Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 15 - Post-war benefits

The puppet soldiers were defeated. At this time, even the best-known soldiers could not save the defeat of the infantry brigade.

Twenty minutes later, this canyon ambush ended. The soldiers of the transport team were completely defeated, causing numerous injuries and injuries. Except for the hundreds who ran away, all others remained here.

For this result, the gray army is very satisfied. As for the escape, there is no other way. Their previous deployment had no intention of encircling and annihilating. We must know that their number is only half of the other’s. If they are also deployed to block the outside, the risk is too great.

Now that the battle has been won, it is natural to clean up the battlefield and collect the loot.

Wu Dalun commanded the Grey Army to gather the opponent ’s weapons below, pulling the soldier Lou Jia …

“Searching, digging, and squeezing me gave me a strict post-war sanguang policy!”

“Don’t search carefully, soles or hair, these soldiers will definitely carry the coins when they come out …”

The gray army is poor, and this small division is even poorer. Except for the inferior machete which is indispensable, there is nothing on the body. Now seeing these soldiers wearing standard armors, everyone’s eyes were red, and he could not wait for the underwear inside the armors to be taken off.

Josiah and Borg walked down the mountain with an excited expression. Of course, they weren’t going to pick up the dead soldiers. Anyway, they were also aristocrats, not … their goal was the dozen or so oil-covered carriages.

At this time, Tang En stepped out of the mountain on the other side.

Some gray-clothed soldiers in Zhou Zhoukun saw him, but couldn’t help but stand upright, showing admiring eyes. In fact, these days, most of them know Tang En, and they usually get together and laugh at each other.

No one ever thought that this ordinary and easy-going guy would have such a fierce skill. The swift blow just now, and now I want to come, everyone is a little cold.

“Haha, beautiful! Brother Arthur, that sword is so beautiful!” Darren stepped forward and patted Tang En’s shoulder, praised constantly.

In the gray-clad army in front of him, Daren and Borg are the highest intermediate warriors in terms of fighting strength. Darren’s vindication was basically a step by step hard to get through the body. As for Borg, he is of noble origin, and his family has a spirit of fighting spirit, so cultivation should be faster. So although the two are almost 20 years old, their fighting spirit is the same. In the days to come, Berger’s fighting spirit will definitely surpass Darren.

However, if the two of them are fighting each other, Darren can definitely kill Borg in a short time. This is the difference in combat experience. So only Daren, who has been through hundreds of battles, can understand the doorway that Tang En just hit. Shooting violently with a dagger, it looks refreshing, but the difficulty is not understandable by outsiders. The infantry captain can command nearly a thousand people, and he certainly has his own strength. But when he faced this knife, there was almost no response! This can only show that the assassination just now, whether it is the timing or the weight of the shot, is perfect …, professional!

到底 What did this Arthur brother do before …

“Oh, luck, pure luck.” Tang En responded with a smile.

哎 “Hey, Brother Arthur, you are too humble!”

“Haha, terrific! You have seen such deep qualities …”


The two laughed and walked to the carriage, at which point Josiah and Borg arrived.

“Don …, Arthur, you’re too good!” Josiah’s bright eyes stared at Tang En, worshiping her face. She knew the identity of Down’s assassin, but knowing it and seeing it really were two different things. In the past, when she heard the assassin, she was as disgusted as ordinary people, and felt that these people were despicable for killing people for a little money. But now looking at Tang En leaping and waving a knife, it is only a kind of amazing feeling.

“Haha”, … “When a beautiful girl looks at it with such eyes, it is a man who is proud of it. Tang En is also a man, so he chooses to laugh long …

“Brother Arthur, admire, this time really opened Borg’s horizons. I didn’t believe you before, but now it seems that I have a light eye and I’m really sorry.” Borg’s tone was sincere and admired. He said.

“Uh, no need.

Alas, I am a little embarrassed that you praise so much. “Tang En touched his nose and smiled.” Let’s take a look at the loot first. I’ve been busy for a few days to see what I’ve gained. “

“Haha, good!” Darren stepped forward and began to tilt the oilcloth.

There are eleven carriages, ten small and one large. Darren couldn’t help cheering after setting off the tarpaulin for the first carriage.

The burlap bags full of cars were neatly stacked. No wonder Darren cheered, because such bags are often used to carry food.

Hmm …, a flash of white light, Darren inserted a knife into his bag.

Pull out, every grain of white rice drains like a thread … “


“Haha …”

The onlookers of the gray-clad army could not help raising their hands and cheering, Johsia jumped excitedly.

Grain is the key to their brave robberies of military supplies this time, and now they get it, naturally ecstatic.

Next, Darren lifted the tarpaulins of the remaining nine little carriages in one breath.

The harvest is very rich …

There are five carts of grain, three carts of flour, one cart of bacon, and one cart of salt and seasoning.

“Haha …”

Everyone is going crazy, these things are enough for them to survive this winter.


恩 Tang En suddenly felt the fragrance lingering, and then a warm fragrant nephrite body flew into his arms.


Tang En hasn’t had much affection for the gray clothing army, so he can’t fully empathize with their joy after solving the big food problem. But Josiah is different, she has fully integrated into the gray army. These days, due to the food problem, the gray clothes are anxious up and down. Looking at the increasingly thin soup, and watching the child who is no longer arguing, there is still a bowl … Josiah really has a heart like a knife, this is something she had never experienced before in the life of aristocracy.

So after suddenly solving this problem, Josiah was excited and crazy, and turned around and hugged Tang En in a daze.

I was next to her, Tang En and Borg were there. It may be an acquaintance in the end, but Tang En finally enjoyed this benefit …

And now the excited Josiah is not holding quietly, she is jumping and hugging. The two are posted so close now, so they are so awful …

Tang En is a little dizzy now, Nima, I have n’t eaten meat for many days, why is my blood pressure still high …

No one noticed that Borg, who was standing aside, was about to spit fire …

The happy time is always short, but after a short while, the cheering Josiah releases his arm and runs away and jumps for joy.

What a pity … Tang En could not help but spit.

At this time, excited Darren jumped down from Cheshan and headed for the last carriage.

This carriage is the largest carriage ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Its area is twice that of other carriages. When the transport team started first, it landed last. The road this horse-drawn carriage traveled was a few deep marks, which really slowed down the team.

Da Lun rubbed his hands excitedly, untied the tarpaulin, and yanked open …



I don’t blame everyone for reacting so much, it turned out that there was a layer of black cloth under the tarpaulin. All I could see was a sharp object inside, which stood up sharply and raised the black cloth up a bit.

At this moment Darren simply cut the black cloth rope with a knife, oh, the black cloth slipped down …

I first saw the pointed thing in front of everyone. It turned out to be a thick black metal stick … oh, no, it was a metal tube. Because from the front it can be clearly seen that the metal is hollow.

The tarpaulin slid down the metal pipe, eh … “A strange object appeared in front of everyone.

巨大 A huge metal box was placed on the carriage. The back of the box seemed to have a handle-like thing protruding, and the box was still covered with holes and unreadable patterns. A metal tube stuck out from it, pointing obliquely to the sky.

Everyone opened their mouths, what is this … (To be continued. [This text is provided by @ 涅盘 更新 组]] If you like this work, you have a monthly ticket. Welcome to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is My greatest motivation.)

PS: I thank the bookmates for their rewards such as “Rainstorm”, “Astigmatism”, “Magic Demon Master”, “jht121”, and “Chestnut Sauce”.

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