Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 70 - Set fire to evil spirits

The fire between the mountain roads continues to increase with the carrier of wood. Coupled with the cold wind blowing in the north, the scope of the spread is even wider.

“Come in and join me and kill them!” The captain, who was in chaos after the supplies were burned, finally finally sobered up and ordered the soldiers to destroy Tang En and their source of fire.

The words fell, and more than a hundred soldiers swarmed towards the mound.

“Shè plank!” Tang En took up the soft bow, set the bow and arrow that wrapped the firewood sticks in the fire pit, and then fired an arrow toward the wooden branch on the roadside.

Immediately, more than a dozen rockets entered one after another.

Whew … those flammable branches were first lit up, and a half-high fire wall rose up.

The soldiers rushing over stopped suddenly, hesitating to look at the fire in front of them. In fact, at this time, although the wall of fire was completed, the momentum was not fierce, and the cruel heart could still come over without damage, but these burning flames devoured their courage.

“The carriage behind shè!” Seeing the fire wall stopping the soldiers for a while, Tang En ordered the crowds to go to the second half of the team with a small fire.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖 … a dozen arrows instantly bit the tarpaulin behind the carriage.

“Fast, move away from the carriage.” The captain yelled when he saw his anxiety.

“Captain, can’t move, there is a wood block behind.”

“Uh …” The anxious captain forgot that the team was blocked just before and after.

“Fuck, move those logs away!”

This is undoubtedly the stupid way, but it is also the only way. In an instant, more than a hundred soldiers went around and moved desperately, but the effect was not good. Because most of the logs rolled down from the mound are thick, and some of them can’t hold even two thicknesses.

The soldiers blocked by the fire wall at this time came up with a solution. They were prying these burning wooden branches one by one with a long-range lance.

“Don’t shè arrows, hurry up, smash down all the burning boards here.” Tang En wiped his forehead with sweat.

Beside the crowd, there was a burning fire pit. The arrows they had shone before were lit here. At this time, there were more than a dozen wooden boards burning.

“Smash!” Tang En first threw out the flame-wrapped wooden boards.

Huh, huh, huh … bang, bang, bang … A large, burning wooden board was smashed in the whistling sound. The fire of the entire convoy rose sharply in the despair of the soldiers.

“Withdraw!” Tang En ordered, after sending the last gift.

The members of the Grey Space did n’t hesitate when they heard that they turned around and ran away. According to the boss’s words, the cheap is enough, and it’s easy to take yourself in if you don’t leave.

“Kill!” Then the soldiers finally broke through the wall of fire and rushed towards the mounds.

But at this time, Tang En had reached the top of the mound. Looking back at the soldiers hit by the water like cháo, he waved his hand: “Haha, no need to send. Hurry back to the fire, it will be too late.”

Leaving this rather sincere word, Tang En disappeared behind the mountain. The soldiers listened, gritted their teeth, and struggled to catch up to the top of the mountain, “There!”

Tang En and his party had already slipped under the mound at this time and entered a small patch of dense forest.


“Wait, don’t chase!” A soldier captain shook his head and said resentfully: “It’s useless, can’t catch up. They know this movie better than us.”

This is true. Since the other party dares to attack, of course, it has set a retreat route. If you follow closely, there is still the value of chasing, but now the distance between the two sides is obvious, and it is clear that it is not fun.

“Let’s go and save … it’s **** good.” Probably thinking of Tang En’s last words, the soldier captain couldn’t help screaming.

Although it was driven away by Tang En, the fire was still burning. The fire-fighting shouted for a while, but the effect was actually insignificant. It’s not that the soldiers didn’t work hard. You should know that this is a major event related to their own honor. But the key is that there is no way … Ah, this barren mountain and ridge, there is no need for water. Cover it with soil and lack tools. So Zhongru looked at the raging fire in front of him a little bit ………… Of course, the material transport team is more than this one. In fact, at least tens of small transport teams like this are in the 100,000 mountains. Go west.

Tang En’s current ultimate goal is still west, but the choice of the road is indeed uncertain in all directions, it seems to go very casually. This is of course not really indifferent, but to disrupt the sight of the pursuit behind. Such a large-scale random walk naturally has the probability of encountering those material teams.

There is no mobile phone in other worlds, and the means of communication are relatively backward. Generally, it depends on entering the work, or on animals such as carrier pigeons. In this case, the transmission of information is very slow. For example, Tang En they destroyed the checkpoint team last night, but by the second afternoon, the burned material transport team was completely unaware of it, and it was obvious that the territories guarded by this layer would still be dangerous.

Similarly, these additional transport teams should be unaware.

With the successful experience for the first time, the gray space has become more familiar with the fire. One afternoon they happened to meet three transport teams. Except for one of them, who really gave up without a handy terrain, the other two were won by their old methods. The fire, according to David, is more enjoyable than eating a chicken.

After the night, Tang En originally found a place to rest, but they ran into another team. This is even easier. Except for a few check-in positions in the camp, the patrols have not been dispatched. Www.mtlnovel.com ~ Such a loose defense, Tang En will naturally not let them go. After quietly solving the standing soldiers, Daming was holding their bonfire, and their olive oil was burning well.

The soldiers had only just noticed that the fire on the supplies had completely gone up. Of course, it was an illusion to try to rescue again.

Inspired by this, Tang En didn’t sleep all night, walking east and west across the mountains and mountains to find the trace of the material team. To say that this trace is actually easy to find, these fully loaded carriages will always leave deep wheel marks on the mountain road.

This evening, the crowd found twelve camps, three of which were in “safe” places, but the camp was still leaking. In this case, Tang En and theirs had no choice but to avoid it. As for the other nine camps, the result naturally goes without saying.

On this night, Tang En led the members of the Grey Space into an evil spirit who loves to set fire. Come softly, walk softly, wave your sleeves, uh, leave a raging fire …

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