already losing it for a long time, Noah, but I thought that she still had time. That given time I will be able to find some strong spider mate for her somewhere among monster houses or capture and bring her some wild monster from the dungeon or labyrinth. But there was none. None until you showed up."

"Which gave me an answer. Priscilla was your friend's target from the get go. She must have been a lot worse than I thought. She must have already started falling in delusional states back then without me noticing. She let you and your friend in through her dreams full of desire. The fact that she was the one that met you in the shed first almost proves it."

"When she found you in the shed, must have been the moment you have came to her call. Back then I immediately sensed something and guarded girls immediately from you, but when she met you she sensed that male energy from you. Took in your smell. Tasted it. And her organs gave her the answer that you are worthy. Now she desire to breed you and only you. As you are worthy. In a sense your friend gave me a checkmate the moment he appeared in the shed."

"You see. All this gives one answer. You are here not by accident but to seed Priscilla. However you would never agree. You were disgusted at the idea. So I was the bridge for you to pass. Becoming infatuated with me you overcame that disgust. That's why your friend wanted you to fuck with me no matter what. Even though there was no danger for you once we got acquainted. Now you don't feel disgust. So now you can seed my daughter in her spider form just as he wished. Had you known all that from the get go, you would never agree. You would have ran away or fought for your life for sure. But your friend chipped away those feelings. I hate him for his schemes against my daughter but I am also thankful. I am desperate, Noah. And your friend gave me a solution."

"This is bullshit, Tessa. She is your daughter. What would become of our relationship. How will you look at me after that?"

"Noah, I searched everywhere within every human kingdom. In all labyrinths and known dungeons, In all monster houses of all kingdoms there is none worthy kin to breed. Remember the huge supply delivery a few days back? It was full of samples with the smell of spiders from all around the human domain. From every country, every household, every guild. I contacted all high nobles, Royal families and even that holy bitch that attacked you. Everyone helped. But there was not a single sample that Priscilla instincts accepted."

"And she is getting to the end of her sanity because of desire. If this continues I would have to move to the demon realm with daughters which is a one way ticket with no way to return to this life again as I will lose all credibility of humans. Or let her become a monster and then kill her or be hunted by the kingdom."

"But this could have been avoided. If I did not bite you in the heat of the moment. If I didn't not mark you in the heat of the moment. If I did not mark you as my mate. I would have been able to just let you mate with her freely. Be her mate. I told you that I will not tolerate you with other of my species. You are my mate now. It's not just me wanting you for myself or to be mine and mine alone. It is far beyond that. When you mate her for the first time she will bite you, placing her monster bite mark above mine and it will kill me inside to let her do that. I will want to kill either her or you. My instincts will scream at me like demons. But if I don't share you, I will lose my beloved daughter." Said Tessa standing up from his lap and standing before him.

"I know what I ask, Noah. I know what will happen with our relationship. I will hate it to the core. I will despise it vehemently. This relationship will never be as is. It will forever be lost. But even then, please Noah. Save my daughter. Save my Priscilla, I beg you." Said Tessa kneeling in front of him with tears streaming from her eyes in rivers.

Noah breathed out heavily looking into nothingness.

"I understand." He said weakly.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…." Repeated Tessa kneeling at his feet.

Noah bent down and picked her up from the floor. 

"Stop it. It pains me to see you this way. I Love you Tessa. If I need to make you hate me to the bone to save your daughter, alright. I just want you to know. I will still love you. And don't regret you marking me."

Tessa jumped up from the floor and kissed him all over the face. "Forgive me. Forgive me. I love you. I love you. I don't regret it either. Don't regret a single moment of us. I am happy you were mine. And I am a terrible mother because of that. I stole the man that came here for my daughter. And fell in love with him. I am a terrible mother and now a terrible wife. Forgive me"

"You are not. You are the best woman I ever met, Theresa Threadweaver, best mother and best wife."

Tessa jumped him again kissing him with all her love.

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