Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 26 - Sneak into the barracks

Chapter 026

Sneak into the barracks

A small forest in the south of the barracks, with sparse trees and short insects.

More than a dozen soldiers with guns lined up in the forest. Occasionally when they encountered large bushes, they would send out long guns to pierce them. If there was no response, they would continue to patrol.

There are three or four such teams in the forest, and they will go to the west after combing the entire forest. Soon after, several other soldiers patrolling from elsewhere will re-enter the forest again and again.

There was a tall grass in the middle of the forest. At this moment, a group of soldiers came and saw the situation and did not dare to neglect. The team leader waved his hand to disperse the team, and a dozen individuals handed out long guns side by side, shaking the grass.

The inspection was completed without any movement. Suddenly,

A dark figure flickered from behind them, sticking above the trunk.

The soldier was unaware, and led by the small captain, continued to move forward.

The figure breathed a sigh of relief, leaned out of its head, and the narrow and long eyes under the kerchief used to be slightly sloppy, it was Tang En.

Although Tang En was indifferent when chatting with Josiah, it seemed that entering and leaving the camp was like walking around his backyard, but in fact he knew the difficulty this time. Barracks are no better than aristocratic homes. Here, the vision is wide and the patrolling is strict. It is not difficult to sneak in without interest.

Although the commander responded slowly, he was less alert. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t do anything else. The camp is very well laid out. The whole is built on the mountain and the terrain is quite high.

The west side of the camp is an open area, as long as someone is here to prevent it from being hit by the front. To the north is a gully mountain ridge, which is an excellent terrain because it is an obstacle to the enemy and close to the water. The only thing that may be a bit flawed is the sparse grove in the south. This is also a matter of no means, temporarily camping in the mountains, how can it be perfect.

In addition to the camp site selection, the interior of the camp is complete with horse-barriers, simple wooden walls, small observation decks, etc. Each march tent is layered and linked to each other, and one of the largest white cloth tent arch guards

yāng. Seen as a whole, it looks like an iron bucket. This will both protect and live in zhōng

The commander of yāng, and the convenience of giving orders … It’s no wonder that Borg, who has a lot of grievances against this commander, has to admit that the camp is really well arranged.

But just as tedious locks will eventually be opened. Although the camp was defensively dense, it was not that there was no chance. After Tang En observed for a while and figured out the law of patrol, he began to sneak in decisively.

After flashing, flank, and hide the tree, the left patrol team has passed, and the next team will come in three minutes. Turn left, move forward quickly, lie on your back …

Tang En walked in the middle of the woods like a ghost, and continued to march. The smooth movements of each step during this period contained keen observation and careful logic.

The general commander Tang En was really out of line and did not have that talent. But the small area of ​​jīng controls, he will not fear anyone.

After passing ghostly over a group of soldiers again, Tang En finally touched the edge of the woods.

“Fack …” cursed softly.

Far away, I can’t see clearly. Now when I approached, Tang En saw that there was still a distance between the woods and the camp. There should have been trees here, but now they have all become bare tree stumps. Obviously, this must have been sawn off after the camp was set up to form an uncovered open area.

How to do this……

Forcing it would definitely not work. For tens of meters, the speed would be seen by the soldiers on the observation deck in front. The next patrol will arrive a few minutes later, but it will not work … Tang En suddenly finds himself in a state of retreat.

Step on, step on, step on …

Tang En turned his head and saw the left direction. A group of soldiers were walking out of the woods and heading towards the camp.

No, this team is back, and the next batch should be here!

what! go back? Tang En’s heart suddenly moved … Can you do that? , Bet!

Decidedly, Tang En flew to the left. During the march, his body made a crackling noise, and was instantly half short, like a gnome.

Throw shoes, tie clothes, dagger out, cut pants. In a few seconds, Tang En will catch up with the last soldier who came out of the woods.

Silently behind him, move forward …

The soldiers on the lookout looked over, everything was normal, and then turned his head. If his vision was not sideways, but directly above, he would see that behind the last soldier, a little man in a black suit followed suit.

Fine, you can’t see me, you can’t see me …

Tang En held his breath and followed. The soldiers in front didn’t notice it, and they went forward normally.

This is undoubtedly a very weird scene. I believe that if this soldier accidentally turns around, he will be absolutely frightened. Of course, at that time he would also be instantly killed by Tang En.

The camp is getting closer and the danger is far from being lifted. Because as the soldiers approached, the greater the angle they saw on the observation deck, until the last time they saw Tang En.

This is unavoidable, Tang En’s body will definitely be exposed in those few seconds. He now only bets that the soldiers on the lookout platform for a few seconds will not watch again.

Come closer, come closer, come …

Tang En’s Yu Guang has already seen the soldier on the observation deck. Similarly, if the other party turns his head, he will surely find him.

The camp is close at hand, ten steps, eight steps, five steps, three steps …

Don’t move, don’t move, be good …

This is neither a special function nor a meditation of a lullaby, and naturally cannot affect others. The neck of the soldier on the lookout moved slightly, and he turned his head unconsciously.


Don’t wait to think about it, stepping sideways and sliding into the camp’s wooden wall.

Suddenly, the soldier on the lookout platform turned his head again.

Huh … Tang En exhaled. Suddenly,

The hairs stand upside down, shrinking their heads and rolling backwards.

The last soldier stopped, turned his head, and looked behind him in doubt. When Tang En slipped just now, there was still a hint of wind in the fat clothes. Behind the soldier was a simple wooden wall, and he was now a short walk from Tang En.

Step on, the soldier took a step backward.

Tang En is now retired, and then re-exposed to the sight of the lookout soldiers. Narrow eyes narrowed, leaned forward, dagger slid out of cuff …

“what happened?”

“Uh, it’s nothing. It seemed to sound a little bit earlier.”

“Here? The wind. Let’s go, his mother, so sleepy that she can finally change shifts.”

“Oh …” The soldier turned and chased after him.

I scratched it and scared your father … Tang En wiped his sweat in shock.

Half a ring, and leaned out.

Quietly, except for those who have missions, most other soldiers are already asleep. The camp is naturally patrolled, and the intensity is not weaker than the surroundings.

After watching for a while, Tang En silently remembered the route and regularity of the patrol. Get up and touch the inside of the camp.

Although the internal and external defenses are equally strict, there are some shelters, tents, and some simple wooden houses for toilets. These objects make it easy for Tang En to hide.

Soon, Tang En came to the north of the camp.

According to Borg speculation, the forage should be in the east and north of the camp ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After observing Fan, Tang En shook his head a little disappointed. The tents snoring here and there are obviously rest areas for soldiers.

Alas, it seems to be to the east, behind the whole camp … Tang En pondered, and was waiting to get up. Suddenly,

Wow …

The curtain was tilted, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Tang En’s scalp was under general anesthesia for a while, and the coolness of the spine and bones sprang up.


The soldier in armor seemed to see Tang En at his feet completely, and staggered forward without walking a few steps into a wooden house.

That’s the toilet …

Your sister! Tang En yīn calmly, walked towards the cabin and entered.

Grunting, crackling bone shift …

For a moment, the soldier … Oh, it was Tang En who recovered, came out wearing the soldier’s armor.

“Don’t take off your nails at night … do you expect us to attack?” Tang En shook his head, adjusted his dress, and headed east. As for that soldier, uh, you know, there is a potent Tibetan in the toilet …

Camping at night is forbidden, so don’t think that you can swing around wearing a armor.

However, wearing soldier armor is a part of Tang En’s plan. Now when he encounters this one, he smashes it down.

When Tang En touched the back of the camp, he instantly knew where the forage was, because there was a team of more than ten people guarding the door.

Tang En smashed his lips, shouted, and forced me to kill again … (to be continued).

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