Ugly Bastard

Chapter 93 – Yuri

"What the hell, Ugy!?" Exclaimed Noah, shocked at the system's words. "You said you would help, not make it worse!"

Plush bear rolled his eyes and looked at Tessa.

"Please forgive my user, he is quite impatient and tends to interrupt before I got to finish." Said Ugy.

"I do not mind. He acts in the name of protecting us without hesitation even if it is against you, his own system. This makes me think I chose my mate right." Answered Tessa with a slight smile. "Noah, dear, please let him finish." She said, turning to Noah.

Noah nodded with an angry face gazing coldly at the plush bear.

"Now where was I…ah yes." Said Ugy, making a gesture of coughing into hand. "Let me explain what I mean by utterly destroying your family."

"I just created a new skill for Noah. It is called 'Mindbreak' and it may have different effects, depending on what he would like to achieve." Explained Ugy.

"Mindbreak? That sure sounds ominous." Said Tessa. "What does it do?"

"Exactly what the name implies. It breaks the mind." Said Ugy spreading his hands. "But to make you understand its effect better, I will explain how I created it. It was made with a combination of several skills that Noah already has. You are already acquainted with the skill 'Source of all horny', the skill that brings arousal to everyone within a certain range of the user. This skill has a side effect of bringing extreme pleasure when used with a direct touch as you may have found already." Said Ugy and Priscilla turned to look at her mother, who had a bright red face. Then she looked at Noah with squinted eyes and squeezed his hand, while Noah scratched his cheek with an awkward smile.

"You were suffering from an over excitement, Cil. I did not dare to use it on you." Said Noah apologetically.

"The other skill it has as its progenitor is 'Malign Aura' and this is the skill for which he was almost killed by the Dryads Ladies outside. This skill allows Noah to exude dark evil energy that corrupts and destroys everything around him, while also sucks out all vitality from the living and uses it for restoration on himself. Because of this skill he was also mistaken for a demon and was hunted by the church's people." Continued to explain Ugy.

"There is however an interesting side effect that we learned of when he used this skill on an enemy that had a higher level than us and also had magic protection. The creatures shrugged off the corrupting effect on their bodies, but aura seeped into their minds and influenced their sanity, making them attack each other. This is how we were able to defeat the wolf that was a lot stronger than us back then." Explained Ugy, while Tessa sat with a thoughtful face thinking about something very seriously while rubbing her chin.

"What was interesting about that side effect, however, is that it had a strange additional effect on the creatures. They did not simply attack the pack leader but…raped him. Violated him. Had a…man on man sexual act with him. Went against all the primal instincts of respect toward him and went into infatuation, stepping over the boundary of same gender sexual attraction."

"Even though previous skill brings unbound lust, it can't make people of the same gender be attracted to each other, so it has no way to overcome primal instincts. This skill however influenced minds a lot deeper. The problem was, however, that both skills were 'Area of effect' skills and could not be used with precision and accurately. The third skill that helped with it was 'Degenerative touch' that I derived from malign aura and lust skills touch side effect. It is a skill that uses Malign Aura with better precision through touch." Ugy used a chance when Yuko weakened the hold on him, yawning from boredom of his long explanation and jumped off her knees to the floor.

"Combining all these skills I finally could make a skill that would allow Noah to influence the minds, however all simulations I calculated had failed miserably until recently." Said Ugy, "It could corrupt minds but it could not be controlled, making it useless, so I was stuck." Talked Ugy while walking forth and back on the floor with his plush hands behind his back.

"Noah? Why is your system so obsessed with corrupting skills?" Asked Tessa with a raised eyebrow.

"You also noticed? Well I think it has something to do with it being The Ugly Bastard System." Said Noah, facepalming.

"The…what?" Said Priscilla with her eyes wide. Tessa raised her eyebrow questioningly even higher, while Brianna burst with laughter.

"You heard it right, girl." Said Ugy. "I am the ugly bastard system."

"Noah, you never stop to intrigue." Said Tessa with a smile. Then she looked at the plush bear. "I have a question. It is my first time hearing about such unique systems like you. Could you possibly be a…"

"THAT is something," Exclaimed Ugy. "I would like you to keep a secret Lady Theresa."

Tessa opened her eyes wide from surprise then looked at Noah again with an open mouth. It took her a moment to regain calmness and snap her mouth shut.

"He knows, just doesn't realize the severity of it." Said plush bear.

"I see…" Said Tessa. "How does this mind corruption help us?"  She asked turning back to Ugy.

"Your problem has its roots from the most primal instincts of monsters that are written deep within your minds." Said Ugy. We can't overcome it with just lust and slamming you with a corrupting aura is too rough of a method. However, that skill may allow us to corrupt these primal instincts with precision if we can use it right."

"Alright, but how does that explain your words of destroying our family?" Asked Tessa.

"Because it is a decade too early for him to use that skill with needed control. However I found a shortcut to control that skill. This shortcut will be a lot rougher. Will influence a lot more than just that exact instinct of monopolizing the mate. You will lose more than just negative things."

"I see. There will be a side effect. So what will happen to us?" Asked Tessa.

"To explain it better I will explain the shortcut I have found. You see when Noah used his malign aura on the wolves pack, the effect of them raping their Alpha Wolf pack leader was not a coincidence. Noah used that skill under the influence of strong emotions from what he saw in the comment section."

"In what section?" Asked Priscilla.

"User. Would you mind?" Said system looking at Noah.

Noah took TV control and turned on the TV.

"This is my system screen. But instead of the skill evolution tree as every other human has, as you can see, all I have is this screen. It is a so-called comments section. A place where people from all over the place discuss different topics absolutely anonymously." Explained Noah, to the girls that looked at the written conversations taking place in the CS, spiced by the occasional pictures.

"People there are extravagant and sometimes post very strange things. For them it is just fun, However for Noah it is not so simple. All the things they discuss are sent directly to his mind and make him…feel them. Last time one of the 'Commenters' posted multiple pictures in the same topic - man love. Just a mountain of pictures where a bunch of men had…intimacy. Noah felt it quite…intimately. This influenced Noah quite strongly. Concentrated his thoughts on something. And this feeling spread through his malign aura into the wolves." Explained Ugy.

"So you are saying, if I can concentrate my thoughts on what I would like to achieve then it is possible to corrupt their mind with 'Mindbreak' in a way I desire. This is way dangerous. What if I make a mistake?"

"You will destroy their minds. Yes." Answered Ugy. "This is why we need to make sure you don't make a mistake. Make you concentrate on the sole thing you need to achieve with no side thoughts. Which is impossible at your level and age. This is not just the problem of skill. The very maturity of your mind takes a role here as well. This is not something we can overcome."

"But we don't have so much time. In at most a week, Priscilla would hate me so much she would leave or attack me." Said Tessa looking at her daughter that turned her gaze down with a sorry look.

"Exactly. Thus comes my offer for a shortcut. Instead of making him learn to concentrate his mind for years, we overwhelm Noah's mind with one idea just as it was done that time with the so-called 'geh wave' pictures. Idea, that would bring the effect we desire, namely, allow you all to live together while being his mate overcoming your primal instinct to fight each other."

"And what is this idea?" Asked Noah with a questioning look in his face.

Plush bear looked at him with a cunning smile.

"That idea is - Yuri." Said Ugy.

"Oh God." Said Noah palming his face again.

"What does it mean?" Asked Priscilla looking between the plush bear and Noah.

"Yuri. Is the opposite of men's love. It is Love between women. What he offer is to turn you from mother and daughters into…"

"Lovers." Finished for Noah Tessa with a raised eyebrow. "I see. This will indeed destroy our family. Instead of loving family relationships we would be simple women in love with each other, women that can feel infatuation with the same gender as well."

"Wha...whait!" Exclaimed Brianna with her face all red. "You mean we would be…just like with Noah? We would do it with each other as well?" She asked in shock.

"Either that or live in complete hatred toward each other." Said Ugy spreading his hands 

"And this will overcome the instinct of attacking each other?" Asked Tessa with a strangely high tune to her voice.

"Partly. Yes. But it will mostly exchange the desire to attack each other, with the desire to…attack each other in another way." Answered Ugy.

All three girls looked at each other for a moment and quickly moved away their gazes with deep blush on their cheeks.

"You still have some time to make a decision. Noah still needs some…reference material, so to say, before he will be ready to use the skill.

Tessa nodded and then stood up from the couch. Both girls followed suit.

"This is the only way?" Asked Noah.

"I don't see another." Said Ugy 

"Don't see? Or don't want to?" Asked Noah, standing up and following the girls out of the house without waiting for the system to reply.

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