Ugly Bastard

Chapter 91 – Good bye or…not?

Ever since his talk with Brianna, Noah started to spend more time in the library. With his database folder and system he did not need to spend time actually reading. Simply seeing it once was enough to store it in his mind for a future use. His idea was to copy Tessa's library into his mind. Knowledge was a treasure in this world. And rare knowledge like in Tessa's library was priceless. 

Many systems that people possessed could help quickly copy any text and picture, however getting their hands in these texts was the main problem. Rare books and secret knowledge were kept in private libraries that rarely anyone besides their owner would ever see.

This was one of the things that Paula once spoke to him about. Nobels keeping the knowledge away, preventing the copy of their books to keep their rarity and cost are the ones stagnating the world.

Noah could not let this rare chance pass by. The books here cost more than his McDaniel family lands and possessions. So having a chance at getting his hands on such a vast collection of knowledge again was close to nil. Thus he copied it all like mad while he still could.

The night before he finally understood it is time to leave he spent the entire day locked up in here. 

Priscilla sensed that he had something on his mind, bothering him so she did not disturb him, also her irritation grew a lot these days so she thought it would be good to have a few hours if respite from each others.

However in the morning she was greatly shocked hearing what actually bothered him.

"Wha...what...what do you mean you are leaving today?" Asked Priscilla jumping up from her seat behind the dining table when Noah shocked her with such news in the middle of breakfast.

Tessa sighed heavily. First time in a while her face had an emotion different than fury. She looked sad and grieving, yet still kept her stoic look.

"Mother! What is the meaning of this?"

"Your mother has nothing to do with this Cil." Said Noah. "This is my decision."

"But why?"

"Cil, you should know what is going on. The instincts that rule you is taking over. You and your mother are incapable of going against it." Said Noah.

"What? No it's not! I am me, Noah. I am fine."

"You've been throwing hateful gazes at your mother lately, Cil. My presence alone makes you viciously hate your own mother now. I can't look at this anymore. My presence in this house is not welcome anymore."

"This…" Started to say Cil, but could not find the words.

"This is not true, Noah." Said quietly Tessa. "You will always be welcome in this house. It is us that ruined it all. You have done nothing wrong. On the contrary, you saved my daughters life. Let her keep sanity. I am sorry we pay you back with hatred instead of love that you deserve. I love you, Noah. Love you still and will keep loving you. I am sorry you have to do this." Said Tessa while tears started to drop from her eyes.

"It…it is my fault." Whispered Priscilla after hearing her mothers voice. "It is all my fault, right? I ruin this family! First my adult stage now this. I only bring unhappiness to everyone. Why did you even give birth to me. If I wasn't born…" She exclaimed with tears in the eyes as well.

"No, Cil." Said Noah taking her hand. "You are not at fault. I am happy I met both you and your mother. I am happy I could live in thus family and be loved. Happy I was accepted here when even my own family does not wish to accept me. Thank you for everything, Cil. Thank you for everything Tessa." Said Noah looking at the woman across the table from him.

Tessa stood up from her seat and came close to her daughter first time in a week. She bent over and hugged her daughter.

"You and Bri are the best what happened to me in my life Cil. You have done nothing wrong. It is my fault. I ruined this family. I am sorry. I am a bad mother." Said Tessa bowling her eyes while she hugged Priscilla. "But, I love you both dearly. If I have to stay unhappy for the rest if my life, fine. If I have to bear your and Bri's hatred for me for the rest of my life, fine. All I want is you two to live on and be happy yourself. Don't blame yourself for anything. I am the one that is at fault for failing you."

"I live you, mommy. I am so sorry!" Cried Priscilla while hugging Tessa back.

Noah stood up from his seat, then looked at Brianna, that looked at him with wet eyes and sighed heavily when she nodded to him

There is no other way. He thought in his eye.

*Ding. Conditions have been met.* Sounded the system voice in his head making Noah freeze in place.


"No! Ugy you bastard to the left, to the left. Throw him at me!" Screamed Yuko.

"You try that with these hands yourself!" Said plush bear with annoyance in his voice.

"Useless bear! Is talking all you can do? Hit the damn buttons!" Raged Yuko at him. "Aaaaaaah!" She screamed throwing down a strange control with four arrows on the left part and four different pictures on the right side, when the big words 'Game over' came out in the middle of the screen. 

"You ruined it, bastard!" Screamed spider woman jumping up and grabbing the plush bear by the head before throwing him with full force.

*Bughe!* Voiced plush bear when he plumped against the wall and slid off to the floor. "Fucking, woman! Why you do that? I will lock this thing away if you can't control yourself!"

"Noooo! I am sorry, Ugy. Forgive me!" Whined spider girl picking up the plush bear again and making a gesture of patting the dust away from it.

System rolled his eyes with annoyance a hundredth time already. 

That damn woman, why did I even make a contract with her. Should have found some other way.

"Huh? Did you just think of another woman, Ugy?"

"What?" Said plush bear with a face full of horror. "The hell are you talking about, crazy woman?"

Yuko watched at him with slanted eyes.

"You are being held in the hands of a pretty girl, yet you dare to think of someone else?"

"Damn psycho! You're a nightmare not a woman! And why would you care?"

"Bastard!" Screamed Yuko and threw him again.

"That's it! Enough game consoles for you!" Said plush bear standing up from the floor.

"Don't you dare!" Said Yuko.

"Dare? I made it from the memories of one if the commenters in CS so that you would lay off of me, but if you keep annoying me there is not use for it anyway." Said system and the game screen went dark.

"Nooo! We were almost at the end!" Screamed Yuko and jumped at the bear that tried to scramble away on his little plush legs with a *pata *pata noise.

"Let go of me you vicious thing!" Screamed system.

"Noooo, my game, give it back."

They rolled in the floor while struggling against each other and somewhere in the middle of it Yuko's face was exchanged with a smile, which made system realize she did not care what she did as long as it was fun.

Damn woman am I your play thing?

"Wait. Stop." Said plush bear suddenly going all serious.

"Huh? What?" Asked Yuko with a surprised voice while laying on the ground holding Ugy above her in her hands.

"Wait, I need to do something. Put me back."

Yuko put him back down without bickering and watched what he was going to do with an interest.

Ugy bear came over to the TV and took a TV controll pressing some button on it, opening a strange screen. Yuko tried once to press buttons on it too, but nothing happened, making her realize that it did not matter what they pressed there it was just a metaphor for an action they made with their minds. As long as they had an access to it, it would work. She did not have an access so no matter what she pressed she could not do anything. That's why also Ugy could control game screen without the TV controll. It basically existed within it's own mind. While all other functions that it was currently unable to use were inside the Noah's mind. System just had an access to it. So Noah could block these functions. Right now all Ugy had left was an access to creating function, that Yuko saw him using occasionally.

She once asked him what he was doing and he answerd 'making some references for the future use' without giving any proper answer as alway.

When the strange screen opened. Plush bear made a keyboard appear and then pressed on it once, only taping on the 'enter' button before closing the screen and making keyboard disappear again.

"Okay, done." Said plush bear. And a loud 'ding' sounded across the mind realm.

"What did you do?" Asked Yuko with a raised eyebrow.

"Threw a stone to stir up some water." Said Ugy.

"You and your mysteries." Said Yuko pouting from not getting any proper answer again. "Why did you decided to do it now all of a sudden."

"Well it was time to move on with the plan." Said system.

"Hold on. How do you know? He locked you from looking into the real world."

"Yeah, but he never locked me from his memory. I can't see it live but I can still get it all from his memory as a record. It only makes me see it with a bit of a delay, that's it." Said plush bear with a smug face.

"Say Ugy. I was wondering here. You can control game with just your mind right?" Said Yuko making plush bears face change to that of awkwardness. "So how could we lose because of your plush hands?" 

"Oh shit." Said Ugy dashing for the exit from the room.

"You did it on purpose, bastard!" Hissed Yuko dashing after him.

"Damn you woman! It is cheating to use your spider legs to press on buttons so quickly."

"You ass! You ruined my record because I played better than you expected?" Screamed spider woman.

When she grabbed his body starting to squeeze him, she heard the door to the house open.

"Hey system? What the hell does that mean?" Said Noah entering the house and looking at a plush bear with his eyes bulging while spider woman was twisting it's limbs and squeezing it in her hands.

"What are the two of you doing?" He said looking at them strangely. 

"Heeeelp!" Screamed Ugy.

"No one is helping you bastard." Hissed Yuko.

"Could you two stop flirting? I need to speak with him." Said Noah

"F…flirt?" Stuttered system with an offended face.

"F…flirt?" Stuttered Yuko with a blushing face.

""We are not.""" They both said in one voice.

Noah rolled his eyes at them and sat on the couch.

"So what is this skill you just made?" Asked Noah.

"Well. As you locked me I had a lot of time" Said Ugy, jumping out of Yuko's hands and walking to his armchair scrambling to get on it. "After a long hard calculation I just finished it right now."

Yuko rolled her eyes behind Noah's back and showed with her mouth letter by letter word: L.I.A.R.

"Quite a nice timing. How did you make it? You did not have an access to CS and real world." Said Noah.

"It was hard to calculate…"

"Don't bullshit me."

"I am connected to your memory. You are using your database folder through me, right?"

"I see. So locking it was useless." Said Noah and took TV control opening the screen that showed real world and after a few taps the lock sign on it disappeared.

"So what does this 'Needs additional training to use the skill' in that skills description list mean?" Asked Noah.

"It means you need to first understand the effect the skill can make. Depending on what you concentrate on it will give different effects." Explained plush bear.

"Why did you make it now?"Asked Noah. "It can help me and the girls?" 

"Yes. But…" Said system with a bit awkward face.


"There is price to pay, so to say." Said system.

"If it help then I…"

"It is not you who is paying. It is them. They will lose something."


"I am not going to say."

"The fuck did you just said?"

"If I say you will not agree. But it is not up to you to decide. I will explain the price but not to you. I will tell them when they come. I request to speak with them."

"When they what? How can they come here? This is…"

"Dream land so to say. And dryads are masters of dreams."

"Hold on…." Said Noah as if enlightened. "Dryads. They entered here before."

"Yes. When you let them in." Said Ugy.

"They can bring Tessa here?"

"Dryads are feared not only by humans but monsters too. Their dreams can affect even creatures that don't sleep. They are commanding realistic illusions on the precipice of dreams. If what Tessa said earlier about Priscilla's wet dreams is true, then that means this power of dryads most likely can simulate it too and let them come here through their dream powers as well." Said plush bear.

"You are sure we can solve this with that skill?"

"If they are willing to pay the price, yes." Said system.

"I will talk to them." Said Noah exiting the house.

"So that's what you planned? But I don't think it will turn out how you expect. If I am right, he is now even more wary of you."

"Just watch and learn spider girl." Said system with a smile.

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