Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 55 - Professional scout

If you see the plain in the mountains and mountains, if you step on the swamp while you are traveling on the mountain road, if you suddenly enter the four seasons like chūn in the cold wind howling … Don’t be surprised, I know this is not scientific, but this is the 100,000 mountain.

One hundred thousand is of course plural, and there is no one to go to idle one. Not to mention the range of the 100,000 Mountains. To the southeast, it starts from cities like Shanhaicheng. On the north side, you can reach the North Famine. As for the west side, there are rumors that there is a desert.

Some members will ask if such bad mountains and bad waters are willing to set foot? The fact is, yes, and many!

Everything is relative. The more dangerous it is, the more hidden treasures are always hidden. One hundred thousand mountains often circulate the story of a lucky man picking up a treasure, which made him rich overnight, which attracted batches of gold prospectors to try their luck here. In addition, the amount of mountain minerals here is very surprising. What kind of ore is gold, silver, copper, iron, etc.

Where there are interests, there will be disputes. This is an unbreakable truth since ancient times. The four northern lords have been fighting here for years for the mine. And depending on the posture, they will continue to fight.

Darren They got the news of the main force of the gray army in the city, and they set out in the afternoon. So after bidding farewell to Jack, Tang En quickly left the gate and chased the team. As for the black gangs in the city who are thinking about taking money, he has no time to care about it. After seeing the entrance of the city gate, several figures flickered, and they flung them away.

The brigade’s marching speed was naturally not faster, and Tang En ran forward in violent wind according to the signs left. At this time, Twilight has sunk, there is nothing to do on this road, otherwise rumors of ghosts or something have to be circulated.

After slackening for about an hour and a half, Tang En estimated that he should soon catch up with the large army. Just then, his figure stopped suddenly.

Then he turned back a few steps and jumped onto the thick tree by the road. The branch is leafy and leaves no sign of the decline of the winter pupa.

Tang En’s eyes narrowed, and he saw that several branches had been cleverly joined to form a simple cover. However, due to the influence of the cold wind, several branches fell beside it, exposing the carved white traces inside.

Tang En’s killer concept has penetrated into the bone marrow, and every time he passes through the terrain, his eyes will always look at the corners that attract the least attention. He also saw some of this cover-like arrangement on the road. At that time, he didn’t care. Bi Jing was too sparse and usual.

But this time after seeing the vaguely sè under the cover, he couldn’t help it. It happened by chance and happened by chance twice. What about three or four times?

Tang En held out his hand, but paused again. Then he walked along the overlapping branches to the side, and finally saw a sharpened wooden arrow two meters away, in the direction where Tang En had been before.

Smashing the pout, this is a simple trap. If there is a tree, the wooden arrow will pierce the tree’s body instantly.

Tang En pulled out the wooden arrows, and then went back and gently brushed off the branches, and immediately saw a section of the bark being lifted off, and a small white sword sign carved on the tree thousand.

Touching those nicks, Tang En frowned. This is a short time ago … Has the gray clothing army kept this way of keeping marks?

Reverting these devices, Tang En jumped down Shu Qian, then disappeared into the roadside and touched forward.

Darren once told him that the Grey Army’s sign retention method was usually to leave marks on the stone. This somewhat professional installation method is not produced by the gray army. Does it always follow us? It ’s possible. Ah … The current scouts of these gray-clad army teams are Tang En, David, and Mi Xiu. The starting point is tense, and they are eager to rush forward. Didn’t care. If you hang in the distance behind them, it is really impossible to know.

In the next ten minutes, Tang En saw two similar devices, both of which were marked by small swords.

Finally at the turn of a bush, Tang En saw a group of Qi Ru marching in various ways.

With light black leather armor and a short blade, Down was quickly associated with the Bran scouts killed in the jungle. However, the equipment is obviously more complete. He even saw a small lighting crystal when looking at the map.

After careful observation, Tang En found that the cooperation of the seven scouts was very tacit, commanding, exploring the road, letting off the wind … Every time there was something to do. Before these entrances, the jungle scouts before were nothing but scum.

Professional o … As Tang En triggered the task of assassination, the old housekeeper taught him some teamwork assassination. After opening my eyes, I can nodded secretly in contrast to the movements in front of me.

Later, Tang En narrowed and narrowed, slowly sneaking forward. Praise praise, but it is impossible for him to keep these tails behind the team.

Each time these scouts passed a road, they stopped to draw a route on the map and mark the tree. At this point, the scout who was responsible for letting out the wind squatted down on the tree, looking down at the square.

Uh-hmm? The wind scout scolded Huo Ran, his eyes fixed on a grass under the tree.

At this time, the wind pressure grass was low, exposing the dark yellow ground below.

The wind scout relieved, and then turned his head: “Hurry up, O mother, this tree is cold dead.”

“What’s the reminder, the bunker device hasn’t been made yet.” The scout behind him didn’t turn his head, and carved a small sword shape on the tree thousand with a short knife.

It was boring to ask for it, letting go of scolding, and muttering: “I knew I wouldn’t come this time. The task is simple, but these gray-clad soldiers are too good to run.

This time, the carved scout ignored him. Not long afterwards, there was a sound of pulling branches, and it seemed like it was starting to make the bunker device.

Soon, Huh … Another cold wind passed.

Letting the wind scout for a moment, curled up: “Your mother … not ready yet? Are you using your paws?”

“Don’t worry …”

Uh! Let the wind scout for a moment, and slightly open his mouth.

A low voice blew through his ears, “It’s your turn now!”

The cold air goes straight up from the tailbone, and those who scout subconsciously will open their mouths to show jǐng.

But a big hand was covered, and then his neck was cold. The whistling wind was mixed with a slight snoring.

The thin curtain of blood was obscured by a large leaf, and the severe shaking was limited to a narrow range.

The wind scouts the pupils to enlarge, and the eyes gradually become dark … How is that possible? When did this come to feel … Of course Tang En would not answer the question of death, drag the body back, and stack it on the carved scout.

These scouts have a clear division of labor, and for a while, visual blind spots are really hard to find. However, Tang En is already good at killing skills now, he can create without chance. When the wind scout turned his head and stared at the grass he had deliberately induced, Tang En immediately felt under the tree.

Let a killer touch the front, and what follows is naturally logical.

Which one is next … There are three scouts gathering together to hold the illuminated crystal to study the map. One stares into the front, seems to be watching the movement of the gray army in front, and one is responsible for the surrounding jǐng ring.

Well, just the j 就 ng ring … This feeling is wonderful, just like a game. A pile of wooden bars stacked on top of each other, Tang En slowly sorted out, and then pulled out one of them without alarming the other.

The jǐng or scout jǐng perception xìng is very high, only moving near the middle of the road, never near the grass, apparently worried about a sudden attack.

Suddenly, snapping.

A few scouts heard the sound of their heads, and saw a wooden arrow cut to half by the tree fell to the ground.

“Uh …” A slight exclaimer came from above, and then a dark shadow rose from the tree. Although it was covered by layers of branches, it was still vaguely visible that he scratched his hair and looked a little embarrassed.

The scout holding the lighting crystal frowned, then shook his head, and continued to lower his head to study the map with the other two. The scout watching ahead also laughed and turned his head.

The scouts responsible for jǐng abstinence walked over and laughed and cursed, “Your kid has a snack, this little thing can’t be done well, be careful of the captain scolding you!”

Leaning down to pick up the wooden arrow, got up, raised his head, and saw a figure floating quietly down from the tree, directly to the front.

Ok? It’s better if you throw it up yourself, Qianma come down by yourself … I didn’t wait for the scout to understand, a bit of cold light was straight into my heart.

Hmm … a slight sound like a wooden stick tapping into tofu.

Spin and stir!

Such a heavy blow, he died instantly.

Tang En waited for three seconds without a sound, and then placed the scout corpse behind the tree. Then leaned over the surrounding grass and dived towards the scout who was watching ahead.

It’s time to fight, and they will find it wrong after a maximum of twenty seconds. If all goes well, then he will kill the scout in front and reach the remaining three entrances. They were together, and Tang En had the confidence to kill them.

Just then, “Oh? What are you sitting on?”

Nima … have to say that sometimes it takes some luck to assassinate this thing. Falling wooden arrows repelled the candidates, and there was some luck in them. Obviously, Tang En’s luck is running out now. Those three contestants finished their research at this time, and folded up the map to get up.

Boom, the bushes are broken! Now that he was seen to be wrong, Tang En immediately rushed out of the hidden form and headed straight for the scout.

Without a hit, it was a thousand miles away in an instant, this is the assassin’s style. But at present, the strength of these scouts is not enough to allow Tang En to make an advance retreat.

“Be careful!” Exclaimed from behind.

The surveillance scout was also clever. Instead of turning around instantly, he chose to pounce to one side.

interesting! Tang En missed, and praised him secretly. Suddenly the figure turned out 90 degrees in violation of the custom, and came directly to the scout who rolled up from the ground.

Ding, Ding, Bang … At the moment of the fight, the **** dagger drew through the blade of the short sword, and then a ray of light reflected the face of the scout.


Tang En’s body turned again, and he slammed behind him.

When the three scouts saw their companions but could not breathe, they covered their throats and kept receding, taking a breath.

The scout who had previously held the lighting crystal seemed to be a captain’s horn. He first responded, pressing his waist and taking out the dark thing in his hand.

Huh! A blue sè light instantly rose into the sky.

“Scatter!” The short answer commanded the three scouts in different directions.

These reactions were not unpleasant, but Tang En had been killed at a high speed at this time.

The choice of three choices can always be confusing, but it’s very simple for Tang En … Such a close distance, and let you run away, I’m still confused!

Quickly open!

的 shè’s figure immediately caught up with the scout on the right, and that entry also made the same choice as the last scout and threw to the right.

But without waiting for him to complete this evasive action, the blood dagger is straight through.


Before waiting for landing, Tang En kept killing to the left.

At this point, the scout just ran a dozen steps away. Seeing his companion’s death, he knew he couldn’t avoid it.

“Captain run away!” Roared, turned around, and killed Tang En with a short sword.

“Courage is commendable!” A flat voice, Tang En flashed ghostly, the daggers crisscross, the bloodline shrouded in a net.

Ding, Ding, Ding … 噗, 噗, 噗 … under such high speed and dense attacks, the scouts barely resisted a few knives, and the whole body was like a broken blood bag, and the liquid poured out!

The attack was fired, Tang En didn’t see the result. Slammed the ground, banged, turned straight, and chased in the middle.

The two pursuits and assassinations were just a matter of seconds. Such a short time, naturally the scout captain could not run far.

Down the roadside bush, Tang En saw him running.

The rapid skill time is ten seconds, so Tang Enyi rushes forward quickly. The distance between the two is constantly getting closer, getting closer … wielding a dagger!


The scout captain rolled up from the ground, holding a dagger in his hand, and stared at Tang En.

Now that he has caught up, Tang En is in no hurry to attack: “Know why I chase you last?”

The scout captain was silent, carefully adjusting the direction of the short sword.

“Identity? Purpose? Say it while you’re alive.”

It can be said that if Tang En didn’t delay the meeting in Shanhai City because of the cheats, he would not really find this team of followers. And from that blue signal, we can see that this team is not the only one following. He was curious now where did the scouts fall on them, and what was the purpose?

At this time, the scout captain shook his wrist, and the dagger quickly stabbed, with a starting point of cold mang to hit Tang En’s key.

Ding, Ding, Ding … Bang!

Storm and rain-like attacks, short swords were hit! Then the dagger fell down and penetrated the scout captain’s thigh.

“Eh!” He groaned and sat down on the ground ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I still use my best method to ask … “The voice didn’t fall, Tang En’s body turned suddenly.

puff! A black arrow of blood spurted from the scout captain’s mouth, rubbing Tang En’s body, and shè fell on the grass behind.

Alas … the black smoke came out, and the blades of grass quickly withered!

Huh … Tang En exhaled, looked at the dark body on the face, and pouted, “It’s hard to enter!”

The scout captain apparently bit the poison after he caught up. After that, the silent attack came up, but to get close to his body.

Tang En provoked his shirt with a branch, and made a stack of paper and small bits and pieces.

Unfolding the paper, it was full of messy lines, like a map, but Tang En couldn’t understand it.

Didn’t find anything useful, Tang En had to go back to the place he had met before. There, Darren Jing was conducting the search. Obviously, they were also attracted by the blue signal.

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